#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash FILES=$(find /dev/dri /dev/dvb -type c -print 2>/dev/null) for i in $FILES do VIDEO_GID=$(stat -c '%g' "${i}") VIDEO_UID=$(stat -c '%u' "${i}") # check if user matches device if id -u abc | grep -qw "${VIDEO_UID}"; then echo "**** permissions for ${i} are good ****" else # check if group matches and that device has group rw if id -G abc | grep -qw "${VIDEO_GID}" && [ $(stat -c '%A' "${i}" | cut -b 5,6) = "rw" ]; then echo "**** permissions for ${i} are good ****" # check if device needs to be added to video group elif ! id -G abc | grep -qw "${VIDEO_GID}"; then # check if video group needs to be created VIDEO_NAME=$(getent group "${VIDEO_GID}" | awk -F: '{print $1}') if [ -z "${VIDEO_NAME}" ]; then VIDEO_NAME="video$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c8)" groupadd "${VIDEO_NAME}" groupmod -g "${VIDEO_GID}" "${VIDEO_NAME}" echo "**** creating video group ${VIDEO_NAME} with id ${VIDEO_GID} ****" fi echo "**** adding ${i} to video group ${VIDEO_NAME} with id ${VIDEO_GID} ****" usermod -a -G "${VIDEO_NAME}" abc fi # check if device has group rw if [ $(stat -c '%A' "${i}" | cut -b 5,6) != "rw" ]; then echo -e "**** The device ${i} does not have group read/write permissions, attempting to fix inside the container.If it doesn't work, you can run the following on your docker host: ****\nsudo chmod g+rw ${i}\n" chmod g+rw "${i}" fi fi done