#!/usr/bin/env python3 import time import click import schedule from media.radarr import Radarr from media.sonarr import Sonarr from media.trakt import Trakt from misc import helpers from misc.config import cfg from misc.log import logger ############################################################ # INIT ############################################################ # Logging log = logger.get_logger('traktarr') # Click @click.group(help='Add new shows & movies to Sonarr/Radarr from Trakt lists.') @click.version_option('1.0.0', prog_name='traktarr') def app(): pass ############################################################ # SHOWS ############################################################ @app.command(help='Add new shows to Sonarr.') @click.option('--list-type', '-t', type=click.Choice(['anticipated', 'trending', 'popular']), help='Trakt list to process.', required=True) @click.option('--add-limit', '-l', default=0, help='Limit number of shows added to Sonarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--add-delay', '-d', default=2.5, help='Seconds between each add request to Sonarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding shows to Sonarr.') def shows(list_type, add_limit=0, add_delay=2.5, no_search=False): added_shows = 0 # validate trakt api_key trakt = Trakt(cfg.trakt.api_key) if not trakt.validate_api_key(): log.error("Aborting due to failure to validate Trakt API Key") return else: log.info("Validated Trakt API Key") # validate sonarr url & api_key sonarr = Sonarr(cfg.sonarr.url, cfg.sonarr.api_key) if not sonarr.validate_api_key(): log.error("Aborting due to failure to validate Sonarr URL / API Key") return else: log.info("Validated Sonarr URL & API Key") # retrieve profile id for requested profile profile_id = sonarr.get_profile_id(cfg.sonarr.profile) if not profile_id or not profile_id > 0: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Profile ID for: %s", cfg.sonarr.profile) return else: log.info("Retrieved Profile ID for %s: %d", cfg.sonarr.profile, profile_id) # retrieve profile tags profile_tags = sonarr.get_tags() if profile_tags is None: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Tag ID's") return else: log.info("Retrieved %d Tag ID's", len(profile_tags)) # get sonarr series list sonarr_series_list = sonarr.get_series() if not sonarr_series_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Sonarr shows list") return else: log.info("Retrieved Sonarr shows list, shows found: %d", len(sonarr_series_list)) # get trakt series list trakt_series_list = None if list_type.lower() == 'anticipated': trakt_series_list = trakt.get_anticipated_shows() elif list_type.lower() == 'trending': trakt_series_list = trakt.get_trending_shows() elif list_type.lower() == 'popular': trakt_series_list = trakt.get_popular_shows() else: log.error("Aborting due to unknown Trakt list type") return if not trakt_series_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Trakt %s shows list", list_type) return else: log.info("Retrieved Trakt %s shows list, shows found: %d", list_type, len(trakt_series_list)) # build filtered series list without series that exist in sonarr processed_series_list = helpers.sonarr_remove_existing_series(sonarr_series_list, trakt_series_list) if not processed_series_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to remove existing Sonarr shows from retrieved Trakt shows list") return else: log.info("Removed existing Sonarr shows from Trakt shows list, shows left to process: %d", len(processed_series_list)) # sort filtered series list by highest votes sorted_series_list = sorted(processed_series_list, key=lambda k: k['show']['votes'], reverse=True) log.info("Sorted shows list to process by highest votes") # loop series_list log.info("Processing list now...") for series in sorted_series_list: try: # check if series passes out blacklist criteria inspection if not helpers.trakt_is_show_blacklisted(series, cfg.filters.shows): log.info("Adding: %s | Genres: %s | Network: %s | Country: %s", series['show']['title'], ', '.join(series['show']['genres']), series['show']['network'], series['show']['country'].upper()) # determine which tags to use when adding this series use_tags = helpers.sonarr_series_tag_id_from_network(profile_tags, cfg.sonarr.tags, series['show']['network']) # add show to sonarr if sonarr.add_series(series['show']['ids']['tvdb'], series['show']['title'], series['show']['ids']['slug'], profile_id, cfg.sonarr.root_folder, use_tags, not no_search): log.info("ADDED %s (%d) with tags: %s", series['show']['title'], series['show']['year'], use_tags) added_shows += 1 else: log.error("FAILED adding %s (%d) with tags: %s", series['show']['title'], series['show']['year'], use_tags) # stop adding shows, if added_shows >= add_limit if add_limit and added_shows >= add_limit: break # sleep before adding any more time.sleep(add_delay) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while processing show %s: ", series['show']['title']) log.info("Added %d new show(s) to Sonarr", added_shows) ############################################################ # MOVIES ############################################################ @app.command(help='Add new movies to Radarr.') @click.option('--list-type', '-t', type=click.Choice(['anticipated', 'trending', 'popular']), help='Trakt list to process.', required=True) @click.option('--add-limit', '-l', default=0, help='Limit number of movies added to Radarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--add-delay', '-d', default=2.5, help='Seconds between each add request to Radarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding movies to Radarr.') def movies(list_type, add_limit=0, add_delay=2.5, no_search=False): added_movies = 0 # validate trakt api_key trakt = Trakt(cfg.trakt.api_key) if not trakt.validate_api_key(): log.error("Aborting due to failure to validate Trakt API Key") return else: log.info("Validated Trakt API Key") # validate radarr url & api_key radarr = Radarr(cfg.radarr.url, cfg.radarr.api_key) if not radarr.validate_api_key(): log.error("Aborting due to failure to validate Radarr URL / API Key") return else: log.info("Validated Radarr URL & API Key") # retrieve profile id for requested profile profile_id = radarr.get_profile_id(cfg.radarr.profile) if not profile_id or not profile_id > 0: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Profile ID for: %s", cfg.radarr.profile) return else: log.info("Retrieved Profile ID for %s: %d", cfg.radarr.profile, profile_id) # get radarr movies list radarr_movie_list = radarr.get_movies() if not radarr_movie_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Radarr movies list") return else: log.info("Retrieved Radarr movies list, movies found: %d", len(radarr_movie_list)) # get trakt movies list trakt_movies_list = None if list_type.lower() == 'anticipated': trakt_movies_list = trakt.get_anticipated_movies() elif list_type.lower() == 'trending': trakt_movies_list = trakt.get_trending_movies() elif list_type.lower() == 'popular': trakt_movies_list = trakt.get_popular_movies() else: log.error("Aborting due to unknown Trakt list type") return if not trakt_movies_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Trakt %s movies list", list_type) return else: log.info("Retrieved Trakt %s movies list, movies found: %d", list_type, len(trakt_movies_list)) # build filtered movie list without movies that exist in radarr processed_movies_list = helpers.radarr_remove_existing_movies(radarr_movie_list, trakt_movies_list) if not processed_movies_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to remove existing Radarr movies from retrieved Trakt movies list") return else: log.info("Removed existing Radarr movies from Trakt movies list, movies left to process: %d", len(processed_movies_list)) # sort filtered movie list by highest votes sorted_movies_list = sorted(processed_movies_list, key=lambda k: k['movie']['votes'], reverse=True) log.info("Sorted movie list to process by highest votes") # loop movies log.info("Processing list now...") for movie in sorted_movies_list: try: # check if movie passes out blacklist criteria inspection if not helpers.trakt_is_movie_blacklisted(movie, cfg.filters.movies): log.info("Adding: %s (%d) | Genres: %s | Country: %s", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], ', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']), movie['movie']['country'].upper()) # add movie to radarr if radarr.add_movie(movie['movie']['ids']['tmdb'], movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], movie['movie']['ids']['slug'], profile_id, cfg.radarr.root_folder, not no_search): log.info("ADDED %s (%d)", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year']) added_movies += 1 else: log.error("FAILED adding %s (%d)", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year']) # stop adding movies, if added_movies >= add_limit if add_limit and added_movies >= add_limit: break # sleep before adding any more time.sleep(add_delay) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while processing movie %s: ", movie['movie']['title']) log.info("Added %d new movie(s) to Radarr", added_movies) ############################################################ # AUTOMATIC ############################################################ def automatic_shows(): log.info("Running") def automatic_movies(): log.info("Running") @app.command(help='Run in automatic mode.') @click.option('--add-delay', '-d', default=2.5, help='Seconds between each add request to Sonarr / Radarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding to Sonarr / Radarr.') def run(add_delay=2.5, no_search=False): # add tasks to repeat schedule.every(1).minutes.do(automatic_movies) schedule.every(2).minutes.do(automatic_shows) # run schedule log.info("Automatic mode is now running...") while True: try: schedule.run_pending() except Exception: log.exception("Unhandled exception occurred while processing scheduled tasks: ") else: time.sleep(1) ############################################################ # MAIN ############################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": app()