You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
400 lines
15 KiB
400 lines
15 KiB
import logging, re, signal, sys, time, traceback
from datetime import datetime
from pathvalidate import is_valid_filename, sanitize_filename
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized
import msvcrt
windows = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
windows = False
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
class TimeoutExpired(Exception):
class Failed(Exception):
def retry_if_not_failed(exception):
return not isinstance(exception, Failed)
def retry_if_not_plex(exception):
return not isinstance(exception, (BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized))
separating_character = "="
screen_width = 100
days_alias = {
"monday": 0, "mon": 0, "m": 0,
"tuesday": 1, "tues": 1, "tue": 1, "tu": 1, "t": 1,
"wednesday": 2, "wed": 2, "w": 2,
"thursday": 3, "thurs": 3, "thur": 3, "thu": 3, "th": 3, "r": 3,
"friday": 4, "fri": 4, "f": 4,
"saturday": 5, "sat": 5, "s": 5,
"sunday": 6, "sun": 6, "su": 6, "u": 6
pretty_days = {
0: "Monday",
1: "Tuesday",
2: "Wednesday",
3: "Thursday",
4: "Friday",
5: "Saturday",
6: "Sunday"
pretty_months = {
1: "January",
2: "February",
3: "March",
4: "April",
5: "May",
6: "June",
7: "July",
8: "August",
9: "September",
10: "October",
11: "November",
12: "December"
pretty_seasons = {
"winter": "Winter",
"spring": "Spring",
"summer": "Summer",
"fall": "Fall"
pretty_names = {
"anidb_id": "AniDB ID",
"anidb_relation": "AniDB Relation",
"anidb_popular": "AniDB Popular",
"anilist_genre": "AniList Genre",
"anilist_id": "AniList ID",
"anilist_popular": "AniList Popular",
"anilist_relations": "AniList Relations",
"anilist_season": "AniList Season",
"anilist_studio": "AniList Studio",
"anilist_tag": "AniList Tag",
"anilist_top_rated": "AniList Top Rated",
"imdb_list": "IMDb List",
"imdb_id": "IMDb ID",
"letterboxd_list": "Letterboxd List",
"letterboxd_list_details": "Letterboxd List",
"mal_id": "MyAnimeList ID",
"mal_all": "MyAnimeList All",
"mal_airing": "MyAnimeList Airing",
"mal_upcoming": "MyAnimeList Upcoming",
"mal_tv": "MyAnimeList TV",
"mal_ova": "MyAnimeList OVA",
"mal_movie": "MyAnimeList Movie",
"mal_special": "MyAnimeList Special",
"mal_popular": "MyAnimeList Popular",
"mal_favorite": "MyAnimeList Favorite",
"mal_season": "MyAnimeList Season",
"mal_suggested": "MyAnimeList Suggested",
"mal_userlist": "MyAnimeList Userlist",
"plex_all": "Plex All",
"plex_collection": "Plex Collection",
"plex_search": "Plex Search",
"tautulli_popular": "Tautulli Popular",
"tautulli_watched": "Tautulli Watched",
"tmdb_actor": "TMDb Actor",
"tmdb_actor_details": "TMDb Actor",
"tmdb_collection": "TMDb Collection",
"tmdb_collection_details": "TMDb Collection",
"tmdb_company": "TMDb Company",
"tmdb_crew": "TMDb Crew",
"tmdb_crew_details": "TMDb Crew",
"tmdb_director": "TMDb Director",
"tmdb_director_details": "TMDb Director",
"tmdb_discover": "TMDb Discover",
"tmdb_keyword": "TMDb Keyword",
"tmdb_list": "TMDb List",
"tmdb_list_details": "TMDb List",
"tmdb_movie": "TMDb Movie",
"tmdb_movie_details": "TMDb Movie",
"tmdb_network": "TMDb Network",
"tmdb_now_playing": "TMDb Now Playing",
"tmdb_person": "TMDb Person",
"tmdb_popular": "TMDb Popular",
"tmdb_producer": "TMDb Producer",
"tmdb_producer_details": "TMDb Producer",
"tmdb_show": "TMDb Show",
"tmdb_show_details": "TMDb Show",
"tmdb_top_rated": "TMDb Top Rated",
"tmdb_trending_daily": "TMDb Trending Daily",
"tmdb_trending_weekly": "TMDb Trending Weekly",
"tmdb_writer": "TMDb Writer",
"tmdb_writer_details": "TMDb Writer",
"trakt_collected": "Trakt Collected",
"trakt_collection": "Trakt Collection",
"trakt_list": "Trakt List",
"trakt_list_details": "Trakt List",
"trakt_popular": "Trakt Popular",
"trakt_recommended": "Trakt Recommended",
"trakt_trending": "Trakt Trending",
"trakt_watched": "Trakt Watched",
"trakt_watchlist": "Trakt Watchlist",
"tvdb_list": "TVDb List",
"tvdb_list_details": "TVDb List",
"tvdb_movie": "TVDb Movie",
"tvdb_movie_details": "TVDb Movie",
"tvdb_show": "TVDb Show",
"tvdb_show_details": "TVDb Show"
pretty_ids = {
"anidbid": "AniDB",
"imdbid": "IMDb",
"mal_id": "MyAnimeList",
"themoviedb_id": "TMDb",
"thetvdb_id": "TVDb",
"tvdbid": "TVDb"
def tab_new_lines(data):
return str(data).replace("\n", "\n|\t ") if "\n" in str(data) else str(data)
def adjust_space(old_length, display_title):
display_title = str(display_title)
space_length = old_length - len(display_title)
if space_length > 0:
display_title += " " * space_length
return display_title
def make_ordinal(n):
n = int(n)
suffix = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th"][min(n % 10, 4)]
if 11 <= (n % 100) <= 13:
suffix = "th"
return str(n) + suffix
def choose_from_list(datalist, description, data=None, list_type="title", exact=False):
if len(datalist) > 0:
if len(datalist) == 1 and (description != "collection" or datalist[0].title == data):
return datalist[0]
zero_option = f"Create New Collection: {data}" if description == "collection" else "Do Nothing"
message = f"Multiple {description}s Found\n0) {zero_option}"
for i, d in enumerate(datalist, 1):
if list_type == "title":
if d.title == data:
return d
message += f"\n{i}) {d.title}"
message += f"\n{i}) [{d[0]}] {d[1]}"
if exact:
return None
print_multiline(message, info=True)
while True:
selection = int(logger_input(f"Choose {description} number")) - 1
if selection >= 0: return datalist[selection]
elif selection == -1: return None
else:"Invalid {description} number")
except IndexError:"Invalid {description} number")
except TimeoutExpired:
if list_type == "title":
logger.warning(f"Input Timeout: using {data}")
return None
logger.warning(f"Input Timeout: using {datalist[0][1]}")
return datalist[0]
return None
def get_bool(method_name, method_data):
if isinstance(method_data, bool):
return method_data
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["t", "true"]:
return True
elif str(method_data).lower() in ["f", "false"]:
return False
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method_name} attribute: {method_data} invalid must be either true or false")
def compile_list(data):
if isinstance(data, list):
text = ""
for item in data:
text += f"{',' if len(text) > 0 else ''}{item}"
return text
return data
def get_list(data, lower=False, split=True, int_list=False):
if isinstance(data, list): return data
elif isinstance(data, dict): return [data]
elif split is False: return [str(data)]
elif lower is True: return [d.strip().lower() for d in str(data).split(",")]
elif int_list is True: return [int(d.strip()) for d in str(data).split(",")]
else: return [d.strip() for d in str(data).split(",")]
def get_int_list(data, id_type):
values = get_list(data)
int_values = []
for value in values:
try: int_values.append(regex_first_int(value, id_type))
except Failed as e: logger.error(e)
return int_values
def get_year_list(data, current_year, method):
final_years = []
values = get_list(data)
for value in values:
final_years.append(check_year(value, current_year, method))
return final_years
def check_year(year, current_year, method):
return check_number(year, method, minimum=1800, maximum=current_year)
def check_number(value, method, number_type="int", minimum=None, maximum=None):
if number_type == "int":
try: num_value = int(str(value))
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {value} must be an integer")
elif number_type == "float":
try: num_value = float(str(value))
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {value} must be a number")
else: raise Failed(f"Number Type: {number_type} invalid")
if minimum is not None and maximum is not None and (num_value < minimum or num_value > maximum):
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {num_value} must be between {minimum} and {maximum}")
elif minimum is not None and num_value < minimum:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {num_value} is less then {minimum}")
elif maximum is not None and num_value > maximum:
raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {num_value} is greater then {maximum}")
return num_value
def check_date(date_text, method, return_string=False, plex_date=False):
try: date_obg = datetime.strptime(str(date_text), "%Y-%m-%d" if plex_date else "%m/%d/%Y")
except ValueError: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: {method}: {date_text} must match pattern {'YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2020-12-25' if plex_date else 'MM/DD/YYYY e.g. 12/25/2020'}")
return str(date_text) if return_string else date_obg
def logger_input(prompt, timeout=60):
if windows: return windows_input(prompt, timeout)
elif hasattr(signal, "SIGALRM"): return unix_input(prompt, timeout)
else: raise SystemError("Input Timeout not supported on this system")
def alarm_handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutExpired
def unix_input(prompt, timeout=60):
prompt = f"| {prompt}: "
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
try: return input(prompt)
finally: signal.alarm(0)
def old_windows_input(prompt, timeout=60, timer=time.monotonic):
prompt = f"| {prompt}: "
endtime = timer() + timeout
result = []
while timer() < endtime:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
if result[-1] == "\n":
out = "".join(result[:-1])
return out
raise TimeoutExpired
def windows_input(prompt, timeout=5):
sys.stdout.write(f"| {prompt}: ")
result = []
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if msvcrt.kbhit():
char = msvcrt.getwche()
if ord(char) == 13: # enter_key
out = "".join(result)
logger.debug(f"{prompt}: {out}")
return out
elif ord(char) >= 32: #space_char
if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout:
raise TimeoutExpired
def print_multiline(lines, info=False, warning=False, error=False, critical=False):
for i, line in enumerate(str(lines).split("\n")):
if critical: logger.critical(line)
elif error: logger.error(line)
elif warning: logger.warning(line)
elif info:
else: logger.debug(line)
if i == 0:
logger.handlers[1].setFormatter(logging.Formatter(" " * 65 + "| %(message)s"))
logger.handlers[1].setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(filename)-27s %(levelname)-10s | %(message)s"))
def print_stacktrace():
def my_except_hook(exctype, value, tb):
for line in traceback.format_exception(etype=exctype, value=value, tb=tb):
print_multiline(line, critical=True)
def get_id_from_imdb_url(imdb_url):
match ="(tt\\d+)", str(imdb_url))
if match: return
else: raise Failed(f"Regex Error: Failed to parse IMDb ID from IMDb URL: {imdb_url}")
def regex_first_int(data, id_type, default=None):
match ="(\\d+)", str(data))
if match:
return int(
elif default:
logger.warning(f"Regex Warning: Failed to parse {id_type} from {data} using {default} as default")
return int(default)
raise Failed(f"Regex Error: Failed to parse {id_type} from {data}")
def centered(text, do_print=True):
if len(text) > screen_width - 2:
raise Failed("text must be shorter then screen_width")
space = screen_width - len(text) - 2
if space % 2 == 1:
text += " "
space -= 1
side = int(space / 2)
final_text = f"{' ' * side}{text}{' ' * side}"
if do_print:
return final_text
def separator(text=None):
for handler in logger.handlers:
apply_formatter(handler, border=False)
|"|{separating_character * screen_width}|")
if text:
text_list = text.split("\n")
for t in text_list:
|"| {centered(t, do_print=False)} |")
|"|{separating_character * screen_width}|")
for handler in logger.handlers:
def apply_formatter(handler, border=True):
text = f"| %(message)-{screen_width - 2}s |" if border else f"%(message)-{screen_width - 2}s"
if isinstance(handler, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler):
text = f"[%(asctime)s] %(filename)-27s %(levelname)-10s {text}"
def print_return(length, text):
print(adjust_space(length, f"| {text}"), end="\r")
return len(text) + 2
def print_end(length, text=None):
if text:, text))
else: print(adjust_space(length, " "), end="\r")
def validate_filename(filename):
if is_valid_filename(filename):
return filename, None
mapping_name = sanitize_filename(filename)
return mapping_name, f"Log Folder Name: {filename} is invalid using {mapping_name}"