@ -62,8 +62,22 @@
## Environment variables
- `LISTENING_PORT` to change the internal HTTP server listening port if you need to
- `ROOT_URL` to define a root URL (i.e. `/mypath`) if you use a reverse proxy such as Nginx
| Environment variable | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `LISTENING_PORT` | `8000` | Internal server listening port |
| `ROOT_URL` | `/` | Root URL to use, useful when used with a reverse proxy |
| `NODE_ENV` | `production` | Sets production behavior for stackedit |
| `PANDOC_PATH` | `pandoc` | *Non functional yet* |
| `WKHTMLTOPDF_PATH` | `wkhtmltopdf` | *Non functional yet* |
| `USER_BUCKET_NAME` | `stackedit-users` | ? |
| `PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL` | | Receive Paypal donation email address |
| `GOOGLE_API_KEY` | | |
## Acknowledgements
@ -71,5 +85,7 @@ Credits to the [developers](https://github.com/benweet/stackedit/graphs/contribu
## TODOs
- [ ] Configuration of Stackedit with env variables
- [ ] Add static binary programs
- [ ] pandoc
- [ ] wkhtmltopdf
- [ ] Travis CI build cross CPU arch