lonix/plex ============= plexp. with or without plexpass to run the latest edition sample command: ``` docker run -d --name=plex --net=host -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v :/config -v :/data -e PUID=996 -e PGID=996 -e PLEXPASS=1 -p 32400:32400 lonix/plex:1.2 ``` You need to map * --net=host for streaming to work. * Port 32400 for plex web-app. * Mount /config for plex config files. * Mount /data for plex media files * Mount /etc/localhost for timesync (Not required) * PLEXPASS set to 1 for Plexpass version, UNSET for Public * GUID and GPID set toyou local plex user group (you may need to create a user on the host (named plex)) This container will update plex on each launch (if update found). It is based on phusion-baseimage with ssh removed. (use nsenter). If the app does not update to the latest version, i need to update a file on server, msg me at **Credits** * needo * Eric Schultz * Tim Haak