@ -114,6 +114,25 @@ class TimeScheduleCheckLimitForm(Form):
from_time = TimeField('From', validators=[validators.Optional()])
until_time = TimeField('Until', validators=[validators.Optional()])
def validate(self, **kwargs):
if not super().validate():
return False
result = True
f = self.data.get('from_time')
u = self.data.get('until_time')
if f and u:
import time
f = time.strptime(str(f), '%H:%M:%S')
u = time.strptime(str(u), '%H:%M:%S')
if f >= u:
#@todo doesnt present
self.from_time.errors.append('From time must be LESS than the until/end time')
result = False
return result
# Separated by key:value
class StringDictKeyValue(StringField):
widget = widgets.TextArea()