You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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MyAnimeList Builders

You can find anime using the features of (MyAnimeList).

Configuring MyAnimeList in the config is required for any of these builders.

Attribute Description Works with Movies Works with Shows Works with Playlists and Custom Sort
mal_search Finds every anime in a MyAnimeList Search list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_all Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top All Anime list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_airing Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Airing Anime list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_upcoming Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Upcoming Anime list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_tv Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime TV Series list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_movie Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime Movies list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_ova Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime OVA Series list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_special Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime Specials list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_popular Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Most Popular Anime list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_favorite Finds every anime in MyAnimeList's Most Favorited Anime list :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_suggested Finds the suggested anime in by MyAnimeList for the authorized user :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_id Finds the anime specified by the MyAnimeList ID :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red }
mal_userlist Finds anime in MyAnimeList User's Anime list the options are detailed below :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }
mal_season Finds anime in MyAnimeList's Seasonal Anime list the options are detailed below :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green }

Gets every anime in a MyAnimeList search. The different sub-attributes are detailed below. At least one attribute is required.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

Attribute Description
sort_by Description: Sort Order to return
Values: mal_id.desc, mal_id.asc, title.desc, title.asc, type.desc, type.asc, rating.desc, rating.asc, start_date.desc, start_date.asc, end_date.desc, end_date.asc, episodes.desc, episodes.asc, score.desc, score.asc, scored_by.desc, scored_by.asc, rank.desc, rank.asc, popularity.desc, popularity.asc, members.desc, members.asc, favorites.desc, favorites.asc
limit Description: Don't return more then this number
Values: Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList
query Description: Text query to search for
prefix Description: Results must begin with this prefix
type Description: Type of Anime to search for
Values: tv, movie, ova, special, ona, music
status Description: Status to search for
Values: airing, complete, upcoming
genre Description: Comma-separated String of Genres to include using , for AND and | for OR
Values: Genre Name or ID
genre.not Description: Comma-separated String of Genres to exclude using , for AND and | for OR
Values: Genre Name or ID
studio Description: Comma-separated String of Genres to include using , for AND and | for OR
Values: Studio Name or ID
content_rating Description: Content Rating to search for
Values: g, pg, pg13, r17, r, rx Description: Score must be greater than the given number
Values: Float between 0.00-10.00 Description: Score must be less than the given number
Values: Float between 0.00-10.00
sfw Description: Results must be Safe for Work
Value: true
  • Studio options can be found on MyAnimeList's Search Page.
  • Genre options can be found on MyAnimeList's Search Page.
  • To find the ID click on a Studio or Genre in the link above and there should be a number in the URL that's the id.
  • For example if the url is the id would be 4 or if the url is the id would be 1.
  Top Action Anime:
      limit: 100
      sort_by: score.desc
      genre: Action
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top All

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Airing Anime list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top All Anime:
    mal_all: 30
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top Airing

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Airing Anime list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Airing Anime:
    mal_airing: 10
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top Upcoming

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Upcoming Anime list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Upcoming Anime:
    mal_upcoming: 10
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top TV Series

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime TV Series list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Anime TV Series:
    mal_tv: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top Movies

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime Movies list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Anime Movies:
    mal_movie: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top OVA Series

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime OVA Series list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Anime OVA Series:
    mal_ova: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Top Specials

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Top Anime Specials list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Top Anime Specials:
    mal_special: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Most Popular Anime list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Most Popular Anime:
    mal_popular: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Most Favorited

Gets every anime in MyAnimeList's Most Favorited Anime list. (Maximum: 500)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Most Favorited Anime:
    mal_favorite: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Suggested

Gets the suggested anime in by MyAnimeList for the authorized user. (Maximum: 100)

The expected input value is a single integer value of how many movies/shows to query.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

  Suggested Anime:
    mal_suggested: 20
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList ID

Gets the anime specified by the MyAnimeList ID.

The expected input is a MyAnimeList ID. Multiple values are supported as either a list or a comma-separated string.

  Cowboy Bebop:
    mal_id: 23, 219

MyAnimeList UserList

Gets anime in MyAnimeList User's Anime list. The different sub-attributes are detailed below. The only required attribute is username

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

Attribute Description
username Description: A user's MyAnimeList Username or @me for the authorized user
status Description: Status to search for
Default: all
allAll Anime List
watchingCurrently Watching List
completedCompleted List
on_holdOn Hold List
droppedDropped List
plan_to_watchPlan to Watch
sort_by Description: Sort Order to return
Default: score
scoreSort by Score
last_updatedSort by Last Updated
titleSort by Anime Title
start_dateSort by Start Date
limit Description: Don't return more then this number
Default: 100
Values: Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList (max: 1000)
  Currently Watching Anime:
      username: "@me"
      status: watching
      sort_by: score
      limit: 500
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync

MyAnimeList Seasonal

Gets anime in MyAnimeList's Seasonal Anime list the options are detailed below.

The sync_mode: sync and collection_order: custom Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order.

Attribute Description & Values
season Description: Season to search
Default: current
winterFor winter season January, February, March
springFor spring season April, May, June
summerFor summer season July, August, September
fallFor fall season October, November, December
currentFor the current Season
year Description: Year to search
Default: Current Year
Values: Number between 1917 and the current year.
sort_by Description: Sort Order
Default: members
membersSort by Most Members
scoreSort by Score
limit Description: Don't return more then this number
Default: 100
Values: Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList (max: 500)
starting_only Description: Return only anime that began airing in the selected season
Default: False
Values: True or False
  Current Anime Season:
      sort_by: members
      limit: 50
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync
  Fall 2020 Anime:
      season: fall
      year: 2020
      limit: 50
    collection_order: custom
    sync_mode: sync