You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
253 lines
12 KiB
253 lines
12 KiB
import logging, requests, webbrowser
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed, TimeoutExpired
from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
redirect_uri_encoded = redirect_uri.replace(":", "%3A")
base_url = ""
builders = [
"trakt_collected_daily", "trakt_collected_weekly", "trakt_collected_monthly", "trakt_collected_yearly", "trakt_collected_all",
"trakt_recommended_daily", "trakt_recommended_weekly", "trakt_recommended_monthly", "trakt_recommended_yearly", "trakt_recommended_all",
"trakt_watched_daily", "trakt_watched_weekly", "trakt_watched_monthly", "trakt_watched_yearly", "trakt_watched_all",
"trakt_collection", "trakt_list", "trakt_list_details", "trakt_popular", "trakt_trending", "trakt_watchlist", "trakt_boxoffice"
sorts = [
"rank", "added", "title", "released", "runtime", "popularity",
"percentage", "votes", "random", "my_rating", "watched", "collected"
id_translation = {"movie": "movie", "show": "show", "season": "show", "episode": "show", "person": "person"}
class Trakt:
def __init__(self, config, params):
self.config = config
self.client_id = params["client_id"]
self.client_secret = params["client_secret"]
self.config_path = params["config_path"]
self.authorization = params["authorization"]
if not self._save(self.authorization):
if not self._refresh():
def _authorization(self):
url = f"{self.client_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri_encoded}"
|"Navigate to: {url}")
|"If you get an OAuth error your client_id or client_secret is invalid")
|, new=2)
try: pin = util.logger_input("Trakt pin (case insensitive)", timeout=300).strip()
except TimeoutExpired: raise Failed("Input Timeout: Trakt pin required.")
if not pin: raise Failed("Trakt Error: No input Trakt pin required.")
json = {
"code": pin,
"client_id": self.client_id,
"client_secret": self.client_secret,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"grant_type": "authorization_code"
response ="{base_url}/oauth/token", json=json, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Failed("Trakt Error: Invalid trakt pin. If you're sure you typed it in correctly your client_id or client_secret may be invalid")
elif not self._save(response.json()):
raise Failed("Trakt Error: New Authorization Failed")
def _check(self, authorization=None):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.authorization['access_token'] if authorization is None else authorization['access_token']}",
"trakt-api-version": "2",
"trakt-api-key": self.client_id
response = self.config.get(f"{base_url}/users/settings", headers=headers)
return response.status_code == 200
def _refresh(self):
if self.authorization and "refresh_token" in self.authorization and self.authorization["refresh_token"]:
|"Refreshing Access Token...")
json = {
"refresh_token": self.authorization["refresh_token"],
"client_id": self.client_id,
"client_secret": self.client_secret,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"grant_type": "refresh_token"
response ="{base_url}/oauth/token", json=json, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
if response.status_code != 200:
return False
return self._save(response.json())
return False
def _save(self, authorization):
if authorization and self._check(authorization):
if self.authorization != authorization and not self.config.read_only:
yaml.YAML().allow_duplicate_keys = True
config, ind, bsi = yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(open(self.config_path))
config["trakt"]["authorization"] = {
"access_token": authorization["access_token"],
"token_type": authorization["token_type"],
"expires_in": authorization["expires_in"],
"refresh_token": authorization["refresh_token"],
"scope": authorization["scope"],
"created_at": authorization["created_at"]
|"Saving authorization information to {self.config_path}")
yaml.round_trip_dump(config, open(self.config_path, "w"), indent=ind, block_seq_indent=bsi)
self.authorization = authorization
return True
return False
def _request(self, url):
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.authorization['access_token']}",
"trakt-api-version": "2",
"trakt-api-key": self.client_id
output_json = []
pages = 1
current = 1
if self.config.trace_mode:
logger.debug(f"URL: {base_url}{url}")
while current <= pages:
if pages == 1:
response = self.config.get(f"{base_url}{url}", headers=headers)
if "X-Pagination-Page-Count" in response.headers and "?" not in url:
pages = int(response.headers["X-Pagination-Page-Count"])
response = self.config.get(f"{base_url}{url}?page={current}", headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
json_data = response.json()
if self.config.trace_mode:
logger.debug(f"Response: {json_data}")
if isinstance(json_data, dict):
return json_data
raise Failed(f"({response.status_code}) {response.reason}")
current += 1
return output_json
def user_ratings(self, is_movie):
media = "movie" if is_movie else "show"
id_type = "tmdb" if is_movie else "tvdb"
return {int(i[media]["ids"][id_type]): i["rating"] for i in self._request(f"/users/me/ratings/{media}s")}
def convert(self, external_id, from_source, to_source, media_type):
path = f"/search/{from_source}/{external_id}"
if from_source in ["tmdb", "tvdb"]:
path = f"{path}?type={media_type}"
lookup = self._request(path)
if lookup and media_type in lookup[0] and to_source in lookup[0][media_type]["ids"]:
return lookup[0][media_type]["ids"][to_source]
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No {to_source.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID found for {from_source.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID: {external_id}")
def list_description(self, data):
return self._request(requests.utils.urlparse(data).path)["description"]
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: List {data} not found")
def _parse(self, items, typeless=False, item_type=None):
ids = []
for item in items:
if typeless:
data = item
current_type = item_type
elif item_type:
data = item[item_type]
current_type = item_type
elif "type" in item and item["type"] in id_translation:
data = item[id_translation[item["type"]]]
current_type = item["type"]
id_type = "tmdb" if current_type in ["movie", "person"] else "tvdb"
if id_type in data["ids"] and data["ids"][id_type]:
final_id = data["ids"][id_type]
if current_type == "episode":
final_id = f"{final_id}_{item[current_type]['season']}"
if current_type in ["episode", "season"]:
final_id = f"{final_id}_{item[current_type]['number']}"
if current_type == "person":
final_id = (final_id, data["name"])
final_type = f"{id_type}_{current_type}" if current_type in ["episode", "season", "person"] else id_type
ids.append((final_id, final_type))
logger.error(f"Trakt Error: No {id_type.upper().replace('B', 'b')} ID found for {data['title']} ({data['year']})")
return ids
def get_user_lists(self, data):
items = self._request(f"/users/{data}/lists")
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: User {data} not found")
if len(items) == 0:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: User {data} has no lists")
return {f"{base_url}/users/{data}/lists/{i['ids']['slug']}": i["name"] for i in items}
def _user_list(self, data):
items = self._request(f"{requests.utils.urlparse(data).path}/items")
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: List {data} not found")
if len(items) == 0:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: List {data} is empty")
return self._parse(items)
def _user_items(self, list_type, data, is_movie):
items = self._request(f"/users/{data}/{list_type}/{'movies' if is_movie else 'shows'}")
except Failed:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: User {data} not found")
if len(items) == 0:
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: {data}'s {list_type.capitalize()} is empty")
return self._parse(items, item_type="movie" if is_movie else "show")
def _pagenation(self, pagenation, amount, is_movie):
items = self._request(f"/{'movies' if is_movie else 'shows'}/{pagenation}?limit={amount}")
return self._parse(items, typeless=pagenation == "popular", item_type="movie" if is_movie else "show")
def get_people(self, data):
return {i[0][0]: i[0][1] for i in self._user_list(data) if i[1] == "tmdb_person"}
def validate_trakt(self, trakt_lists, is_movie, trakt_type="list"):
values = util.get_list(trakt_lists, split=False)
trakt_values = []
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, dict):
raise Failed("Trakt Error: List cannot be a dictionary")
if trakt_type == "list":
self._user_items(trakt_type, value, is_movie)
except Failed as e:
if len(trakt_values) == 0:
if trakt_type == "watchlist":
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Watchlists in {values}")
elif trakt_type == "collection":
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Collections in {values}")
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: No valid Trakt Lists in {values}")
return trakt_values
def get_trakt_ids(self, method, data, is_movie):
pretty = method.replace("_", " ").title()
media_type = "Movie" if is_movie else "Show"
if method in ["trakt_collection", "trakt_watchlist"]:
|"Processing {pretty} {media_type}s for {data}")
return self._user_items(method[6:], data, is_movie)
elif method == "trakt_list":
|"Processing {pretty}: {data}")
return self._user_list(data)
elif method in builders:
|"Processing {pretty}: {data} {media_type}{'' if data == 1 else 's'}")
terms = method.split("_")
return self._pagenation(f"{terms[1]}{f'/{terms[2]}' if len(terms) > 2 else ''}", data, is_movie)
raise Failed(f"Trakt Error: Method {method} not supported")