@ -46,28 +46,33 @@ class update_worker(threading.Thread):
self.datastore.save_history_text(uuid=uuid, contents=contents, result_obj=result)
watch = self.datastore.data['watching'][uuid]
print (">> Change detected in UUID {} - {}".format(uuid, watch['url']))
# Get the newest snapshot data to be possibily used in a notification
newest_key = self.datastore.get_newest_history_key(uuid)
if newest_key:
with open(watch['history'][newest_key], 'r') as f:
newest_version_file_contents = f.read().strip()
n_object = {
'watch_url': self.datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['url'],
'watch_url': watch['url'],
'uuid': uuid,
'current_snapshot': newest_version_file_contents
# Did it have any notification alerts to hit?
if len(watch['notification_urls']):
print("Processing notifications for UUID: {}".format(uuid))
print(">>> Notifications queued for UUID from watch {}".format(uuid))
n_object['notification_urls'] = watch['notification_urls']
# No? maybe theres a global setting, queue them all
elif len(self.datastore.data['settings']['application']['notification_urls']):
print("Processing GLOBAL notifications for UUID: {}".format(uuid))
print(">>> Watch notification URLs were empty, using GLOBAL notifications for UUID: {}".format(uuid))
n_object['notification_urls'] = self.datastore.data['settings']['application']['notification_urls']
print(">>> NO notifications queued, watch and global notification URLs were empty.")
except Exception as e:
print("!!!! Exception in update_worker !!!\n", e)