@ -532,19 +532,32 @@ This list is under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported](LI
The list of contributors can be found below
32 Edward D <ed.kickball@hotmail.com>
25 nodiscc <nodiscc@gmail.com>
66 nodiscc <nodiscc@gmail.com>
39 Edward D <ed.kickball@hotmail.com>
8 jungle-boogie <sean@jungleboogie.me>
7 Kickball <ed.kickball@hotmail.com>
7 Thomas Dalichow <info@thomasdalichow.de>
6 Kovah <mail@kovah.de>
6 Thomas Dalichow <2012-02-05.github.com@thomasdalichow.de>
3 Mariusz Kozakowski <11mariom+wordpress@gmail.com>
3 jungle-boogie <sean@rastasean.net>
2 Charles Farence III <charles@charlessite90.com>
2 Costin Moise <necenzurat@gmail.com>
2 Joseph Dykstra <josephdykstra@gmail.com>
2 Marien Fressinaud <dev@marienfressinaud.fr>
2 Mikael Peigney <Mika56@users.noreply.github.com>
2 Thomas Citharel <tcit@tcit.fr>
2 cron410 <cron410@gmail.com>
2 jimykk <JimyKK@users.noreply.github.com>
2 phre4k <me@phre4k.at>
1 Caleb Xu <calebcenter@live.com>
1 Igor Antun <IgorAntun@users.noreply.github.com>
1 Jean Elchinger <jinformatique@riseup.net>
1 Jeremiah Marks <jeremiah@jlmarks.org>
1 Joshua Hamilton <joshua.hamilton@fabricut.com>
1 Mikael Peigney <Mika56@users.noreply.github.com>
1 Keith Thibodeaux <kthibodeaux@peachtreebilling.com>
1 Remy Honig <remyhonig@users.noreply.github.com>
1 bricej13 <bricej13@gmail.com>
1 stevesbrain <stevesbrain@users.noreply.github.com>
1 ttoups <ich@timotoups.de>