2.8 KiB
I’ve removed some of the lines for space, but have left the important bits:
| Starting Run|
| Locating config...
| Using /Users/mroche/Plex-Meta-Manager/config/config.yml as config
| Connecting to TMDb...
| TMDb Connection Successful
| Connecting to Plex Libraries...
| Connecting to Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY Library... |
| Plex Error: Plex Library Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY not found |
| Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY Library Connection Failed |
| Plex Error: No Plex libraries were connected to |
You can see there that PMM found its config file, was able to connect to TMDb, was able to connect to Plex, and then failed trying to read the “Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY" library, which of course doesn’t exist.
I got a ModuleError instead
If you see this error instead:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'
Chances are you're using Python 3.12 and skipped the bit above about Python 3.12.
Type this into your term minal
pip install setuptools
Then try the run command from above again.
Open the config file again and change "Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY" to reflect your own Movie library in Plex.
Say my Movies library is called “All The Movies", so mine looks like this:
All The Movies: ## <<< CHANGE THIS LINE
- pmm: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- pmm: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
At this point, the top bit of your config file should look like this:
- pmm: basic # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
- pmm: imdb # This is a file within the defaults folder in the Repository
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- pmm: playlist # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder
# see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
has been replaced by the name of your movie library as shown in Plex ["All The Movies" here]: