@ -927,6 +927,7 @@ See https://github.com/n1trux/awesome-sysadmin#metric--metric-collection
* [Homepage](https://github.com/thetomester13/homepage) - A simple, standalone, self-hosted PHP page that is your window to your server and the web. `MIT``PHP`
* [iDashboard-PHP](https://github.com/causefx/iDashboard-PHP) - HTPC Dashboard to load website services. `MIT``PHP`
* [Phant](http://phant.io/) - Phant is a modular data logging tool for collecting data from the Internet of Things. ([Demo](https://data.sparkfun.com/), [Source Code](https://github.com/sparkfun/phant)) `GPLv3``Nodejs`
* [Thingsboard](https://thingsboard.io/) - Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization. ([Demo](https://demo.thingsboard.io/signup), [Source Code](https://github.com/thingsboard/thingsboard)) `Apache``Java`
* [Thingspeak](https://thingspeak.com/) - An open source “Internet of Things” application and API to store and retrieve data from things using HTTP. ([Demo](https://thingspeak.com/channels/public), [Source Code](https://github.com/iobridge/thingspeak)) `GPL``Ruby`
* [wger](https://wger.de/) - A web-based personal workout, fitness and weight logger/tracker. It can also be used as a simple gym management utility and offers a full REST API as well. ([Demo](https://wger.de), [Source Code](https://github.com/rolandgeider/wger)) `AGPLv3``Python`