@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
name: App Test
description: 'Python version to use'
required: true
type: string
default: '3.10'
description: 'Skip PyPuppeteer (not supported in 3.11/3.12)'
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
PYTHON_VERSION: ${{ inputs.python-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Mainly just for link/flake8
- name: Set up Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
- name: Build container for testing under Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
run: |
echo "---- Building for Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} -----"
# Build a container and start testing inside
docker build --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} --build-arg LOGGER_LEVEL=TRACE -t test-changedetectionio .
# Debug info
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'pip list'
- name: We should be Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} ...
run: |
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 --version'
- name: Spin up ancillary testable services
run: |
docker network create changedet-network
# Selenium
docker run --network changedet-network -d --hostname selenium -p 4444:4444 --rm --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome:4
# SocketPuppetBrowser + Extra for custom browser test
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser --hostname sockpuppetbrowser --rm -p 3000:3000 dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url --hostname sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url -p 3001:3000 --rm dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
- name: Spin up ancillary SMTP+Echo message test server
run: |
# Debug SMTP server/echo message back server
docker run --network changedet-network -d -p 11025:11025 -p 11080:11080 --hostname mailserver test-changedetectionio bash -c 'pip3 install aiosmtpd && python changedetectionio/tests/smtp/'
docker ps
- name: Show docker container state and other debug info
run: |
set -x
echo "Running processes in docker..."
docker ps
- name: Test built container with Pytest (generally as requests/plaintext fetching)
run: |
# Unit tests
echo "run test with unittest"
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_notification_diff'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_watch_model'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_jinja2_security'
# All tests
echo "run test with pytest"
# The default pytest logger_level is TRACE
# To change logger_level for pytest(test/,
# append the docker option. e.g. '-e LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG'
docker run --name test-cdio-basic-tests --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio && ./'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
# tests/visualselector/ will do browser steps
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/visualselector/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'find .; cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/; pwd;find .'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
if: ${{ inputs.skip-pypuppeteer == false }}
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/visualselector/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests checks
if: ${{ inputs.skip-pypuppeteer == false }}
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
if: ${{ inputs.skip-pypuppeteer == false }}
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for Selenium
run: |
# Selenium fetch
docker run --rm -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/ && pytest tests/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for headers and requests checks with Selenium
run: |
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Test SMTP notification mime types
run: |
# SMTP content types - needs the 'Debug SMTP server/echo message back server' container from above
# "mailserver" hostname defined above
docker run --rm --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/smtp/'
# @todo Add a test via playwright/puppeteer
# squid with auth is tested in -> tests/proxy_list/
- name: Test proxy squid style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test proxy SOCKS5 style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test custom browser URL
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test container starts+runs basically without error
run: |
docker run --name test-changedetectionio -p 5556:5000 -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
# Should return 0 (no error) when grep finds it
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s http://localhost:5556 |grep -q checkbox-uuid
# and IPv6
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s -g -6 "http://[::1]:5556"|grep -q checkbox-uuid
# Check whether TRACE log is enabled.
# Also, check whether TRACE is came from STDERR
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep 'TRACE log is enabled' || exit 1
# Check whether DEBUG is came from STDOUT
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>/dev/null | grep 'DEBUG' || exit 1
docker kill test-changedetectionio
- name: Test SIGTERM and SIGINT signal shutdown
run: |
echo SIGINT Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGINT to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGINT sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGINT' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
echo SIGTERM Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGTERM to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGTERM sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGTERM' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
- name: Dump container log
if: always()
run: |
mkdir output-logs
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests > output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stdout-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}.txt
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests 2> output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stderr-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}.txt
- name: Store everything including test-datastore
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: test-cdio-basic-tests-output-py${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
path: .
@ -0,0 +1 @@
# resources for browser injection/scraping
@ -1,62 +1,97 @@
# used for the notifications, the front-end is using a JS library
import difflib
from typing import List, Iterator, Union
def same_slicer(lst: List[str], start: int, end: int) -> List[str]:
"""Return a slice of the list, or a single element if start == end."""
return lst[start:end] if start != end else [lst[start]]
def same_slicer(l, a, b):
if a == b:
return [l[a]]
return l[a:b]
# like .compare but a little different output
def customSequenceMatcher(before, after, include_equal=False, include_removed=True, include_added=True, include_replaced=True, include_change_type_prefix=True):
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=lambda x: x in " \\t", a=before, b=after)
# @todo Line-by-line mode instead of buncghed, including `after` that is not in `before` (maybe unset?)
def customSequenceMatcher(
before: List[str],
after: List[str],
include_equal: bool = False,
include_removed: bool = True,
include_added: bool = True,
include_replaced: bool = True,
include_change_type_prefix: bool = True
) -> Iterator[List[str]]:
Compare two sequences and yield differences based on specified parameters.
before (List[str]): Original sequence
after (List[str]): Modified sequence
include_equal (bool): Include unchanged parts
include_removed (bool): Include removed parts
include_added (bool): Include added parts
include_replaced (bool): Include replaced parts
include_change_type_prefix (bool): Add prefixes to indicate change types
List[str]: Differences between sequences
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=lambda x: x in " \t", a=before, b=after)
for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes():
if include_equal and tag == 'equal':
g = before[alo:ahi]
yield g
yield before[alo:ahi]
elif include_removed and tag == 'delete':
row_prefix = "(removed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g = [ row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)]
yield g
prefix = "(removed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
yield [f"{prefix}{line}" for line in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)]
elif include_replaced and tag == 'replace':
row_prefix = "(changed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g = [row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)]
row_prefix = "(into) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g += [row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
yield g
prefix_changed = "(changed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
prefix_into = "(into) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
yield [f"{prefix_changed}{line}" for line in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)] + \
[f"{prefix_into}{line}" for line in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
elif include_added and tag == 'insert':
row_prefix = "(added) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g = [row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
yield g
prefix = "(added) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
yield [f"{prefix}{line}" for line in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
# only_differences - only return info about the differences, no context
# line_feed_sep could be "<br>" or "<li>" or "\n" etc
def render_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents, include_equal=False, include_removed=True, include_added=True, include_replaced=True, line_feed_sep="\n", include_change_type_prefix=True, patch_format=False):
newest_version_file_contents = [line.rstrip() for line in newest_version_file_contents.splitlines()]
if previous_version_file_contents:
previous_version_file_contents = [line.rstrip() for line in previous_version_file_contents.splitlines()]
previous_version_file_contents = ""
def render_diff(
previous_version_file_contents: str,
newest_version_file_contents: str,
include_equal: bool = False,
include_removed: bool = True,
include_added: bool = True,
include_replaced: bool = True,
line_feed_sep: str = "\n",
include_change_type_prefix: bool = True,
patch_format: bool = False
) -> str:
Render the difference between two file contents.
previous_version_file_contents (str): Original file contents
newest_version_file_contents (str): Modified file contents
include_equal (bool): Include unchanged parts
include_removed (bool): Include removed parts
include_added (bool): Include added parts
include_replaced (bool): Include replaced parts
line_feed_sep (str): Separator for lines in output
include_change_type_prefix (bool): Add prefixes to indicate change types
patch_format (bool): Use patch format for output
str: Rendered difference
newest_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in newest_version_file_contents.splitlines()]
previous_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in previous_version_file_contents.splitlines()] if previous_version_file_contents else []
if patch_format:
patch = difflib.unified_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents)
patch = difflib.unified_diff(previous_lines, newest_lines)
return line_feed_sep.join(patch)
rendered_diff = customSequenceMatcher(before=previous_version_file_contents,
rendered_diff = customSequenceMatcher(
def flatten(lst: List[Union[str, List[str]]]) -> str:
return line_feed_sep.join(flatten(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in lst)
# Recursively join lists
f = lambda L: line_feed_sep.join([f(x) if type(x) is list else x for x in L])
p= f(rendered_diff)
return p
return flatten(rendered_diff)
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import os
import uuid
from changedetectionio import strtobool
from changedetectionio.notification import default_notification_format_for_watch
class watch_base(dict):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
# Custom notification content
# Re #110, so then if this is set to None, we know to use the default value instead
# Requires setting to None on submit if it's the same as the default
# Should be all None by default, so we use the system default in this case.
'body': None,
'browser_steps': [],
'browser_steps_last_error_step': None,
'check_count': 0,
'check_unique_lines': False, # On change-detected, compare against all history if its something new
'consecutive_filter_failures': 0, # Every time the CSS/xPath filter cannot be located, reset when all is fine.
'date_created': None,
'extract_text': [], # Extract text by regex after filters
'extract_title_as_title': False,
'fetch_backend': 'system', # plaintext, playwright etc
'fetch_time': 0.0,
'filter_failure_notification_send': strtobool(os.getenv('FILTER_FAILURE_NOTIFICATION_SEND_DEFAULT', 'True')),
'filter_text_added': True,
'filter_text_removed': True,
'filter_text_replaced': True,
'follow_price_changes': True,
'has_ldjson_price_data': None,
'headers': {}, # Extra headers to send
'ignore_text': [], # List of text to ignore when calculating the comparison checksum
'in_stock_only': True, # Only trigger change on going to instock from out-of-stock
'include_filters': [],
'last_checked': 0,
'last_error': False,
'last_viewed': 0, # history key value of the last viewed via the [diff] link
'method': 'GET',
'notification_alert_count': 0,
'notification_body': None,
'notification_format': default_notification_format_for_watch,
'notification_muted': False,
'notification_screenshot': False, # Include the latest screenshot if available and supported by the apprise URL
'notification_title': None,
'notification_urls': [], # List of URLs to add to the notification Queue (Usually AppRise)
'paused': False,
'previous_md5': False,
'previous_md5_before_filters': False, # Used for skipping changedetection entirely
'processor': 'text_json_diff', # could be restock_diff or others from .processors
'price_change_threshold_percent': None,
'proxy': None, # Preferred proxy connection
'remote_server_reply': None, # From 'server' reply header
'sort_text_alphabetically': False,
'subtractive_selectors': [],
'tag': '', # Old system of text name for a tag, to be removed
'tags': [], # list of UUIDs to App.Tags
'text_should_not_be_present': [], # Text that should not present
'time_between_check': {'weeks': None, 'days': None, 'hours': None, 'minutes': None, 'seconds': None},
'time_between_check_use_default': True,
'title': None,
'track_ldjson_price_data': None,
'trigger_text': [], # List of text or regex to wait for until a change is detected
'url': '',
'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'webdriver_delay': None,
'webdriver_js_execute_code': None, # Run before change-detection
super(watch_base, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)
if self.get('default'):
del self['default']
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
class ProcessorException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message=None, status_code=None, url=None, screenshot=None, has_filters=False, html_content='', xpath_data=None):
self.message = message
self.status_code = status_code
self.url = url
self.screenshot = screenshot
self.has_filters = has_filters
self.html_content = html_content
self.xpath_data = xpath_data
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
from . import difference_detection_processor
from copy import deepcopy
from loguru import logger
import hashlib
import urllib3
name = 'Re-stock detection for single product pages'
description = 'Detects if the product goes back to in-stock'
class UnableToExtractRestockData(Exception):
def __init__(self, status_code):
# Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app
self.status_code = status_code
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
screenshot = None
xpath_data = None
def run_changedetection(self, uuid, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
# DeepCopy so we can be sure we don't accidently change anything by reference
watch = deepcopy(['watching'].get(uuid))
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
# Unset any existing notification error
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False}
self.screenshot = self.fetcher.screenshot
self.xpath_data = self.fetcher.xpath_data
# Track the content type
update_obj['content_type'] = self.fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
update_obj["last_check_status"] = self.fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# Main detection method
fetched_md5 = None
if self.fetcher.instock_data:
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(self.fetcher.instock_data.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# 'Possibly in stock' comes from stock-not-in-stock.js when no string found above the fold.
update_obj["in_stock"] = True if self.fetcher.instock_data == 'Possibly in stock' else False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {uuid} restock check returned '{self.fetcher.instock_data}' from JS scraper.")
raise UnableToExtractRestockData(status_code=self.fetcher.status_code)
# The main thing that all this at the moment comes down to :)
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {uuid} restock check - Previous MD5: {watch.get('previous_md5')}, Fetched MD5 {fetched_md5}")
if watch.get('previous_md5') and watch.get('previous_md5') != fetched_md5:
# Yes if we only care about it going to instock, AND we are in stock
if watch.get('in_stock_only') and update_obj["in_stock"]:
changed_detected = True
if not watch.get('in_stock_only'):
# All cases
changed_detected = True
# Always record the new checksum
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
return changed_detected, update_obj, self.fetcher.instock_data.encode('utf-8').strip()
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
from changedetectionio.model.Watch import model as BaseWatch
import re
from babel.numbers import parse_decimal
class Restock(dict):
def parse_currency(self, raw_value: str) -> float:
# Clean and standardize the value (ie 1,400.00 should be 1400.00), even better would be store the whole thing as an integer.
standardized_value = raw_value
if ',' in standardized_value and '.' in standardized_value:
# Identify the correct decimal separator
if standardized_value.rfind('.') > standardized_value.rfind(','):
standardized_value = standardized_value.replace(',', '')
standardized_value = standardized_value.replace('.', '').replace(',', '.')
standardized_value = standardized_value.replace(',', '.')
# Remove any non-numeric characters except for the decimal point
standardized_value = re.sub(r'[^\d.-]', '', standardized_value)
# Convert to float
return float(parse_decimal(standardized_value, locale='en'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Define default values
default_values = {
'in_stock': None,
'price': None,
'currency': None,
'original_price': None
# Initialize the dictionary with default values
# Update with any provided positional arguments (dictionaries)
if args:
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict):
raise ValueError("Only one positional argument of type 'dict' is allowed")
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# Custom logic to handle setting price and original_price
if key == 'price' or key == 'original_price':
if isinstance(value, str):
value = self.parse_currency(raw_value=value)
super().__setitem__(key, value)
class Watch(BaseWatch):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
super().__init__(*arg, **kw)
self['restock'] = Restock(kw['default']['restock']) if kw.get('default') and kw['default'].get('restock') else Restock()
self['restock_settings'] = kw['default']['restock_settings'] if kw.get('default',{}).get('restock_settings') else {
'follow_price_changes': True,
'in_stock_processing' : 'in_stock_only'
} #@todo update
def clear_watch(self):
self.update({'restock': Restock()})
def extra_notification_token_values(self):
values = super().extra_notification_token_values()
values['restock'] = self.get('restock', {})
return values
def extra_notification_token_placeholder_info(self):
values = super().extra_notification_token_placeholder_info()
values.append(('restock.price', "Price detected"))
values.append(('restock.original_price', "Original price at first check"))
return values
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
from wtforms import (
from wtforms.fields.choices import RadioField
from wtforms.fields.form import FormField
from wtforms.form import Form
from changedetectionio.forms import processor_text_json_diff_form
class RestockSettingsForm(Form):
in_stock_processing = RadioField(label='Re-stock detection', choices=[
('in_stock_only', "In Stock only (Out Of Stock -> In Stock only)"),
('all_changes', "Any availability changes"),
('off', "Off, don't follow availability/restock"),
], default="in_stock_only")
price_change_min = FloatField('Below price to trigger notification', [validators.Optional()],
render_kw={"placeholder": "No limit", "size": "10"})
price_change_max = FloatField('Above price to trigger notification', [validators.Optional()],
render_kw={"placeholder": "No limit", "size": "10"})
price_change_threshold_percent = FloatField('Threshold in % for price changes since the original price', validators=[
validators.NumberRange(min=0, max=100, message="Should be between 0 and 100"),
], render_kw={"placeholder": "0%", "size": "5"})
follow_price_changes = BooleanField('Follow price changes', default=True)
class processor_settings_form(processor_text_json_diff_form):
restock_settings = FormField(RestockSettingsForm)
def extra_tab_content(self):
return 'Restock & Price Detection'
def extra_form_content(self):
output = ""
if getattr(self, 'watch', None) and getattr(self, 'datastore'):
for tag_uuid in'tags'):
tag =['settings']['application']['tags'].get(tag_uuid, {})
if tag.get('overrides_watch'):
# @todo - Quick and dirty, cant access 'url_for' here because its out of scope somehow
output = f"""<p><strong>Note! A Group tag overrides the restock and price detection here.</strong></p><style>#restock-fieldset-price-group {{ opacity: 0.6; }}</style>"""
output += """
{% from '_helpers.html' import render_field, render_checkbox_field, render_button %}
$(document).ready(function () {
toggleOpacity('#restock_settings-follow_price_changes', '.price-change-minmax', true);
<fieldset id="restock-fieldset-price-group">
<div class="pure-control-group">
<fieldset class="pure-group inline-radio">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.in_stock_processing) }}
<fieldset class="pure-group">
{{ render_checkbox_field(form.restock_settings.follow_price_changes) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Changes in price should trigger a notification</span>
<fieldset class="pure-group price-change-minmax">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.price_change_min, placeholder=watch.get('restock', {}).get('price')) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Minimum amount, Trigger a change/notification when the price drops <i>below</i> this value.</span>
<fieldset class="pure-group price-change-minmax">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.price_change_max, placeholder=watch.get('restock', {}).get('price')) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Maximum amount, Trigger a change/notification when the price rises <i>above</i> this value.</span>
<fieldset class="pure-group price-change-minmax">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.price_change_threshold_percent) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Price must change more than this % to trigger a change since the first check.</span><br>
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">For example, If the product is $1,000 USD originally, <strong>2%</strong> would mean it has to change more than $20 since the first check.</span><br>
return output
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
from .. import difference_detection_processor
from ..exceptions import ProcessorException
from . import Restock
from loguru import logger
import hashlib
import re
import urllib3
import time
name = 'Re-stock & Price detection for single product pages'
description = 'Detects if the product goes back to in-stock'
class UnableToExtractRestockData(Exception):
def __init__(self, status_code):
# Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app
self.status_code = status_code
class MoreThanOnePriceFound(Exception):
def __init__(self):
def _search_prop_by_value(matches, value):
for properties in matches:
for prop in properties:
if value in prop[0]:
return prop[1] # Yield the desired value and exit the function
# should return Restock()
# add casting?
def get_itemprop_availability(html_content) -> Restock:
Kind of funny/cool way to find price/availability in one many different possibilities.
Use 'extruct' to find any possible RDFa/microdata/json-ld data, make a JSON string from the output then search it.
from jsonpath_ng import parse
now = time.time()
import extruct
logger.trace(f"Imported extruct module in {time.time() - now:.3f}s")
value = {}
now = time.time()
# Extruct is very slow, I'm wondering if some ML is going to be faster (800ms on my i7), 'rdfa' seems to be the heaviest.
syntaxes = ['dublincore', 'json-ld', 'microdata', 'microformat', 'opengraph']
data = extruct.extract(html_content, syntaxes=syntaxes)
logger.trace(f"Extruct basic extract of all metadata done in {time.time() - now:.3f}s")
# First phase, dead simple scanning of anything that looks useful
value = Restock()
if data:
logger.debug(f"Using jsonpath to find price/availability/etc")
price_parse = parse('$..(price|Price)')
pricecurrency_parse = parse('$..(pricecurrency|currency|priceCurrency )')
availability_parse = parse('$..(availability|Availability)')
price_result = price_parse.find(data)
if price_result:
# Right now, we just support single product items, maybe we will store the whole actual metadata seperately in teh future and
# parse that for the UI?
prices_found = set(str(item.value).replace('$', '') for item in price_result)
if len(price_result) > 1 and len(prices_found) > 1:
# See of all prices are different, in the case that one product has many embedded data types with the same price
# One might have $121.95 and another 121.95 etc
logger.warning(f"More than one price found {prices_found}, throwing exception, cant use this plugin.")
raise MoreThanOnePriceFound()
value['price'] = price_result[0].value
pricecurrency_result = pricecurrency_parse.find(data)
if pricecurrency_result:
value['currency'] = pricecurrency_result[0].value
availability_result = availability_parse.find(data)
if availability_result:
value['availability'] = availability_result[0].value
if value.get('availability'):
value['availability'] = re.sub(r'(?i)^(https|http)://', '',
value.get('availability').strip(' "\'').lower()) if value.get('availability') else None
# Second, go dig OpenGraph which is something that jsonpath_ng cant do because of the tuples and double-dots (:)
if not value.get('price') or value.get('availability'):
logger.debug(f"Alternatively digging through OpenGraph properties for restock/price info..")
jsonpath_expr = parse('$')
for match in jsonpath_expr.find(data):
if not value.get('price'):
value['price'] = _search_prop_by_value([match.value], "price:amount")
if not value.get('availability'):
value['availability'] = _search_prop_by_value([match.value], "product:availability")
if not value.get('currency'):
value['currency'] = _search_prop_by_value([match.value], "price:currency")
logger.trace(f"Processed with Extruct in {time.time()-now:.3f}s")
return value
def is_between(number, lower=None, upper=None):
Check if a number is between two values.
number (float): The number to check.
lower (float or None): The lower bound (inclusive). If None, no lower bound.
upper (float or None): The upper bound (inclusive). If None, no upper bound.
bool: True if the number is between the lower and upper bounds, False otherwise.
return (lower is None or lower <= number) and (upper is None or number <= upper)
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
screenshot = None
xpath_data = None
def run_changedetection(self, watch, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
# Unset any existing notification error
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False, 'restock': Restock()}
self.screenshot = self.fetcher.screenshot
self.xpath_data = self.fetcher.xpath_data
# Track the content type
update_obj['content_type'] = self.fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
update_obj["last_check_status"] = self.fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# Which restock settings to compare against?
restock_settings = watch.get('restock_settings', {})
# See if any tags have 'activate for individual watches in this tag/group?' enabled and use the first we find
for tag_uuid in watch.get('tags'):
tag =['settings']['application']['tags'].get(tag_uuid, {})
if tag.get('overrides_watch'):
restock_settings = tag.get('restock_settings', {})
||||"Watch {watch.get('uuid')} - Tag '{tag.get('title')}' selected for restock settings override")
itemprop_availability = {}
itemprop_availability = get_itemprop_availability(html_content=self.fetcher.content)
except MoreThanOnePriceFound as e:
# Add the real data
raise ProcessorException(message="Cannot run, more than one price detected, this plugin is only for product pages with ONE product, try the content-change detection mode.",
# Something valid in get_itemprop_availability() by scraping metadata ?
if itemprop_availability.get('price') or itemprop_availability.get('availability'):
# Store for other usage
update_obj['restock'] = itemprop_availability
if itemprop_availability.get('availability'):
# @todo: Configurable?
if any(substring.lower() in itemprop_availability['availability'].lower() for substring in [
update_obj['restock']['in_stock'] = True
update_obj['restock']['in_stock'] = False
# Main detection method
fetched_md5 = None
# store original price if not set
if itemprop_availability and itemprop_availability.get('price') and not itemprop_availability.get('original_price'):
itemprop_availability['original_price'] = itemprop_availability.get('price')
update_obj['restock']["original_price"] = itemprop_availability.get('price')
if not self.fetcher.instock_data and not itemprop_availability.get('availability'):
raise ProcessorException(
message=f"Unable to extract restock data for this page unfortunately. (Got code {self.fetcher.get_last_status_code()} from server), no embedded stock information was found and nothing interesting in the text, try using this watch with Chrome.",
# Nothing automatic in microdata found, revert to scraping the page
if self.fetcher.instock_data and itemprop_availability.get('availability') is None:
# 'Possibly in stock' comes from stock-not-in-stock.js when no string found above the fold.
# Careful! this does not really come from chrome/js when the watch is set to plaintext
update_obj['restock']["in_stock"] = True if self.fetcher.instock_data == 'Possibly in stock' else False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {watch.get('uuid')} restock check returned '{self.fetcher.instock_data}' from JS scraper.")
# What we store in the snapshot
price = update_obj.get('restock').get('price') if update_obj.get('restock').get('price') else ""
snapshot_content = f"In Stock: {update_obj.get('restock').get('in_stock')} - Price: {price}"
# Main detection method
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(snapshot_content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# The main thing that all this at the moment comes down to :)
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {watch.get('uuid')} restock check - Previous MD5: {watch.get('previous_md5')}, Fetched MD5 {fetched_md5}")
# out of stock -> back in stock only?
if watch.get('restock') and watch['restock'].get('in_stock') != update_obj['restock'].get('in_stock'):
# Yes if we only care about it going to instock, AND we are in stock
if restock_settings.get('in_stock_processing') == 'in_stock_only' and update_obj['restock']['in_stock']:
changed_detected = True
if restock_settings.get('in_stock_processing') == 'all_changes':
# All cases
changed_detected = True
if restock_settings.get('follow_price_changes') and watch.get('restock') and update_obj.get('restock') and update_obj['restock'].get('price'):
price = float(update_obj['restock'].get('price'))
# Default to current price if no previous price found
if watch['restock'].get('original_price'):
previous_price = float(watch['restock'].get('original_price'))
# It was different, but negate it further down
if price != previous_price:
changed_detected = True
# Minimum/maximum price limit
if update_obj.get('restock') and update_obj['restock'].get('price'):
f"{watch.get('uuid')} - Change was detected, 'price_change_max' is '{restock_settings.get('price_change_max', '')}' 'price_change_min' is '{restock_settings.get('price_change_min', '')}', price from website is '{update_obj['restock'].get('price', '')}'.")
if update_obj['restock'].get('price'):
min_limit = float(restock_settings.get('price_change_min')) if restock_settings.get('price_change_min') else None
max_limit = float(restock_settings.get('price_change_max')) if restock_settings.get('price_change_max') else None
price = float(update_obj['restock'].get('price'))
logger.debug(f"{watch.get('uuid')} after float conversion - Min limit: '{min_limit}' Max limit: '{max_limit}' Price: '{price}'")
if min_limit or max_limit:
if is_between(number=price, lower=min_limit, upper=max_limit):
# Price was between min/max limit, so there was nothing todo in any case
logger.trace(f"{watch.get('uuid')} {price} is between {min_limit} and {max_limit}, nothing to check, forcing changed_detected = False (was {changed_detected})")
changed_detected = False
logger.trace(f"{watch.get('uuid')} {price} is between {min_limit} and {max_limit}, continuing normal comparison")
# Price comparison by %
if watch['restock'].get('original_price') and changed_detected and restock_settings.get('price_change_threshold_percent'):
previous_price = float(watch['restock'].get('original_price'))
pc = float(restock_settings.get('price_change_threshold_percent'))
change = abs((price - previous_price) / previous_price * 100)
if change and change <= pc:
logger.debug(f"{watch.get('uuid')} Override change-detected to FALSE because % threshold ({pc}%) was {change:.3f}%")
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"{watch.get('uuid')} Price change was {change:.3f}% , (threshold {pc}%)")
# Always record the new checksum
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
return changed_detected, update_obj, snapshot_content.encode('utf-8').strip()
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$(document).ready(function () {
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
if (!/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/i.test(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .. import conftest
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .. import conftest
@ -1,42 +1,51 @@
import smtpd
import asyncore
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller
from aiosmtpd.smtp import SMTP
# Accept a SMTP message and offer a way to retrieve the last message via TCP Socket
last_received_message = b"Nothing"
class CustomSMTPServer(smtpd.SMTPServer):
def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data, **kwargs):
class CustomSMTPHandler:
async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
global last_received_message
last_received_message = data
print('Receiving message from:', peer)
print('Message addressed from:', mailfrom)
print('Message addressed to :', rcpttos)
print('Message length :', len(data))
# Just print out the last message received on plain TCP socket server
class EchoServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.bind((host, port))
def handle_accepted(self, sock, addr):
last_received_message = envelope.content
print('Receiving message from:', session.peer)
print('Message addressed from:', envelope.mail_from)
print('Message addressed to :', envelope.rcpt_tos)
print('Message length :', len(envelope.content))
return '250 Message accepted for delivery'
class EchoServerProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def connection_made(self, transport):
global last_received_message
print('Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr))
self.transport = transport
peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Incoming connection from {}'.format(peername))
last_received_message = b''
async def main():
# Start the SMTP server
controller = Controller(CustomSMTPHandler(), hostname='', port=11025)
# Start the TCP Echo server
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
server = await loop.create_server(
lambda: EchoServerProtocol(),
'', 11080
async with server:
await server.serve_forever()
server = CustomSMTPServer(('', 11025), None) # SMTP mail goes here
server2 = EchoServer('', 11080) # Echo back last message received
if __name__ == "__main__":
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in new issue