#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os.path import signal import sys import time import click import schedule from pyfiglet import Figlet ############################################################ # INIT ############################################################ cfg = None log = None notify = None # Click @click.group(help='Add new shows & movies to Sonarr/Radarr from Trakt.') @click.version_option('1.2.3', prog_name='traktarr') @click.option( '--config', envvar='TRAKTARR_CONFIG', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False), help='Configuration file', show_default=True, default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), "config.json") ) @click.option( '--logfile', envvar='TRAKTARR_LOGFILE', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, dir_okay=False), help='Log file', show_default=True, default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), "activity.log") ) def app(config, logfile): # Setup global variables global cfg, log, notify # Load config from misc.config import Config cfg = Config(config_path=config, logfile=logfile).cfg # Load logger from misc.log import logger log = logger.get_logger('traktarr') # Load notifications from notifications import Notifications notify = Notifications() # Notifications init_notifications() ############################################################ # Trakt OAuth ############################################################ @app.command(help='Authenticate traktarr.') def trakt_authentication(): from media.trakt import Trakt trakt = Trakt(cfg) if trakt.oauth_authentication(): log.info("Authentication information saved; please restart the application") exit() def validate_trakt(trakt, notifications): if not trakt.validate_client_id(): log.error("Aborting due to failure to validate Trakt API Key") if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'error', 'reason': 'Failure to validate Trakt API Key'}) exit() else: log.info("Validated Trakt API Key") def validate_pvr(pvr, type, notifications): if not pvr.validate_api_key(): log.error("Aborting due to failure to validate %s URL / API Key", type) if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'error', 'reason': 'Failure to validate %s URL / API Key' % type}) return None else: log.info("Validated %s URL & API Key", type) def get_profile_id(pvr, profile): # retrieve profile id for requested profile profile_id = pvr.get_profile_id(profile) if not profile_id or not profile_id > 0: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Profile ID for: %s", profile) exit() log.info("Retrieved Profile ID for %s: %d", profile, profile_id) return profile_id def get_profile_tags(pvr): profile_tags = pvr.get_tags() if profile_tags is None: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Tag ID's") exit() log.info("Retrieved %d Tag ID's", len(profile_tags)) return profile_tags def get_objects(pvr, type, notifications): objects_list = pvr.get_objects() if not objects_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve %s shows list", type) if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'error', 'reason': 'Failure to retrieve %s shows list' % type}) exit() objects_type = 'movies' if type.lower() == 'radarr' else 'shows' log.info("Retrieved %s %s list, %s found: %d", type, objects_type, objects_type, len(objects_list)) return objects_list ############################################################ # SHOWS ############################################################ @app.command(help='Add a single show to Sonarr.') @click.option('--show_id', '-id', help='Trakt show_id.', required=True) @click.option('--folder', '-f', default=None, help='Add show with this root folder to Sonarr.') @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding show to Sonarr.') def show(show_id, folder=None, no_search=False): from media.sonarr import Sonarr from media.trakt import Trakt from helpers import sonarr as sonarr_helper # replace sonarr root_folder if folder is supplied if folder: cfg['sonarr']['root_folder'] = folder trakt = Trakt(cfg) sonarr = Sonarr(cfg.sonarr.url, cfg.sonarr.api_key) validate_trakt(trakt, False) validate_pvr(sonarr, 'Sonarr', False) profile_id = get_profile_id(sonarr, cfg.sonarr.profile) profile_tags = get_profile_tags(sonarr) # get trakt show trakt_show = trakt.get_show(show_id) if not trakt_show: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Trakt show") return None else: log.info("Retrieved Trakt show information for %s: %s (%d)", show_id, trakt_show['title'], trakt_show['year']) # determine which tags to use when adding this series use_tags = sonarr_helper.series_tag_id_from_network(profile_tags, cfg.sonarr.tags, trakt_show['network']) # add show to sonarr if sonarr.add_series(trakt_show['ids']['tvdb'], trakt_show['title'], trakt_show['ids']['slug'], profile_id, cfg.sonarr.root_folder, use_tags, not no_search): log.info("ADDED %s (%d) with tags: %s", trakt_show['title'], trakt_show['year'], sonarr_helper.readable_tag_from_ids(profile_tags, use_tags)) else: log.error("FAILED adding %s (%d) with tags: %s", trakt_show['title'], trakt_show['year'], sonarr_helper.readable_tag_from_ids(profile_tags, use_tags)) return @app.command(help='Add multiple shows to Sonarr.') @click.option('--list-type', '-t', help='Trakt list to process. For example, anticipated, trending, popular, person, watched, played, ' 'recommended, watchlist or any URL to a list', required=True) @click.option('--add-limit', '-l', default=0, help='Limit number of shows added to Sonarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--add-delay', '-d', default=2.5, help='Seconds between each add request to Sonarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--sort', '-s', default='votes', type=click.Choice(['votes', 'rating', 'release']), help='Sort list to process.') @click.option('--genre', '-g', default=None, help='Only add shows from this genre to Sonarr.') @click.option('--folder', '-f', default=None, help='Add shows with this root folder to Sonarr.') @click.option('--actor', '-a', default=None, help='Only add movies from this actor to Radarr.') @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding shows to Sonarr.') @click.option('--notifications', is_flag=True, help='Send notifications.') @click.option('--authenticate-user', help='Specify which user to authenticate with to retrieve Trakt lists. Default: first user in the config') @click.option('--ignore-blacklist', is_flag=True, help='Ignores the blacklist when running the command.') @click.option('--remove-rejected-from-recommended', is_flag=True, help='Removes rejected/existing shows from recommended.') def shows(list_type, add_limit=0, add_delay=2.5, sort='votes', genre=None, folder=None, actor=None, no_search=False, notifications=False, authenticate_user=None, ignore_blacklist=False, remove_rejected_from_recommended=False): from media.sonarr import Sonarr from media.trakt import Trakt from helpers import misc as misc_helper from helpers import sonarr as sonarr_helper from helpers import trakt as trakt_helper added_shows = 0 # remove genre from shows blacklisted_genres if supplied if genre: misc_helper.unblacklist_genres(genre, cfg['filters']['shows']['blacklisted_genres']) # replace sonarr root_folder if folder is supplied if folder: cfg['sonarr']['root_folder'] = folder # validate trakt client_id trakt = Trakt(cfg) sonarr = Sonarr(cfg.sonarr.url, cfg.sonarr.api_key) validate_trakt(trakt, notifications) validate_pvr(sonarr, 'Sonarr', notifications) profile_id = get_profile_id(sonarr, cfg.sonarr.profile) profile_tags = get_profile_tags(sonarr) pvr_objects_list = get_objects(sonarr, 'Sonarr', notifications) # get trakt series list if list_type.lower() == 'anticipated': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_anticipated_shows(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'trending': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_trending_shows(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'popular': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_popular_shows(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'person': if not actor: log.error("You must specify an actor with the --actor / -a parameter when using the person list type!") return None trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_person_shows(person=actor, genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'recommended': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_recommended_shows(authenticate_user, genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower().startswith('played'): most_type = misc_helper.substring_after(list_type.lower(), "_") trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_most_played_shows(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages, most_type=most_type if most_type else None) elif list_type.lower().startswith('watched'): most_type = misc_helper.substring_after(list_type.lower(), "_") trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_most_watched_shows(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.shows.allowed_languages, most_type=most_type if most_type else None) elif list_type.lower() == 'watchlist': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_watchlist_shows(authenticate_user) else: trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_user_list_shows(list_type, authenticate_user) if not trakt_objects_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Trakt %s shows list", list_type) if notifications: callback_notify( {'event': 'abort', 'type': 'shows', 'list_type': list_type, 'reason': 'Failure to retrieve Trakt %s shows list' % list_type}) return None else: log.info("Retrieved Trakt %s shows list, shows found: %d", list_type, len(trakt_objects_list)) # set remove_rejected_recommended to False if this is not the recommended list if list_type.lower() != 'recommended': remove_rejected_from_recommended = False # build filtered series list without series that exist in sonarr processed_series_list = sonarr_helper.remove_existing_series(pvr_objects_list, trakt_objects_list, callback_remove_recommended if remove_rejected_from_recommended else None) if processed_series_list is None: log.error("Aborting due to failure to remove existing Sonarr shows from retrieved Trakt shows list") if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'abort', 'type': 'shows', 'list_type': list_type, 'reason': 'Failure to remove existing Sonarr shows from retrieved Trakt %s shows list' % list_type}) return None else: log.info("Removed existing Sonarr shows from Trakt shows list, shows left to process: %d", len(processed_series_list)) # sort filtered series list if sort == 'release': sorted_series_list = misc_helper.sorted_list(processed_series_list, 'show', 'first_aired') log.info("Sorted shows list to process by release date") elif sort == 'rating': sorted_series_list = misc_helper.sorted_list(processed_series_list, 'show', 'rating') log.info("Sorted shows list to process by highest rating") else: sorted_series_list = misc_helper.sorted_list(processed_series_list, 'show', 'votes') log.info("Sorted shows list to process by highest votes") # loop series_list log.info("Processing list now...") for series in sorted_series_list: try: # check if genre matches genre supplied via argument if genre and not misc_helper.allowed_genres(genre, 'show', series): log.debug("Skipping: %s because it was not from %s genre(s)", series['show']['title'], genre.lower()) continue # check if series passes out blacklist criteria inspection if not trakt_helper.is_show_blacklisted(series, cfg.filters.shows, ignore_blacklist, callback_remove_recommended if remove_rejected_from_recommended else None): log.info("Adding: %s | Genres: %s | Network: %s | Country: %s", series['show']['title'], ', '.join(series['show']['genres']), series['show']['network'], series['show']['country'].upper()) # determine which tags to use when adding this series use_tags = sonarr_helper.series_tag_id_from_network(profile_tags, cfg.sonarr.tags, series['show']['network']) # add show to sonarr if sonarr.add_series(series['show']['ids']['tvdb'], series['show']['title'], series['show']['ids']['slug'], profile_id, cfg.sonarr.root_folder, use_tags, not no_search): log.info("ADDED %s (%d) with tags: %s", series['show']['title'], series['show']['year'], sonarr_helper.readable_tag_from_ids(profile_tags, use_tags)) if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'add_show', 'list_type': list_type, 'show': series['show']}) added_shows += 1 else: log.error("FAILED adding %s (%d) with tags: %s", series['show']['title'], series['show']['year'], sonarr_helper.readable_tag_from_ids(profile_tags, use_tags)) # stop adding shows, if added_shows >= add_limit if add_limit and added_shows >= add_limit: break # sleep before adding any more time.sleep(add_delay) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while processing show %s: ", series['show']['title']) log.info("Added %d new show(s) to Sonarr", added_shows) # send notification if notifications and (cfg.notifications.verbose or added_shows > 0): notify.send(message="Added %d shows from Trakt's %s list" % (added_shows, list_type)) return added_shows ############################################################ # MOVIES ############################################################ @app.command(help='Add a single movie to Radarr.') @click.option('--movie_id', '-id', help='Trakt movie_id.', required=True) @click.option('--folder', '-f', default=None, help='Add movie with this root folder to Radarr.') @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding movie to Radarr.') def movie(movie_id, folder=None, no_search=False): from media.radarr import Radarr from media.trakt import Trakt # replace radarr root_folder if folder is supplied if folder: cfg['radarr']['root_folder'] = folder # validate trakt api_key trakt = Trakt(cfg) radarr = Radarr(cfg.radarr.url, cfg.radarr.api_key) validate_trakt(trakt, False) validate_pvr(radarr, 'Radarr', False) profile_id = get_profile_id(radarr, cfg.radarr.profile) # get trakt movie trakt_movie = trakt.get_movie(movie_id) if not trakt_movie: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Trakt movie") return None else: log.info("Retrieved Trakt movie information for %s: %s (%d)", movie_id, trakt_movie['title'], trakt_movie['year']) # add movie to radarr if radarr.add_movie(trakt_movie['ids']['tmdb'], trakt_movie['title'], trakt_movie['year'], trakt_movie['ids']['slug'], profile_id, cfg.radarr.root_folder, not no_search): log.info("ADDED %s (%d)", trakt_movie['title'], trakt_movie['year']) else: log.error("FAILED adding %s (%d)", trakt_movie['title'], trakt_movie['year']) return @app.command(help='Add multiple movies to Radarr.') @click.option('--list-type', '-t', help='Trakt list to process. For example, anticipated, trending, popular, boxoffice, person, watched, ' 'recommended, played, watchlist or any URL to a list', required=True) @click.option('--add-limit', '-l', default=0, help='Limit number of movies added to Radarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--add-delay', '-d', default=2.5, help='Seconds between each add request to Radarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--sort', '-s', default='votes', type=click.Choice(['votes', 'rating', 'release']), help='Sort list to process.') @click.option('--rating','-r',default=None,type=(int),help='Set a minimum rating threshold (according to Rotten Tomatoes)') @click.option('--genre', '-g', default=None, help='Only add movies from this genre to Radarr.') @click.option('--folder', '-f', default=None, help='Add movies with this root folder to Radarr.') @click.option('--actor', '-a', default=None, help='Only add movies from this actor to Radarr.') @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding movies to Radarr.') @click.option('--notifications', is_flag=True, help='Send notifications.') @click.option('--authenticate-user', help='Specify which user to authenticate with to retrieve Trakt lists. Default: first user in the config.') @click.option('--ignore-blacklist', is_flag=True, help='Ignores the blacklist when running the command.') @click.option('--remove-rejected-from-recommended', is_flag=True, help='Removes rejected/existing movies from recommended.') def movies(list_type, add_limit=0, add_delay=2.5, sort='votes', rating=None, genre=None, folder=None, actor=None, no_search=False, notifications=False, authenticate_user=None, ignore_blacklist=False, remove_rejected_from_recommended=False): from media.radarr import Radarr from media.trakt import Trakt from helpers import misc as misc_helper from helpers import radarr as radarr_helper from helpers import trakt as trakt_helper from helpers import rating as rating_helper added_movies = 0 # remove genre from movies blacklisted_genres if supplied if genre: misc_helper.unblacklist_genres(genre, cfg['filters']['movies']['blacklisted_genres']) # replace radarr root_folder if folder is supplied if folder: cfg['radarr']['root_folder'] = folder # validate trakt api_key trakt = Trakt(cfg) radarr = Radarr(cfg.radarr.url, cfg.radarr.api_key) validate_trakt(trakt, notifications) validate_pvr(radarr, 'Radarr', notifications) profile_id = get_profile_id(radarr, cfg.radarr.profile) pvr_objects_list = get_objects(radarr, 'Radarr', notifications) # get trakt movies list if list_type.lower() == 'anticipated': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_anticipated_movies(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'trending': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_trending_movies(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'popular': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_popular_movies(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'boxoffice': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_boxoffice_movies() elif list_type.lower() == 'person': if not actor: log.error("You must specify an actor with the --actor / -a parameter when using the person list type!") return None trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_person_movies(person=actor, genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower() == 'recommended': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_recommended_movies(authenticate_user, genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages) elif list_type.lower().startswith('played'): most_type = misc_helper.substring_after(list_type.lower(), "_") trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_most_played_movies(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages, most_type=most_type if most_type else None) elif list_type.lower().startswith('watched'): most_type = misc_helper.substring_after(list_type.lower(), "_") trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_most_watched_movies(genres=genre, languages=cfg.filters.movies.allowed_languages, most_type=most_type if most_type else None) elif list_type.lower() == 'watchlist': trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_watchlist_movies(authenticate_user) else: trakt_objects_list = trakt.get_user_list_movies(list_type, authenticate_user) if not trakt_objects_list: log.error("Aborting due to failure to retrieve Trakt %s movies list", list_type) if notifications: callback_notify( {'event': 'abort', 'type': 'movies', 'list_type': list_type, 'reason': 'Failure to retrieve Trakt %s movies list' % list_type}) return None else: log.info("Retrieved Trakt %s movies list, movies found: %d", list_type, len(trakt_objects_list)) # set remove_rejected_recommended to False if this is not the recommended list if list_type.lower() != 'recommended': remove_rejected_from_recommended = False # build filtered movie list without movies that exist in radarr processed_movies_list = radarr_helper.remove_existing_movies(pvr_objects_list, trakt_objects_list, callback_remove_recommended if remove_rejected_from_recommended else None) if processed_movies_list is None: log.error("Aborting due to failure to remove existing Radarr movies from retrieved Trakt movies list") if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'abort', 'type': 'movies', 'list_type': list_type, 'reason': 'Failure to remove existing Radarr movies from retrieved ' 'Trakt %s movies list' % list_type}) return None else: log.info("Removed existing Radarr movies from Trakt movies list, movies left to process: %d", len(processed_movies_list)) # sort filtered movie list if sort == 'release': sorted_movies_list = misc_helper.sorted_list(processed_movies_list, 'movie', 'released') log.info("Sorted movies list to process by release date") elif sort == 'rating': sorted_movies_list = misc_helper.sorted_list(processed_movies_list, 'movie', 'rating') log.info("Sorted movies list to process by highest rating") else: sorted_movies_list = misc_helper.sorted_list(processed_movies_list, 'movie', 'votes') log.info("Sorted movies list to process by highest votes") # loop movies log.info("Processing list now...") for movie in sorted_movies_list: try: # check if genre matches genre supplied via argument if genre and not misc_helper.allowed_genres(genre, 'movie', movie): log.debug("Skipping: %s because it was not from %s genre(s)", movie['movie']['title'], genre.lower()) continue # check if movie passes out blacklist criteria inspection if not trakt_helper.is_movie_blacklisted(movie, cfg.filters.movies, ignore_blacklist, callback_remove_recommended if remove_rejected_from_recommended else None): # Assuming the movie is not blacklisted, proceed to pull RT score if the user wishes to restrict movieRating = None if (rating != None and cfg['omdb']['api_key'] != ''): movieRating = rating_helper.get_rating(cfg['omdb']['api_key'],movie) if (movieRating == -1): log.debug("Skipping: %s because it did not have a rating/lacked imdbID", movie['movie']['title']) continue if (rating == None or movieRating >= rating): log.info("Adding: %s (%d) | Genres: %s | Country: %s", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], ', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']), movie['movie']['country'].upper()) # add movie to radarr if radarr.add_movie(movie['movie']['ids']['tmdb'], movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], movie['movie']['ids']['slug'], profile_id, cfg.radarr.root_folder, not no_search): log.info("ADDED %s (%d)", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year']) if notifications: callback_notify({'event': 'add_movie', 'list_type': list_type, 'movie': movie['movie']}) added_movies += 1 else: log.error("FAILED adding %s (%d)", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year']) else: log.info("SKIPPING: %s (%d) | Genres: %s | Country: %s", movie['movie']['title'], movie['movie']['year'], ', '.join(movie['movie']['genres']), movie['movie']['country'].upper()) # stop adding movies, if added_movies >= add_limit if add_limit and added_movies >= add_limit: break # sleep before adding any more time.sleep(add_delay) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while processing movie %s: ", movie['movie']['title']) log.info("Added %d new movie(s) to Radarr", added_movies) # send notification if notifications and (cfg.notifications.verbose or added_movies > 0): notify.send(message="Added %d movies from Trakt's %s list" % (added_movies, list_type)) return added_movies ############################################################ # CALLBACKS ############################################################ def callback_remove_recommended(media_type, media_info): from media.trakt import Trakt trakt = Trakt(cfg) if not media_info[media_type]['title'] or not media_info[media_type]['year']: log.debug("Skipping removing %s item from recommended list as no title/year was available:\n%s", media_type, media_info) return media_name = '%s (%d)' % (media_info[media_type]['title'], media_info[media_type]['year']) if trakt.remove_recommended_item(media_type, media_info[media_type]['ids']['trakt']): log.info("Removed rejected recommended %s: %s", media_type, media_name) else: log.info("FAILED removing rejected recommended %s: %s", media_type, media_name) def callback_notify(data): log.debug("Received callback data: %s", data) # handle event if data['event'] == 'add_movie': if cfg.notifications.verbose: notify.send( message="Added %s movie: %s (%d)" % (data['list_type'], data['movie']['title'], data['movie']['year'])) return elif data['event'] == 'add_show': if cfg.notifications.verbose: notify.send( message="Added %s show: %s (%d)" % (data['list_type'], data['show']['title'], data['show']['year'])) return elif data['event'] == 'abort': notify.send(message="Aborted adding Trakt %s %s due to: %s" % (data['list_type'], data['type'], data['reason'])) return elif data['event'] == 'error': notify.send(message="Error: %s" % data['reason']) return else: log.error("Unexpected callback: %s", data) return ############################################################ # AUTOMATIC ############################################################ def automatic_shows(add_delay=2.5, sort='votes', no_search=False, notifications=False, ignore_blacklist=False): from media.trakt import Trakt total_shows_added = 0 try: log.info("Started") for list_type, value in cfg.automatic.shows.items(): added_shows = None if list_type.lower() == 'interval': continue if list_type.lower() in Trakt.non_user_lists or ( '_' in list_type and list_type.lower().partition("_")[0] in Trakt.non_user_lists): limit = value if limit <= 0: log.info("Skipped Trakt's %s shows list", list_type) continue else: log.info("Adding %d shows from Trakt's %s list", limit, list_type) local_ignore_blacklist = ignore_blacklist if list_type.lower() in cfg.filters.shows.disabled_for: local_ignore_blacklist = True # run shows added_shows = shows.callback(list_type=list_type, add_limit=limit, add_delay=add_delay, sort=sort, no_search=no_search, notifications=notifications, ignore_blacklist=local_ignore_blacklist) elif list_type.lower() == 'watchlist': for authenticate_user, limit in value.items(): if limit <= 0: log.info("Skipped Trakt's %s for %s", list_type, authenticate_user) continue else: log.info("Adding %d shows from the %s from %s", limit, list_type, authenticate_user) local_ignore_blacklist = ignore_blacklist if "watchlist:%s".format(authenticate_user) in cfg.filters.shows.disabled_for: local_ignore_blacklist = True # run shows added_shows = shows.callback(list_type=list_type, add_limit=limit, add_delay=add_delay, sort=sort, no_search=no_search, notifications=notifications, authenticate_user=authenticate_user, ignore_blacklist=local_ignore_blacklist) elif list_type.lower() == 'lists': for list, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): authenticate_user = v['authenticate_user'] limit = v['limit'] else: authenticate_user = None limit = v local_ignore_blacklist = ignore_blacklist if "list:%s".format(list) in cfg.filters.shows.disabled_for: local_ignore_blacklist = True # run shows added_shows = shows.callback(list_type=list, add_limit=limit, add_delay=add_delay, sort=sort, no_search=no_search, notifications=notifications, authenticate_user=authenticate_user, ignore_blacklist=local_ignore_blacklist) if added_shows is None: log.error("Failed adding shows from Trakt's %s list", list_type) time.sleep(10) continue total_shows_added += added_shows # sleep time.sleep(10) log.info("Finished, added %d shows total to Sonarr!", total_shows_added) # send notification if notifications and (cfg.notifications.verbose or total_shows_added > 0): notify.send(message="Added %d shows total to Sonarr!" % total_shows_added) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while automatically adding shows: ") return def automatic_movies(add_delay=2.5, sort='votes', no_search=False, notifications=False, ignore_blacklist=False,rating_limit=None): from media.trakt import Trakt total_movies_added = 0 try: log.info("Started") for list_type, value in cfg.automatic.movies.items(): added_movies = None if list_type.lower() == 'interval': continue if list_type.lower() in Trakt.non_user_lists or ( '_' in list_type and list_type.lower().partition("_")[0] in Trakt.non_user_lists): limit = value if limit <= 0: log.info("Skipped Trakt's %s movies list", list_type) continue else: log.info("Adding %d movies from Trakt's %s list", limit, list_type) local_ignore_blacklist = ignore_blacklist if list_type.lower() in cfg.filters.movies.disabled_for: local_ignore_blacklist = True # run movies added_movies = movies.callback(list_type=list_type, add_limit=limit, add_delay=add_delay, sort=sort, no_search=no_search, notifications=notifications,rating=rating_limit) elif list_type.lower() == 'watchlist': for authenticate_user, limit in value.items(): if limit <= 0: log.info("Skipped Trakt's %s for %s", list_type, authenticate_user) continue else: log.info("Adding %d movies from the %s from %s", limit, list_type, authenticate_user) local_ignore_blacklist = ignore_blacklist if "watchlist:%s".format(authenticate_user) in cfg.filters.movies.disabled_for: local_ignore_blacklist = True # run movies added_movies = movies.callback(list_type=list_type, add_limit=limit, add_delay=add_delay, sort=sort, no_search=no_search, notifications=notifications, authenticate_user=authenticate_user, ignore_blacklist=local_ignore_blacklist,rating=rating_limit) elif list_type.lower() == 'lists': for list, v in value.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): authenticate_user = v['authenticate_user'] limit = v['limit'] else: authenticate_user = None limit = v local_ignore_blacklist = ignore_blacklist if "list:%s".format(list) in cfg.filters.movies.disabled_for: local_ignore_blacklist = True # run shows added_movies = movies.callback(list_type=list, add_limit=limit, add_delay=add_delay, sort=sort, no_search=no_search, notifications=notifications, authenticate_user=authenticate_user, ignore_blacklist=local_ignore_blacklist,rating=rating_limit) if added_movies is None: log.error("Failed adding movies from Trakt's %s list", list_type) time.sleep(10) continue total_movies_added += added_movies # sleep time.sleep(10) log.info("Finished, added %d movies total to Radarr!", total_movies_added) # send notification if notifications and (cfg.notifications.verbose or total_movies_added > 0): notify.send(message="Added %d movies total to Radarr!" % total_movies_added) except Exception: log.exception("Exception while automatically adding movies: ") return @app.command(help='Run in automatic mode.') @click.option('--add-delay', '-d', default=2.5, help='Seconds between each add request to Sonarr / Radarr.', show_default=True) @click.option('--sort', '-s', default='votes', type=click.Choice(['votes', 'rating', 'release']), help='Sort list to process.') @click.option('--no-search', is_flag=True, help='Disable search when adding to Sonarr / Radarr.') @click.option('--run-now', is_flag=True, help="Do a first run immediately without waiting.") @click.option('--no-notifications', is_flag=True, help="Disable notifications.") @click.option('--ignore-blacklist', is_flag=True, help='Ignores the blacklist when running the command.') def run(add_delay=2.5, sort='votes', no_search=False, run_now=False, no_notifications=False, ignore_blacklist=False): log.info("Automatic mode is now running...") # Add tasks to schedule and do first run if enabled if cfg.automatic.movies.interval: movie_schedule = schedule.every(cfg.automatic.movies.interval).hours.do( automatic_movies, add_delay, sort, no_search, not no_notifications, ignore_blacklist, int(cfg.filters.movies.rating_limit) if cfg.filters.movies.rating_limit != "" else None ) if run_now: movie_schedule.run() # Sleep between tasks time.sleep(add_delay) if cfg.automatic.shows.interval: shows_schedule = schedule.every(cfg.automatic.shows.interval).hours.do( automatic_shows, add_delay, sort, no_search, not no_notifications, ignore_blacklist ) if run_now: shows_schedule.run() # Sleep between tasks time.sleep(add_delay) # Enter running schedule while True: try: # Sleep until next run log.info("Next job at %s", schedule.next_run()) time.sleep(max(schedule.idle_seconds(), 0)) # Check jobs to run schedule.run_pending() except Exception as e: log.exception("Unhandled exception occurred while processing scheduled tasks: %s", e) time.sleep(1) ############################################################ # MISC ############################################################ def init_notifications(): try: for notification_name, notification_config in cfg.notifications.items(): if notification_name.lower() == 'verbose': continue notify.load(**notification_config) except Exception: log.exception("Exception initializing notification agents: ") return # Handles exit signals, cancels jobs and exits cleanly def exit_handler(signum, frame): log.info("Received %s, canceling jobs and exiting.", signal.Signals(signum).name) schedule.clear() exit() ############################################################ # MAIN ############################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": print("") f = Figlet(font='graffiti') print(f.renderText('traktarr')) print(""" ######################################################################### # Author: l3uddz # # URL: https://github.com/l3uddz/traktarr # # -- # # Part of the Cloudbox project: https://cloudbox.works # ######################################################################### # GNU General Public License v3.0 # ######################################################################### """) # Register the signal handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_handler) # Start application app()