did not need this in its own block

dgtlmoon 2 years ago
parent 4074fe53f1
commit 33f1dd6828

@ -46,139 +46,137 @@ class perform_site_check():
if 'Accept-Encoding' in request_headers and "br" in request_headers['Accept-Encoding']:
request_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = request_headers['Accept-Encoding'].replace(', br', '')
# @todo check the failures are really handled how we expect
timeout = self.datastore.data['settings']['requests']['timeout']
url = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'url')
request_body = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'body')
request_method = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'method')
ignore_status_code = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'ignore_status_codes')
# Pluggable content fetcher
prefer_backend = watch['fetch_backend']
if hasattr(content_fetcher, prefer_backend):
klass = getattr(content_fetcher, prefer_backend)
timeout = self.datastore.data['settings']['requests']['timeout']
url = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'url')
request_body = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'body')
request_method = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'method')
ignore_status_code = self.datastore.get_val(uuid, 'ignore_status_codes')
# Pluggable content fetcher
prefer_backend = watch['fetch_backend']
if hasattr(content_fetcher, prefer_backend):
klass = getattr(content_fetcher, prefer_backend)
# If the klass doesnt exist, just use a default
klass = getattr(content_fetcher, "html_requests")
fetcher = klass()
fetcher.run(url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_code)
# Fetching complete, now filters
# @todo move to class / maybe inside of fetcher abstract base?
# @note: I feel like the following should be in a more obvious chain system
# - Check filter text
# - Is the checksum different?
# - Do we convert to JSON?
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41817578/basic-method-chaining ?
# return content().textfilter().jsonextract().checksumcompare() ?
is_json = 'application/json' in fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
is_html = not is_json
css_filter_rule = watch['css_filter']
subtractive_selectors = watch.get(
"subtractive_selectors", []
) + self.datastore.data["settings"]["application"].get(
"global_subtractive_selectors", []
has_filter_rule = css_filter_rule and len(css_filter_rule.strip())
has_subtractive_selectors = subtractive_selectors and len(subtractive_selectors[0].strip())
if is_json and not has_filter_rule:
css_filter_rule = "json:$"
has_filter_rule = True
if has_filter_rule:
if 'json:' in css_filter_rule:
stripped_text_from_html = html_tools.extract_json_as_string(content=fetcher.content, jsonpath_filter=css_filter_rule)
is_html = False
if is_html:
# CSS Filter, extract the HTML that matches and feed that into the existing inscriptis::get_text
html_content = fetcher.content
# If not JSON, and if it's not text/plain..
if 'text/plain' in fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '').lower():
# Don't run get_text or xpath/css filters on plaintext
stripped_text_from_html = html_content
# Then we assume HTML
if has_filter_rule:
# For HTML/XML we offer xpath as an option, just start a regular xPath "/.."
if css_filter_rule[0] == '/':
html_content = html_tools.xpath_filter(xpath_filter=css_filter_rule, html_content=fetcher.content)
# CSS Filter, extract the HTML that matches and feed that into the existing inscriptis::get_text
html_content = html_tools.css_filter(css_filter=css_filter_rule, html_content=fetcher.content)
if has_subtractive_selectors:
html_content = html_tools.element_removal(subtractive_selectors, html_content)
# extract text
stripped_text_from_html = \
"render_anchor_tag_content", False)
# Re #340 - return the content before the 'ignore text' was applied
text_content_before_ignored_filter = stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf-8')
# We rely on the actual text in the html output.. many sites have random script vars etc,
# in the future we'll implement other mechanisms.
update_obj["last_check_status"] = fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# If there's text to skip
# @todo we could abstract out the get_text() to handle this cleaner
text_to_ignore = watch.get('ignore_text', []) + self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('global_ignore_text', [])
if len(text_to_ignore):
stripped_text_from_html = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(stripped_text_from_html, text_to_ignore)
# If the klass doesnt exist, just use a default
klass = getattr(content_fetcher, "html_requests")
fetcher = klass()
fetcher.run(url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_code)
# Fetching complete, now filters
# @todo move to class / maybe inside of fetcher abstract base?
# @note: I feel like the following should be in a more obvious chain system
# - Check filter text
# - Is the checksum different?
# - Do we convert to JSON?
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41817578/basic-method-chaining ?
# return content().textfilter().jsonextract().checksumcompare() ?
is_json = 'application/json' in fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
is_html = not is_json
css_filter_rule = watch['css_filter']
subtractive_selectors = watch.get(
"subtractive_selectors", []
) + self.datastore.data["settings"]["application"].get(
"global_subtractive_selectors", []
has_filter_rule = css_filter_rule and len(css_filter_rule.strip())
has_subtractive_selectors = subtractive_selectors and len(subtractive_selectors[0].strip())
if is_json and not has_filter_rule:
css_filter_rule = "json:$"
has_filter_rule = True
if has_filter_rule:
if 'json:' in css_filter_rule:
stripped_text_from_html = html_tools.extract_json_as_string(content=fetcher.content, jsonpath_filter=css_filter_rule)
is_html = False
if is_html:
# CSS Filter, extract the HTML that matches and feed that into the existing inscriptis::get_text
html_content = fetcher.content
# If not JSON, and if it's not text/plain..
if 'text/plain' in fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '').lower():
# Don't run get_text or xpath/css filters on plaintext
stripped_text_from_html = html_content
stripped_text_from_html = stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf8')
# Then we assume HTML
if has_filter_rule:
# For HTML/XML we offer xpath as an option, just start a regular xPath "/.."
if css_filter_rule[0] == '/':
html_content = html_tools.xpath_filter(xpath_filter=css_filter_rule, html_content=fetcher.content)
# CSS Filter, extract the HTML that matches and feed that into the existing inscriptis::get_text
html_content = html_tools.css_filter(css_filter=css_filter_rule, html_content=fetcher.content)
if has_subtractive_selectors:
html_content = html_tools.element_removal(subtractive_selectors, html_content)
# extract text
stripped_text_from_html = \
"render_anchor_tag_content", False)
# Re #340 - return the content before the 'ignore text' was applied
text_content_before_ignored_filter = stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf-8')
# We rely on the actual text in the html output.. many sites have random script vars etc,
# in the future we'll implement other mechanisms.
update_obj["last_check_status"] = fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# If there's text to skip
# @todo we could abstract out the get_text() to handle this cleaner
text_to_ignore = watch.get('ignore_text', []) + self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('global_ignore_text', [])
if len(text_to_ignore):
stripped_text_from_html = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(stripped_text_from_html, text_to_ignore)
stripped_text_from_html = stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf8')
# Re #133 - if we should strip whitespaces from triggering the change detected comparison
if self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('ignore_whitespace', False):
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(stripped_text_from_html.translate(None, b'\r\n\t ')).hexdigest()
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(stripped_text_from_html).hexdigest()
# Re #133 - if we should strip whitespaces from triggering the change detected comparison
if self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('ignore_whitespace', False):
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(stripped_text_from_html.translate(None, b'\r\n\t ')).hexdigest()
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(stripped_text_from_html).hexdigest()
# On the first run of a site, watch['previous_md5'] will be an empty string, set it the current one.
if not len(watch['previous_md5']):
watch['previous_md5'] = fetched_md5
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
# On the first run of a site, watch['previous_md5'] will be an empty string, set it the current one.
if not len(watch['previous_md5']):
watch['previous_md5'] = fetched_md5
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text = False
blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text = False
if len(watch['trigger_text']):
# Yeah, lets block first until something matches
blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text = True
# Filter and trigger works the same, so reuse it
result = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content=str(stripped_text_from_html),
mode="line numbers")
if result:
blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text = False
if len(watch['trigger_text']):
# Yeah, lets block first until something matches
blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text = True
# Filter and trigger works the same, so reuse it
result = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content=str(stripped_text_from_html),
mode="line numbers")
if result:
blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text = False
if not blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text and watch['previous_md5'] != fetched_md5:
changed_detected = True
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
update_obj["last_changed"] = timestamp
if not blocked_by_not_found_trigger_text and watch['previous_md5'] != fetched_md5:
changed_detected = True
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
update_obj["last_changed"] = timestamp
# Extract title as title
if is_html:
if self.datastore.data['settings']['application']['extract_title_as_title'] or watch['extract_title_as_title']:
if not watch['title'] or not len(watch['title']):
update_obj['title'] = html_tools.extract_element(find='title', html_content=fetcher.content)
# Extract title as title
if is_html:
if self.datastore.data['settings']['application']['extract_title_as_title'] or watch['extract_title_as_title']:
if not watch['title'] or not len(watch['title']):
update_obj['title'] = html_tools.extract_element(find='title', html_content=fetcher.content)
if self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('real_browser_save_screenshot', True):
screenshot = fetcher.screenshot()
if self.datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('real_browser_save_screenshot', True):
screenshot = fetcher.screenshot()
return changed_detected, update_obj, text_content_before_ignored_filter, screenshot
