# Versions Overlay

The `versions` Default Overlay File is used to create an overlay based on if there's multiple versions on each item 
within your library.


## Requirements & Recommendations

Supported Overlay Level: Movie, Show, Season, Episode

## Config

The below YAML in your config.yml will create the overlays:

      - pmm: versions
  TV Shows:
      - pmm: versions
      - pmm: versions
          builder_level: season
      - pmm: versions
          builder_level: episode

## Template Variables

Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to 
make your own local copy.

Note that the `template_variables:` section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults 
work. Any value not specified will use its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.

??? abstract "Variable Lists (click to expand)"

    * **File-Specific Template Variables** are variables available specifically for this PMM Defaults file.

    * **Overlay Template Variables** are additional variables shared across the PMM Overlay Defaults.

    ??? example "Default Template Variable Values (click to expand)"

        | Variable            | Default          |
        | `horizontal_offset` | `15`/`235`       |
        | `horizontal_align`  | `right`/`center` |
        | `vertical_offset`   | `1050`/`15`      |
        | `vertical_align`    | `top`            |
        | `back_color`        | `#00000099`      |
        | `back_radius`       | `30`             |
        | `back_width`        | `105`            |
        | `back_height`       | `105`            |
    === "File-Specific Template Variables"

        | Variable        | Description & Values                                                            |
        | `builder_level` | **Description:** Choose the Overlay Level.<br>**Values:** `season` or `episode` |

    === "Overlay Template Variables"

           include-markdown "../overlay_variables.md"
???+ example "Example Template Variable Amendments"

    The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.
          - pmm: versions
              back_color: "#FFFFFF99"