@ -49,16 +49,20 @@ def cleanup_playwright_session():
import psutil
# playwright's .stop() seems to hang, so lets kill the processes before calling .stop
# a bit hard, but more reliable :/
current_process = psutil.Process()
children = current_process.children(recursive=True)
for child in children:
print (child)
print('Child pid is {}'.format(child.pid))
# .stop() hangs sometimes if its called when there are no children to process
# but how do we know this is our child? dunno
if children:
# @todo a bug here is that we could be accidently shutting down the playwright from the content checker
if "playwright" in child.name() or child.name() == "node":
print('Child pid is {}, killing'.format(child.pid))
print ("Shutting down playwright interface .stop()")
print ("Shutdown of playwright complete")
browsersteps_live_ui_o = {}
browsersteps_playwright_browser_interface = None