from misc.log import logger
import json
import requests
log = logger.get_logger(__name__)
def get_rating(apikey, movie):
ratings_exist = False
imdb_id = movie['movie']['ids']['imdb']
if imdb_id:
log.debug("Requesting info from OMDB for \'%s (%d)\' | Genres: %s | Country: %s | IMDB ID: %s",
movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], ', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']),
(movie['movie']['country'] or 'N/A').upper(), imdb_id)
r = requests.get('http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=' + imdb_id + '&apikey=' + apikey)
if r.status_code == 200 and json.loads(r.text)["Response"] == 'True':
log.debug("Successfully requested ratings from OMDB for \'%s (%d)\' | Genres: %s | Country: %s" +
" | IMDB ID: %s", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'],
', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']), (movie['movie']['country'] or 'N/A').upper(), imdb_id)
for source in json.loads(r.text)["Ratings"]:
if source['Source'] == 'Rotten Tomatoes':
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
ratings_exist = True
log.debug("Rotten Tomatoes score of %s for \'%s (%d)\' | Genres: %s | Country: %s | IMDB ID: %s ",
source['Value'], movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'],
', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']), (movie['movie']['country'] or 'N/A').upper(),
return int(source['Value'].split('%')[0])
if not ratings_exist:
log.debug("No Rotten Tomatoes score found for \'%s (%d)\' | Genres: %s | Country: %s | IMDB ID: %s ",
movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], ', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']),
(movie['movie']['country'] or 'N/A').upper(), imdb_id)
log.debug("Error encountered when requesting ratings from OMDB for \'%s (%d)\' | Genres: %s | Country: %s" +
" | IMDB ID: %s", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'],
', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']), (movie['movie']['country'] or 'N/A').upper(), imdb_id)
log.debug("Skipping \'%s (%d)\' | Genres: %s | Country: %s as it does not have an IMDB ID",
movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], ', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']),
(movie['movie']['country'] or 'N/A').upper())
return -1