import time
from flask import url_for
from . util import live_server_setup , wait_for_all_checks , extract_UUID_from_client
instock_props = [
# LD+JSON with non-standard list of 'type' https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/issues/1833
' <script type= \' application/ld+json \' > { " @context " : " http://schema.org " , " @type " : [ " Product " , " SubType " ], " name " : " My test product " , " description " : " " , " Offers " : { " @type " : " Offer " , " offeredBy " : { " @type " : " Organization " , " name " : " Person " , " telephone " : " +1 999 999 999 " }, " price " : $$PRICE$$, " priceCurrency " : " EUR " , " url " : " /some/url " , " availability " : " http://schema.org/InStock " } }</script> ' ,
' <script id= " product-jsonld " type= " application/ld+json " > { " @context " : " https://schema.org " , " @type " : " Product " , " brand " : { " @type " : " Brand " , " name " : " Ubiquiti " }, " name " : " UniFi Express " , " sku " : " UX " , " description " : " Impressively compact UniFi Cloud Gateway and WiFi 6 access point that runs UniFi Network. Powers an entire network or simply meshes as an access point. " , " url " : " https://store.ui.com/us/en/products/ux " , " image " : { " @type " : " ImageObject " , " url " : " https://cdn.ecomm.ui.com/products/4ed25b4c-db92-4b98-bbf3-b0989f007c0e/123417a2-895e-49c7-ba04-b6cd8f6acc03.png " , " width " : " 1500 " , " height " : " 1500 " }, " offers " : { " @type " : " Offer " , " availability " : " https://schema.org/InStock " , " priceSpecification " : { " @type " : " PriceSpecification " , " price " :$$PRICE$$, " priceCurrency " : " USD " , " valueAddedTaxIncluded " :false}}}</script> ' ,
' <script id= " product-schema " type= " application/ld+json " > { " @context " : " https://schema.org " , " @type " : " Product " , " itemCondition " : " https://schema.org/NewCondition " , " image " : " //1.com/hmgo " , " name " : " Polo MuscleFit " , " color " : " Beige " , " description " : " Polo " , " sku " : " 0957102010 " , " brand " : { " @type " : " Brand " , " name " : " H&M " }, " category " : { " @type " : " Thing " , " name " : " Polo " }, " offers " : [ { " @type " : " Offer " , " url " : " https:/www2.xxxxxx.com/fr_fr/productpage.0957102010.html " , " priceCurrency " : " EUR " , " price " : $$PRICE$$, " availability " : " http://schema.org/InStock " , " seller " : { " @type " : " Organization " , " name " : " H&M " }}]}</script> '
# Microdata
' <div itemscope itemtype= " https://schema.org/Product " ><h1 itemprop= " name " >Example Product</h1><p itemprop= " description " >This is a sample product description.</p><div itemprop= " offers " itemscope itemtype= " https://schema.org/Offer " ><p>Price: <span itemprop= " price " >$$$PRICE$$</span></p><link itemprop= " availability " href= " https://schema.org/InStock " /></div></div> '
out_of_stock_props = [
# out of stock AND contains multiples
' <script type= " application/ld+json " > { " @context " : " http://schema.org " , " @type " : " WebSite " , " url " : " https://www.medimops.de/ " , " potentialAction " : { " @type " : " SearchAction " , " target " : " https://www.medimops.de/produkte-C0/?fcIsSearch=1&searchparam= {searchparam} " , " query-input " : " required name=searchparam " }}</script><script type= " application/ld+json " > { " @context " : " http://schema.org " , " @type " : " Product " , " name " : " Horsetrader: Robert Sangster and the Rise and Fall of the Sport of Kings " , " image " : " https://images2.medimops.eu/product/43a982/M00002551322-large.jpg " , " productID " : " isbn:9780002551328 " , " gtin13 " : " 9780002551328 " , " category " : " Livres en langue étrangère " , " offers " : { " @type " : " Offer " , " priceCurrency " : " EUR " , " price " :$$PRICE$$, " itemCondition " : " UsedCondition " , " availability " : " OutOfStock " }, " brand " : { " @type " : " Thing " , " name " : " Patrick Robinson " , " url " : " https://www.momox-shop.fr/,patrick-robinson/ " }}</script> '
def set_original_response ( props_markup = ' ' , price = " 121.95 " ) :
props_markup = props_markup . replace ( ' $$PRICE$$ ' , price )
test_return_data = f """ <html>
< body >
Some initial text < br >
< p > Which is across multiple lines < / p >
< br >
So let ' s see what happens. <br>
< div > price : $ { price } < / div >
{ props_markup }
< / body >
< / html >
with open ( " test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt " , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( test_return_data )
time . sleep ( 1 )
return None
def test_setup ( client , live_server ) :
live_server_setup ( live_server )
def test_restock_itemprop_basic ( client , live_server ) :
test_url = url_for ( ' test_endpoint ' , _external = True )
for p in instock_props :
set_original_response ( props_markup = p )
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' more than one price detected ' not in res . data
assert b ' has-restock-info ' in res . data
assert b ' in-stock ' in res . data
assert b ' not-in-stock ' not in res . data
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
for p in out_of_stock_props :
set_original_response ( props_markup = p )
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url , " tags " : ' ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' has-restock-info not-in-stock ' in res . data
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
def test_itemprop_price_change ( client , live_server ) :
test_url = url_for ( ' test_endpoint ' , _external = True )
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = " 190.95 " )
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
# A change in price, should trigger a change by default
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 190.95 ' in res . data
# basic price change, look for notification
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 180.45 ' )
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) , follow_redirects = True )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 180.45 ' in res . data
assert b ' unviewed ' in res . data
client . get ( url_for ( " mark_all_viewed " ) , follow_redirects = True )
# turning off price change trigger, but it should show the new price, with no change notification
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 120.45 ' )
res = client . post (
url_for ( " edit_page " , uuid = " first " ) ,
data = { " restock_settings-follow_price_changes " : " " , " url " : test_url , " tags " : " " , " headers " : " " , ' fetch_backend ' : " html_requests " } ,
follow_redirects = True
assert b " Updated watch. " in res . data
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) , follow_redirects = True )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 120.45 ' in res . data
assert b ' unviewed ' not in res . data
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
def test_itemprop_price_minmax_limit ( client , live_server ) :
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
test_url = url_for ( ' test_endpoint ' , _external = True )
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = " 950.95 " )
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
# A change in price, should trigger a change by default
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . post (
url_for ( " edit_page " , uuid = " first " ) ,
data = { " restock_settings-follow_price_changes " : " y " ,
" restock_settings-price_change_min " : 900.0 ,
" restock_settings-price_change_max " : 1100.10 ,
" url " : test_url ,
" tags " : " " ,
" headers " : " " ,
' fetch_backend ' : " html_requests "
} ,
follow_redirects = True
assert b " Updated watch. " in res . data
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
client . get ( url_for ( " mark_all_viewed " ) )
# price changed to something greater than min (900), and less than max (1100).. should be no change
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 1000.45 ' )
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' more than one price detected ' not in res . data
# BUT the new price should show, even tho its within limits
assert b ' 1,000.45 ' or b ' 1000.45 ' in res . data #depending on locale
assert b ' unviewed ' not in res . data
# price changed to something LESS than min (900), SHOULD be a change
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 890.45 ' )
# let previous runs wait
time . sleep ( 1 )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' 1 watches queued for rechecking. ' in res . data
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 890.45 ' in res . data
assert b ' unviewed ' in res . data
client . get ( url_for ( " mark_all_viewed " ) )
# price changed to something MORE than max (1100.10), SHOULD be a change
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 1890.45 ' )
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) , follow_redirects = True )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 1,890.45 ' or b ' 1890.45 ' in res . data
assert b ' unviewed ' in res . data
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
def test_itemprop_percent_threshold ( client , live_server ) :
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
test_url = url_for ( ' test_endpoint ' , _external = True )
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = " 950.95 " )
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
# A change in price, should trigger a change by default
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . post (
url_for ( " edit_page " , uuid = " first " ) ,
data = { " restock_settings-follow_price_changes " : " y " ,
" restock_settings-price_change_threshold_percent " : 5.0 ,
" url " : test_url ,
" tags " : " " ,
" headers " : " " ,
' fetch_backend ' : " html_requests "
} ,
follow_redirects = True
assert b " Updated watch. " in res . data
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
# Basic change should not trigger
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 960.45 ' )
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 960.45 ' in res . data
assert b ' unviewed ' not in res . data
# Bigger INCREASE change than the threshold should trigger
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 1960.45 ' )
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 1,960.45 ' or b ' 1960.45 ' in res . data #depending on locale
assert b ' unviewed ' in res . data
# Small decrease should NOT trigger
client . get ( url_for ( " mark_all_viewed " ) )
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = ' 1950.45 ' )
client . get ( url_for ( " form_watch_checknow " ) )
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 1,950.45 ' or b ' 1950.45 ' in res . data #depending on locale
assert b ' unviewed ' not in res . data
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
def test_data_sanity ( client , live_server ) :
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
test_url = url_for ( ' test_endpoint ' , _external = True )
test_url2 = url_for ( ' test_endpoint2 ' , _external = True )
set_original_response ( props_markup = instock_props [ 0 ] , price = " 950.95 " )
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert b ' 950.95 ' in res . data
# Check the restock model object doesnt store the value by mistake and used in a new one
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url2 , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get ( url_for ( " index " ) )
assert str ( res . data . decode ( ) ) . count ( " 950.95 " ) == 1 , " Price should only show once (for the watch added, no other watches yet) "
## different test, check the edit page works on an empty request result
res = client . get ( url_for ( " form_delete " , uuid = " all " ) , follow_redirects = True )
assert b ' Deleted ' in res . data
client . post (
url_for ( " form_quick_watch_add " ) ,
data = { " url " : test_url2 , " tags " : ' restock tests ' , ' processor ' : ' restock_diff ' } ,
follow_redirects = True
wait_for_all_checks ( client )
res = client . get (
url_for ( " edit_page " , uuid = " first " ) )
assert test_url2 . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) in res . data