@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ See https://staticsitegenerators.net and https://www.staticgen.com
* [bulldog](https://github.com/infews/bulldog) - HTML5 task manager, built on todo.txt. `MIT``HTML5`
* [Crepido](https://github.com/arshad/crepido) - Create (kanban) boards to track users and projects from flat markdown files. `MIT``Javascript/Others`
* [Kanboard](http://kanboard.net/) - A simple and open source visual task board. `AGPLv3`
* [Kanboard](http://kanboard.net/) - A simple and open source visual task board. `MIT`
* [myTinyTodo](http://www.mytinytodo.net/) - Simple way to manage your todo list in AJAX style. Uses PHP, jQuery, SQLite/MySQL. GTD compliant. `GPL`
* [omgnata](https://github.com/chr15m/omgnata) - Mobile friendly zero-feature TODO list web app. Unix philosophy. ([Demo](https://chr15m.github.io/omgnata/)) `GPLv3``ClojureScript`