You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
228 lines
9.3 KiB
228 lines
9.3 KiB
import logging, re, requests, secrets, webbrowser
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed, TimeoutExpired
from retrying import retry
from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
builders = [
mal_ranked_name = {
"mal_all": "all",
"mal_airing": "airing",
"mal_upcoming": "upcoming",
"mal_tv": "tv",
"mal_ova": "ova",
"mal_movie": "movie",
"mal_special": "special",
"mal_popular": "bypopularity",
"mal_favorite": "favorite"
season_sort = {
"anime_score": "anime_score",
"anime_num_list_users": "anime_num_list_users",
"score": "anime_score",
"members": "anime_num_list_users"
pretty_names = {
"anime_score": "Score",
"anime_num_list_users": "Members",
"list_score": "Score",
"list_updated_at": "Last Updated",
"anime_title": "Title",
"anime_start_date": "Start Date",
"all": "All Anime",
"watching": "Currently Watching",
"completed": "Completed",
"on_hold": "On Hold",
"dropped": "Dropped",
"plan_to_watch": "Plan to Watch"
userlist_sort = {
"score": "list_score",
"list_score": "list_score",
"last_updated": "list_updated_at",
"list_updated": "list_updated_at",
"list_updated_at": "list_updated_at",
"title": "anime_title",
"anime_title": "anime_title",
"start_date": "anime_start_date",
"anime_start_date": "anime_start_date"
userlist_status = [
class MyAnimeListAPI:
def __init__(self, params, config, authorization=None):
self.config = config
self.urls = {
"oauth_token": "",
"oauth_authorize": "",
"ranking": "",
"season": "",
"suggestions": "",
"user": ""
self.client_id = params["client_id"]
self.client_secret = params["client_secret"]
self.config_path = params["config_path"]
self.authorization = authorization
if not self._save(self.authorization):
if not self._refresh():
def _authorization(self):
code_verifier = secrets.token_urlsafe(100)[:128]
url = f"{self.urls['oauth_authorize']}?response_type=code&client_id={self.client_id}&code_challenge={code_verifier}"
|"Navigate to: {url}")
|"Login and click the Allow option. You will then be redirected to a localhost")
|"url that most likely won't load, which is fine. Copy the URL and paste it below")
|, new=2)
try: url = util.logger_input("URL").strip()
except TimeoutExpired: raise Failed("Input Timeout: URL required.")
if not url: raise Failed("MyAnimeList Error: No input MyAnimeList code required.")
match ="code=([^&]+)", str(url))
if not match:
raise Failed("MyAnimeList Error: Invalid URL")
code =
data = {
"client_id": self.client_id,
"client_secret": self.client_secret,
"code": code,
"code_verifier": code_verifier,
"grant_type": "authorization_code"
new_authorization = self._oauth(data)
if "error" in new_authorization:
raise Failed("MyAnimeList Error: Invalid code")
if not self._save(new_authorization):
raise Failed("MyAnimeList Error: New Authorization Failed")
def _check(self, authorization):
self._request(self.urls["suggestions"], authorization=authorization)
return True
except Failed as e:
return False
def _refresh(self):
if self.authorization and "refresh_token" in self.authorization and self.authorization["refresh_token"]:
|"Refreshing Access Token...")
data = {
"client_id": self.client_id,
"client_secret": self.client_secret,
"refresh_token": self.authorization["refresh_token"],
"grant_type": "refresh_token"
refreshed_authorization = self._oauth(data)
return self._save(refreshed_authorization)
return False
def _save(self, authorization):
if authorization is not None and "access_token" in authorization and authorization["access_token"] and self._check(authorization):
if self.authorization != authorization:
yaml.YAML().allow_duplicate_keys = True
config, ind, bsi = yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(open(self.config_path))
config["mal"]["authorization"] = {
"access_token": authorization["access_token"],
"token_type": authorization["token_type"],
"expires_in": authorization["expires_in"],
"refresh_token": authorization["refresh_token"]
|"Saving authorization information to {self.config_path}")
yaml.round_trip_dump(config, open(self.config_path, "w"), indent=ind, block_seq_indent=bsi)
self.authorization = authorization
return True
return False
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def _oauth(self, data):
return["oauth_token"], data).json()
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed)
def _request(self, url, authorization=None):
new_authorization = authorization if authorization else self.authorization
response = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {new_authorization['access_token']}"}).json()
if "error" in response: raise Failed(f"MyAnimeList Error: {response['error']}")
else: return response
def _parse_request(self, url):
data = self._request(url)
return [d["node"]["id"] for d in data["data"]] if "data" in data else []
def _username(self):
return self._request(f"{self.urls['user']}/@me")["name"]
def _ranked(self, ranking_type, limit):
url = f"{self.urls['ranking']}?ranking_type={ranking_type}&limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def _season(self, season, year, sort_by, limit):
url = f"{self.urls['season']}/{year}/{season}?sort={sort_by}&limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def _suggestions(self, limit):
url = f"{self.urls['suggestions']}?limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def _userlist(self, username, status, sort_by, limit):
final_status = "" if status == "all" else f"status={status}&"
url = f"{self.urls['user']}/{username}/animelist?{final_status}sort={sort_by}&limit={limit}"
return self._parse_request(url)
def get_items(self, method, data, language, status_message=True):
if status_message:
logger.debug(f"Data: {data}")
pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method
if method == "mal_id":
mal_ids = [data]
if status_message:
|"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
elif method in mal_ranked_name:
mal_ids = self._ranked(mal_ranked_name[method], data)
if status_message:
|"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
elif method == "mal_season":
mal_ids = self._season(data["season"], data["year"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
if status_message:
|"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit']} Anime from {util.pretty_seasons[data['season']]} {data['year']} sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
elif method == "mal_suggested":
mal_ids = self._suggestions(data)
if status_message:
|"Processing {pretty}: {data} Anime")
elif method == "mal_userlist":
mal_ids = self._userlist(data["username"], data["status"], data["sort_by"], data["limit"])
if status_message:
|"Processing {pretty}: {data['limit']} Anime from {self._username() if data['username'] == '@me' else data['username']}'s {pretty_names[data['status']]} list sorted by {pretty_names[data['sort_by']]}")
raise Failed(f"MyAnimeList Error: Method {method} not supported")
movie_ids, show_ids = self.config.Arms.myanimelist_to_ids(mal_ids, language)
if status_message:
logger.debug(f"MyAnimeList IDs Found: {mal_ids}")
logger.debug(f"Shows Found: {show_ids}")
logger.debug(f"Movies Found: {movie_ids}")
return movie_ids, show_ids