Big thanks to [@kholia]( for maintaining the upstream project, which Docker-OSX is built on top of: [OSX-KVM](
Also special thanks to [@thenickdude]( who maintains the valuable fork [KVM-OpenCore](, which was started by [@Leoyzen](!
Extra special thanks to the OpenCore team over at: Their well-maintained bootloader provides much of the great functionality that Docker-OSX users enjoy :)
### Big Sur [![](](
#### Run Catalina Pre-Installed [![](](
# 40GB disk space required: 20GB original image 20GB your container.
docker pull sickcodes/docker-osx:auto
# boot directly into a real OS X shell with a visual display [NOT HEADLESS]
### High Sierra [![](](
Enable SSH in network sharing inside the guest first. Change `-e "USERNAME=user"` and `-e "PASSWORD=password"` to your credentials. The container will add itself to `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
If you have a laptop see the next usbfluxd section.
If you have a desktop PC, you can use [@Silfalion]('s instructions : [](
# (USBFLUXD) iPhone USB -> Network style passthrough OSX-KVM Docker-OSX
Video setup tutorial for usbfluxd is also available here:
<ahref=""target="_blank"><imgalt="iPhone USB passthrough on macOS virtual machine Linux & Windows"src=""></a>
Thank you [@nikias]( for [usbfluxd]( via [](!
Connecting your device over USB on Linux allows you to expose `usbmuxd` on port `5000` using []( to another system on the same network.
Ensure `usbmuxd`, `socat` and `usbfluxd` are installed.
`sudo pacman -S libusbmuxd usbmuxd avahi socat`
Available on the AUR: [](
Images built on top of the contents of this repository are also available on **Docker Hub** for convenience:
Feel free to open an [issue](, should you come across minor issues with running Docker-OSX or have any questions.
Before you open an issue, however, please check the [closed issues]( and confirm that you're using the latest version of this repository — your issues may have already been resolved! You might also see your answer in our questions and answers section [below](#more-questions-and-answers).
Docker-OSX is licensed under the [GPL v3+](LICENSE). Contributions are welcomed and immensely appreciated. You are in-fact permitted to use Docker-OSX as a tool to create proprietary software.
- [Run Android fully native on the host!](
- [Run iOS 12 in a Docker container with Docker-eyeOS]( - [](
- [Run iMessage relayer in Docker with]( - [Getting started wiki](
If you are serious about Apple Security, and possibly finding 6-figure bug bounties within the Apple Bug Bounty Program, then you're in the right place! Further notes: [Is Hackintosh, OSX-KVM, or Docker-OSX legal?](
Product names, logos, brands and other trademarks referred to within this project are the property of their respective trademark holders. These trademark holders are not affiliated with our repository in any capacity. They do not sponsor or endorse this project in any way.
### Already set up or just looking to make a container quickly? Check out our [quick start](#quick-start-docker-osx) or see a bunch more use cases under our [container creation examples](#container-creation-examples) section.
-`sickcodes/docker-osx:latest` - [I just want to try it out.](#quick-start-docker-osx)
-`sickcodes/docker-osx:latest` - [I want to use Docker-OSX to develop/secure apps in Xcode (sign into Xcode, Transporter)](#quick-start-your-own-image-naked-container-image)
-`sickcodes/docker-osx:naked` - [I want to use Docker-OSX for CI/CD-related purposes (sign into Xcode, Transporter)](#building-a-headless-container-from-a-custom-image)
Create your personal image using `:latest` or `big-sur`. Then, pull the image out the image. Afterwards, you will be able to duplicate that image and import it to the `:naked` container, in order to revert the container to a previous state repeatedly.
-`sickcodes/docker-osx:auto` - [I'm only interested in using the command line (useful for compiling software or using Homebrew headlessly).](#prebuilt-image-with-arbitrary-command-line-arguments)
-`sickcodes/docker-osx:naked` - [I need iMessage/iCloud for security research.](#generating-serial-numbers)
-`sickcodes/docker-osx:big-sur` - [I want to run Big Sur.](#quick-start-docker-osx)
Before you do anything else, you will need to turn on hardware virtualization in your BIOS. Precisely how will depend on your particular machine (and BIOS), but it should be straightforward.
Before continuing, you have to check your Windows 10 versione, in fact you need 20175 build or higher. If you are on Windows 11 you can continue it without care about your version.
After that, you need to have a version 2 WSL Distro installed, check [this link to upgrade from WSL1 to WSL2]( in case you have already installed WSL Distro.
- WSLg: is the one I use, actually is not perfect, ex. keyboard is not fully passthrough or you will see second mouse on the desktop! [Here the issue on WSLg](
- Desktop Environment: this will give you a full linux desktop expirience but it will use a little bit of resources "RAM, CPU, GPU, etc..". I will attach an example guide but you will find a tons of guide to set a DE. [DE Example](
- VNC: You can add -vnc argument to qemu and connect to your VM via VNC Client. [Here how to](
- (optional) Create a partition using the unused space to house the OS and your files if you want to limit the capacity. (For Xcode 12 partition at least 60gb.)
More specific/advanced troubleshooting questions and answers may be found in [More Questions and Answers](#more-questions-and-answers). You should also check out the [closed issues]( Someone else might have gotten a question like yours answered already even if you can't find it in this document!
This is for when you want to run the SAME container again later. You may need to use `docker commit` to save your container before you can reuse it. Check if your container is persisted with `docker ps --all`.
If you don't run this you will have a new image every time.
You can also pull the `.img` file out of the container, which is stored in `/var/lib/docker`, and supply it as a runtime argument to the `:naked` Docker image.
You may see one or more libgtk-related errors if you do not have everything set up for hardware virtualisation yet. If you have not yet done so, check out the [initial setup](#initial-setup) section and the [routine checks](#routine-checks) section as you may have missed a setup step or may not have all the needed Docker dependencies ready to go.
If you are trying to allocate more RAM to the container than you currently have available, you may see an error like the following: `cannot set up guest memory 'pc.ram': Cannot allocate memory`. See also: [here](, [here](
Note: [AppleALC](, [`alcid`]( and [VoodooHDA-OC]( do not have [codec support]( However, [IORegistryExplorer]( does show the controller component working.
You might not need to do anything with the default setup to enable internet connectivity from inside the container. Additionally, `curl` may work even if `ping` doesn't.
See discussion [here]( and [here]( and [here](
However, if you're trying to connect to an instance of Docker-OSX remotely (e.g. an instance of Docker-OSX hosted in a datacenter), this may improve your performance:
Fedora's default firewall settings may prevent Docker's network interface from reaching the internet. In order to reoslve this, you will need to whitelist the interface in your firewall:
- Once you are satisfied with the amount of free space, enable trim with `sudo trimforce enable`, and reboot.
- Zero out the empty space on the disk with `dd if=/dev/zero of=./empty && rm -f empty`
- Shut down the VM and copy out the qcow image with `docker cp stoppedcontainer:/home/arch/OSX-KVM/mac_hdd_ng.img .`
- Run `qemu-img check -r all mac_hdd_ng.img` to fix any errors.
- Run `qemu-img convert -O qcow2 mac_hdd_ng.img deduped.img` and check for errors again
- **OPTIONAL:** Run `qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 deduped.img compressed.img` to further compress the image. This may reduce the runtime speed though, but it should reduce the size by roughly 25%.
- Check for errors again, and build a fresh docker image. E.g. with this Dockerfile
First make sure [autoboot is enabled](#autoboot-into-osx-after-youve-installed-everything)
Next, you will want to set up SSH to be automatically started.
sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on
Make sure to commit the new docker image and save it, or rebuild as described in the [section on reducing disk space](#how-to-reduce-the-size-of-the-image).
Then run it with these arguments.
# Run with the -nographic flag, and enable a telnet interface
Inside the `./custom` folder you will find `4` scripts.
These two files are from OSX-KVM.
You don't need to touch these two files.
The config.plist has 5 values replaced with placeholders. [Click here to see those values for no reason.](
This script will generate serial numbers, with Mac Addresses, plus output to CSV/TSV, plus make a `bootdisk image`.
You can create hundreds, `./custom/ --help`
./custom/ \
--count 1 \
--tsv ./serial.tsv \
--bootdisks \
--output-bootdisk OpenCore.qcow2 \
Or if you have some specific serial numbers...
```bash \
--model "${DEVICE_MODEL}" \
--serial "${SERIAL}" \
--board-serial "${BOARD_SERIAL}" \
--uuid "${UUID}" \
--mac-address "${MAC_ADDRESS}" \
--output-bootdisk OpenCore-nopicker.qcow2
#### This example generates a random set of serial numbers at runtime, headlessly
- Supply your own local image with the command argument `-v "${PWD}/mac_hdd_ng.img:/image"` and use `sickcodes/docker-osx:naked` when instructing Docker to create your container.
- Naked image is for booting any existing .img file, e.g in the current working directory (`$PWD`)
- By default, this image has a variable called `NOPICKER` which is `"true"`. This skips the disk selection menu. Use `-e NOPICKER=false` or any other string than the word `true` to enter the boot menu.
You also need the container IP: `docker inspect <containerid> | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress'`
Or `ip n` will usually show the container IP first.
Now VNC connect using the Docker container IP, for example ``
Remote VNC over SSH: `ssh -N root@ -L 5999:`, where `` is your remote server IP and `` is your LAN container IP.
Now you can direct connect VNC to any container built with this command!
### I'd like to use SPICE instead of VNC
Optionally, you can enable the SPICE protocol, which allows use of `remote-viewer` to access your OSX container rather than VNC.
Note: `-disable-ticketing` will allow unauthenticated access to the VM. See the [spice manual]( for help setting up authenticated access ("Ticketing").
### The big-sur image starts slowly after installation. Is this expected?
Automatic updates are still on in the container's settings. You may wish to turn them off. [We have future plans for development around this.](
### What is `${DISPLAY:-:0.0}`?
`$DISPLAY` is the shell variable that refers to your X11 display server.
`${DISPLAY}` is the same, but allows you to join variables like this:
- e.g. `${DISPLAY}_${DISPLAY}` would print `:0.0_:0.0`
- e.g. `$DISPLAY_$DISPLAY` would print `:0.0`
...because `$DISPLAY_` is not `$DISPLAY`
`${variable:-fallback}` allows you to set a "fallback" variable to be substituted if `$variable` is not set.
You can also use `${variable:=fallback}` to set that variable (in your current terminal).
In Docker-OSX, we assume, `:0.0` is your default `$DISPLAY` variable.
You can see what yours is
That way, `${DISPLAY:-:0.0}` will use whatever variable your X11 server has set for you, else `:0.0`
### What is `-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix`?
`-v` is a Docker command-line option that lets you pass a volume to the container.
The directory that we are letting the Docker container use is a X server display socket.
If we let the Docker container use the same display socket as our own environment, then any applications you run inside the Docker container will show up on your screen too! [](
### ALSA errors on startup or container creation
You may when initialising or booting into a container see errors from the `(qemu)` console of the following form:
`ALSA lib blahblahblah: (function name) returned error: no such file or directory`. These are more or less expected. As long as you are able to boot into the container and everything is working, no reason to worry about these.
See also: [here](