diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-only.yml b/.github/workflows/test-only.yml index 6f762437..20832993 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test-only.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/test-only.yml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ jobs: run: | docker network create changedet-network - + # Selenium+browserless docker run --network changedet-network -d --hostname selenium -p 4444:4444 --rm --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome:4 docker run --network changedet-network -d --name browserless --hostname browserless -e "FUNCTION_BUILT_INS=[\"fs\",\"crypto\"]" -e "DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ARGS=[\"--window-size=1920,1080\"]" --rm -p 3000:3000 --shm-size="2g" browserless/chrome:1.60-chrome-stable @@ -61,20 +61,32 @@ jobs: # append the docker option. e.g. '-e LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG' docker run --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio && ./run_basic_tests.sh' - - name: Test built container selenium+browserless/playwright + - name: Test built container with selenium run: | # Selenium fetch docker run --rm -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/test_content.py && pytest tests/test_errorhandling.py' - + + - name: Test built container with playwright + run: | # Playwright/Browserless fetch docker run --rm -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://browserless:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/test_content.py && pytest tests/test_errorhandling.py && pytest tests/visualselector/test_fetch_data.py' - + + - name: Test built container (headers and requests checks) with Playwright + run: | # Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Browserless, check headers docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://browserless:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/test_request.py' + + - name: Test built container (headers and requests checks) with Selenium + run: | docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/test_request.py' + + - name: Test built container (headers and requests checks) with Playwright as Puppeteer experimental fetcher + run: | docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "USE_EXPERIMENTAL_PUPPETEER_FETCH=yes" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://browserless:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/test_request.py' - + + - name: Test built container restock detection via Playwright + run: | # restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright/browserless can connect to it docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://browserless:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/test_restock.py'