--- search: boost: 5 --- # Library Attributes Within the [Configuration File](overview.md), the `libraries` attribute specifies the Plex libraries that the user wants Kometa to act on. Attributes are used to instruct Kometa what actions to take, such as "load the following libraries" or "execute the following Collection Definition files". These attributes can be specified individually per library, or can be inherited from the global value if it has been set. If an attribute is specified at both the library and global level, then the library level attribute will take priority. ## Attributes The available attributes for each library are as follows: ??? blank "`library_name` - Used to specify the Library's name."
*Required only when trying to use multiple servers with the same name.* Each library that the user wants Kometa to interact with must be documented with a library attribute. A library attribute is represented by the mapping name (i.e. `Movies` or `TV Shows`), this must have a unique name that correlates with a library of the same name within the Plex Media Server. In the situation that two servers are being connected to which both have libraries of the same name, the `library_name` attribute can be utilized to specify the real Library Name, whilst the library attribute's mapping name can be made into a placeholder. This is showcased below:
**Attribute:** `library_name` **Accepted Values:** Library Name **Default Value:** Base Attribute Name ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies01: library_name: Movies Movies02: library_name: Movies plex: url: token: #################### TV Shows: Anime: plex: url: token: #################### ``` * In this example, `"Movies01"`, `"TV Shows"`, and `"Anime"` will all use the global plex server (****) which is defined using the global `plex` mapping. `"Movies02"` will use the plex server **** which is defined under its `plex` mapping over the global mapping. ??? blank "`collection_files` - Used to define [Collection Files](../files/collections.md)."
The `collection_files` attribute is used to define [Collection Files](../files/collections.md) by specifying the path type and path of the files that will be executed against the parent library. See [File Blocks](files.md) for how to define them.
**Attribute:** `collection_files` **Accepted Values:** Location of Collection YAML files. **Default Value:** `/config/<>.yml` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: TV Shows: collection_files: - file: config/TV Shows.yml - default: tmdb - default: network ``` By default, when `collection_files` is missing Kometa will look within the root Kometa directory for a collection file called `.yml`. In the example below, Kometa will look for a file named `TV Shows.yml`. ```yaml libraries: TV Shows: ``` ??? blank "`metadata_files` - Used to define [Metadata Files](../files/metadata.md)."
The `metadata_files` attribute is used to define Metadata Files by specifying the path of the files that will be executed against the parent library. See [File Blocks](files.md) for how to define them. ???+ tip As of Kometa 1.20.0 "Metadata Files" refers to YAML files which refers to managing the metadata of items [movies, shows, music] within your library, and "Collection Files" refers to YAML files which define Collections. In previous version of Kometa, "Metadata Files" could mean either of the above.
**Attribute:** `metadata_files` **Accepted Values:** Location of [Metadata Files](../files/metadata.md) **Default Value:** `None` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: TV Shows: metadata_files: - file: config/metadata.yml ``` ??? blank "`overlay_files` - Used to define [Overlay Files](../files/overlays.md)."
The `overlay_files` attribute is used to define [Overlay Files](../files/overlays.md) by specifying the path type and path of the files that will be executed against the parent library. See [File Blocks](files.md) for how to define them.
**Attribute:** `overlay_files` **Accepted Values:** Location of [Overlay Files](../files/overlays.md) **Default Value:** `None` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: TV Shows: collection_files: - file: config/TV Shows.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`report_path` - Location to save the YAML Report file for a library."
The `report_path` attribute is used to define where to save the YAML Report file. This file is used to store information about what media is added, removed, filtered, and missing from the Plex library compared to what is expected from the Collection, Metadata, Overlay or Playlist file. If your Collection file creates a collection with `Movie 1`, `Movie 2` and `Movie 3` but your Plex library only has `Movie 1` and `Movie 3`, then the missing YAML file will be updated to inform the user that `Movie 2` was missing from the library.
**Attribute:** `report_path` **Accepted Values:** Location to save the YAML Report file **Default Value:** `/config/<>_report.yml` where `<>` is the name of the library attribute ???+ example "Example" If you want to call your Report YAML something different you can like so: ```yaml libraries: Movies: report_path: /config/My Movie Report.yml ``` Alternatively, Report YAML files can be placed in their own directory, as below: ```yaml libraries: Movies: report_path: /config/reports/Movies.yml collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`template_variables` - Used to define [Custom Template Variables](../files/templates.md#template-variables) for every file in a library."
Passes all given [Template Variables](../files/templates.md#template-variables) to every template in every Collection, Metadata, and Overlay file run.
**Attribute:** `template_variables` **Accepted Values:** [Dictionary](../kometa/yaml.md#dictionaries) of values specified by each particular file. **Default Value:** `None` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: template_variables: collection_mode: hide_items collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`schedule` - Used to schedule when a library is run."
Used to schedule when a library is run using the [schedule options](schedule.md).
**Attribute:** `schedule` **Accepted Values:** Any [schedule option](schedule.md) **Default Value:** `daily` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: TV Shows: schedule: weekly(sunday) collection_files: - file: config/TV Shows.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`operations` - Used to specify [Library Operations](operations.md) to run."
Used to specify [Library Operations](operations.md) to run.
**Attribute:** `operations` **Accepted Values:** Any [Library Operation](operations.md) **Default Value:** `None` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: collection_files: - default: imdb operations: mass_critic_rating_update: tmdb split_duplicates: true ``` ??? blank "`remove_overlays` - Used to remove overlays."
Used to remove overlays from this library only. Kometa will aim to use the Original Posters backup that it created in the "overlays" folder to restore from, and will be unable to remove the overlays if this backup no longer exists. Kometa will also remove the `Overlay` label from the items in Plex. The result of setting `remove_overlays` is your Plex library should no longer have any Overlays applied by Kometa. ???+ warning "Proceed with Caution" When set to `true`, this will remove all overlays from your library every run, but will not delete the overlaid images from your system, resulting in [image bloat](../kometa/scripts/imagemaid.md).
**Attribute:** `remove_overlays` **Accepted Values:** `true` or `false` **Default Value:** `false` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: remove_overlays: true collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`reapply_overlays` - Used to reapply overlays."
Used to reapply overlays from this library only. This will reapply overlays to every item in your library. Note that this is typically NEVER required. Kometa will automatically update overlays as needed as part of a regular overlay run. ???+ warning "Proceed with Caution" When set to `true`, this will reapply all overlays on each run even if there is no need to do so, which will result in [image bloat](../kometa/scripts/imagemaid.md). If you think you need to use this setting, please think hard about why you have that impression, as you are almost certainly mistaken. In general use, this setting will only extend runtimes and cause image bloat in the Plex metadata for no good reason.
**Attribute:** `reapply_overlays` **Accepted Values:** `true` or `false` **Default Value:** `false` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: reapply_overlays: true collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`reset_overlays` - Used to reset overlays."
Used to reset the base image used for overlays from this library only. Kometa will fetch a new "base" image from the desired source, and will use that as the new Original Poster upon which to apply overlays as part of the run. The result of setting `reset_overlays` is that your Plex library will have Overlays applied based upon the new images taken from the source specified. ???+ warning "Proceed with Caution" This will reset all posters to the desired source on each run and will reapply all overlays on each run, which will result in [image bloat](../kometa/scripts/imagemaid.md). Additionally, any image obtained from this setting will take priority over any image you set using an Asset Directory. If you use Asset Directories, you shouldn't really be using this setting as the Asset Directory should be the single source of truth for what the "base" image is.
**Attribute:** `reset_overlays` **Accepted Values:** `plex` or `tmdb` **Default Value:** `None` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: reset_overlays: tmdb collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`schedule_overlays` - Used to schedule overlays."
Used to schedule overlays to run when desired. Overlays are applied all at once in a batch therefore you cannot schedule individual Overlay Files, as any unscheduled overlay file will be removed each time Kometa is run.
**Attribute:** `schedule_overlays` **Accepted Values:** [Any Schedule Option](schedule.md) **Default Value:** `daily` ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: TV Shows: schedule_overlays: weekly(sunday) collection_files: - file: config/TV Shows.yml overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml ``` ??? blank "`settings` - Used to override global [`setting` attributes](settings.md) for this library only."
Used to override global [`setting` attributes](settings.md) for this library only.
**Attribute:** `settings` **Accepted Values:** Any [`setting`](settings.md) attribute that overrides a global value. **Default Value:** Global Value ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: collection_files: - default: imdb settings: asset_directory: config/assets/Movies ``` ??? blank "`plex` - Used to override global [`plex` attributes](plex.md) for this library only."
Used to override global [`plex` attributes](plex.md) for this library only. **`plex` Attribute is required either here or globally**
**Attribute:** `plex` **Accepted Values:** Any [`plex`](plex.md) attribute that overrides a global value. **Default Value:** Global Value ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml Movies_on_Second_Plex: library_name: Movies collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml plex: url: http://plex.boing.bong token: SOME_TOKEN timeout: 360 db_cache: 8192 ... plex: url: http://plex.bing.bang token: SOME_TOKEN timeout: 60 db_cache: 4096 clean_bundles: false empty_trash: false optimize: false ... ``` ??? blank "`radarr` - Used to override global [`radarr` attributes](radarr.md) for this library only."
Used to override global [`radarr` attributes](radarr.md) for this library only.
**Attribute:** `radarr` **Accepted Values:** Any [`radarr`](radarr.md) attribute that overrides a global value. **Default Value:** Global Value ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Library01: # this library uses the default radarr config collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml Library02: # this library overrides radarr root path and profile collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml radarr: root_folder_path: /data/media/movies/tony quality_profile: Better Library03: # this library overrides radarr quality profile collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml radarr: quality_profile: Best Library04: # this library uses the 4K radarr instance collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml radarr: url: https://radarr-4k.bing.bang token: SOME_OTHER_TOKEN root_folder_path: /data/media/movies/geezer quality_profile: Bestest Library05: # movies get added by a custom script so they should get added to radarr-4k collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml radarr: url: https://radarr-4k.bing.bang token: SOME_OTHER_TOKEN root_folder_path: /data/media/movies/bill quality_profile: Bestest add_existing: true sonarr_path: /data/media/movies/bill plex_path: /mnt/unionfs/movies/bill ... radarr: url: https://radarr.bing.bang token: SOME_TOKEN quality_profile: Good add_missing: true add_existing: false upgrade_existing: false monitor_existing: false root_folder_path: /movies monitor: false availability: released tag: search: false radarr_path: plex_path: ... ``` ??? blank "`sonarr` - Used to override global [`sonarr` attributes](sonarr.md) for this library only."
Used to override global [`sonarr` attributes](sonarr.md) for this library only.
**Attribute:** `sonarr` **Accepted Values:** Any [`sonarr`](sonarr.md) attribute that overrides a global value. **Default Value:** Global Value ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Library01: # this library uses the default sonarr config collection_files: - file: config/TV.yml Library02: # this library overrides sonarr root path and profile collection_files: - file: config/TV.yml sonarr: root_folder_path: /data/media/shows/tony quality_profile: Better Library03: # this library overrides sonarr quality profile collection_files: - file: config/TV.yml sonarr: quality_profile: Best Library04: # this library uses the 4K sonarr instance collection_files: - file: config/TV.yml sonarr: url: https://sonarr-4k.bing.bang token: SOME_OTHER_TOKEN root_folder_path: /data/media/shows/geezer quality_profile: Bestest Library05: # shows get added by a custom script so they should get added to sonarr-4k collection_files: - file: config/TV.yml sonarr: url: https://sonarr-4k.bing.bang token: SOME_OTHER_TOKEN root_folder_path: /data/media/shows/bill quality_profile: Bestest add_existing: true sonarr_path: /data/media/shows/bill plex_path: /mnt/unionfs/shows/bill ... sonarr: url: https://sonarr.bing.bang token: SOME_TOKEN add_missing: false add_existing: false upgrade_existing: false monitor_existing: false root_folder_path: /data/media/shows/ozzy monitor: all quality_profile: Good language_profile: English series_type: standard season_folder: true tag: search: false cutoff_search: false sonarr_path: plex_path: ... ``` ??? blank "`tautulli` - Used to override global [`tautulli` attributes](tautulli.md) for this library only."
Used to override global [`tautulli` attributes](tautulli.md) for this library only.
**Attribute:** `tautulli` **Accepted Values:** Any [`tautulli`](tautulli.md) attribute that overrides a global value. **Default Value:** Global Value ???+ example "Example" ```yaml libraries: Movies: collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml TV Shows: collection_files: - file: config/TV.yml tautulli: url: apikey: SOME_KEY ... tautulli: url: apikey: SOME_KEY ... ``` ### Example This example is an advanced version of the library mappings which highlights some attributes being set at the global level, and some being set at the library level: ???+ example "Example Library Mappings" In this example, the `"TV Shows On Second Plex"` library has a library-level `plex` configuration, which takes priority over the `plex` configuration set at the global level. The `"Anime"` library also has a library-level `radarr` configuration, which takes priority over the `radarr` configuration set at the global level. ```yaml libraries: Movies: collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml - default: imdb - default: studio - default: genre - default: actor operations: mass_critic_rating_update: tmdb split_duplicates: true TV Shows: collection_files: - file: config/TV Shows.yml - default: tmdb - default: network remove_overlays: false overlay_files: - file: config/Overlays.yml TV Shows On Second Plex: library_name: TV Shows plex: url: token: #################### collection_files: - file: config/TV Shows.yml - default: tmdb - default: network Anime: collection_files: - file: config/Anime.yml - default: myanimelist radarr: url: token: ################################ root_folder_path: S:/Anime settings: asset_directory: config/assets/anime plex: url: token: #################### radarr: url: token: ################################ add: true root_folder_path: S:/Movies monitor: true availability: announced quality_profile: HD-1080p tag: kometa search: false ```