mirror of https://github.com/Cesura/pastey.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
323 lines
11 KiB
323 lines
11 KiB
4 years ago
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, abort
from flask_limiter import Limiter
from flask_limiter.util import get_remote_address
from guesslang import Guess
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import quote
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
import ipaddress
import uuid
import json
from os import path, remove, environ
from pathlib import Path
from config import config
from distutils.util import strtobool
app = Flask(__name__)
limiter = Limiter(
guess = Guess()
# Pastey version
pastey_version = "0.2"
loaded_config = {}
# Check environment variable overrides
config.data_directory = environ["PASTEY_DATA_DIRECTORY"] if "PASTEY_DATA_DIRECTORY" in environ else config.data_directory
config.listen_address = environ["PASTEY_LISTEN_ADDRESS"] if "PASTEY_LISTEN_ADDRESS" in environ else config.listen_address
config.listen_port = environ["PASTEY_LISTEN_PORT"] if "PASTEY_LISTEN_PORT" in environ else config.listen_port
config.use_whitelist = bool(strtobool(environ["PASTEY_USE_WHITELIST"])) if "PASTEY_USE_WHITELIST" in environ else config.use_whitelist
config.restrict_pasting = bool(strtobool(environ["PASTEY_RESTRICT_PASTING"])) if "PASTEY_RESTRICT_PASTING" in environ else config.restrict_pasting
config.restrict_raw_pasting = bool(strtobool(environ["PASTEY_RESTRICT_RAW_PASTING"])) if "PASTEY_RESTRICT_RAW_PASTING" in environ else config.restrict_raw_pasting
config.rate_limit = environ["PASTEY_RATE_LIMIT"] if "PASTEY_RATE_LIMIT" in environ else config.rate_limit
config.guess_threshold = float(environ["PASTEY_GUESS_THRESHOLD"]) if "PASTEY_GUESS_THRESHOLD" in environ else config.guess_threshold
config.recent_pastes = int(environ["PASTEY_RECENT_PASTES"]) if "PASTEY_RECENT_PASTES" in environ else config.recent_pastes
config.whitelist_cidr = environ["PASTEY_WHITELIST_CIDR"].split(",") if "PASTEY_WHITELIST_CIDR" in environ else config.whitelist_cidr
config.blacklist_cidr = environ["PASTEY_BLACKLIST_CIDR"].split(",") if "PASTEY_BLACKLIST_CIDR" in environ else config.blacklist_cidr
config.behind_proxy = bool(strtobool(environ["PASTEY_BEHIND_PROXY"])) if "PASTEY_BEHIND_PROXY" in environ else config.behind_proxy
# Check request IP is in config whitelist
def verify_whitelist(ip):
address = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
# Check blacklist
for network in config.blacklist_cidr:
if address in ipaddress.IPv4Network(network):
return False
if not config.use_whitelist:
return True
# Check whitelist
for network in config.whitelist_cidr:
if address in ipaddress.IPv4Network(network):
return True
return False
# Solve anomalies in icon naming
def get_icon(language):
if language == "C#":
return "csharp"
elif language == "C++":
return "cplusplus"
elif language == "Jupyter Notebook":
return "jupyter"
return language.lower()
# For handling reverse proxy configurations
# Note that these are HTTP headers and are generally untrustworthy
# Make sure your proxy configuration is either setting or clearing these
def get_source_ip(request):
if config.behind_proxy:
if 'X-Real-IP' in request.headers:
return request.headers['X-Real-IP']
elif 'X-Forwarded-For' in request.headers:
return request.headers['X-Forwarded-For']
return request.remote_addr
########## Paste functions ##########
# Get recent n pastes, defined in config by recent_pastes
def get_recent(limit=config.recent_pastes):
paths = sorted(Path(config.data_directory).iterdir(), key=path.getmtime, reverse=True)
recent_pastes = []
i = 0
while i < limit and i < len(paths):
with open(paths[i]) as fp:
paste = json.loads(fp.read())
paste['unique_id'] = path.basename(paths[i])
paste['content'] = '\n'.join(paste['content'].splitlines()[0:10])
paste['icon'] = get_icon(paste['language'])
if paste['encrypted']:
paste['content'] = "[Encrypted]"
i += 1
return recent_pastes
# Get paste by ID
def get_paste(unique_id, key=""):
if path.exists(config.data_directory + "/" + unique_id):
with open(config.data_directory + "/" + unique_id, "r") as fp:
paste = json.loads(fp.read())
# Check remaining uses, and decrement
# -1 = unlimited uses
if paste['uses'] != -1:
paste['uses'] -= 1
if paste['uses'] == 0:
with open(config.data_directory + "/" + unique_id, "w") as fp:
# Decrypt content, if necessary
if key != "":
cipher_suite = Fernet(key.encode('utf-8'))
paste['content'] = cipher_suite.decrypt(paste['content'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
except Exception as e:
return 401
return paste
return None
# Delete paste by ID
def delete_paste(unique_id):
paste = config.data_directory + "/" + unique_id
if path.exists(paste):
# Create new paste
def new_paste(title, content, source_ip, single=False, encrypt=False):
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
while path.exists(config.data_directory + "/" + unique_id):
unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
# Attempt to guess programming language
guesses = guess.probabilities(content)
language = guesses[0][0] if guesses[0][1] > config.guess_threshold and guesses[0][0] != "SQL" else "Plaintext"
# Check if encryption is necessary
key = ""
if encrypt:
init_key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher_suite = Fernet(init_key)
content = cipher_suite.encrypt(content.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
key = init_key.decode('utf-8')
# Check if single use is set
uses = 2 if single else -1
output = {
"timestamp": datetime.now().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y at %H:%M:%S"),
"language": language,
"source_ip": source_ip,
"title": title,
"content": content,
"encrypted": encrypt,
"uses": uses
# Write to output file
with open(config.data_directory + "/" + unique_id, "w+") as fp:
return unique_id, key
########## Routes ##########
# Home page
def home():
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
pastes = []
if whitelisted:
return render_template("index.html", pastes=pastes, whitelisted=whitelisted)
# New paste page
def new():
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
return render_template("new.html", whitelisted=whitelisted)
# Config page
def config_page():
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
if not whitelisted:
return render_template("config.html", config_items=loaded_config,
script_url=request.url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + "/pastey", whitelisted=whitelisted)
# View paste page
def view(unique_id):
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
content = get_paste(unique_id)
if content is not None:
return render_template("view.html", paste=content, url=request.url, whitelisted=whitelisted)
# View paste page (encrypted)
def view_key(unique_id, key):
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
content = get_paste(unique_id, key=key)
if content == 401:
elif content is not None:
return render_template("view.html", paste=content, url=request.url, whitelisted=whitelisted)
# Delete paste
def delete(unique_id):
if not verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request)):
return redirect("/")
def pastey_script():
return render_template('pastey.sh', endpoint=request.url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + "/raw"), 200, {
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="pastey"',
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
# POST new paste
@app.route('/paste', methods = ['POST'])
@limiter.limit(config.rate_limit, exempt_when=lambda: verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request)))
def paste():
source_ip = get_source_ip(request)
# Check if restrict pasting to whitelist CIDRs is enabled
if config.restrict_pasting and not verify_whitelist(source_ip):
content = request.form['content']
# Check if content is empty
if request.form['content'].strip() == "":
return redirect("/new")
# Verify form options
title = request.form['title'] if request.form['title'].strip() != "" else "Untitled"
single = True if 'single' in request.form else False
encrypt = True if 'encrypt' in request.form else False
# Create paste
unique_id, key = new_paste(title, content, source_ip, single=single, encrypt=encrypt)
if encrypt:
return redirect("/view/" + unique_id + "/" + quote(key))
return redirect("/view/" + unique_id)
# POST new raw paste
@app.route('/raw', methods = ['POST'])
@limiter.limit(config.rate_limit, exempt_when=lambda: verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request)))
def raw():
source_ip = get_source_ip(request)
# Check if restrict pasting to whitelist CIDRs is enabled
if config.restrict_raw_pasting and not verify_whitelist(source_ip):
# Create paste
unique_id, key = new_paste("Untitled", request.data.decode('utf-8'), source_ip, single=False, encrypt=False)
link = request.url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + "/view/" + unique_id
return link, 200
# Custom 404 handler
def page_not_found(e):
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
return render_template('404.html', whitelisted=whitelisted), 404
# Custom 401 handler
def unauthorized(e):
whitelisted = verify_whitelist(get_source_ip(request))
return render_template('401.html', whitelisted=whitelisted), 401
# Main loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Print configuration
print("Pastey version ", pastey_version)
for option in dir(config):
if not option.startswith("__"):
loaded_config[option] = eval("config.%s" % option)
print(option, ": ", loaded_config[option])
# Register error handlers
app.register_error_handler(404, page_not_found)
app.register_error_handler(401, unauthorized)
app.run(host=config.listen_address, port=config.listen_port)