import re
from wtforms import (
BooleanField ,
Field ,
Form ,
IntegerField ,
PasswordField ,
RadioField ,
SelectField ,
StringField ,
SubmitField ,
TextAreaField ,
fields ,
validators ,
widgets ,
from wtforms . validators import ValidationError
from changedetectionio import content_fetcher
from changedetectionio . notification import (
default_notification_body ,
default_notification_format ,
default_notification_title ,
valid_notification_formats ,
from wtforms . fields import FormField
valid_method = {
' GET ' ,
' POST ' ,
' PUT ' ,
' PATCH ' ,
' DELETE ' ,
default_method = ' GET '
class StringListField ( StringField ) :
widget = widgets . TextArea ( )
def _value ( self ) :
if self . data :
# ignore empty lines in the storage
data = list ( filter ( lambda x : len ( x . strip ( ) ) , self . data ) )
# Apply strip to each line
data = list ( map ( lambda x : x . strip ( ) , data ) )
return " \r \n " . join ( data )
else :
return u ' '
# incoming
def process_formdata ( self , valuelist ) :
if valuelist and len ( valuelist [ 0 ] . strip ( ) ) :
# Remove empty strings, stripping and splitting \r\n, only \n etc.
self . data = valuelist [ 0 ] . splitlines ( )
# Remove empty lines from the final data
self . data = list ( filter ( lambda x : len ( x . strip ( ) ) , self . data ) )
else :
self . data = [ ]
class SaltyPasswordField ( StringField ) :
widget = widgets . PasswordInput ( )
encrypted_password = " "
def build_password ( self , password ) :
import base64
import hashlib
import secrets
# Make a new salt on every new password and store it with the password
salt = secrets . token_bytes ( 32 )
key = hashlib . pbkdf2_hmac ( ' sha256 ' , password . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) , salt , 100000 )
store = base64 . b64encode ( salt + key ) . decode ( ' ascii ' )
return store
# incoming
def process_formdata ( self , valuelist ) :
if valuelist :
# Be really sure it's non-zero in length
if len ( valuelist [ 0 ] . strip ( ) ) > 0 :
self . encrypted_password = self . build_password ( valuelist [ 0 ] )
self . data = " "
else :
self . data = False
class TimeBetweenCheckForm ( Form ) :
weeks = IntegerField ( ' Weeks ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , validators . NumberRange ( min = 0 , message = " Should contain zero or more seconds " ) ] )
days = IntegerField ( ' Days ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , validators . NumberRange ( min = 0 , message = " Should contain zero or more seconds " ) ] )
hours = IntegerField ( ' Hours ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , validators . NumberRange ( min = 0 , message = " Should contain zero or more seconds " ) ] )
minutes = IntegerField ( ' Minutes ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , validators . NumberRange ( min = 0 , message = " Should contain zero or more seconds " ) ] )
seconds = IntegerField ( ' Seconds ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , validators . NumberRange ( min = 0 , message = " Should contain zero or more seconds " ) ] )
# @todo add total seconds minimum validatior = minimum_seconds_recheck_time
# Separated by key:value
class StringDictKeyValue ( StringField ) :
widget = widgets . TextArea ( )
def _value ( self ) :
if self . data :
output = u ' '
for k in self . data . keys ( ) :
output + = " {} : {} \r \n " . format ( k , self . data [ k ] )
return output
else :
return u ' '
# incoming
def process_formdata ( self , valuelist ) :
if valuelist :
self . data = { }
# Remove empty strings
cleaned = list ( filter ( None , valuelist [ 0 ] . split ( " \n " ) ) )
for s in cleaned :
parts = s . strip ( ) . split ( ' : ' , 1 )
if len ( parts ) == 2 :
self . data . update ( { parts [ 0 ] . strip ( ) : parts [ 1 ] . strip ( ) } )
else :
self . data = { }
class ValidateContentFetcherIsReady ( object ) :
Validates that anything that looks like a regex passes as a regex
def __init__ ( self , message = None ) :
self . message = message
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
import urllib3 . exceptions
from changedetectionio import content_fetcher
# Better would be a radiohandler that keeps a reference to each class
if field . data is not None :
klass = getattr ( content_fetcher , field . data )
some_object = klass ( )
try :
ready = some_object . is_ready ( )
except urllib3 . exceptions . MaxRetryError as e :
driver_url = some_object . command_executor
message = field . gettext ( ' Content fetcher \' %s \' did not respond. ' % ( field . data ) )
message + = ' <br/> ' + field . gettext (
' Be sure that the selenium/webdriver runner is running and accessible via network from this container/host. ' )
message + = ' <br/> ' + field . gettext ( ' Did you follow the instructions in the wiki? ' )
message + = ' <br/><br/> ' + field . gettext ( ' WebDriver Host: %s ' % ( driver_url ) )
message + = ' <br/><a href= " " >Go here for more information</a> '
message + = ' <br/> ' + field . gettext ( ' Content fetcher did not respond properly, unable to use it. \n %s ' % ( str ( e ) ) )
raise ValidationError ( message )
except Exception as e :
message = field . gettext ( ' Content fetcher \' %s \' did not respond properly, unable to use it. \n %s ' )
raise ValidationError ( message % ( field . data , e ) )
class ValidateNotificationBodyAndTitleWhenURLisSet ( object ) :
Validates that they entered something in both notification title + body when the URL is set
Due to https : / / github . com / dgtlmoon / changedetection . io / issues / 360
def __init__ ( self , message = None ) :
self . message = message
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
if len ( field . data ) :
if not len ( form . notification_title . data ) or not len ( form . notification_body . data ) :
message = field . gettext ( ' Notification Body and Title is required when a Notification URL is used ' )
raise ValidationError ( message )
class ValidateAppRiseServers ( object ) :
Validates that each URL given is compatible with AppRise
def __init__ ( self , message = None ) :
self . message = message
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
import apprise
apobj = apprise . Apprise ( )
for server_url in field . data :
if not apobj . add ( server_url ) :
message = field . gettext ( ' \' %s \' is not a valid AppRise URL. ' % ( server_url ) )
raise ValidationError ( message )
class ValidateTokensList ( object ) :
Validates that a { token } is from a valid set
def __init__ ( self , message = None ) :
self . message = message
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
from changedetectionio import notification
regex = re . compile ( ' { .*?} ' )
for p in re . findall ( regex , field . data ) :
if not p . strip ( ' {} ' ) in notification . valid_tokens :
message = field . gettext ( ' Token \' %s \' is not a valid token. ' )
raise ValidationError ( message % ( p ) )
class validateURL ( object ) :
Flask wtform validators wont work with basic auth
def __init__ ( self , message = None ) :
self . message = message
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
import validators
try :
validators . url ( field . data . strip ( ) )
except validators . ValidationFailure :
message = field . gettext ( ' \' %s \' is not a valid URL. ' % ( field . data . strip ( ) ) )
raise ValidationError ( message )
class ValidateListRegex ( object ) :
Validates that anything that looks like a regex passes as a regex
def __init__ ( self , message = None ) :
self . message = message
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
for line in field . data :
if line [ 0 ] == ' / ' and line [ - 1 ] == ' / ' :
# Because internally we dont wrap in /
line = line . strip ( ' / ' )
try :
re . compile ( line )
except re . error :
message = field . gettext ( ' RegEx \' %s \' is not a valid regular expression. ' )
raise ValidationError ( message % ( line ) )
class ValidateCSSJSONXPATHInput ( object ) :
Filter validation
@todo CSS validator ; )
def __init__ ( self , message = None , allow_xpath = True , allow_json = True ) :
self . message = message
self . allow_xpath = allow_xpath
self . allow_json = allow_json
def __call__ ( self , form , field ) :
if isinstance ( field . data , str ) :
data = [ field . data ]
else :
data = field . data
for line in data :
# Nothing to see here
if not len ( line . strip ( ) ) :
# Does it look like XPath?
if line . strip ( ) [ 0 ] == ' / ' :
if not self . allow_xpath :
raise ValidationError ( " XPath not permitted in this field! " )
from lxml import etree , html
tree = html . fromstring ( " <html></html> " )
try :
tree . xpath ( line . strip ( ) )
except etree . XPathEvalError as e :
message = field . gettext ( ' \' %s \' is not a valid XPath expression. ( %s ) ' )
raise ValidationError ( message % ( line , str ( e ) ) )
except :
raise ValidationError ( " A system-error occurred when validating your XPath expression " )
if ' json: ' in line :
if not self . allow_json :
raise ValidationError ( " JSONPath not permitted in this field! " )
from jsonpath_ng . exceptions import (
JsonPathLexerError ,
JsonPathParserError ,
from jsonpath_ng . ext import parse
input = line . replace ( ' json: ' , ' ' )
try :
parse ( input )
except ( JsonPathParserError , JsonPathLexerError ) as e :
message = field . gettext ( ' \' %s \' is not a valid JSONPath expression. ( %s ) ' )
raise ValidationError ( message % ( input , str ( e ) ) )
except :
raise ValidationError ( " A system-error occurred when validating your JSONPath expression " )
# Re #265 - maybe in the future fetch the page and offer a
# warning/notice that its possible the rule doesnt yet match anything?
class quickWatchForm ( Form ) :
url = fields . URLField ( ' URL ' , validators = [ validateURL ( ) ] )
tag = StringField ( ' Group tag ' , [ validators . Optional ( ) ] )
# Common to a single watch and the global settings
class commonSettingsForm ( Form ) :
notification_urls = StringListField ( ' Notification URL list ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , ValidateNotificationBodyAndTitleWhenURLisSet ( ) , ValidateAppRiseServers ( ) ] )
notification_title = StringField ( ' Notification title ' , default = default_notification_title , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , ValidateTokensList ( ) ] )
notification_body = TextAreaField ( ' Notification body ' , default = default_notification_body , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , ValidateTokensList ( ) ] )
notification_format = SelectField ( ' Notification format ' , choices = valid_notification_formats . keys ( ) , default = default_notification_format )
fetch_backend = RadioField ( u ' Fetch method ' , choices = content_fetcher . available_fetchers ( ) , validators = [ ValidateContentFetcherIsReady ( ) ] )
extract_title_as_title = BooleanField ( ' Extract <title> from document and use as watch title ' , default = False )
webdriver_delay = IntegerField ( ' Wait seconds before extracting text ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) , validators . NumberRange ( min = 1 , message = " Should contain one or more seconds " ) ] )
class watchForm ( commonSettingsForm ) :
url = fields . URLField ( ' URL ' , validators = [ validateURL ( ) ] )
tag = StringField ( ' Group tag ' , [ validators . Optional ( ) ] , default = ' ' )
time_between_check = FormField ( TimeBetweenCheckForm )
css_filter = StringField ( ' CSS/JSON/XPATH Filter ' , [ ValidateCSSJSONXPATHInput ( ) ] , default = ' ' )
subtractive_selectors = StringListField ( ' Remove elements ' , [ ValidateCSSJSONXPATHInput ( allow_xpath = False , allow_json = False ) ] )
extract_text = StringListField ( ' Extract text ' , [ ValidateListRegex ( ) ] )
title = StringField ( ' Title ' , default = ' ' )
ignore_text = StringListField ( ' Ignore text ' , [ ValidateListRegex ( ) ] )
headers = StringDictKeyValue ( ' Request headers ' )
body = TextAreaField ( ' Request body ' , [ validators . Optional ( ) ] )
method = SelectField ( ' Request method ' , choices = valid_method , default = default_method )
ignore_status_codes = BooleanField ( ' Ignore status codes (process non-2xx status codes as normal) ' , default = False )
trigger_text = StringListField ( ' Trigger/wait for text ' , [ validators . Optional ( ) , ValidateListRegex ( ) ] )
save_button = SubmitField ( ' Save ' , render_kw = { " class " : " pure-button pure-button-primary " } )
save_and_preview_button = SubmitField ( ' Save & Preview ' , render_kw = { " class " : " pure-button pure-button-primary " } )
proxy = RadioField ( ' Proxy ' )
def validate ( self , * * kwargs ) :
if not super ( ) . validate ( ) :
return False
result = True
# Fail form validation when a body is set for a GET
if self . method . data == ' GET ' and self . body . data :
self . body . errors . append ( ' Body must be empty when Request Method is set to GET ' )
result = False
return result
class globalSettingsRequestForm ( Form ) :
time_between_check = FormField ( TimeBetweenCheckForm )
proxy = RadioField ( ' Proxy ' )
jitter_seconds = IntegerField ( ' Random jitter seconds ± check ' ,
render_kw = { " style " : " width: 5em; " } ,
validators = [ validators . NumberRange ( min = 0 , message = " Should contain zero or more seconds " ) ] )
class globalSettingsApplicationForm ( commonSettingsForm ) :
base_url = StringField ( ' Base URL ' , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) ] )
global_subtractive_selectors = StringListField ( ' Remove elements ' , [ ValidateCSSJSONXPATHInput ( allow_xpath = False , allow_json = False ) ] )
global_ignore_text = StringListField ( ' Ignore Text ' , [ ValidateListRegex ( ) ] )
ignore_whitespace = BooleanField ( ' Ignore whitespace ' )
real_browser_save_screenshot = BooleanField ( ' Save last screenshot when using Chrome? ' )
removepassword_button = SubmitField ( ' Remove password ' , render_kw = { " class " : " pure-button pure-button-primary " } )
empty_pages_are_a_change = BooleanField ( ' Treat empty pages as a change? ' , default = False )
render_anchor_tag_content = BooleanField ( ' Render anchor tag content ' , default = False )
fetch_backend = RadioField ( ' Fetch Method ' , default = " html_requests " , choices = content_fetcher . available_fetchers ( ) , validators = [ ValidateContentFetcherIsReady ( ) ] )
api_access_token_enabled = BooleanField ( ' API access token security check enabled ' , default = True , validators = [ validators . Optional ( ) ] )
password = SaltyPasswordField ( )
class globalSettingsForm ( Form ) :
# Define these as FormFields/"sub forms", this way it matches the JSON storage
requests = FormField ( globalSettingsRequestForm )
application = FormField ( globalSettingsApplicationForm )
save_button = SubmitField ( ' Save ' , render_kw = { " class " : " pure-button pure-button-primary " } )