Merge branch 'dgtlmoon:master' into transplanting

Constantin Hong 6 months ago committed by GitHub
commit c79d88ea5d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ jobs:
- name: Build and push :dev
id: docker_build
if: ${{ github.ref }} == "refs/heads/master"
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
context: ./
file: ./Dockerfile
push: true
tags: |
${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/,${{ github.repository }}:dev
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v8
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v8,linux/arm64/v8
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Build and push :tag
id: docker_build_tag_release
if: github.event_name == 'release' && startsWith(github.event.release.tag_name, '0.')
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
context: ./
file: ./Dockerfile
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ jobs:${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}
${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME }}/
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v8
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v8,linux/arm64/v8
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
# Looks like this was disabled

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ jobs:
# Check we can still build under alpine/musl
- name: Test that the docker containers can build (musl via alpine check)
id: docker_build_musl
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
context: ./
file: ./.github/test/Dockerfile-alpine
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ jobs:
- name: Test that the docker containers can build
id: docker_build
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
context: ./
file: ./Dockerfile
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v8
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7,linux/arm/v8,linux/arm64/v8
cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache
cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache

@ -4,17 +4,10 @@ name: App Test
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Mainly just for link/flake8
- name: Set up Python 3.11
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: '3.11'
- name: Lint with flake8
run: |
pip3 install flake8
@ -23,202 +16,24 @@ jobs:
# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
- name: Spin up ancillary testable services
run: |
docker network create changedet-network
# Selenium
docker run --network changedet-network -d --hostname selenium -p 4444:4444 --rm --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome:4
# SocketPuppetBrowser + Extra for custom browser test
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser --hostname sockpuppetbrowser --rm -p 3000:3000 dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url --hostname sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url -p 3001:3000 --rm dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
- name: Build container for testing
run: |
# Build a container and start testing inside
docker build --build-arg LOGGER_LEVEL=TRACE -t test-changedetectionio .
# Debug info
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'pip list'
- name: Spin up ancillary SMTP+Echo message test server
run: |
# Debug SMTP server/echo message back server
docker run --network changedet-network -d -p 11025:11025 -p 11080:11080 --hostname mailserver test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python changedetectionio/tests/smtp/'
- name: Show docker container state and other debug info
run: |
set -x
echo "Running processes in docker..."
docker ps
- name: Test built container with Pytest (generally as requests/plaintext fetching)
run: |
# Unit tests
echo "run test with unittest"
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_notification_diff'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_watch_model'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_jinja2_security'
# All tests
echo "run test with pytest"
# The default pytest logger_level is TRACE
# To change logger_level for pytest(test/,
# append the docker option. e.g. '-e LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG'
docker run --name test-cdio-basic-tests --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio && ./'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
# tests/visualselector/ will do browser steps
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/visualselector/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/visualselector/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests checks
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
needs: lint-code
uses: ./.github/workflows/test-stack-reusable-workflow.yml
python-version: '3.10'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for Selenium
run: |
# Selenium fetch
docker run --rm -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/ && pytest tests/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for headers and requests checks with Selenium
run: |
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Test SMTP notification mime types
run: |
# SMTP content types - needs the 'Debug SMTP server/echo message back server' container from above
docker run --rm --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/smtp/'
# @todo Add a test via playwright/puppeteer
# squid with auth is tested in -> tests/proxy_list/
- name: Test proxy squid style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test proxy SOCKS5 style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
needs: lint-code
uses: ./.github/workflows/test-stack-reusable-workflow.yml
python-version: '3.11'
skip-pypuppeteer: true
- name: Test custom browser URL
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test container starts+runs basically without error
run: |
docker run --name test-changedetectionio -p 5556:5000 -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
# Should return 0 (no error) when grep finds it
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s http://localhost:5556 |grep -q checkbox-uuid
# and IPv6
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s -g -6 "http://[::1]:5556"|grep -q checkbox-uuid
# Check whether TRACE log is enabled.
# Also, check whether TRACE is came from STDERR
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep 'TRACE log is enabled' || exit 1
# Check whether DEBUG is came from STDOUT
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>/dev/null | grep 'DEBUG' || exit 1
docker kill test-changedetectionio
- name: Test SIGTERM and SIGINT signal shutdown
run: |
echo SIGINT Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGINT to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGINT sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGINT' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
echo SIGTERM Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGTERM to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGTERM sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGTERM' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
- name: Dump container log
if: always()
run: |
mkdir output-logs
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests > output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stdout.txt
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests 2> output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stderr.txt
needs: lint-code
uses: ./.github/workflows/test-stack-reusable-workflow.yml
python-version: '3.12'
skip-pypuppeteer: true
- name: Store container log
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: test-cdio-basic-tests-output
path: output-logs

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
name: App Test
description: 'Python version to use'
required: true
type: string
default: '3.10'
description: 'Skip PyPuppeteer (not supported in 3.11/3.12)'
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
PYTHON_VERSION: ${{ inputs.python-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Mainly just for link/flake8
- name: Set up Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
- name: Build container for testing under Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
run: |
echo "---- Building for Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} -----"
# Build a container and start testing inside
docker build --build-arg PYTHON_VERSION=${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} --build-arg LOGGER_LEVEL=TRACE -t test-changedetectionio .
# Debug info
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'pip list'
- name: We should be Python ${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }} ...
run: |
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 --version'
- name: Spin up ancillary testable services
run: |
docker network create changedet-network
# Selenium
docker run --network changedet-network -d --hostname selenium -p 4444:4444 --rm --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome:4
# SocketPuppetBrowser + Extra for custom browser test
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser --hostname sockpuppetbrowser --rm -p 3000:3000 dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
docker run --network changedet-network -d -e "LOG_LEVEL=TRACE" --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url --hostname sockpuppetbrowser-custom-url -p 3001:3000 --rm dgtlmoon/sockpuppetbrowser:latest
- name: Spin up ancillary SMTP+Echo message test server
run: |
# Debug SMTP server/echo message back server
docker run --network changedet-network -d -p 11025:11025 -p 11080:11080 --hostname mailserver test-changedetectionio bash -c 'pip3 install aiosmtpd && python changedetectionio/tests/smtp/'
docker ps
- name: Show docker container state and other debug info
run: |
set -x
echo "Running processes in docker..."
docker ps
- name: Test built container with Pytest (generally as requests/plaintext fetching)
run: |
# Unit tests
echo "run test with unittest"
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_notification_diff'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_watch_model'
docker run test-changedetectionio bash -c 'python3 -m unittest changedetectionio.tests.unit.test_jinja2_security'
# All tests
echo "run test with pytest"
# The default pytest logger_level is TRACE
# To change logger_level for pytest(test/,
# append the docker option. e.g. '-e LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG'
docker run --name test-cdio-basic-tests --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio && ./'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
# tests/visualselector/ will do browser steps
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/visualselector/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'find .; cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/; pwd;find .'
- name: Playwright and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Specific tests in built container
if: ${{ inputs.skip-pypuppeteer == false }}
run: |
# Playwright via Sockpuppetbrowser fetch
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/visualselector/'
docker run --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=cdio" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network --hostname=cdio test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/fetchers/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Headers and requests checks
if: ${{ inputs.skip-pypuppeteer == false }}
run: |
# Settings headers playwright tests - Call back in from Sockpuppetbrowser, check headers
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000?dumpio=true" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Pyppeteer and SocketPuppetBrowser - Restock detection
if: ${{ inputs.skip-pypuppeteer == false }}
run: |
# restock detection via playwright - added name=changedet here so that playwright and sockpuppetbrowser can connect to it
docker run --rm --name "changedet" -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "FAST_PUPPETEER_CHROME_FETCHER=True" -e "PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://sockpuppetbrowser:3000" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest --live-server-port=5004 --live-server-host= tests/restock/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for Selenium
run: |
# Selenium fetch
docker run --rm -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/fetchers/ && pytest tests/'
- name: Specific tests in built container for headers and requests checks with Selenium
run: |
docker run --name "changedet" --hostname changedet --rm -e "FLASK_SERVER_NAME=changedet" -e "WEBDRIVER_URL=http://selenium:4444/wd/hub" --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio; pytest --live-server-host= --live-server-port=5004 tests/'
- name: Test SMTP notification mime types
run: |
# SMTP content types - needs the 'Debug SMTP server/echo message back server' container from above
# "mailserver" hostname defined above
docker run --rm --network changedet-network test-changedetectionio bash -c 'cd changedetectionio;pytest tests/smtp/'
# @todo Add a test via playwright/puppeteer
# squid with auth is tested in -> tests/proxy_list/
- name: Test proxy squid style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test proxy SOCKS5 style interaction
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test custom browser URL
run: |
cd changedetectionio
cd ..
- name: Test container starts+runs basically without error
run: |
docker run --name test-changedetectionio -p 5556:5000 -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
# Should return 0 (no error) when grep finds it
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s http://localhost:5556 |grep -q checkbox-uuid
# and IPv6
curl --retry-connrefused --retry 6 -s -g -6 "http://[::1]:5556"|grep -q checkbox-uuid
# Check whether TRACE log is enabled.
# Also, check whether TRACE is came from STDERR
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep 'TRACE log is enabled' || exit 1
# Check whether DEBUG is came from STDOUT
docker logs test-changedetectionio 2>/dev/null | grep 'DEBUG' || exit 1
docker kill test-changedetectionio
- name: Test SIGTERM and SIGINT signal shutdown
run: |
echo SIGINT Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGINT to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGINT sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGINT' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
echo SIGTERM Shutdown request test
docker run --name sig-test -d test-changedetectionio
sleep 3
echo ">>> Sending SIGTERM to sig-test container"
docker kill --signal=SIGTERM sig-test
sleep 3
# invert the check (it should be not 0/not running)
docker ps
# check signal catch(STDERR) log. Because of
# changedetectionio/ logger.add(sys.stderr, level=logger_level)
docker logs sig-test 2>&1 | grep 'Shutdown: Got Signal - SIGTERM' || exit 1
test -z "`docker ps|grep sig-test`"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Looks like container was running when it shouldnt be"
docker ps
exit 1
# @todo - scan the container log to see the right "graceful shutdown" text exists
docker rm sig-test
- name: Dump container log
if: always()
run: |
mkdir output-logs
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests > output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stdout-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}.txt
docker logs test-cdio-basic-tests 2> output-logs/test-cdio-basic-tests-stderr-${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}.txt
- name: Store everything including test-datastore
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: test-cdio-basic-tests-output-py${{ env.PYTHON_VERSION }}
path: .

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Generally
In any commercial activity involving 'Hosting' (as defined herein), whether in part or in full, this license must be executed and adhered to.
# Commercial License Agreement
This Commercial License Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Mr Morresi (the original creator of this software) here-in ("Licensor") and (your company or personal name) _____________ ("Licensee"). This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which Licensor provides its software ("Software") and services to Licensee for the purpose of reselling the software either in part or full, as part of any commercial activity where the activity involves a third party.
### Definition of Hosting
For the purposes of this Agreement, "hosting" means making the functionality of the Program or modified version available to third parties as a service. This includes, without limitation:
- Enabling third parties to interact with the functionality of the Program or modified version remotely through a computer network.
- Offering a service the value of which entirely or primarily derives from the value of the Program or modified version.
- Offering a service that accomplishes for users the primary purpose of the Program or modified version.
## 1. Grant of License
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to install, use, and resell the Software. Licensee may:
- Resell the Software as part of a service offering or as a standalone product.
- Host the Software on a server and provide it as a hosted service (e.g., Software as a Service - SaaS).
- Integrate the Software into a larger product or service that is then sold or provided for commercial purposes, where the software is used either in part or full.
## 2. License Fees
Licensee agrees to pay Licensor the license fees specified in the ordering document. License fees are due and payable as specified in the ordering document. The fees may include initial licensing costs and recurring fees based on the number of end users, instances of the Software resold, or revenue generated from the resale activities.
## 3. Resale Conditions
Licensee must comply with the following conditions when reselling the Software, whether the software is resold in part or full:
- Provide end users with access to the source code under the same open-source license conditions as provided by Licensor.
- Clearly state in all marketing and sales materials that the Software is provided under a commercial license from Licensor, and provide a link back to
- Ensure end users are aware of and agree to the terms of the commercial license prior to resale.
- Do not sublicense or transfer the Software to third parties except as part of an authorized resale activity.
## 4. Hosting and Provision of Services
Licensee may host the Software (either in part or full) on its servers and provide it as a hosted service to end users. The following conditions apply:
- Licensee must ensure that all hosted versions of the Software comply with the terms of this Agreement.
- Licensee must provide Licensor with regular reports detailing the number of end users and instances of the hosted service.
- Any modifications to the Software made by Licensee for hosting purposes must be made available to end users under the same open-source license conditions, unless agreed otherwise.
## 5. Services
Licensor will provide support and maintenance services as described in the support policy referenced in the ordering document should such an agreement be signed by all parties. Additional fees may apply for support services provided to end users resold by Licensee.
## 6. Reporting and Audits
Licensee agrees to provide Licensor with regular reports detailing the number of instances, end users, and revenue generated from the resale of the Software. Licensor reserves the right to audit Licensees records to ensure compliance with this Agreement.
## 7. Term and Termination
This Agreement shall commence on the effective date and continue for the period set forth in the ordering document unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement if the other party breaches any material term and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice.
## 8. Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
Executing this commercial license does not waive the Limitation of Liability or Disclaimer of Warranty as stated in the open-source LICENSE provided with the Software. The Software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the Software or the use or other dealings in the Software.
## 9. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic.
## Contact Information
For commercial licensing inquiries, please contact and

@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
# @NOTE! I would love to move to 3.11 but it breaks the async handler in changedetectionio/content_fetchers/
# If you know how to fix it, please do! and test it for both 3.10 and 3.11
FROM python:3.10-slim-bookworm as builder
FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim-bookworm AS builder
# See `cryptography` pin comment in requirements.txt
@ -23,7 +26,8 @@ WORKDIR /install
COPY requirements.txt /requirements.txt
RUN pip install --target=/dependencies -r /requirements.txt
# --extra-index-url is for cryptography module to be prebuilt (or rustc etc needs to be installed)
RUN pip install --extra-index-url --target=/dependencies -r /requirements.txt
# Playwright is an alternative to Selenium
# Excluded this package from requirements.txt to prevent arm/v6 and arm/v7 builds from failing
@ -32,10 +36,12 @@ RUN pip install --target=/dependencies playwright~=1.41.2 \
|| echo "WARN: Failed to install Playwright. The application can still run, but the Playwright option will be disabled."
# Final image stage
FROM python:3.10-slim-bookworm
FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim-bookworm
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
libxslt1.1 \
# For presenting price amounts correctly in the restock/price detection overview
locales \
# For pdftohtml
poppler-utils \
zlib1g \

@ -41,6 +41,20 @@ Using the **Browser Steps** configuration, add basic steps before performing cha
After **Browser Steps** have been run, then visit the **Visual Selector** tab to refine the content you're interested in.
Requires Playwright to be enabled.
### Awesome restock and price change notifications
Enable the _"Re-stock & Price detection for single product pages"_ option to activate the best way to monitor product pricing, this will extract any meta-data in the HTML page and give you many options to follow the pricing of the product.
Easily organise and monitor prices for products from the dashboard, get alerts and notifications when the price of a product changes or comes back in stock again!
[<img src="docs/restock-overview.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt="Easily keep an eye on product price changes directly from the UI" title="Easily keep an eye on product price changes directly from the UI" />](
Set price change notification parameters, upper and lower price, price change percentage and more.
Always know when a product for sale drops in price.
[<img src="docs/restock-settings.png" style="max-width:100%;" alt="Set upper lower and percentage price change notification values" title="Set upper lower and percentage price change notification values" />](
### Example use cases
@ -272,6 +286,10 @@ I offer commercial support, this software is depended on by network security, ae
## Commercial Licencing
If you are reselling this software either in part or full as part of any commercial arrangement, you must abide by our found in our code repository, please contact and .
## Third-party licenses
changedetectionio.html_tools.elementpath_tostring: Copyright (c), 2018-2021, SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati), Licensed under [MIT license](

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Only exists for direct CLI usage

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Read more
__version__ = '0.45.23'
__version__ = '0.46.02'
from changedetectionio.strtobool import strtobool
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError

@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ import copy
# See docs/ for rebuilding the docs/apidoc information
from . import api_schema
from ..model import watch_base
# Build a JSON Schema atleast partially based on our Watch model
from changedetectionio.model.Watch import base_config as watch_base_config
watch_base_config = watch_base()
schema = api_schema.build_watch_json_schema(watch_base_config)
schema_create_watch = copy.deepcopy(schema)
@ -170,23 +171,33 @@ class WatchSingleHistory(Resource):
curl http://localhost:5000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091/history/1677092977 -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
@apiName Get single snapshot content
@apiGroup Watch History
@apiParam {String} [html] Optional Set to =1 to return the last HTML (only stores last 2 snapshots, use `latest` as timestamp)
@apiSuccess (200) {String} OK
@apiSuccess (404) {String} ERR Not found
watch =['watching'].get(uuid)
if not watch:
abort(404, message='No watch exists with the UUID of {}'.format(uuid))
abort(404, message=f"No watch exists with the UUID of {uuid}")
if not len(watch.history):
abort(404, message='Watch found but no history exists for the UUID {}'.format(uuid))
abort(404, message=f"Watch found but no history exists for the UUID {uuid}")
if timestamp == 'latest':
timestamp = list(watch.history.keys())[-1]
content = watch.get_history_snapshot(timestamp)
if request.args.get('html'):
content = watch.get_fetched_html(timestamp)
if content:
response = make_response(content, 200)
response.mimetype = "text/html"
response = make_response("No content found", 404)
response.mimetype = "text/plain"
content = watch.get_history_snapshot(timestamp)
response = make_response(content, 200)
response.mimetype = "text/plain"
response = make_response(content, 200)
response.mimetype = "text/plain"
return response

@ -187,8 +187,10 @@ def construct_blueprint(datastore: ChangeDetectionStore):
u = browsersteps_sessions[browsersteps_session_id]['browserstepper'].page.url
if is_last_step and u:
(screenshot, xpath_data) = browsersteps_sessions[browsersteps_session_id]['browserstepper'].request_visualselector_data()
datastore.save_screenshot(watch_uuid=uuid, screenshot=screenshot)
datastore.save_xpath_data(watch_uuid=uuid, data=xpath_data)
watch =['watching'].get(uuid)
if watch:
# if not
# cleanup_playwright_session()

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
@ -255,8 +255,9 @@ class browsersteps_live_ui(steppable_browser_interface):
def get_current_state(self):
"""Return the screenshot and interactive elements mapping, generally always called after action_()"""
from pkg_resources import resource_string
xpath_element_js = resource_string(__name__, "../../content_fetchers/res/xpath_element_scraper.js").decode('utf-8')
import importlib.resources
xpath_element_js = importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio.content_fetchers.res").joinpath('xpath_element_scraper.js').read_text()
now = time.time() * 1000)
@ -287,11 +288,9 @@ class browsersteps_live_ui(steppable_browser_interface):
:param current_include_filters:
import importlib.resources"var include_filters=''")
from pkg_resources import resource_string
# The code that scrapes elements and makes a list of elements/size/position to click on in the VisualSelector
xpath_element_js = resource_string(__name__, "../../content_fetchers/res/xpath_element_scraper.js").decode('utf-8')
xpath_element_js = importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio.content_fetchers.res").joinpath('xpath_element_scraper.js').read_text()
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers import visualselector_xpath_selectors
xpath_element_js = xpath_element_js.replace('%ELEMENTS%', visualselector_xpath_selectors)
xpath_data ="async () => {" + xpath_element_js + "}")

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def construct_blueprint(datastore: ChangeDetectionStore):
def long_task(uuid, preferred_proxy):
import time
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers import exceptions as content_fetcher_exceptions
from changedetectionio.processors import text_json_diff
from changedetectionio.processors.text_json_diff import text_json_diff
from changedetectionio.safe_jinja import render as jinja_render
status = {'status': '', 'length': 0, 'text': ''}

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ def construct_blueprint(datastore: ChangeDetectionStore, update_q: PriorityQueue
@price_data_follower_blueprint.route("/<string:uuid>/accept", methods=['GET'])
def accept(uuid):['watching'][uuid]['track_ldjson_price_data'] = PRICE_DATA_TRACK_ACCEPT['watching'][uuid]['processor'] = 'restock_diff'['watching'][uuid].clear_watch()
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False}))
return redirect(url_for("index"))

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
from flask import Blueprint, request, make_response, render_template, flash, url_for, redirect
from flask import Blueprint, request, render_template, flash, url_for, redirect
from import ChangeDetectionStore
from changedetectionio.flask_app import login_optionally_required
@ -96,22 +98,55 @@ def construct_blueprint(datastore: ChangeDetectionStore):
@tags_blueprint.route("/edit/<string:uuid>", methods=['GET'])
def form_tag_edit(uuid):
from changedetectionio import forms
from changedetectionio.blueprint.tags.form import group_restock_settings_form
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(['settings']['application']['tags'].keys()).pop()
default =['settings']['application']['tags'].get(uuid)
form = forms.watchForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
form.datastore=datastore # needed?
form = group_restock_settings_form(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
template_args = {
'data': default,
'form': form,
'watch': default,
'extra_notification_token_placeholder_info': datastore.get_unique_notification_token_placeholders_available(),
included_content = {}
if form.extra_form_content():
# So that the extra panels can access _helpers.html etc, we set the environment to load from templates/
# And then render the code from the module
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import importlib.resources
templates_dir = str(importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio").joinpath('templates'))
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
template_str = """{% from '_helpers.html' import render_field, render_checkbox_field, render_button %}
$(document).ready(function () {
toggleOpacity('#overrides_watch', '#restock-fieldset-price-group', true);
<div class="pure-control-group">
<fieldset class="pure-group">
{{ render_checkbox_field(form.overrides_watch) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Used for watches in "Restock & Price detection" mode</span>
template_str += form.extra_form_content()
template = env.from_string(template_str)
included_content = template.render(**template_args)
output = render_template("edit-tag.html",
extra_tab_content=form.extra_tab_content() if form.extra_tab_content() else None,
return output
@ -120,14 +155,15 @@ def construct_blueprint(datastore: ChangeDetectionStore):
@tags_blueprint.route("/edit/<string:uuid>", methods=['POST'])
def form_tag_edit_submit(uuid):
from changedetectionio import forms
from changedetectionio.blueprint.tags.form import group_restock_settings_form
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(['settings']['application']['tags'].keys()).pop()
default =['settings']['application']['tags'].get(uuid)
form = forms.watchForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
form = group_restock_settings_form(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
# @todo subclass form so validation works
#if not form.validate():
@ -136,6 +172,7 @@ def construct_blueprint(datastore: ChangeDetectionStore):
# return redirect(url_for('tags.form_tag_edit_submit', uuid=uuid))['settings']['application']['tags'][uuid].update(['settings']['application']['tags'][uuid]['processor'] = 'restock_diff'
datastore.needs_write_urgent = True

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
from wtforms import (
from wtforms.fields.simple import BooleanField
from changedetectionio.processors.restock_diff.forms import processor_settings_form as restock_settings_form
class group_restock_settings_form(restock_settings_form):
overrides_watch = BooleanField('Activate for individual watches in this tag/group?', default=False)
class SingleTag(Form):

@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
<li class="tab" id=""><a href="#general">General</a></li>
<li class="tab"><a href="#filters-and-triggers">Filters &amp; Triggers</a></li>
{% if extra_tab_content %}
<li class="tab"><a href="#extras_tab">{{ extra_tab_content }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li class="tab"><a href="#notifications">Notifications</a></li>
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ xpath://body/div/span[contains(@class, 'example-class')]",
<li>JSONPath: Prefix with <code>json:</code>, use <code>json:$</code> to force re-formatting if required, <a href="" target="new">test your JSONPath here</a>.</li>
{% if jq_support %}
<li>jq: Prefix with <code>jq:</code> and <a href="" target="new">test your jq here</a>. Using <a href="" target="new">jq</a> allows for complex filtering and processing of JSON data with built-in functions, regex, filtering, and more. See examples and documentation <a href="" target="new">here</a>.</li>
<li>jq: Prefix with <code>jq:</code> and <a href="" target="new">test your jq here</a>. Using <a href="" target="new">jq</a> allows for complex filtering and processing of JSON data with built-in functions, regex, filtering, and more. See examples and documentation <a href="" target="new">here</a>. Prefix <code>jqraw:</code> outputs the results as text instead of a JSON list.</li>
{% else %}
<li>jq support not installed</li>
{% endif %}
@ -97,6 +100,12 @@ nav
{# rendered sub Template #}
{% if extra_form_content %}
<div class="tab-pane-inner" id="extras_tab">
{{ extra_form_content|safe }}
{% endif %}
<div class="tab-pane-inner" id="notifications">
<div class="pure-control-group inline-radio">
@ -119,7 +128,7 @@ nav
{% endif %}
<a href="#notifications" id="notification-setting-reset-to-default" class="pure-button button-xsmall" style="right: 20px; top: 20px; position: absolute; background-color: #5f42dd; border-radius: 4px; font-size: 70%; color: #fff">Use system defaults</a>
{{ render_common_settings_form(form, emailprefix, settings_application) }}
{{ render_common_settings_form(form, emailprefix, settings_application, extra_notification_token_placeholder_info) }}

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def manage_user_agent(headers, current_ua=''):
# Ask it what the user agent is, if its obviously ChromeHeadless, switch it to the default
ua_in_custom_headers = next((v for k, v in headers.items() if k.lower() == "user-agent"), None)
ua_in_custom_headers = headers.get('User-Agent')
if ua_in_custom_headers:
return ua_in_custom_headers
@ -64,10 +64,9 @@ class Fetcher():
render_extract_delay = 0
def __init__(self):
from pkg_resources import resource_string
# The code that scrapes elements and makes a list of elements/size/position to click on in the VisualSelector
self.xpath_element_js = resource_string(__name__, "res/xpath_element_scraper.js").decode('utf-8')
self.instock_data_js = resource_string(__name__, "res/stock-not-in-stock.js").decode('utf-8')
import importlib.resources
self.xpath_element_js = importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio.content_fetchers.res").joinpath('xpath_element_scraper.js').read_text()
self.instock_data_js = importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio.content_fetchers.res").joinpath('stock-not-in-stock.js').read_text()
def get_error(self):
@ -82,7 +81,8 @@ class Fetcher():
# Should set self.error, self.status_code and self.content
@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ class Fetcher():
def screenshot_step(self, step_n):
if self.browser_steps_screenshot_path and not os.path.isdir(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path):
logger.debug(f"> Creating data dir {self.browser_steps_screenshot_path}")
return None
@ -169,5 +172,8 @@ class Fetcher():
if os.path.isfile(f):
def save_step_html(self, param):
def save_step_html(self, step_n):
if self.browser_steps_screenshot_path and not os.path.isdir(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path):
logger.debug(f"> Creating data dir {self.browser_steps_screenshot_path}")

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from loguru import logger
class Non200ErrorCodeReceived(Exception):
def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot=None, xpath_data=None, page_html=None):
# Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app
@ -81,17 +80,18 @@ class ScreenshotUnavailable(Exception):
self.status_code = status_code
self.url = url
if page_html:
from html_tools import html_to_text
from changedetectionio.html_tools import html_to_text
self.page_text = html_to_text(page_html)
class ReplyWithContentButNoText(Exception):
def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot=None, has_filters=False, html_content=''):
def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot=None, has_filters=False, html_content='', xpath_data=None):
# Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app
self.status_code = status_code
self.url = url
self.screenshot = screenshot
self.has_filters = has_filters
self.html_content = html_content
self.xpath_data = xpath_data

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
self.proxy['password'] = parsed.password
def screenshot_step(self, step_n=''):
screenshot ='jpeg', full_page=True, quality=int(os.getenv("SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72)))
if self.browser_steps_screenshot_path is not None:
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
def save_step_html(self, step_n):
content =
destination = os.path.join(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path, 'step_{}.html'.format(step_n))
logger.debug(f"Saving step HTML to {destination}")
@ -81,7 +83,8 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import playwright._impl._errors
@ -128,7 +131,7 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
if response is None:
logger.debug("Content Fetcher > Response object was none")
logger.debug("Content Fetcher > Response object from the browser communication was none")
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=None)
@ -164,10 +167,10 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
raise Non200ErrorCodeReceived(url=url, status_code=self.status_code, screenshot=screenshot)
if len( == 0:
if not empty_pages_are_a_change and len( == 0:
logger.debug("Content Fetcher > Content was empty, empty_pages_are_a_change = False")
logger.debug("Content Fetcher > Content was empty")
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=response.status)
# Run Browser Steps here

@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers import visualselector_xpath_selectors
@ -115,12 +116,11 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
# This user agent is similar to what was used when tweaking the evasions in inject_evasions_into_page(..)
user_agent = None
if request_headers:
user_agent = next((value for key, value in request_headers.items() if key.lower().strip() == 'user-agent'), None)
if user_agent:
# Remove it so it's not sent again with headers after
[request_headers.pop(key) for key in list(request_headers) if key.lower().strip() == 'user-agent'.lower().strip()]
if request_headers and request_headers.get('User-Agent'):
# Request_headers should now be CaaseInsensitiveDict
# Remove it so it's not sent again with headers after
user_agent = request_headers.pop('User-Agent').strip()
if not user_agent:
# Attempt to strip 'HeadlessChrome' etc
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
if response is None:
await browser.close()
logger.warning("Content Fetcher > Response object was none")
logger.warning("Content Fetcher > Response object was none (as in, the response from the browser was empty, not just the content)")
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=None)
self.headers = response.headers
@ -187,10 +187,11 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
raise Non200ErrorCodeReceived(url=url, status_code=self.status_code, screenshot=screenshot)
content = await
if len(content.strip()) == 0:
if not empty_pages_are_a_change and len(content.strip()) == 0:
logger.error("Content Fetcher > Content was empty (empty_pages_are_a_change is False), closing browsers")
await browser.close()
logger.error("Content Fetcher > Content was empty")
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=response.status)
# Run Browser Steps here
@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
await self.fetch_page(**kwargs)
def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False,
current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False):
current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False, empty_pages_are_a_change=False):
#@todo make update_worker async which could run any of these content_fetchers within memory and time constraints
@ -263,7 +264,8 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
), timeout=max_time))
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise(BrowserFetchTimedOut(msg=f"Browser connected but was unable to process the page in {max_time} seconds."))

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
from loguru import logger
import chardet
import hashlib
import os
import chardet
import requests
from changedetectionio import strtobool
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers.exceptions import BrowserStepsInUnsupportedFetcher, EmptyReply, Non200ErrorCodeReceived
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers.base import Fetcher
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
if self.browser_steps_get_valid_steps():
raise BrowserStepsInUnsupportedFetcher(url=url)
@ -45,13 +46,19 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
if self.system_https_proxy:
proxies['https'] = self.system_https_proxy
r = requests.request(method=request_method,
session = requests.Session()
if strtobool(os.getenv('ALLOW_FILE_URI', 'false')) and url.startswith('file://'):
from requests_file import FileAdapter
session.mount('file://', FileAdapter())
r = session.request(method=request_method,
data=request_body.encode('utf-8') if type(request_body) is str else request_body,
# If the response did not tell us what encoding format to expect, Then use chardet to override what `requests` thinks.
# For example - some sites don't tell us it's utf-8, but return utf-8 content
@ -67,7 +74,10 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
self.headers = r.headers
if not r.content or not len(r.content):
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=r.status_code)
if not empty_pages_are_a_change:
raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=r.status_code)
logger.debug(f"URL {url} gave zero byte content reply with Status Code {r.status_code}, but empty_pages_are_a_change = True")
# @todo test this
# @todo maybe you really want to test zero-byte return pages?

@ -0,0 +1 @@
# resources for browser injection/scraping

@ -30,14 +30,21 @@ function isItemInStock() {
'dieser artikel ist bald wieder verfügbar',
'dostępne wkrótce',
'en rupture de stock',
'ist derzeit nicht auf lager',
'isn\'t in stock right now',
'isnt in stock right now',
'isnt in stock right now',
'item is no longer available',
'let me know when it\'s available',
'mail me when available',
'message if back in stock',
'nachricht bei',
'nicht auf lager',
'nicht lagernd',
'nicht lieferbar',
'nicht verfügbar',
'nicht vorrätig',
'nicht zur verfügung',
'nie znaleziono produktów',
'niet beschikbaar',
'niet leverbaar',
'niet op voorraad',
@ -48,6 +55,7 @@ function isItemInStock() {
'not currently available',
'not in stock',
'notify me when available',
'notify me',
'notify when available',
'não estamos a aceitar encomendas',
'out of stock',
@ -62,12 +70,16 @@ function isItemInStock() {
'this item is currently unavailable',
'tickets unavailable',
'tijdelijk uitverkocht',
'unavailable nearby',
'unavailable tickets',
'vorbestellung ist bald möglich',
'we couldn\'t find any products that match',
'we do not currently have an estimate of when this product will be back in stock.',
'we don\'t know when or if this item will be back in stock.',
'we were not able to find a match',
'when this arrives in stock',
'zur zeit nicht an lager',

@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ visibleElementsArray.forEach(function (element) {
// Inject the current one set in the include_filters, which may be a CSS rule
// used for displaying the current one in VisualSelector, where its not one we generated.
if (include_filters.length) {
let results;
// Foreach filter, go and find it on the page and add it to the results so we can visualise it again
for (const f of include_filters) {
bbox = false;
@ -197,10 +198,15 @@ if (include_filters.length) {
if (f.startsWith('/') || f.startsWith('xpath')) {
var qry_f = f.replace(/xpath(:|\d:)/, '')
console.log("[xpath] Scanning for included filter " + qry_f)
q = document.evaluate(qry_f, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
let xpathResult = document.evaluate(qry_f, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < xpathResult.snapshotLength; i++) {
} else {
console.log("[css] Scanning for included filter " + f)
q = document.querySelector(f);
console.log("[css] Scanning for included filter " + f);
results = document.querySelectorAll(f);
} catch (e) {
// Maybe catch DOMException and alert?
@ -208,44 +214,45 @@ if (include_filters.length) {
if (q) {
// Try to resolve //something/text() back to its /something so we can atleast get the bounding box
try {
if (typeof q.nodeName == 'string' && q.nodeName === '#text') {
q = q.parentElement
} catch (e) {
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: #text resolver")
if (results != null && results.length) {
// #1231 - IN the case XPath attribute filter is applied, we will have to traverse up and find the element.
if (typeof q.getBoundingClientRect == 'function') {
bbox = q.getBoundingClientRect();
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: Got filter element, scroll from top was " + scroll_y)
} else {
// Iterate over the results
results.forEach(node => {
// Try to resolve //something/text() back to its /something so we can atleast get the bounding box
try {
// Try and see we can find its ownerElement
bbox = q.ownerElement.getBoundingClientRect();
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: Got filter by ownerElement element, scroll from top was " + scroll_y)
if (typeof node.nodeName == 'string' && node.nodeName === '#text') {
node = node.parentElement
} catch (e) {
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: error looking up q.ownerElement")
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: #text resolver")
if (!q) {
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: filter element " + f + " was not found");
// #1231 - IN the case XPath attribute filter is applied, we will have to traverse up and find the element.
if (typeof node.getBoundingClientRect == 'function') {
bbox = node.getBoundingClientRect();
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: Got filter element, scroll from top was " + scroll_y)
} else {
try {
// Try and see we can find its ownerElement
bbox = node.ownerElement.getBoundingClientRect();
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: Got filter by ownerElement element, scroll from top was " + scroll_y)
} catch (e) {
console.log("xpath_element_scraper: error looking up q.ownerElement")
if (bbox && bbox['width'] > 0 && bbox['height'] > 0) {
xpath: f,
width: parseInt(bbox['width']),
height: parseInt(bbox['height']),
left: parseInt(bbox['left']),
top: parseInt(bbox['top']) + scroll_y
if (bbox && bbox['width'] > 0 && bbox['height'] > 0) {
xpath: f,
width: parseInt(bbox['width']),
height: parseInt(bbox['height']),
left: parseInt(bbox['left']),
top: parseInt(bbox['top']) + scroll_y,
highlight_as_custom_filter: true

@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ class fetcher(Fetcher):
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options as ChromeOptions

@ -1,62 +1,97 @@
# used for the notifications, the front-end is using a JS library
import difflib
from typing import List, Iterator, Union
def same_slicer(lst: List[str], start: int, end: int) -> List[str]:
"""Return a slice of the list, or a single element if start == end."""
return lst[start:end] if start != end else [lst[start]]
def same_slicer(l, a, b):
if a == b:
return [l[a]]
return l[a:b]
# like .compare but a little different output
def customSequenceMatcher(before, after, include_equal=False, include_removed=True, include_added=True, include_replaced=True, include_change_type_prefix=True):
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=lambda x: x in " \\t", a=before, b=after)
# @todo Line-by-line mode instead of buncghed, including `after` that is not in `before` (maybe unset?)
def customSequenceMatcher(
before: List[str],
after: List[str],
include_equal: bool = False,
include_removed: bool = True,
include_added: bool = True,
include_replaced: bool = True,
include_change_type_prefix: bool = True
) -> Iterator[List[str]]:
Compare two sequences and yield differences based on specified parameters.
before (List[str]): Original sequence
after (List[str]): Modified sequence
include_equal (bool): Include unchanged parts
include_removed (bool): Include removed parts
include_added (bool): Include added parts
include_replaced (bool): Include replaced parts
include_change_type_prefix (bool): Add prefixes to indicate change types
List[str]: Differences between sequences
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=lambda x: x in " \t", a=before, b=after)
for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes():
if include_equal and tag == 'equal':
g = before[alo:ahi]
yield g
yield before[alo:ahi]
elif include_removed and tag == 'delete':
row_prefix = "(removed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g = [ row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)]
yield g
prefix = "(removed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
yield [f"{prefix}{line}" for line in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)]
elif include_replaced and tag == 'replace':
row_prefix = "(changed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g = [row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)]
row_prefix = "(into) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g += [row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
yield g
prefix_changed = "(changed) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
prefix_into = "(into) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
yield [f"{prefix_changed}{line}" for line in same_slicer(before, alo, ahi)] + \
[f"{prefix_into}{line}" for line in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
elif include_added and tag == 'insert':
row_prefix = "(added) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
g = [row_prefix + i for i in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
yield g
prefix = "(added) " if include_change_type_prefix else ''
yield [f"{prefix}{line}" for line in same_slicer(after, blo, bhi)]
# only_differences - only return info about the differences, no context
# line_feed_sep could be "<br>" or "<li>" or "\n" etc
def render_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents, include_equal=False, include_removed=True, include_added=True, include_replaced=True, line_feed_sep="\n", include_change_type_prefix=True, patch_format=False):
newest_version_file_contents = [line.rstrip() for line in newest_version_file_contents.splitlines()]
if previous_version_file_contents:
previous_version_file_contents = [line.rstrip() for line in previous_version_file_contents.splitlines()]
previous_version_file_contents = ""
def render_diff(
previous_version_file_contents: str,
newest_version_file_contents: str,
include_equal: bool = False,
include_removed: bool = True,
include_added: bool = True,
include_replaced: bool = True,
line_feed_sep: str = "\n",
include_change_type_prefix: bool = True,
patch_format: bool = False
) -> str:
Render the difference between two file contents.
previous_version_file_contents (str): Original file contents
newest_version_file_contents (str): Modified file contents
include_equal (bool): Include unchanged parts
include_removed (bool): Include removed parts
include_added (bool): Include added parts
include_replaced (bool): Include replaced parts
line_feed_sep (str): Separator for lines in output
include_change_type_prefix (bool): Add prefixes to indicate change types
patch_format (bool): Use patch format for output
str: Rendered difference
newest_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in newest_version_file_contents.splitlines()]
previous_lines = [line.rstrip() for line in previous_version_file_contents.splitlines()] if previous_version_file_contents else []
if patch_format:
patch = difflib.unified_diff(previous_version_file_contents, newest_version_file_contents)
patch = difflib.unified_diff(previous_lines, newest_lines)
return line_feed_sep.join(patch)
rendered_diff = customSequenceMatcher(before=previous_version_file_contents,
rendered_diff = customSequenceMatcher(
def flatten(lst: List[Union[str, List[str]]]) -> str:
return line_feed_sep.join(flatten(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in lst)
# Recursively join lists
f = lambda L: line_feed_sep.join([f(x) if type(x) is list else x for x in L])
p= f(rendered_diff)
return p
return flatten(rendered_diff)

@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import flask_login
import locale
import os
import pytz
import queue
import threading
import time
import timeago
from .processors import find_processors, get_parent_module, get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor
from .safe_jinja import render as jinja_render
from changedetectionio.strtobool import strtobool
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from threading import Event
import flask_login
import pytz
import timeago
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
from flask import (
@ -79,6 +83,14 @@ csrf = CSRFProtect()
# get locale ready
default_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()"System locale default is {default_locale}")
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, default_locale)
except locale.Error:
logger.warning(f"Unable to set locale {default_locale}, locale is not installed maybe?")
watch_api = Api(app, decorators=[csrf.exempt])
def init_app_secret(datastore_path):
@ -108,6 +120,14 @@ def get_darkmode_state():
def get_css_version():
return __version__
def _jinja2_filter_format_number_locale(value: float) -> str:
"Formats for example 4000.10 to the local locale default of 4,000.10"
# Format the number with two decimal places (locale format string will return 6 decimal)
formatted_value = locale.format_string("%.2f", value, grouping=True)
return formatted_value
# We use the whole watch object from the store/JSON so we can see if there's some related status in terms of a thread
# running or something similar.
@ -124,10 +144,10 @@ def _jinja2_filter_datetime(watch_obj, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
def _jinja2_filter_datetimestamp(timestamp, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
if timestamp == False:
if not timestamp:
return 'Not yet'
return timeago.format(timestamp, time.time())
return timeago.format(int(timestamp), time.time())
@ -339,7 +359,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# @todo needs a .itemsWithTag() or something - then we can use that in Jinaj2 and throw this away
for uuid, watch in['watching'].items():
# @todo tag notification_muted skip also (improve Watch model)
if watch.get('notification_muted'):
if['settings']['application'].get('rss_hide_muted_watches') and watch.get('notification_muted'):
if limit_tag and not limit_tag in watch['tags']:
@ -472,7 +492,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# Don't link to hosting when we're on the hosting environment
@ -512,12 +532,21 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
def ajax_callback_send_notification_test(watch_uuid=None):
# Watch_uuid could be unsuet in the case its used in tag editor, global setings
# Watch_uuid could be unset in the case its used in tag editor, global setings
import apprise
import random
from .apprise_asset import asset
apobj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset)
watch =['watching'].get(watch_uuid) if watch_uuid else None
is_global_settings_form = request.args.get('mode', '') == 'global-settings'
is_group_settings_form = request.args.get('mode', '') == 'group-settings'
# Use an existing random one on the global/main settings form
if not watch_uuid and (is_global_settings_form or is_group_settings_form):
logger.debug(f"Send test notification - Choosing random Watch {watch_uuid}")
watch_uuid = random.choice(list(['watching'].keys()))
watch =['watching'].get(watch_uuid)
notification_urls = request.form['notification_urls'].strip().splitlines()
@ -529,8 +558,6 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
tag = datastore.tag_exists_by_name(k.strip())
notification_urls = tag.get('notifications_urls') if tag and tag.get('notifications_urls') else None
is_global_settings_form = request.args.get('mode', '') == 'global-settings'
is_group_settings_form = request.args.get('mode', '') == 'group-settings'
if not notification_urls and not is_global_settings_form and not is_group_settings_form:
# In the global settings, use only what is typed currently in the text box
logger.debug("Test notification - Trying by global system settings notifications")
@ -549,7 +576,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# use the same as when it is triggered, but then override it with the form test values
n_object = {
'watch_url': request.form['window_url'],
'watch_url': request.form.get('window_url', ""),
'notification_urls': notification_urls
@ -616,11 +643,11 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# ?
def edit_page(uuid):
from . import forms
from .blueprint.browser_steps.browser_steps import browser_step_ui_config
from . import processors
import importlib
# More for testing, possible to return the first/only
if not['watching'].keys():
@ -652,14 +679,40 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# Radio needs '' not None, or incase that the chosen one no longer exists
if default['proxy'] is None or not any(default['proxy'] in tup for tup in datastore.proxy_list):
default['proxy'] = ''
# proxy_override set to the json/text list of the items
form = forms.watchForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
# For the form widget tag uuid lookup
form.tags.datastore = datastore # in _value
# Does it use some custom form? does one exist?
processor_name =['watching'][uuid].get('processor', '')
processor_classes = next((tpl for tpl in find_processors() if tpl[1] == processor_name), None)
if not processor_classes:
flash(f"Cannot load the edit form for processor/plugin '{processor_classes[1]}', plugin missing?", 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
parent_module = get_parent_module(processor_classes[0])
# Get the parent of the "" go up one, get the form (kinda spaghetti but its reusing existing code)
forms_module = importlib.import_module(f"{parent_module.__name__}.forms")
# Access the 'processor_settings_form' class from the 'forms' module
form_class = getattr(forms_module, 'processor_settings_form')
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
# .forms didnt exist
form_class = forms.processor_text_json_diff_form
except AttributeError as e:
# .forms exists but no useful form
form_class = forms.processor_text_json_diff_form
form = form_class(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
# For the form widget tag UUID back to "string name" for the field
form.tags.datastore = datastore
# Used by some forms that need to dig deeper
form.datastore = datastore = default
for p in datastore.extra_browsers:
@ -679,7 +732,15 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
extra_update_obj = {}
# If they changed processor, it makes sense to reset it.
if['watching'][uuid].get('processor') !='processor'):['watching'][uuid].clear_watch()
flash("Reset watch history due to change of processor")
extra_update_obj = {
'consecutive_filter_failures': 0,
'last_error' : False
if request.args.get('unpause_on_save'):
extra_update_obj['paused'] = False
@ -717,10 +778,16 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):['watching'][uuid].update(['watching'][uuid].update(extra_update_obj)
if request.args.get('unpause_on_save'):
flash("Updated watch - unpaused!.")
flash("Updated watch.")
if not['watching'][uuid].get('tags'):
# Force it to be a list, because['tags'] will be string if nothing found
# And del(['tags'] ) wont work either for some reason['watching'][uuid]['tags'] = []
# Recast it if need be to right data Watch handler
watch_class = get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor('processor'))['watching'][uuid] = watch_class(datastore_path=datastore_o.datastore_path,['watching'][uuid])
flash("Updated watch - unpaused!" if request.args.get('unpause_on_save') else "Updated watch.")
# Re #286 - We wait for syncing new data to disk in another thread every 60 seconds
# But in the case something is added we should save straight away
@ -750,6 +817,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
jq_support = False
watch =['watching'].get(uuid)
system_uses_webdriver =['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver'
is_html_webdriver = False
@ -758,23 +826,42 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# Only works reliably with Playwright
visualselector_enabled = os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False) and is_html_webdriver
template_args = {
'available_processors': processors.available_processors(),
'browser_steps_config': browser_step_ui_config,
'emailprefix': os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False),
'extra_title': f" - Edit - {watch.label}",
'extra_processor_config': form.extra_tab_content(),
'extra_notification_token_placeholder_info': datastore.get_unique_notification_token_placeholders_available(),
'form': form,
'has_default_notification_urls': True if len(['settings']['application']['notification_urls']) else False,
'has_extra_headers_file': len(datastore.get_all_headers_in_textfile_for_watch(uuid=uuid)) > 0,
'has_special_tag_options': _watch_has_tag_options_set(watch=watch),
'is_html_webdriver': is_html_webdriver,
'jq_support': jq_support,
'playwright_enabled': os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False),
'using_global_webdriver_wait': not default['webdriver_delay'],
'uuid': uuid,
'visualselector_enabled': visualselector_enabled,
'watch': watch
included_content = None
if form.extra_form_content():
# So that the extra panels can access _helpers.html etc, we set the environment to load from templates/
# And then render the code from the module
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import importlib.resources
templates_dir = str(importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio").joinpath('templates'))
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
template = env.from_string(form.extra_form_content())
included_content = template.render(**template_args)
output = render_template("edit.html",
emailprefix=os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False),
extra_title=f" - Edit - {watch.label}",
has_default_notification_urls=True if len(['settings']['application']['notification_urls']) else False,
has_extra_headers_file=len(datastore.get_all_headers_in_textfile_for_watch(uuid=uuid)) > 0,
playwright_enabled=os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False),['settings']['application'],
using_global_webdriver_wait=not default['webdriver_delay'],
extra_tab_content=form.extra_tab_content() if form.extra_tab_content() else None,
return output
@ -800,7 +887,8 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
# Don't use on POST so that it doesnt overrid the checkbox status from the POST status
form = forms.globalSettingsForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
# Remove the last option 'System default'
@ -852,6 +940,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
output = render_template("settings.html",['settings']['application'].get('api_access_token'),
emailprefix=os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False),
hide_remove_pass=os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False),
min_system_recheck_seconds=int(os.getenv('MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME', 3)),
@ -884,7 +973,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
if request.values.get('urls') and len(request.values.get('urls').strip()):
# Import and push into the queue for immediate update check
importer = import_url_list()'urls'), flash=flash, datastore=datastore, processor=request.values.get('processor'))'urls'), flash=flash, datastore=datastore, processor=request.values.get('processor', 'text_json_diff'))
for uuid in importer.new_uuids:
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True}))
@ -1280,6 +1369,30 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
except FileNotFoundError:
@app.route("/edit/<string:uuid>/get-html", methods=['GET'])
def watch_get_latest_html(uuid):
from io import BytesIO
from flask import send_file
import brotli
watch =['watching'].get(uuid)
if watch and os.path.isdir(watch.watch_data_dir):
latest_filename = list(watch.history.keys())[0]
html_fname = os.path.join(watch.watch_data_dir, f"{latest_filename}")
if html_fname.endswith('.br'):
# Read and decompress the Brotli file
with open(html_fname, 'rb') as f:
decompressed_data = brotli.decompress(
buffer = BytesIO(decompressed_data)
return send_file(buffer, as_attachment=True, download_name=f"{latest_filename}.html", mimetype='text/html')
# Return a 500 error
@app.route("/form/add/quickwatch", methods=['POST'])
def form_quick_watch_add():
@ -1385,7 +1498,7 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': watch_uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False}))
i += 1
flash("{} watches queued for rechecking.".format(i))
flash(f"{i} watches queued for rechecking.")
return redirect(url_for('index', tag=tag))
@app.route("/form/checkbox-operations", methods=['POST'])
@ -1479,9 +1592,13 @@ def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
# Bug in old versions caused by bad edit page/tag handler
if isinstance(['watching'][uuid]['tags'], str):['watching'][uuid]['tags'] = []['watching'][uuid]['tags'].append(tag_uuid)
flash("{} watches assigned tag".format(len(uuids)))
flash(f"{len(uuids)} watches were tagged")
return redirect(url_for('index'))

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import os
import re
from changedetectionio.strtobool import strtobool
from wtforms import (
@ -230,9 +231,6 @@ class ValidateJinja2Template(object):
Validates that a {token} is from a valid set
def __init__(self, message=None):
self.message = message
def __call__(self, form, field):
from changedetectionio import notification
@ -247,6 +245,10 @@ class ValidateJinja2Template(object):
jinja2_env = ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment(loader=BaseLoader)
# Extra validation tokens provided on the form_class(... extra_tokens={}) setup
if hasattr(field, 'extra_notification_tokens'):
except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
raise ValidationError(f"This is not a valid Jinja2 template: {e}") from e
@ -419,15 +421,24 @@ class quickWatchForm(Form):
# Common to a single watch and the global settings
class commonSettingsForm(Form):
from . import processors
notification_urls = StringListField('Notification URL List', validators=[validators.Optional(), ValidateAppRiseServers(), ValidateJinja2Template()])
notification_title = StringField('Notification Title', default=' Notification - {{ watch_url }}', validators=[validators.Optional(), ValidateJinja2Template()])
def __init__(self, formdata=None, obj=None, prefix="", data=None, meta=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(formdata, obj, prefix, data, meta, **kwargs)
self.notification_body.extra_notification_tokens = kwargs.get('extra_notification_tokens', {})
self.notification_title.extra_notification_tokens = kwargs.get('extra_notification_tokens', {})
self.notification_urls.extra_notification_tokens = kwargs.get('extra_notification_tokens', {})
extract_title_as_title = BooleanField('Extract <title> from document and use as watch title', default=False)
fetch_backend = RadioField(u'Fetch Method', choices=content_fetchers.available_fetchers(), validators=[ValidateContentFetcherIsReady()])
notification_body = TextAreaField('Notification Body', default='{{ watch_url }} had a change.', validators=[validators.Optional(), ValidateJinja2Template()])
notification_format = SelectField('Notification format', choices=valid_notification_formats.keys())
fetch_backend = RadioField(u'Fetch Method', choices=content_fetchers.available_fetchers(), validators=[ValidateContentFetcherIsReady()])
extract_title_as_title = BooleanField('Extract <title> from document and use as watch title', default=False)
webdriver_delay = IntegerField('Wait seconds before extracting text', validators=[validators.Optional(), validators.NumberRange(min=1,
message="Should contain one or more seconds")])
notification_title = StringField('Notification Title', default=' Notification - {{ watch_url }}', validators=[validators.Optional(), ValidateJinja2Template()])
notification_urls = StringListField('Notification URL List', validators=[validators.Optional(), ValidateAppRiseServers(), ValidateJinja2Template()])
processor = RadioField( label=u"Processor - What do you want to achieve?", choices=processors.available_processors(), default="text_json_diff")
webdriver_delay = IntegerField('Wait seconds before extracting text', validators=[validators.Optional(), validators.NumberRange(min=1, message="Should contain one or more seconds")])
class importForm(Form):
from . import processors
processor = RadioField(u'Processor', choices=processors.available_processors(), default="text_json_diff")
@ -447,7 +458,7 @@ class SingleBrowserStep(Form):
# remove_button = SubmitField('-', render_kw={"type": "button", "class": "pure-button pure-button-primary", 'title': 'Remove'})
# add_button = SubmitField('+', render_kw={"type": "button", "class": "pure-button pure-button-primary", 'title': 'Add new step after'})
class watchForm(commonSettingsForm):
class processor_text_json_diff_form(commonSettingsForm):
url = fields.URLField('URL', validators=[validateURL()])
tags = StringTagUUID('Group tag', [validators.Optional()], default='')
@ -475,9 +486,6 @@ class watchForm(commonSettingsForm):
filter_text_replaced = BooleanField('Replaced/changed lines', default=True)
filter_text_removed = BooleanField('Removed lines', default=True)
# @todo this class could be moved to its own text_json_diff_watchForm and this goes to restock_diff_Watchform perhaps
in_stock_only = BooleanField('Only trigger when product goes BACK to in-stock', default=True)
trigger_text = StringListField('Trigger/wait for text', [validators.Optional(), ValidateListRegex()])
if os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL"):
browser_steps = FieldList(FormField(SingleBrowserStep), min_entries=10)
@ -493,6 +501,12 @@ class watchForm(commonSettingsForm):
notification_muted = BooleanField('Notifications Muted / Off', default=False)
notification_screenshot = BooleanField('Attach screenshot to notification (where possible)', default=False)
def extra_tab_content(self):
return None
def extra_form_content(self):
return None
def validate(self, **kwargs):
if not super().validate():
return False
@ -513,7 +527,6 @@ class watchForm(commonSettingsForm):
result = False
return result
class SingleExtraProxy(Form):
# maybe better to set some <script>var..
@ -572,6 +585,8 @@ class globalSettingsApplicationForm(commonSettingsForm):
removepassword_button = SubmitField('Remove password', render_kw={"class": "pure-button pure-button-primary"})
render_anchor_tag_content = BooleanField('Render anchor tag content', default=False)
shared_diff_access = BooleanField('Allow access to view diff page when password is enabled', default=False, validators=[validators.Optional()])
rss_hide_muted_watches = BooleanField('Hide muted watches from RSS feed', default=True,
filter_failure_notification_threshold_attempts = IntegerField('Number of times the filter can be missing before sending a notification',
render_kw={"style": "width: 5em;"},
@ -582,6 +597,11 @@ class globalSettingsForm(Form):
# Define these as FormFields/"sub forms", this way it matches the JSON storage
def __init__(self, formdata=None, obj=None, prefix="", data=None, meta=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(formdata, obj, prefix, data, meta, **kwargs)
self.application.notification_body.extra_notification_tokens = kwargs.get('extra_notification_tokens', {})
self.application.notification_title.extra_notification_tokens = kwargs.get('extra_notification_tokens', {})
self.application.notification_urls.extra_notification_tokens = kwargs.get('extra_notification_tokens', {})
requests = FormField(globalSettingsRequestForm)
application = FormField(globalSettingsApplicationForm)

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from inscriptis import get_text
from jsonpath_ng.ext import parse
from typing import List
from inscriptis.css_profiles import CSS_PROFILES, HtmlElement
from inscriptis.html_properties import Display
from inscriptis.model.config import ParserConfig
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as xml_escape
import json
@ -218,12 +216,12 @@ def extract_element(find='title', html_content=''):
def _parse_json(json_data, json_filter):
if 'json:' in json_filter:
if json_filter.startswith("json:"):
jsonpath_expression = parse(json_filter.replace('json:', ''))
match = jsonpath_expression.find(json_data)
return _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match)
if 'jq:' in json_filter:
if json_filter.startswith("jq:") or json_filter.startswith("jqraw:"):
import jq
@ -231,10 +229,15 @@ def _parse_json(json_data, json_filter):
# `jq` requires full compilation in windows and so isn't generally available
raise Exception("jq not support not found")
jq_expression = jq.compile(json_filter.replace('jq:', ''))
match = jq_expression.input(json_data).all()
if json_filter.startswith("jq:"):
jq_expression = jq.compile(json_filter.removeprefix("jq:"))
match = jq_expression.input(json_data).all()
return _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match)
return _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match)
if json_filter.startswith("jqraw:"):
jq_expression = jq.compile(json_filter.removeprefix("jqraw:"))
match = jq_expression.input(json_data).all()
return '\n'.join(str(item) for item in match)
def _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match):
s = []
@ -262,7 +265,7 @@ def _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match):
# ensure_is_ldjson_info_type - str "product", optional, "@type == product" (I dont know how to do that as a json selector)
def extract_json_as_string(content, json_filter, ensure_is_ldjson_info_type=None):
stripped_text_from_html = False
# Try to parse/filter out the JSON, if we get some parser error, then maybe it's embedded within HTML tags
stripped_text_from_html = _parse_json(json.loads(content), json_filter)
@ -301,17 +304,19 @@ def extract_json_as_string(content, json_filter, ensure_is_ldjson_info_type=None
if isinstance(json_data, dict):
# If it has LD JSON 'key' @type, and @type is 'product', and something was found for the search
# (Some sites have multiple of the same ld+json @type='product', but some have the review part, some have the 'price' part)
# @type could also be a list (Product, SubType)
# @type could also be a list although non-standard ("@type": ["Product", "SubType"],)
# LD_JSON auto-extract also requires some content PLUS the ldjson to be present
# 1833 - could be either str or dict, should not be anything else
if json_data.get('@type') and stripped_text_from_html:
if json_data.get('@type') == str or json_data.get('@type') == dict:
types = [json_data.get('@type')] if isinstance(json_data.get('@type'), str) else json_data.get('@type')
if ensure_is_ldjson_info_type.lower() in [x.lower().strip() for x in types]:
t = json_data.get('@type')
if t and stripped_text_from_html:
if isinstance(t, str) and t.lower() == ensure_is_ldjson_info_type.lower():
# The non-standard part, some have a list
elif isinstance(t, list):
if ensure_is_ldjson_info_type.lower() in [x.lower().strip() for x in t]:
elif stripped_text_from_html:
@ -414,22 +419,23 @@ def html_to_text(html_content: str, render_anchor_tag_content=False, is_rss=Fals
# Does LD+JSON exist with a @type=='product' and a .price set anywhere?
def has_ldjson_product_info(content):
pricing_data = ''
if not 'application/ld+json' in content:
return False
pricing_data += extract_json_as_string(content=content,
lc = content.lower()
if 'application/ld+json' in lc and lc.count('"price"') == 1 and '"pricecurrency"' in lc:
return True
# On some pages this is really terribly expensive when they dont really need it
# (For example you never want price monitoring, but this runs on every watch to suggest it)
# pricing_data += extract_json_as_string(content=content,
# json_filter=filter,
# ensure_is_ldjson_info_type="product")
except Exception as e:
# Totally fine
# OK too
return False
return x
return False
def workarounds_for_obfuscations(content):

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from changedetectionio.notification import (
# Equal to or greater than this number of FilterNotFoundInResponse exceptions will trigger a filter-not-found notification
DEFAULT_SETTINGS_HEADERS_USERAGENT='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36'
@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ class model(dict):
'pager_size': 50,
'password': False,
'render_anchor_tag_content': False,
'rss_access_token': None,
'rss_hide_muted_watches': True,
'schema_version' : 0,
'shared_diff_access': False,
'webdriver_delay': None , # Extra delay in seconds before extracting text

@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
from .Watch import base_config
import uuid
class model(dict):
from changedetectionio.model import watch_base
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
class model(watch_base):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
super(model, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)
self['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
self['overrides_watch'] = kw.get('default', {}).get('overrides_watch')
if kw.get('default'):
del kw['default']
# Goes at the end so we update the default object with the initialiser
super(model, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
from changedetectionio.strtobool import strtobool
from changedetectionio.safe_jinja import render as jinja_render
from . import watch_base
import os
import re
import time
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from loguru import logger
@ -15,69 +13,6 @@ SAFE_PROTOCOL_REGEX='^(http|https|ftp|file):'
minimum_seconds_recheck_time = int(os.getenv('MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME', 3))
mtable = {'seconds': 1, 'minutes': 60, 'hours': 3600, 'days': 86400, 'weeks': 86400 * 7}
from changedetectionio.notification import (
base_config = {
'body': None,
'browser_steps': [],
'browser_steps_last_error_step': None,
'check_unique_lines': False, # On change-detected, compare against all history if its something new
'check_count': 0,
'date_created': None,
'consecutive_filter_failures': 0, # Every time the CSS/xPath filter cannot be located, reset when all is fine.
'extract_text': [], # Extract text by regex after filters
'extract_title_as_title': False,
'fetch_backend': 'system', # plaintext, playwright etc
'fetch_time': 0.0,
'processor': 'text_json_diff', # could be restock_diff or others from .processors
'filter_failure_notification_send': strtobool(os.getenv('FILTER_FAILURE_NOTIFICATION_SEND_DEFAULT', 'True')),
'filter_text_added': True,
'filter_text_replaced': True,
'filter_text_removed': True,
'has_ldjson_price_data': None,
'track_ldjson_price_data': None,
'headers': {}, # Extra headers to send
'ignore_text': [], # List of text to ignore when calculating the comparison checksum
'in_stock' : None,
'in_stock_only' : True, # Only trigger change on going to instock from out-of-stock
'include_filters': [],
'last_checked': 0,
'last_error': False,
'last_viewed': 0, # history key value of the last viewed via the [diff] link
'method': 'GET',
'notification_alert_count': 0,
# Custom notification content
'notification_body': None,
'notification_format': default_notification_format_for_watch,
'notification_muted': False,
'notification_title': None,
'notification_screenshot': False, # Include the latest screenshot if available and supported by the apprise URL
'notification_urls': [], # List of URLs to add to the notification Queue (Usually AppRise)
'paused': False,
'previous_md5': False,
'previous_md5_before_filters': False, # Used for skipping changedetection entirely
'proxy': None, # Preferred proxy connection
'remote_server_reply': None, # From 'server' reply header
'sort_text_alphabetically': False,
'subtractive_selectors': [],
'tag': '', # Old system of text name for a tag, to be removed
'tags': [], # list of UUIDs to App.Tags
'text_should_not_be_present': [], # Text that should not present
# Re #110, so then if this is set to None, we know to use the default value instead
# Requires setting to None on submit if it's the same as the default
# Should be all None by default, so we use the system default in this case.
'time_between_check': {'weeks': None, 'days': None, 'hours': None, 'minutes': None, 'seconds': None},
'time_between_check_use_default': True,
'title': None,
'trigger_text': [], # List of text or regex to wait for until a change is detected
'url': '',
'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'webdriver_delay': None,
'webdriver_js_execute_code': None, # Run before change-detection
def is_safe_url(test_url):
# See
@ -94,30 +29,26 @@ def is_safe_url(test_url):
return True
class model(dict):
class model(watch_base):
__newest_history_key = None
__history_n = 0
jitter_seconds = 0
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
self.__datastore_path = kw['datastore_path']
self['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
del kw['datastore_path']
super(model, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)
if kw.get('default'):
del kw['default']
if self.get('default'):
del self['default']
# Be sure the cached timestamp is ready
bump = self.history
# Goes at the end so we update the default object with the initialiser
super(model, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)
def viewed(self):
# Don't return viewed when last_viewed is 0 and newest_key is 0
@ -157,6 +88,33 @@ class model(dict):
ready_url=ready_url.replace('source:', '')
return ready_url
def clear_watch(self):
import pathlib
# JSON Data, Screenshots, Textfiles (history index and snapshots), HTML in the future etc
for item in pathlib.Path(str(self.watch_data_dir)).rglob("*.*"):
# Force the attr to recalculate
bump = self.history
# Do this last because it will trigger a recheck due to last_checked being zero
'browser_steps_last_error_step': None,
'check_count': 0,
'fetch_time': 0.0,
'has_ldjson_price_data': None,
'last_checked': 0,
'last_error': False,
'last_notification_error': False,
'last_viewed': 0,
'previous_md5': False,
'previous_md5_before_filters': False,
'remote_server_reply': None,
'track_ldjson_price_data': None
def is_source_type_url(self):
return self.get('url', '').startswith('source:')
@ -238,6 +196,8 @@ class model(dict):
if len(tmp_history):
self.__newest_history_key = list(tmp_history.keys())[-1]
self.__newest_history_key = None
self.__history_n = len(tmp_history)
@ -256,6 +216,13 @@ class model(dict):
return has_browser_steps
def has_restock_info(self):
if self.get('restock') and self['restock'].get('in_stock') != None:
return True
return False
# Returns the newest key, but if theres only 1 record, then it's counted as not being new, so return 0.
def newest_history_key(self):
@ -328,12 +295,9 @@ class model(dict):
def save_history_text(self, contents, timestamp, snapshot_id):
import brotli
logger.trace(f"{self.get('uuid')} - Updating history.txt with timestamp {timestamp}")
# Small hack so that we sleep just enough to allow 1 second between history snapshots
# this is because history.txt indexes/keys snapshots by epoch seconds and we dont want dupe keys
if self.__newest_history_key and int(timestamp) == int(self.__newest_history_key):
time.sleep(timestamp - self.__newest_history_key)
threshold = int(os.getenv('SNAPSHOT_BROTLI_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD', 1024))
skip_brotli = strtobool(os.getenv('DISABLE_BROTLI_TEXT_SNAPSHOT', 'False'))
@ -468,6 +432,17 @@ class model(dict):
def toggle_mute(self):
self['notification_muted'] ^= True
def extra_notification_token_values(self):
# Used for providing extra tokens
# return {'widget': 555}
return {}
def extra_notification_token_placeholder_info(self):
# Used for providing extra tokens
# return [('widget', "Get widget amounts")]
return []
def extract_regex_from_all_history(self, regex):
import csv
import re
@ -526,8 +501,42 @@ class model(dict):
# None is set
return False
def save_error_text(self, contents):
target_path = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, "last-error.txt")
with open(target_path, 'w') as f:
def save_xpath_data(self, data, as_error=False):
import json
if as_error:
target_path = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, "elements-error.json")
target_path = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, "elements.json")
def get_last_fetched_before_filters(self):
with open(target_path, 'w') as f:
# Save as PNG, PNG is larger but better for doing visual diff in the future
def save_screenshot(self, screenshot: bytes, as_error=False):
if as_error:
target_path = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, "last-error-screenshot.png")
target_path = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, "last-screenshot.png")
with open(target_path, 'wb') as f:
def get_last_fetched_text_before_filters(self):
import brotli
filepath = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, '')
@ -542,12 +551,56 @@ class model(dict):
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
def save_last_fetched_before_filters(self, contents):
def save_last_text_fetched_before_filters(self, contents):
import brotli
filepath = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, '')
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
f.write(brotli.compress(contents, mode=brotli.MODE_TEXT))
def save_last_fetched_html(self, timestamp, contents):
import brotli
snapshot_fname = f"{timestamp}"
filepath = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, snapshot_fname)
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
contents = contents.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(contents, str) else contents
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"{self.get('uuid')} - Unable to compress snapshot, saving as raw data to {filepath}")
def get_fetched_html(self, timestamp):
import brotli
snapshot_fname = f"{timestamp}"
filepath = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, snapshot_fname)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
return (brotli.decompress('utf-8'))
return False
def _prune_last_fetched_html_snapshots(self):
dates = list(self.history.keys())
for index, timestamp in enumerate(dates):
snapshot_fname = f"{timestamp}"
filepath = os.path.join(self.watch_data_dir, snapshot_fname)
# Keep only the first 2
if index > 1 and os.path.isfile(filepath):
def get_browsersteps_available_screenshots(self):
"For knowing which screenshots are available to show the user in BrowserSteps UI"

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
import os
import uuid
from changedetectionio import strtobool
from changedetectionio.notification import default_notification_format_for_watch
class watch_base(dict):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
# Custom notification content
# Re #110, so then if this is set to None, we know to use the default value instead
# Requires setting to None on submit if it's the same as the default
# Should be all None by default, so we use the system default in this case.
'body': None,
'browser_steps': [],
'browser_steps_last_error_step': None,
'check_count': 0,
'check_unique_lines': False, # On change-detected, compare against all history if its something new
'consecutive_filter_failures': 0, # Every time the CSS/xPath filter cannot be located, reset when all is fine.
'date_created': None,
'extract_text': [], # Extract text by regex after filters
'extract_title_as_title': False,
'fetch_backend': 'system', # plaintext, playwright etc
'fetch_time': 0.0,
'filter_failure_notification_send': strtobool(os.getenv('FILTER_FAILURE_NOTIFICATION_SEND_DEFAULT', 'True')),
'filter_text_added': True,
'filter_text_removed': True,
'filter_text_replaced': True,
'follow_price_changes': True,
'has_ldjson_price_data': None,
'headers': {}, # Extra headers to send
'ignore_text': [], # List of text to ignore when calculating the comparison checksum
'in_stock_only': True, # Only trigger change on going to instock from out-of-stock
'include_filters': [],
'last_checked': 0,
'last_error': False,
'last_viewed': 0, # history key value of the last viewed via the [diff] link
'method': 'GET',
'notification_alert_count': 0,
'notification_body': None,
'notification_format': default_notification_format_for_watch,
'notification_muted': False,
'notification_screenshot': False, # Include the latest screenshot if available and supported by the apprise URL
'notification_title': None,
'notification_urls': [], # List of URLs to add to the notification Queue (Usually AppRise)
'paused': False,
'previous_md5': False,
'previous_md5_before_filters': False, # Used for skipping changedetection entirely
'processor': 'text_json_diff', # could be restock_diff or others from .processors
'price_change_threshold_percent': None,
'proxy': None, # Preferred proxy connection
'remote_server_reply': None, # From 'server' reply header
'sort_text_alphabetically': False,
'subtractive_selectors': [],
'tag': '', # Old system of text name for a tag, to be removed
'tags': [], # list of UUIDs to App.Tags
'text_should_not_be_present': [], # Text that should not present
'time_between_check': {'weeks': None, 'days': None, 'hours': None, 'minutes': None, 'seconds': None},
'time_between_check_use_default': True,
'title': None,
'track_ldjson_price_data': None,
'trigger_text': [], # List of text or regex to wait for until a change is detected
'url': '',
'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()),
'webdriver_delay': None,
'webdriver_js_execute_code': None, # Run before change-detection
super(watch_base, self).__init__(*arg, **kw)
if self.get('default'):
del self['default']

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def apprise_custom_api_call_wrapper(body, title, notify_type, *args, **kwargs):
data=body.encode('utf-8') if type(body) is str else body,
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ def process_notification(n_object, datastore):
logger.warning(f"Process Notification: skipping empty notification URL.")
continue">> Process Notification: AppRise notifying {}".format(url))">> Process Notification: AppRise notifying {url}")
url = jinja_render(template_str=url, **notification_parameters)
# Re 323 - Limit discord length to their 2000 char limit total or it wont send.
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ def process_notification(n_object, datastore):
log_value = logs.getvalue()
if log_value and 'WARNING' in log_value or 'ERROR' in log_value:
raise Exception(log_value)
# Return what was sent for better logging - after the for loop
@ -272,19 +273,18 @@ def create_notification_parameters(n_object, datastore):
'base_url': base_url,
'current_snapshot': n_object.get('current_snapshot', ''),
'diff': n_object.get('diff', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_added': n_object.get('diff_added', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_full': n_object.get('diff_full', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_patch': n_object.get('diff_patch', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_removed': n_object.get('diff_removed', ''), # Null default in the case we use a test
'diff_url': diff_url,
'preview_url': preview_url,
'triggered_text': n_object.get('triggered_text', ''),
'watch_tag': watch_tag if watch_tag is not None else '',
'watch_title': watch_title if watch_title is not None else '',
'watch_url': watch_url,
'watch_uuid': uuid,
# n_object will contain diff, diff_added etc etc
if uuid:
return tokens

@ -8,4 +8,8 @@ The concept here is to be able to switch between different domain specific probl
Some suggestions for the future
- `graphical`
- `restock_and_price` - extract price AND stock text
## Todo
- Make each processor return a extra list of sub-processed (so you could configure a single processor in different ways)
- move restock_diff to its own pip/github repo

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
from abc import abstractmethod
import os
import hashlib
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from changedetectionio.strtobool import strtobool
from copy import deepcopy
from loguru import logger
import hashlib
import os
import re
import importlib
import pkgutil
import inspect
class difference_detection_processor():
@ -21,6 +25,8 @@ class difference_detection_processor(): = deepcopy(['watching'].get(watch_uuid))
def call_browser(self):
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from changedetectionio.content_fetchers.exceptions import EmptyReply
# Protect against file:// access
if'^file://','url', '').strip(), re.IGNORECASE):
@ -93,14 +99,16 @@ class difference_detection_processor():
self.fetcher.browser_steps_screenshot_path = os.path.join(self.datastore.datastore_path,'uuid'))
# Tweak the base config with the per-watch ones
request_headers ='headers', [])
request_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
ua =['settings']['requests'].get('default_ua')
if ua and ua.get(prefer_fetch_backend):
request_headers.update({'User-Agent': ua.get(prefer_fetch_backend)})
request_headers.update('headers', {}))
# Requests doesnt yet support brotli encoding, so don't put 'br' here, be totally sure that the user cannot
# do this by accident.
@ -127,8 +135,18 @@ class difference_detection_processor():
is_binary =
# And here we go! call the right browser with browser-specific settings, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes,'include_filters'),
empty_pages_are_a_change =['settings']['application'].get('empty_pages_are_a_change', False),
#@todo .quit here could go on close object, so we can run JS if change-detected
@ -136,7 +154,7 @@ class difference_detection_processor():
# After init, call run_changedetection() which will do the actual change-detection
def run_changedetection(self, uuid, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
def run_changedetection(self, watch, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False}
some_data = 'xxxxx'
update_obj["previous_md5"] = hashlib.md5(some_data.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
@ -144,8 +162,83 @@ class difference_detection_processor():
return changed_detected, update_obj, ''.encode('utf-8')
def find_sub_packages(package_name):
Find all sub-packages within the given package.
:param package_name: The name of the base package to scan for sub-packages.
:return: A list of sub-package names.
package = importlib.import_module(package_name)
return [name for _, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(package.__path__) if is_pkg]
def find_processors():
Find all subclasses of DifferenceDetectionProcessor in the specified package.
:param package_name: The name of the package to scan for processor modules.
:return: A list of (module, class) tuples.
package_name = "changedetectionio.processors" # Name of the current package/module
processors = []
sub_packages = find_sub_packages(package_name)
for sub_package in sub_packages:
module_name = f"{package_name}.{sub_package}.processor"
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
# Iterate through all classes in the module
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass):
if issubclass(obj, difference_detection_processor) and obj is not difference_detection_processor:
processors.append((module, sub_package))
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
logger.warning(f"Failed to import module {module_name}: {e} (find_processors())")
return processors
def get_parent_module(module):
module_name = module.__name__
if '.' not in module_name:
return None # Top-level module has no parent
parent_module_name = module_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
return importlib.import_module(parent_module_name)
except Exception as e:
return False
def get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor(processor_name):
from changedetectionio.model import Watch
watch_class = Watch.model
processor_classes = find_processors()
custom_watch_obj = next((tpl for tpl in processor_classes if tpl[1] == processor_name), None)
if custom_watch_obj:
# Parent of COULD have its own Watch implementation
parent_module = get_parent_module(custom_watch_obj[0])
if hasattr(parent_module, 'Watch'):
watch_class = parent_module.Watch
return watch_class
def available_processors():
from . import restock_diff, text_json_diff
x=[('text_json_diff',, ('restock_diff',]
# @todo Make this smarter with introspection of sorts.
return x
Get a list of processors by name and description for the UI elements
:return: A list :)
processor_classes = find_processors()
available = []
for package, processor_class in processor_classes:
return available

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
class ProcessorException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message=None, status_code=None, url=None, screenshot=None, has_filters=False, html_content='', xpath_data=None):
self.message = message
self.status_code = status_code
self.url = url
self.screenshot = screenshot
self.has_filters = has_filters
self.html_content = html_content
self.xpath_data = xpath_data

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
from . import difference_detection_processor
from copy import deepcopy
from loguru import logger
import hashlib
import urllib3
name = 'Re-stock detection for single product pages'
description = 'Detects if the product goes back to in-stock'
class UnableToExtractRestockData(Exception):
def __init__(self, status_code):
# Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app
self.status_code = status_code
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
screenshot = None
xpath_data = None
def run_changedetection(self, uuid, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
# DeepCopy so we can be sure we don't accidently change anything by reference
watch = deepcopy(['watching'].get(uuid))
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
# Unset any existing notification error
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False}
self.screenshot = self.fetcher.screenshot
self.xpath_data = self.fetcher.xpath_data
# Track the content type
update_obj['content_type'] = self.fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
update_obj["last_check_status"] = self.fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# Main detection method
fetched_md5 = None
if self.fetcher.instock_data:
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(self.fetcher.instock_data.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# 'Possibly in stock' comes from stock-not-in-stock.js when no string found above the fold.
update_obj["in_stock"] = True if self.fetcher.instock_data == 'Possibly in stock' else False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {uuid} restock check returned '{self.fetcher.instock_data}' from JS scraper.")
raise UnableToExtractRestockData(status_code=self.fetcher.status_code)
# The main thing that all this at the moment comes down to :)
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {uuid} restock check - Previous MD5: {watch.get('previous_md5')}, Fetched MD5 {fetched_md5}")
if watch.get('previous_md5') and watch.get('previous_md5') != fetched_md5:
# Yes if we only care about it going to instock, AND we are in stock
if watch.get('in_stock_only') and update_obj["in_stock"]:
changed_detected = True
if not watch.get('in_stock_only'):
# All cases
changed_detected = True
# Always record the new checksum
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
return changed_detected, update_obj, self.fetcher.instock_data.encode('utf-8').strip()

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
from changedetectionio.model.Watch import model as BaseWatch
import re
from babel.numbers import parse_decimal
class Restock(dict):
def parse_currency(self, raw_value: str) -> float:
# Clean and standardize the value (ie 1,400.00 should be 1400.00), even better would be store the whole thing as an integer.
standardized_value = raw_value
if ',' in standardized_value and '.' in standardized_value:
# Identify the correct decimal separator
if standardized_value.rfind('.') > standardized_value.rfind(','):
standardized_value = standardized_value.replace(',', '')
standardized_value = standardized_value.replace('.', '').replace(',', '.')
standardized_value = standardized_value.replace(',', '.')
# Remove any non-numeric characters except for the decimal point
standardized_value = re.sub(r'[^\d.-]', '', standardized_value)
# Convert to float
return float(parse_decimal(standardized_value, locale='en'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Define default values
default_values = {
'in_stock': None,
'price': None,
'currency': None,
'original_price': None
# Initialize the dictionary with default values
# Update with any provided positional arguments (dictionaries)
if args:
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict):
raise ValueError("Only one positional argument of type 'dict' is allowed")
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# Custom logic to handle setting price and original_price
if key == 'price' or key == 'original_price':
if isinstance(value, str):
value = self.parse_currency(raw_value=value)
super().__setitem__(key, value)
class Watch(BaseWatch):
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
super().__init__(*arg, **kw)
self['restock'] = Restock(kw['default']['restock']) if kw.get('default') and kw['default'].get('restock') else Restock()
self['restock_settings'] = kw['default']['restock_settings'] if kw.get('default',{}).get('restock_settings') else {
'follow_price_changes': True,
'in_stock_processing' : 'in_stock_only'
} #@todo update
def clear_watch(self):
self.update({'restock': Restock()})
def extra_notification_token_values(self):
values = super().extra_notification_token_values()
values['restock'] = self.get('restock', {})
return values
def extra_notification_token_placeholder_info(self):
values = super().extra_notification_token_placeholder_info()
values.append(('restock.price', "Price detected"))
values.append(('restock.original_price', "Original price at first check"))
return values

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
from wtforms import (
from wtforms.fields.choices import RadioField
from wtforms.fields.form import FormField
from wtforms.form import Form
from changedetectionio.forms import processor_text_json_diff_form
class RestockSettingsForm(Form):
in_stock_processing = RadioField(label='Re-stock detection', choices=[
('in_stock_only', "In Stock only (Out Of Stock -> In Stock only)"),
('all_changes', "Any availability changes"),
('off', "Off, don't follow availability/restock"),
], default="in_stock_only")
price_change_min = FloatField('Below price to trigger notification', [validators.Optional()],
render_kw={"placeholder": "No limit", "size": "10"})
price_change_max = FloatField('Above price to trigger notification', [validators.Optional()],
render_kw={"placeholder": "No limit", "size": "10"})
price_change_threshold_percent = FloatField('Threshold in % for price changes since the original price', validators=[
validators.NumberRange(min=0, max=100, message="Should be between 0 and 100"),
], render_kw={"placeholder": "0%", "size": "5"})
follow_price_changes = BooleanField('Follow price changes', default=True)
class processor_settings_form(processor_text_json_diff_form):
restock_settings = FormField(RestockSettingsForm)
def extra_tab_content(self):
return 'Restock & Price Detection'
def extra_form_content(self):
output = ""
if getattr(self, 'watch', None) and getattr(self, 'datastore'):
for tag_uuid in'tags'):
tag =['settings']['application']['tags'].get(tag_uuid, {})
if tag.get('overrides_watch'):
# @todo - Quick and dirty, cant access 'url_for' here because its out of scope somehow
output = f"""<p><strong>Note! A Group tag overrides the restock and price detection here.</strong></p><style>#restock-fieldset-price-group {{ opacity: 0.6; }}</style>"""
output += """
{% from '_helpers.html' import render_field, render_checkbox_field, render_button %}
$(document).ready(function () {
toggleOpacity('#restock_settings-follow_price_changes', '.price-change-minmax', true);
<fieldset id="restock-fieldset-price-group">
<div class="pure-control-group">
<fieldset class="pure-group inline-radio">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.in_stock_processing) }}
<fieldset class="pure-group">
{{ render_checkbox_field(form.restock_settings.follow_price_changes) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Changes in price should trigger a notification</span>
<fieldset class="pure-group price-change-minmax">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.price_change_min, placeholder=watch.get('restock', {}).get('price')) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Minimum amount, Trigger a change/notification when the price drops <i>below</i> this value.</span>
<fieldset class="pure-group price-change-minmax">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.price_change_max, placeholder=watch.get('restock', {}).get('price')) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Maximum amount, Trigger a change/notification when the price rises <i>above</i> this value.</span>
<fieldset class="pure-group price-change-minmax">
{{ render_field(form.restock_settings.price_change_threshold_percent) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Price must change more than this % to trigger a change since the first check.</span><br>
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">For example, If the product is $1,000 USD originally, <strong>2%</strong> would mean it has to change more than $20 since the first check.</span><br>
return output

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
from .. import difference_detection_processor
from ..exceptions import ProcessorException
from . import Restock
from loguru import logger
import hashlib
import re
import urllib3
import time
name = 'Re-stock & Price detection for single product pages'
description = 'Detects if the product goes back to in-stock'
class UnableToExtractRestockData(Exception):
def __init__(self, status_code):
# Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app
self.status_code = status_code
class MoreThanOnePriceFound(Exception):
def __init__(self):
def _search_prop_by_value(matches, value):
for properties in matches:
for prop in properties:
if value in prop[0]:
return prop[1] # Yield the desired value and exit the function
# should return Restock()
# add casting?
def get_itemprop_availability(html_content) -> Restock:
Kind of funny/cool way to find price/availability in one many different possibilities.
Use 'extruct' to find any possible RDFa/microdata/json-ld data, make a JSON string from the output then search it.
from jsonpath_ng import parse
now = time.time()
import extruct
logger.trace(f"Imported extruct module in {time.time() - now:.3f}s")
value = {}
now = time.time()
# Extruct is very slow, I'm wondering if some ML is going to be faster (800ms on my i7), 'rdfa' seems to be the heaviest.
syntaxes = ['dublincore', 'json-ld', 'microdata', 'microformat', 'opengraph']
data = extruct.extract(html_content, syntaxes=syntaxes)
logger.trace(f"Extruct basic extract of all metadata done in {time.time() - now:.3f}s")
# First phase, dead simple scanning of anything that looks useful
value = Restock()
if data:
logger.debug(f"Using jsonpath to find price/availability/etc")
price_parse = parse('$..(price|Price)')
pricecurrency_parse = parse('$..(pricecurrency|currency|priceCurrency )')
availability_parse = parse('$..(availability|Availability)')
price_result = price_parse.find(data)
if price_result:
# Right now, we just support single product items, maybe we will store the whole actual metadata seperately in teh future and
# parse that for the UI?
prices_found = set(str(item.value).replace('$', '') for item in price_result)
if len(price_result) > 1 and len(prices_found) > 1:
# See of all prices are different, in the case that one product has many embedded data types with the same price
# One might have $121.95 and another 121.95 etc
logger.warning(f"More than one price found {prices_found}, throwing exception, cant use this plugin.")
raise MoreThanOnePriceFound()
value['price'] = price_result[0].value
pricecurrency_result = pricecurrency_parse.find(data)
if pricecurrency_result:
value['currency'] = pricecurrency_result[0].value
availability_result = availability_parse.find(data)
if availability_result:
value['availability'] = availability_result[0].value
if value.get('availability'):
value['availability'] = re.sub(r'(?i)^(https|http)://', '',
value.get('availability').strip(' "\'').lower()) if value.get('availability') else None
# Second, go dig OpenGraph which is something that jsonpath_ng cant do because of the tuples and double-dots (:)
if not value.get('price') or value.get('availability'):
logger.debug(f"Alternatively digging through OpenGraph properties for restock/price info..")
jsonpath_expr = parse('$')
for match in jsonpath_expr.find(data):
if not value.get('price'):
value['price'] = _search_prop_by_value([match.value], "price:amount")
if not value.get('availability'):
value['availability'] = _search_prop_by_value([match.value], "product:availability")
if not value.get('currency'):
value['currency'] = _search_prop_by_value([match.value], "price:currency")
logger.trace(f"Processed with Extruct in {time.time()-now:.3f}s")
return value
def is_between(number, lower=None, upper=None):
Check if a number is between two values.
number (float): The number to check.
lower (float or None): The lower bound (inclusive). If None, no lower bound.
upper (float or None): The upper bound (inclusive). If None, no upper bound.
bool: True if the number is between the lower and upper bounds, False otherwise.
return (lower is None or lower <= number) and (upper is None or number <= upper)
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
screenshot = None
xpath_data = None
def run_changedetection(self, watch, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
# Unset any existing notification error
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False, 'restock': Restock()}
self.screenshot = self.fetcher.screenshot
self.xpath_data = self.fetcher.xpath_data
# Track the content type
update_obj['content_type'] = self.fetcher.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
update_obj["last_check_status"] = self.fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# Which restock settings to compare against?
restock_settings = watch.get('restock_settings', {})
# See if any tags have 'activate for individual watches in this tag/group?' enabled and use the first we find
for tag_uuid in watch.get('tags'):
tag =['settings']['application']['tags'].get(tag_uuid, {})
if tag.get('overrides_watch'):
restock_settings = tag.get('restock_settings', {})"Watch {watch.get('uuid')} - Tag '{tag.get('title')}' selected for restock settings override")
itemprop_availability = {}
itemprop_availability = get_itemprop_availability(html_content=self.fetcher.content)
except MoreThanOnePriceFound as e:
# Add the real data
raise ProcessorException(message="Cannot run, more than one price detected, this plugin is only for product pages with ONE product, try the content-change detection mode.",
# Something valid in get_itemprop_availability() by scraping metadata ?
if itemprop_availability.get('price') or itemprop_availability.get('availability'):
# Store for other usage
update_obj['restock'] = itemprop_availability
if itemprop_availability.get('availability'):
# @todo: Configurable?
if any(substring.lower() in itemprop_availability['availability'].lower() for substring in [
update_obj['restock']['in_stock'] = True
update_obj['restock']['in_stock'] = False
# Main detection method
fetched_md5 = None
# store original price if not set
if itemprop_availability and itemprop_availability.get('price') and not itemprop_availability.get('original_price'):
itemprop_availability['original_price'] = itemprop_availability.get('price')
update_obj['restock']["original_price"] = itemprop_availability.get('price')
if not self.fetcher.instock_data and not itemprop_availability.get('availability'):
raise ProcessorException(
message=f"Unable to extract restock data for this page unfortunately. (Got code {self.fetcher.get_last_status_code()} from server), no embedded stock information was found and nothing interesting in the text, try using this watch with Chrome.",
# Nothing automatic in microdata found, revert to scraping the page
if self.fetcher.instock_data and itemprop_availability.get('availability') is None:
# 'Possibly in stock' comes from stock-not-in-stock.js when no string found above the fold.
# Careful! this does not really come from chrome/js when the watch is set to plaintext
update_obj['restock']["in_stock"] = True if self.fetcher.instock_data == 'Possibly in stock' else False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {watch.get('uuid')} restock check returned '{self.fetcher.instock_data}' from JS scraper.")
# What we store in the snapshot
price = update_obj.get('restock').get('price') if update_obj.get('restock').get('price') else ""
snapshot_content = f"In Stock: {update_obj.get('restock').get('in_stock')} - Price: {price}"
# Main detection method
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(snapshot_content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# The main thing that all this at the moment comes down to :)
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {watch.get('uuid')} restock check - Previous MD5: {watch.get('previous_md5')}, Fetched MD5 {fetched_md5}")
# out of stock -> back in stock only?
if watch.get('restock') and watch['restock'].get('in_stock') != update_obj['restock'].get('in_stock'):
# Yes if we only care about it going to instock, AND we are in stock
if restock_settings.get('in_stock_processing') == 'in_stock_only' and update_obj['restock']['in_stock']:
changed_detected = True
if restock_settings.get('in_stock_processing') == 'all_changes':
# All cases
changed_detected = True
if restock_settings.get('follow_price_changes') and watch.get('restock') and update_obj.get('restock') and update_obj['restock'].get('price'):
price = float(update_obj['restock'].get('price'))
# Default to current price if no previous price found
if watch['restock'].get('original_price'):
previous_price = float(watch['restock'].get('original_price'))
# It was different, but negate it further down
if price != previous_price:
changed_detected = True
# Minimum/maximum price limit
if update_obj.get('restock') and update_obj['restock'].get('price'):
f"{watch.get('uuid')} - Change was detected, 'price_change_max' is '{restock_settings.get('price_change_max', '')}' 'price_change_min' is '{restock_settings.get('price_change_min', '')}', price from website is '{update_obj['restock'].get('price', '')}'.")
if update_obj['restock'].get('price'):
min_limit = float(restock_settings.get('price_change_min')) if restock_settings.get('price_change_min') else None
max_limit = float(restock_settings.get('price_change_max')) if restock_settings.get('price_change_max') else None
price = float(update_obj['restock'].get('price'))
logger.debug(f"{watch.get('uuid')} after float conversion - Min limit: '{min_limit}' Max limit: '{max_limit}' Price: '{price}'")
if min_limit or max_limit:
if is_between(number=price, lower=min_limit, upper=max_limit):
# Price was between min/max limit, so there was nothing todo in any case
logger.trace(f"{watch.get('uuid')} {price} is between {min_limit} and {max_limit}, nothing to check, forcing changed_detected = False (was {changed_detected})")
changed_detected = False
logger.trace(f"{watch.get('uuid')} {price} is between {min_limit} and {max_limit}, continuing normal comparison")
# Price comparison by %
if watch['restock'].get('original_price') and changed_detected and restock_settings.get('price_change_threshold_percent'):
previous_price = float(watch['restock'].get('original_price'))
pc = float(restock_settings.get('price_change_threshold_percent'))
change = abs((price - previous_price) / previous_price * 100)
if change and change <= pc:
logger.debug(f"{watch.get('uuid')} Override change-detected to FALSE because % threshold ({pc}%) was {change:.3f}%")
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"{watch.get('uuid')} Price change was {change:.3f}% , (threshold {pc}%)")
# Always record the new checksum
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
return changed_detected, update_obj, snapshot_content.encode('utf-8').strip()

@ -6,22 +6,23 @@ import os
import re
import urllib3
from . import difference_detection_processor
from ..html_tools import PERL_STYLE_REGEX, cdata_in_document_to_text
from changedetectionio.processors import difference_detection_processor
from changedetectionio.html_tools import PERL_STYLE_REGEX, cdata_in_document_to_text
from changedetectionio import html_tools, content_fetchers
from changedetectionio.blueprint.price_data_follower import PRICE_DATA_TRACK_ACCEPT, PRICE_DATA_TRACK_REJECT
import changedetectionio.content_fetchers
from copy import deepcopy
from loguru import logger
name = 'Webpage Text/HTML, JSON and PDF changes'
description = 'Detects all text changes where possible'
json_filter_prefixes = ['json:', 'jq:']
json_filter_prefixes = ['json:', 'jq:', 'jqraw:']
class FilterNotFoundInResponse(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg):
def __init__(self, msg, screenshot=None, xpath_data=None):
self.screenshot = screenshot
self.xpath_data = xpath_data
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
@ -34,14 +35,12 @@ class PDFToHTMLToolNotFound(ValueError):
# (set_proxy_from_list)
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
def run_changedetection(self, uuid, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
def run_changedetection(self, watch, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
changed_detected = False
html_content = ""
screenshot = False # as bytes
stripped_text_from_html = ""
# DeepCopy so we can be sure we don't accidently change anything by reference
watch = deepcopy(['watching'].get(uuid))
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
@ -116,12 +115,12 @@ class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
# Better would be if Watch.model could access the global data also
# and then use getattr
# instead of doing it procedurely
include_filters_from_tags = self.datastore.get_tag_overrides_for_watch(uuid=uuid, attr='include_filters')
include_filters_from_tags = self.datastore.get_tag_overrides_for_watch(uuid=watch.get('uuid'), attr='include_filters')
# 1845 - remove duplicated filters in both group and watch include filter
include_filters_rule = list(dict.fromkeys(watch.get('include_filters', []) + include_filters_from_tags))
subtractive_selectors = [*self.datastore.get_tag_overrides_for_watch(uuid=uuid, attr='subtractive_selectors'),
subtractive_selectors = [*self.datastore.get_tag_overrides_for_watch(uuid=watch.get('uuid'), attr='subtractive_selectors'),
*watch.get("subtractive_selectors", []),
*["settings"]["application"].get("global_subtractive_selectors", [])
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
append_pretty_line_formatting=not watch.is_source_type_url)
if not html_content.strip():
raise FilterNotFoundInResponse(include_filters_rule)
raise FilterNotFoundInResponse(msg=include_filters_rule, screenshot=self.fetcher.screenshot, xpath_data=self.fetcher.xpath_data)
if has_subtractive_selectors:
html_content = html_tools.element_removal(subtractive_selectors, html_content)
@ -219,10 +218,10 @@ class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
# Rewrite's the processing text based on only what diff result they want to see
if watch.has_special_diff_filter_options_set() and len(watch.history.keys()):
# Now the content comes from the diff-parser and not the returned HTTP traffic, so could be some differences
from .. import diff
from changedetectionio import diff
# needs to not include (added) etc or it may get used twice
# Replace the processed text with the preferred result
rendered_diff = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents=watch.get_last_fetched_before_filters(),
rendered_diff = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents=watch.get_last_fetched_text_before_filters(),
include_equal=False, # not the same lines
include_added=watch.get('filter_text_added', True),
@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
if not rendered_diff and stripped_text_from_html:
# We had some content, but no differences were found
@ -246,9 +245,10 @@ class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
if not is_json and not empty_pages_are_a_change and len(stripped_text_from_html.strip()) == 0:
raise content_fetchers.exceptions.ReplyWithContentButNoText(url=url,
# We rely on the actual text in the html output.. many sites have random script vars etc,
@ -338,23 +338,17 @@ class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
if blocked:
changed_detected = False
# Extract title as title
if is_html:
if['settings']['application'].get('extract_title_as_title') or watch['extract_title_as_title']:
if not watch['title'] or not len(watch['title']):
update_obj['title'] = html_tools.extract_element(find='title', html_content=self.fetcher.content)
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {uuid} content check - Previous MD5: {watch.get('previous_md5')}, Fetched MD5 {fetched_md5}")
logger.debug(f"Watch UUID {watch.get('uuid')} content check - Previous MD5: {watch.get('previous_md5')}, Fetched MD5 {fetched_md5}")
if changed_detected:
if watch.get('check_unique_lines', False):
has_unique_lines = watch.lines_contain_something_unique_compared_to_history(lines=stripped_text_from_html.splitlines())
# One or more lines? unsure?
if not has_unique_lines:
logger.debug(f"check_unique_lines: UUID {uuid} didnt have anything new setting change_detected=False")
logger.debug(f"check_unique_lines: UUID {watch.get('uuid')} didnt have anything new setting change_detected=False")
changed_detected = False
logger.debug(f"check_unique_lines: UUID {uuid} had unique content")
logger.debug(f"check_unique_lines: UUID {watch.get('uuid')} had unique content")
# Always record the new checksum
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5

@ -35,4 +35,8 @@ pytest tests/
pytest tests/
pytest tests/
pytest tests/
pytest tests/
pytest tests/
# Check file:// will pickup a file when enabled
echo "Hello world" > /tmp/test-file.txt
ALLOW_FILE_URI=yes pytest tests/

@ -1,14 +1,5 @@
$(document).ready(function () {
// duplicate
var csrftoken = $('input[name=csrf_token]').val();
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
if (!/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/i.test(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
var browsersteps_session_id;
var browser_interface_seconds_remaining = 0;
var apply_buttons_disabled = false;

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$(document).ready(function () {
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
if (!/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/i.test(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)

@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
$(document).ready(function () {
var csrftoken = $('input[name=csrf_token]').val();
beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) {
if (!/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/i.test(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
$('.needs-localtime').each(function () {
for (var option of this.options) {
var dateObject = new Date(option.value * 1000);
@ -48,6 +39,12 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
// Listen for Escape key press
window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.key === 'Escape') {
}, false);
function dragTextHandler(event) {

@ -13,16 +13,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('#send-test-notification').click(function (e) {
// this can be global
var csrftoken = $('input[name=csrf_token]').val();
beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
if (!/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/i.test(settings.type) && !this.crossDomain) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", csrftoken)
data = {
notification_body: $('#notification_body').val(),
notification_format: $('#notification_format').val(),

@ -40,9 +40,13 @@ if (selectElement) {
if (selectedOption) {
if (selectedOption.previousElementSibling) {
document.getElementById('btn-previous').href = "?version=" + selectedOption.previousElementSibling.value;
} else {
if (selectedOption.nextElementSibling) {
document.getElementById('btn-next').href = "?version=" + selectedOption.nextElementSibling.value;
} else {

@ -2,250 +2,258 @@
// All rights reserved.
// yes - this is really a hack, if you are a front-ender and want to help, please get in touch!
$(document).ready(function () {
var current_selected_i;
var state_clicked = false;
var c;
// greyed out fill context
var xctx;
// redline highlight context
var ctx;
var current_default_xpath = [];
var x_scale = 1;
var y_scale = 1;
var selector_image;
var selector_image_rect;
var selector_data;
$('#visualselector-tab').click(function () {
state_clicked = false;
current_selected_i = false;
let runInClearMode = false;
$(document).ready(() => {
let currentSelections = [];
let currentSelection = null;
let appendToList = false;
let c, xctx, ctx;
let xScale = 1, yScale = 1;
let selectorImage, selectorImageRect, selectorData;
// Global jQuery selectors with "Elem" appended
const $selectorCanvasElem = $('#selector-canvas');
const $includeFiltersElem = $("#include_filters");
const $selectorBackgroundElem = $("img#selector-background");
const $selectorCurrentXpathElem = $("#selector-current-xpath span");
const $fetchingUpdateNoticeElem = $('.fetching-update-notice');
const $selectorWrapperElem = $("#selector-wrapper");
// Color constants
const FILL_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT = 'rgba(205,0,0,0.35)';
const FILL_STYLE_GREYED_OUT = 'rgba(205,205,205,0.95)';
const STROKE_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.9)';
const FILL_STYLE_REDLINE = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.1)';
const STROKE_STYLE_REDLINE = 'rgba(225,0,0,0.9)';
$('#visualselector-tab').click(() => {
currentSelections = [];
$(document).on('keydown', function (event) {
if ($("img#selector-background").is(":visible")) {
if (event.key == "Escape") {
state_clicked = false;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
function clearReset() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
if ($includeFiltersElem.val().length) {
alert("Existing filters under the 'Filters & Triggers' tab were cleared.");
// For when the page loads
if (!window.location.hash || window.location.hash != '#visualselector') {
$("img#selector-background").attr('src', '');
currentSelections = [];
// Means we ignore the xpaths from the scraper marked as sel.highlight_as_custom_filter (it matched a previous selector)
runInClearMode = true;
// Handle clearing button/link
$('#clear-selector').on('click', function (event) {
if (!state_clicked) {
alert('Oops, Nothing selected!');
function splitToList(v) {
return v.split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).filter(line => line.length > 0);
function sortScrapedElementsBySize() {
// Sort the currentSelections array by area (width * height) in descending order
selectorData['size_pos'].sort((a, b) => {
const areaA = a.width * a.height;
const areaB = b.width * b.height;
return areaB - areaA;
$(document).on('keydown keyup', (event) => {
if (event.code === 'ShiftLeft' || event.code === 'ShiftRight') {
appendToList = event.type === 'keydown';
if (event.type === 'keydown') {
if ($":visible") && event.key === "Escape") {
state_clicked = false;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
xctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
$('#clear-selector').on('click', () => {
// So if they start switching between visualSelector and manual filters, stop it from rendering old filters
$(' a').on('click', () => {
runInClearMode = true;
if (!window.location.hash || window.location.hash !== '#visualselector') {
$selectorBackgroundElem.attr('src', '');
function bootstrap_visualselector() {
if (1) {
// bootstrap it, this will trigger everything else
$("img#selector-background").on("error", function () {
$('.fetching-update-notice').html("<strong>Ooops!</strong> The VisualSelector tool needs atleast one fetched page, please unpause the watch and/or wait for the watch to complete fetching and then reload this page.");
}).bind('load', function () {
function bootstrapVisualSelector() {
.on("error", () => {
$fetchingUpdateNoticeElem.html("<strong>Ooops!</strong> The VisualSelector tool needs at least one fetched page, please unpause the watch and/or wait for the watch to complete fetching and then reload this page.")
.css('color', '#bb0000');
$('#selector-current-xpath, #clear-selector').hide();
.on('load', () => {
console.log("Loaded background...");
c = document.getElementById("selector-canvas");
// greyed out fill context
xctx = c.getContext("2d");
// redline highlight context
ctx = c.getContext("2d");
if ($("#include_filters").val().trim().length) {
current_default_xpath = $("#include_filters").val().split(/\r?\n/g);
} else {
current_default_xpath = [];
$('#selector-canvas').off("mousemove mousedown");
// screenshot_url defined in the edit.html template
}).attr("src", screenshot_url);
$"mousemove mousedown");
.attr("src", screenshot_url);
let s = `${$selectorBackgroundElem.attr('src')}?${new Date().getTime()}`;
$selectorBackgroundElem.attr('src', s);
function alertIfFilterNotFound() {
let existingFilters = splitToList($includeFiltersElem.val());
let sizePosXpaths = selectorData['size_pos'].map(sel => sel.xpath);
for (let filter of existingFilters) {
if (!sizePosXpaths.includes(filter)) {
alert(`One or more of your existing filters was not found and will be removed when a new filter is selected.`);
// Tell visualSelector that the image should update
var s = $("img#selector-background").attr('src') + "?" + new Date().getTime();
$("img#selector-background").attr('src', s)
// This is fired once the img src is loaded in bootstrap_visualselector()
function fetch_data() {
// Image is ready
$('.fetching-update-notice').html("Fetching element data..");
function fetchData() {
$fetchingUpdateNoticeElem.html("Fetching element data..");
url: watch_visual_selector_data_url,
context: document.body
}).done(function (data) {
selector_data = data;
console.log("Reported browser width from backend: " + data['browser_width']);
state_clicked = false;
}).done((data) => {
selectorData = data;
console.log(`Reported browser width from backend: ${data['browser_width']}`);
// Little sanity check for the user, alert them if something missing
function updateFiltersText() {
// Assuming currentSelections is already defined and contains the selections
let uniqueSelections = new Set( => (sel[0] === '/' ? `xpath:${sel.xpath}` : sel.xpath)));
if (currentSelections.length > 0) {
// Convert the Set back to an array and join with newline characters
let textboxFilterText = Array.from(uniqueSelections).join("\n");
function setScale() {
selectorImage = $selectorBackgroundElem[0];
selectorImageRect = selectorImage.getBoundingClientRect();
function set_scale() {
'height': selectorImageRect.height,
'width': selectorImageRect.width
$selectorWrapperElem.attr('width', selectorImageRect.width);
$('#visual-selector-heading').css('max-width', selectorImageRect.width + "px")
// some things to check if the scaling doesnt work
// - that the widths/sizes really are about the actual screen size cat elements.json |grep -o width......|sort|uniq
selector_image = $("img#selector-background")[0];
selector_image_rect = selector_image.getBoundingClientRect();
xScale = selectorImageRect.width / selectorImage.naturalWidth;
yScale = selectorImageRect.height / selectorImage.naturalHeight;
// make the canvas the same size as the image
$('#selector-canvas').attr('height', selector_image_rect.height);
$('#selector-canvas').attr('width', selector_image_rect.width);
$('#selector-wrapper').attr('width', selector_image_rect.width);
x_scale = selector_image_rect.width / selector_data['browser_width'];
y_scale = selector_image_rect.height / selector_image.naturalHeight;
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.9)';
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.1)';
ctx.fillStyle = FILL_STYLE_REDLINE;
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
console.log("scaling set x: " + x_scale + " by y:" + y_scale);
$("#selector-current-xpath").css('max-width', selector_image_rect.width);
console.log("Scaling set x: " + xScale + " by y:" + yScale);
$("#selector-current-xpath").css('max-width', selectorImageRect.width);
function reflow_selector() {
$(window).resize(function () {
function reflowSelector() {
$(window).resize(() => {
var selector_currnt_xpath_text = $("#selector-current-xpath span");
console.log(selector_data['size_pos'].length + " selectors found");
// highlight the default one if we can find it in the xPath list
// or the xpath matches the default one
found = false;
if (current_default_xpath.length) {
// Find the first one that matches
// @todo In the future paint all that match
for (const c of current_default_xpath) {
for (var i = selector_data['size_pos'].length; i !== 0; i--) {
if (selector_data['size_pos'][i - 1].xpath.trim() === c.trim()) {
console.log("highlighting " + c);
current_selected_i = i - 1;
found = true;
if (found) {
if (!found) {
alert("Unfortunately your existing CSS/xPath Filter was no longer found!");
$('#selector-canvas').bind('mousemove', function (e) {
if (state_clicked) {
console.log(selectorData['size_pos'].length + " selectors found");
let existingFilters = splitToList($includeFiltersElem.val());
selectorData['size_pos'].forEach(sel => {
if ((!runInClearMode && sel.highlight_as_custom_filter) || existingFilters.includes(sel.xpath)) {
console.log("highlighting " + c);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
current_selected_i = null;
// Add in offset
if ((typeof e.offsetX === "undefined" || typeof e.offsetY === "undefined") || (e.offsetX === 0 && e.offsetY === 0)) {
var targetOffset = $(;
$selectorCanvasElem.bind('mousemove', handleMouseMove.debounce(5));
$selectorCanvasElem.bind('mousedown', handleMouseDown.debounce(5));
$selectorCanvasElem.bind('mouseleave', highlightCurrentSelected.debounce(5));
function handleMouseMove(e) {
if (!e.offsetX && !e.offsetY) {
const targetOffset = $(;
e.offsetX = e.pageX - targetOffset.left;
e.offsetY = e.pageY -;
// Reverse order - the most specific one should be deeper/"laster"
// Basically, find the most 'deepest'
var found = 0;
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(205,0,0,0.35)';
// Will be sorted by smallest width*height first
for (var i = 0; i <= selector_data['size_pos'].length; i++) {
// draw all of them? let them choose somehow?
var sel = selector_data['size_pos'][i];
// If we are in a bounding-box
if (e.offsetY > * y_scale && e.offsetY < * y_scale + sel.height * y_scale
e.offsetX > sel.left * y_scale && e.offsetX < sel.left * y_scale + sel.width * y_scale
) {
ctx.strokeRect(sel.left * x_scale, * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale);
ctx.fillRect(sel.left * x_scale, * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale);
// no need to keep digging
// @todo or, O to go out/up, I to go in
// or double click to go up/out the selector?
current_selected_i = i;
found += 1;
selectorData['size_pos'].forEach(sel => {
if (e.offsetY > * yScale && e.offsetY < * yScale + sel.height * yScale &&
e.offsetX > sel.left * yScale && e.offsetX < sel.left * yScale + sel.width * yScale) {
currentSelection = sel;
function set_current_selected_text(s) {
selector_currnt_xpath_text[0].innerHTML = s;
function setCurrentSelectedText(s) {
$selectorCurrentXpathElem[0].innerHTML = s;
function highlight_current_selected_i() {
if (state_clicked) {
state_clicked = false;
xctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
var sel = selector_data['size_pos'][current_selected_i];
if (sel[0] == '/') {
// @todo - not sure just checking / is right
$("#include_filters").val('xpath:' + sel.xpath);
} else {
xctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(205,205,205,0.95)';
xctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(225,0,0,0.9)';
xctx.lineWidth = 3;
xctx.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// Clear out what only should be seen (make a clear/clean spot)
xctx.clearRect(sel.left * x_scale, * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale);
xctx.strokeRect(sel.left * x_scale, * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale);
state_clicked = true;
function drawHighlight(sel) {
ctx.strokeRect(sel.left * xScale, * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale);
ctx.fillRect(sel.left * xScale, * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale);
function handleMouseDown() {
// If we are in 'appendToList' mode, grow the list, if not, just 1
currentSelections = appendToList ? [...currentSelections, currentSelection] : [currentSelection];
function highlightCurrentSelected() {
xctx.fillStyle = FILL_STYLE_GREYED_OUT;
xctx.strokeStyle = STROKE_STYLE_REDLINE;
xctx.lineWidth = 3;
xctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
$('#selector-canvas').bind('mousedown', function (e) {
currentSelections.forEach(sel => {
//xctx.clearRect(sel.left * xScale, * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale);
xctx.strokeRect(sel.left * xScale, * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale);

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
function toggleOpacity(checkboxSelector, fieldSelector) {
function toggleOpacity(checkboxSelector, fieldSelector, inverted) {
const checkbox = document.querySelector(checkboxSelector);
const fields = document.querySelectorAll(fieldSelector);
function updateOpacity() {
const opacityValue = checkbox.checked ? 0.6 : 1;
const opacityValue = !checkbox.checked ? (inverted ? 0.6 : 1) : (inverted ? 1 : 0.6);
fields.forEach(field => { = opacityValue;
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
toggleOpacity('#time_between_check_use_default', '#time_between_check');
toggleOpacity('#time_between_check_use_default', '#time_between_check', false);

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#selector-wrapper {
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
max-height: 70vh;
overflow-y: scroll;
position: relative;

@ -186,12 +186,17 @@ code {
.watch-tag-list {
color: var(--color-white);
.inline-tag {
white-space: nowrap;
background: var(--color-text-watch-tag-list);
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 2px 5px;
margin-right: 4px;
.watch-tag-list {
color: var(--color-white);
background: var(--color-text-watch-tag-list);
@extend .inline-tag;
.box {
@ -671,14 +676,25 @@ footer {
and also iPads specifically.
.watch-table {
/* make headings work on mobile */
thead {
display: block;
tr {
th {
display: inline-block;
.empty-cell {
display: none;
/* Force table to not be like tables anymore */
tr {
display: block;
tbody {
tr {
display: block;
.last-checked {
@ -702,13 +718,6 @@ footer {
display: inline-block;
/* Hide table headers (but not display: none;, for accessibility) */
thead tr {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px;
left: -9999px;
.pure-table td,
.pure-table th {
border: none;
@ -753,6 +762,7 @@ footer {
thead {
background-color: var(--color-background-table-thead);
color: var(--color-text);
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-background-table-thead);
@ -1021,6 +1031,11 @@ ul {
border-radius: 10px;
margin-bottom: 1em;
display: none;
button {
/* some space if they wrap the page */
margin-bottom: 3px;
margin-top: 3px;
.checkbox-uuid {
@ -1051,9 +1066,8 @@ ul {
.tracking-ldjson-price-data {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-green);
color: #000;
padding: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
white-space: nowrap;
opacity: 0.6;
@extend .inline-tag;
.ldjson-price-track-offer {
@ -1099,9 +1113,17 @@ ul {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-cancel);
color: #777;
padding: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
white-space: nowrap;
&.error {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-error);
color: #fff;
opacity: 0.7;
svg {
vertical-align: middle;
@extend .inline-tag;
#chrome-extension-link {

@ -531,12 +531,15 @@ code {
content: url();
margin: 0 3px 0 5px; }
.watch-tag-list {
color: var(--color-white);
.inline-tag, .watch-tag-list, .tracking-ldjson-price-data, .restock-label {
white-space: nowrap;
background: var(--color-text-watch-tag-list);
border-radius: 5px;
padding: 2px 5px; }
padding: 2px 5px;
margin-right: 4px; }
.watch-tag-list {
color: var(--color-white);
background: var(--color-text-watch-tag-list); }
.box {
max-width: 80%;
@ -863,14 +866,17 @@ footer {
and also iPads specifically.
.watch-table {
/* make headings work on mobile */
/* Force table to not be like tables anymore */
/* Force table to not be like tables anymore */
/* Hide table headers (but not display: none;, for accessibility) */ }
.watch-table thead,
.watch-table tbody,
.watch-table th,
.watch-table td,
.watch-table tr {
/* Force table to not be like tables anymore */ }
.watch-table thead {
display: block; }
.watch-table thead tr th {
display: inline-block; }
.watch-table thead .empty-cell {
display: none; }
.watch-table tbody td,
.watch-table tbody tr {
display: block; }
.watch-table .last-checked > span {
vertical-align: middle; }
@ -882,10 +888,6 @@ footer {
content: "Last Changed "; }
.watch-table td.inline {
display: inline-block; }
.watch-table thead tr {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px;
left: -9999px; }
.watch-table .pure-table td,
.watch-table .pure-table th {
border: none; }
@ -912,7 +914,8 @@ footer {
border-color: var(--color-border-table-cell); }
.pure-table thead {
background-color: var(--color-background-table-thead);
color: var(--color-text); }
color: var(--color-text);
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-background-table-thead); }
.pure-table td,
.pure-table th {
border-left-color: var(--color-border-table-cell); }
@ -1065,6 +1068,7 @@ ul {
#selector-wrapper {
height: 100%;
text-align: center;
max-height: 70vh;
overflow-y: scroll;
position: relative; }
@ -1127,6 +1131,10 @@ ul {
border-radius: 10px;
margin-bottom: 1em;
display: none; }
#checkbox-operations button {
/* some space if they wrap the page */
margin-bottom: 3px;
margin-top: 3px; }
.checkbox-uuid > * {
vertical-align: middle; }
@ -1148,9 +1156,7 @@ ul {
.tracking-ldjson-price-data {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-green);
color: #000;
padding: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
white-space: nowrap; }
opacity: 0.6; }
.ldjson-price-track-offer {
font-weight: bold;
@ -1175,16 +1181,23 @@ ul {
#quick-watch-processor-type ul li > * {
display: inline-block; }
.restock-label {
padding: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
white-space: nowrap; } {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-green);
color: #fff; }
.restock-label.not-in-stock {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-cancel);
color: #777; } {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-green);
color: #fff; }
.restock-label.not-in-stock {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-cancel);
color: #777; }
.restock-label.error {
background-color: var(--color-background-button-error);
color: #fff;
opacity: 0.7; }
.restock-label svg {
vertical-align: middle; }
#chrome-extension-link {
padding: 9px;

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ import time
import uuid as uuid_builder
from loguru import logger
from .processors import get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor
from .processors.restock_diff import Restock
# Because the server will run as a daemon and wont know the URL for notification links when firing off a notification
BASE_URL_NOT_SET_TEXT = '("Base URL" not set - see settings - notifications)'
@ -81,9 +84,13 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
# Convert each existing watch back to the Watch.model object
for uuid, watch in self.__data['watching'].items():
self.__data['watching'][uuid] = Watch.model(datastore_path=self.datastore_path, default=watch)"Watching: {uuid} {self.__data['watching'][uuid]['url']}")
self.__data['watching'][uuid] = self.rehydrate_entity(uuid, watch)"Watching: {uuid} {watch['url']}")
# And for Tags also, should be Restock type because it has extra settings
for uuid, tag in self.__data['settings']['application']['tags'].items():
self.__data['settings']['application']['tags'][uuid] = self.rehydrate_entity(uuid, tag, processor_override='restock_diff')"Tag: {uuid} {tag['title']}")
# First time ran, Create the datastore.
except (FileNotFoundError):
@ -124,12 +131,12 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
self.__data['app_guid'] = str(uuid_builder.uuid4())
# Generate the URL access token for RSS feeds
if not 'rss_access_token' in self.__data['settings']['application']:
if not self.__data['settings']['application'].get('rss_access_token'):
secret = secrets.token_hex(16)
self.__data['settings']['application']['rss_access_token'] = secret
# Generate the API access token
if not 'api_access_token' in self.__data['settings']['application']:
if not self.__data['settings']['application'].get('api_access_token'):
secret = secrets.token_hex(16)
self.__data['settings']['application']['api_access_token'] = secret
@ -138,6 +145,22 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
# Finally start the thread that will manage periodic data saves to JSON
save_data_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.save_datastore).start()
def rehydrate_entity(self, uuid, entity, processor_override=None):
"""Set the dict back to the dict Watch object"""
entity['uuid'] = uuid
if processor_override:
watch_class = get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor(processor_override)
watch_class = get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor(entity.get('processor'))
if entity.get('uuid') != 'text_json_diff':
logger.trace(f"Loading Watch object '{watch_class.__module__}.{watch_class.__name__}' for UUID {uuid}")
entity = watch_class(datastore_path=self.datastore_path, default=entity)
return entity
def set_last_viewed(self, uuid, timestamp):
logger.debug(f"Setting watch UUID: {uuid} last viewed to {int(timestamp)}")['watching'][uuid].update({'last_viewed': int(timestamp)})
@ -163,7 +186,6 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
del (update_obj[dict_key])
self.needs_write = True
@ -177,8 +199,11 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
def has_unviewed(self):
if not self.__data.get('watching'):
return None
for uuid, watch in self.__data['watching'].items():
if watch.viewed == False:
if watch.history_n >= 2 and watch.viewed == False:
return True
return False
@ -241,31 +266,7 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
# Remove a watchs data but keep the entry (URL etc)
def clear_watch_history(self, uuid):
import pathlib
'browser_steps_last_error_step' : None,
'check_count': 0,
'fetch_time' : 0.0,
'has_ldjson_price_data': None,
'in_stock': None,
'last_checked': 0,
'last_error': False,
'last_notification_error': False,
'last_viewed': 0,
'previous_md5': False,
'previous_md5_before_filters': False,
'remote_server_reply': None,
'track_ldjson_price_data': None,
# JSON Data, Screenshots, Textfiles (history index and snapshots), HTML in the future etc
for item in pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.datastore_path, uuid)).rglob("*.*"):
# Force the attr to recalculate
bump = self.__data['watching'][uuid].history
self.needs_write_urgent = True
def add_watch(self, url, tag='', extras=None, tag_uuids=None, write_to_disk_now=True):
@ -342,11 +343,13 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
if apply_extras.get('tags'):
apply_extras['tags'] = list(set(apply_extras.get('tags')))
new_watch = Watch.model(datastore_path=self.datastore_path, url=url)
# If the processor also has its own Watch implementation
watch_class = get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor(apply_extras.get('processor'))
new_watch = watch_class(datastore_path=self.datastore_path, url=url)
new_uuid = new_watch.get('uuid')
logger.debug(f"Adding URL {url} - {new_uuid}")
logger.debug(f"Adding URL '{url}' - {new_uuid}")
for k in ['uuid', 'history', 'last_checked', 'last_changed', 'newest_history_key', 'previous_md5', 'viewed']:
if k in apply_extras:
@ -376,46 +379,6 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
return False
# Save as PNG, PNG is larger but better for doing visual diff in the future
def save_screenshot(self, watch_uuid, screenshot: bytes, as_error=False):
if not['watching'].get(watch_uuid):
if as_error:
target_path = os.path.join(self.datastore_path, watch_uuid, "last-error-screenshot.png")
target_path = os.path.join(self.datastore_path, watch_uuid, "last-screenshot.png")['watching'][watch_uuid].ensure_data_dir_exists()
with open(target_path, 'wb') as f:
def save_error_text(self, watch_uuid, contents):
if not['watching'].get(watch_uuid):
target_path = os.path.join(self.datastore_path, watch_uuid, "last-error.txt")
with open(target_path, 'w') as f:
def save_xpath_data(self, watch_uuid, data, as_error=False):
if not['watching'].get(watch_uuid):
if as_error:
target_path = os.path.join(self.datastore_path, watch_uuid, "elements-error.json")
target_path = os.path.join(self.datastore_path, watch_uuid, "elements.json")['watching'][watch_uuid].ensure_data_dir_exists()
with open(target_path, 'w') as f:
def sync_to_json(self):"Saving JSON..")
@ -622,7 +585,8 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
# Eventually almost everything todo with a watch will apply as a Tag
# So we use the same model as a Watch
with self.lock:
new_tag = Watch.model(datastore_path=self.datastore_path, default={
from .model import Tag
new_tag = Tag.model(datastore_path=self.datastore_path, default={
'title': name.strip(),
'date_created': int(time.time())
@ -661,6 +625,39 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
return next((v for v in tags if v.get('title', '').lower() == tag_name.lower()),
def any_watches_have_processor_by_name(self, processor_name):
for watch in['watching'].values():
if watch.get('processor') == processor_name:
return True
return False
def get_unique_notification_tokens_available(self):
# Ask each type of watch if they have any extra notification token to add to the validation
extra_notification_tokens = {}
watch_processors_checked = set()
for watch_uuid, watch in self.__data['watching'].items():
processor = watch.get('processor')
if processor not in watch_processors_checked:
return extra_notification_tokens
def get_unique_notification_token_placeholders_available(self):
# The actual description of the tokens, could be combined with get_unique_notification_tokens_available instead of doing this twice
extra_notification_tokens = []
watch_processors_checked = set()
for watch_uuid, watch in self.__data['watching'].items():
processor = watch.get('processor')
if processor not in watch_processors_checked:
return extra_notification_tokens
def get_updates_available(self):
import inspect
updates_available = []
@ -884,3 +881,30 @@ class ChangeDetectionStore:
# Something custom here
self.__data["watching"][uuid]['time_between_check_use_default'] = False
# Correctly set datatype for older installs where 'tag' was string and update_12 did not catch it
def update_16(self):
for uuid, watch in['watching'].items():
if isinstance(watch.get('tags'), str):['watching'][uuid]['tags'] = []
# Migrate old 'in_stock' values to the new Restock
def update_17(self):
for uuid, watch in['watching'].items():
if 'in_stock' in watch:
watch['restock'] = Restock({'in_stock': watch.get('in_stock')})
del watch['in_stock']
# Migrate old restock settings
def update_18(self):
for uuid, watch in['watching'].items():
if not watch.get('restock_settings'):
# So we enable price following by default['watching'][uuid]['restock_settings'] = {'follow_price_changes': True}
# Migrate and cleanoff old value['watching'][uuid]['restock_settings']['in_stock_processing'] = 'in_stock_only' if watch.get(
'in_stock_only') else 'all_changes'
del (['watching'][uuid]['in_stock_only'])

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{% from '_helpers.html' import render_field %}
{% macro render_common_settings_form(form, emailprefix, settings_application) %}
{% macro render_common_settings_form(form, emailprefix, settings_application, extra_notification_token_placeholder_info) %}
<div class="pure-control-group">
{{ render_field(form.notification_urls, rows=5, placeholder="Examples:
Gitter - gitter://token/room
@ -107,7 +107,15 @@
<td><code>{{ '{{triggered_text}}' }}</code></td>
<td>Text that tripped the trigger from filters</td>
{% if extra_notification_token_placeholder_info %}
{% for token in extra_notification_token_placeholder_info %}
<td><code>{{ '{{' }}{{ token[0] }}{{ '}}' }}</code></td>
<td>{{ token[1] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="pure-form-message-inline">

@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c">
<meta name="msapplication-config" content="favicons/browserconfig.xml">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
const csrftoken="{{ csrf_token() }}";
<script src="{{url_for('static_content', group='js', filename='jquery-3.6.0.min.js')}}"></script>
<script src="{{url_for('static_content', group='js', filename='csrf.js')}}" defer></script>

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
const email_notification_prefix=JSON.parse('{{ emailprefix|tojson }}');
{% endif %}
const notification_base_url="{{url_for('ajax_callback_send_notification_test', watch_uuid=uuid)}}";
const playwright_enabled={% if playwright_enabled %} true {% else %} false {% endif %};
const playwright_enabled={% if playwright_enabled %}true{% else %}false{% endif %};
const recheck_proxy_start_url="{{url_for('check_proxies.start_check', uuid=uuid)}}";
const proxy_recheck_status_url="{{url_for('check_proxies.get_recheck_status', uuid=uuid)}}";
const screenshot_url="{{url_for('static_content', group='screenshot', filename=uuid)}}";
@ -41,18 +41,16 @@
<li class="tab" id=""><a href="#general">General</a></li>
<li class="tab"><a href="#request">Request</a></li>
{% if extra_tab_content %}
<li class="tab"><a href="#extras_tab">{{ extra_tab_content }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if playwright_enabled %}
<li class="tab"><a id="browsersteps-tab" href="#browser-steps">Browser Steps</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if watch['processor'] == 'text_json_diff' %}
<li class="tab"><a id="visualselector-tab" href="#visualselector">Visual Filter Selector</a></li>
<li class="tab"><a href="#filters-and-triggers">Filters &amp; Triggers</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if watch['processor'] == 'restock_diff' %}
<li class="tab"><a href="#restock">Restock Detection</a></li>
{% endif %}
<li class="tab"><a href="#notifications">Notifications</a></li>
<li class="tab"><a href="#stats">Stats</a></li>
@ -69,16 +67,9 @@
{{ render_field(form.url, placeholder="https://...", required=true, class="m-d") }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Some sites use JavaScript to create the content, for this you should <a href="">use the Chrome/WebDriver Fetcher</a></span><br>
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">You can use variables in the URL, perfect for inserting the current date and other logic, <a href="">help and examples here</a></span><br>
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">
{% if watch['processor'] == 'text_json_diff' %}
Current mode: <strong>Webpage Text/HTML, JSON and PDF changes.</strong><br>
<a href="{{url_for('edit_page', uuid=uuid)}}?switch_processor=restock_diff" class="pure-button button-xsmall">Switch to re-stock detection mode.</a>
{% else %}
Current mode: <strong>Re-stock detection.</strong><br>
<a href="{{url_for('edit_page', uuid=uuid)}}?switch_processor=text_json_diff" class="pure-button button-xsmall">Switch to Webpage Text/HTML, JSON and PDF changes mode.</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="pure-control-group inline-radio">
{{ render_field(form.processor) }}
<div class="pure-control-group">
{{ render_field(form.title, class="m-d") }}
@ -255,7 +246,7 @@ User-Agent: wonderbra 1.0") }}
{% endif %}
<a href="#notifications" id="notification-setting-reset-to-default" class="pure-button button-xsmall" style="right: 20px; top: 20px; position: absolute; background-color: #5f42dd; border-radius: 4px; font-size: 70%; color: #fff">Use system defaults</a>
{{ render_common_settings_form(form, emailprefix, settings_application) }}
{{ render_common_settings_form(form, emailprefix, settings_application, extra_notification_token_placeholder_info) }}
@ -292,7 +283,7 @@ xpath://body/div/span[contains(@class, 'example-class')]",
<li>JSONPath: Prefix with <code>json:</code>, use <code>json:$</code> to force re-formatting if required, <a href="" target="new">test your JSONPath here</a>.</li>
{% if jq_support %}
<li>jq: Prefix with <code>jq:</code> and <a href="" target="new">test your jq here</a>. Using <a href="" target="new">jq</a> allows for complex filtering and processing of JSON data with built-in functions, regex, filtering, and more. See examples and documentation <a href="" target="new">here</a>.</li>
<li>jq: Prefix with <code>jq:</code> and <a href="" target="new">test your jq here</a>. Using <a href="" target="new">jq</a> allows for complex filtering and processing of JSON data with built-in functions, regex, filtering, and more. See examples and documentation <a href="" target="new">here</a>. Prefix <code>jqraw:</code> outputs the results as text instead of a JSON list.</li>
{% else %}
<li>jq support not installed</li>
{% endif %}
@ -413,18 +404,12 @@ Unavailable") }}
{% endif %}
{% if watch['processor'] == 'restock_diff' %}
<div class="tab-pane-inner" id="restock">
<div class="pure-control-group">
{{ render_checkbox_field(form.in_stock_only) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Only trigger notifications when page changes from <strong>out of stock</strong> to <strong>back in stock</strong></span>
{# rendered sub Template #}
{% if extra_form_content %}
<div class="tab-pane-inner" id="extras_tab">
{{ extra_form_content|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if watch['processor'] == 'text_json_diff' %}
<div class="tab-pane-inner visual-selector-ui" id="visualselector">
<img class="beta-logo" src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='beta-logo.png')}}" alt="New beta functionality">
@ -432,9 +417,8 @@ Unavailable") }}
<div class="pure-control-group">
{% if visualselector_enabled %}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">
The Visual Selector tool lets you select the <i>text</i> elements that will be used for the change detection &dash; after the <i>Browser Steps</i> has completed.<br>
This tool is a helper to manage filters in the "CSS/JSONPath/JQ/XPath Filters" box of the <a href="#filters-and-triggers">Filters & Triggers</a> tab.
<span class="pure-form-message-inline" id="visual-selector-heading">
The Visual Selector tool lets you select the <i>text</i> elements that will be used for the change detection. It automatically fills-in the filters in the "CSS/JSONPath/JQ/XPath Filters" box of the <a href="#filters-and-triggers">Filters & Triggers</a> tab. Use <strong>Shift+Click</strong> to select multiple items.
<div id="selector-header">
@ -495,6 +479,12 @@ Unavailable") }}
{% if watch.history_n %}
<a href="{{url_for('watch_get_latest_html', uuid=uuid)}}" class="pure-button button-small">Download latest HTML snapshot</a>
{% endif %}
<div id="actions">

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<div class="tab-pane-inner" id="text">
<div class="snapshot-age">{{ watch.snapshot_text_ctime|format_timestamp_timeago }}</div>
<div class="snapshot-age">{{ current_version|format_timestamp_timeago }}</div>
<span class="ignored">Grey lines are ignored</span> <span class="triggered">Blue lines are triggers</span>
<span class="tip"><strong>Pro-tip</strong>: Highlight text to add to ignore filters</span>

@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Allow access to view watch diff page when password is enabled (Good for sharing the diff page)
<div class="pure-control-group">
{{ render_checkbox_field(form.application.form.rss_hide_muted_watches) }}
<div class="pure-control-group">
{{ render_field(form.application.form.pager_size) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">Number of items per page in the watch overview list, 0 to disable.</span>
@ -73,7 +76,7 @@
<div class="pure-control-group">
{{ render_checkbox_field(form.application.form.empty_pages_are_a_change) }}
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">When a page contains HTML, but no renderable text appears (empty page), is this considered a change?</span>
<span class="pure-form-message-inline">When a request returns no content, or the HTML does not contain any text, is this considered a change?</span>
{% if form.requests.proxy %}
<div class="pure-control-group inline-radio">
@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
<div class="tab-pane-inner" id="notifications">
<div class="field-group">
{{ render_common_settings_form(form.application.form, emailprefix, settings_application) }}
{{ render_common_settings_form(form.application.form, emailprefix, settings_application, extra_notification_token_placeholder_info) }}
<div class="pure-control-group" id="notification-base-url">

@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
{% set sort_order = sort_order or 'asc' %}
{% set sort_attribute = sort_attribute or 'last_changed' %}
{% set pagination_page = request.args.get('page', 0) %}
{% set cols_required = 6 %}
{% set any_has_restock_price_processor = datastore.any_watches_have_processor_by_name("restock_diff") %}
{% if any_has_restock_price_processor %}
{% set cols_required = cols_required + 1 %}
{% endif %}
<div id="watch-table-wrapper">
@ -68,17 +73,20 @@
{% set link_order = "desc" if sort_order == 'asc' else "asc" %}
{% set arrow_span = "" %}
<th><input style="vertical-align: middle" type="checkbox" id="check-all" > <a class="{{ 'active '+link_order if sort_attribute == 'date_created' else 'inactive' }}" href="{{url_for('index', sort='date_created', order=link_order, tag=active_tag_uuid)}}"># <span class='arrow {{link_order}}'></span></a></th>
<th class="empty-cell"></th>
<th><a class="{{ 'active '+link_order if sort_attribute == 'label' else 'inactive' }}" href="{{url_for('index', sort='label', order=link_order, tag=active_tag_uuid)}}">Website <span class='arrow {{link_order}}'></span></a></th>
{% if any_has_restock_price_processor %}
<th>Restock &amp; Price</th>
{% endif %}
<th><a class="{{ 'active '+link_order if sort_attribute == 'last_checked' else 'inactive' }}" href="{{url_for('index', sort='last_checked', order=link_order, tag=active_tag_uuid)}}">Last Checked <span class='arrow {{link_order}}'></span></a></th>
<th><a class="{{ 'active '+link_order if sort_attribute == 'last_changed' else 'inactive' }}" href="{{url_for('index', sort='last_changed', order=link_order, tag=active_tag_uuid)}}">Last Changed <span class='arrow {{link_order}}'></span></a></th>
<th class="empty-cell"></th>
{% if not watches|length %}
<td colspan="6">No website watches configured, please add a URL in the box above, or <a href="{{ url_for('import_page')}}" >import a list</a>.</td>
<td colspan="{{ cols_required }}" style="text-wrap: wrap;">No website watches configured, please add a URL in the box above, or <a href="{{ url_for('import_page')}}" >import a list</a>.</td>
{% endif %}
{% for watch in (watches|sort(attribute=sort_attribute, reverse=sort_order == 'asc'))|pagination_slice(skip=pagination.skip) %}
@ -91,6 +99,7 @@
{% if watch.last_notification_error is defined and watch.last_notification_error != False %}error{% endif %}
{% if watch.paused is defined and watch.paused != False %}paused{% endif %}
{% if is_unviewed %}unviewed{% endif %}
{% if watch.has_restock_info %} has-restock-info {% if watch['restock']['in_stock'] %}in-stock{% else %}not-in-stock{% endif %} {% else %}no-restock-info{% endif %}
{% if watch.uuid in queued_uuids %}queued{% endif %}">
<td class="inline checkbox-uuid" ><input name="uuids" type="checkbox" value="{{ watch.uuid}} " > <span>{{ loop.index+pagination.skip }}</span></td>
<td class="inline watch-controls">
@ -135,30 +144,39 @@
{% if watch['processor'] == 'text_json_diff' %}
{% if watch['has_ldjson_price_data'] and not watch['track_ldjson_price_data'] %}
<div class="ldjson-price-track-offer">Embedded price data detected, follow only price data? <a href="{{url_for('price_data_follower.accept', uuid=watch.uuid)}}" class="pure-button button-xsmall">Yes</a> <a href="{{url_for('price_data_follower.reject', uuid=watch.uuid)}}" class="">No</a></div>
{% endif %}
{% if watch['track_ldjson_price_data'] == 'accepted' %}
<span class="tracking-ldjson-price-data" title="Automatically following embedded price information"><img src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='price-tag-icon.svg')}}" class="status-icon price-follow-tag-icon" > Price</span>
<div class="ldjson-price-track-offer">Switch to Restock & Price watch mode? <a href="{{url_for('price_data_follower.accept', uuid=watch.uuid)}}" class="pure-button button-xsmall">Yes</a> <a href="{{url_for('price_data_follower.reject', uuid=watch.uuid)}}" class="">No</a></div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if watch['processor'] == 'restock_diff' %}
<span class="restock-label {{'in-stock' if watch['in_stock'] else 'not-in-stock' }}" title="detecting restock conditions">
<!-- maybe some object watch['processor'][restock_diff] or.. -->
{% if watch['last_checked'] and watch['in_stock'] != None %}
{% if watch['in_stock'] %} In stock {% else %} Not in stock {% endif %}
{% else %}
Not yet checked
{% endif %}
{% if watch['processor'] == 'restock_diff' %}
<span class="tracking-ldjson-price-data" title="Automatically following embedded price information"><img src="{{url_for('static_content', group='images', filename='price-tag-icon.svg')}}" class="status-icon price-follow-tag-icon" > Price</span>
{% endif %}
{% for watch_tag_uuid, watch_tag in datastore.get_all_tags_for_watch(watch['uuid']).items() %}
<span class="watch-tag-list">{{ watch_tag.title }}</span>
{% endfor %}
<!-- @todo make it so any watch handler obj can expose this --->
{% if any_has_restock_price_processor %}
<td class="restock-and-price">
{% if watch['processor'] == 'restock_diff' %}
{% if watch.has_restock_info %}
<span class="restock-label {{'in-stock' if watch['restock']['in_stock'] else 'not-in-stock' }}" title="Detecting restock and price">
<!-- maybe some object watch['processor'][restock_diff] or.. -->
{% if watch['restock']['in_stock'] %} In stock {% else %} Not in stock {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if watch.get('restock') and watch['restock']['price'] != None %}
{% if watch['restock']['price'] != None %}
<span class="restock-label price" title="Price">
{{ watch['restock']['price']|format_number_locale }} {{ watch['restock']['currency'] }}
{% endif %}
{% elif not watch.has_restock_info %}
<span class="restock-label error">No information</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<td class="last-checked" data-timestamp="{{ watch.last_checked }}">{{watch|format_last_checked_time|safe}}</td>
<td class="last-changed" data-timestamp="{{ watch.last_changed }}">{% if watch.history_n >=2 and watch.last_changed >0 %}

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import resource
import time
from threading import Thread
import pytest
from changedetectionio import changedetection_app
@ -23,6 +26,36 @@ def reportlog(pytestconfig):
def track_memory(memory_usage, ):
while not memory_usage["stop"]:
max_rss = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss
memory_usage["peak"] = max(memory_usage["peak"], max_rss)
time.sleep(0.01) # Adjust the sleep time as needed
def measure_memory_usage(request):
memory_usage = {"peak": 0, "stop": False}
tracker_thread = Thread(target=track_memory, args=(memory_usage,))
memory_usage["stop"] = True
# Note: ru_maxrss is in kilobytes on Unix-based systems
max_memory_used = memory_usage["peak"] / 1024 # Convert to MB
s = f"Peak memory used by the test {request.node.fspath} - '{}': {max_memory_used:.2f} MB"
with open("test-memory.log", 'a') as f:
# Assert that the memory usage is less than 200MB
# assert max_memory_used < 150, f"Memory usage exceeded 200MB: {max_memory_used:.2f} MB"
def cleanup(datastore_path):
import glob
# Unlink test output files

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# !/usr/bin/python3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from flask import url_for
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ def do_test(client, live_server, make_test_use_extra_browser=False):
# Requires playwright to be installed
def test_request_via_custom_browser_url(client, live_server):
def test_request_via_custom_browser_url(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# We do this so we can grep the logs of the custom container and see if the request actually went through that container
do_test(client, live_server, make_test_use_extra_browser=True)
def test_request_not_via_custom_browser_url(client, live_server):
def test_request_not_via_custom_browser_url(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# We do this so we can grep the logs of the custom container and see if the request actually went through that container
do_test(client, live_server, make_test_use_extra_browser=False)

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .. import conftest

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
import logging
# Requires playwright to be installed
def test_fetch_webdriver_content(client, live_server):
def test_fetch_webdriver_content(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from flask import url_for
from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_UUID_from_client
def test_execute_custom_js(client, live_server):
def test_execute_custom_js(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
assert os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL'), "Needs PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL set for this test"

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .. import conftest

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from flask import url_for
from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
def test_preferred_proxy(client, live_server):
def test_preferred_proxy(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
url = ""

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_UUID_from_client
def test_noproxy_option(client, live_server):
def test_noproxy_option(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Run by
# Call this URL then scan the containers that it never went through them

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_UUID_from_client
# just make a request, we will grep in the docker logs to see it actually got called
def test_check_basic_change_detection_functionality(client, live_server):
def test_check_basic_change_detection_functionality(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
res =

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
import os
# just make a request, we will grep in the docker logs to see it actually got called
def test_select_custom(client, live_server):
def test_select_custom(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Goto settings, add our custom one

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
from flask import url_for
from changedetectionio.tests.util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
def test_socks5(client, live_server):
def test_socks5(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Setup a proxy

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from changedetectionio.tests.util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
# should be proxies.json mounted from already
# -v `pwd`/tests/proxy_socks5/proxies.json-example:/app/changedetectionio/test-datastore/proxies.json
def test_socks5_from_proxiesjson_file(client, live_server):
def test_socks5_from_proxiesjson_file(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_url = "" + os.getenv('SOCKSTEST', '')

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .. import conftest

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def set_back_in_stock_response():
return None
# Add a site in paused mode, add an invalid filter, we should still have visual selector data ready
def test_restock_detection(client, live_server):
def test_restock_detection(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
#assert os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL'), "Needs PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL set for this test"

@ -1,42 +1,51 @@
import smtpd
import asyncore
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller
from aiosmtpd.smtp import SMTP
# Accept a SMTP message and offer a way to retrieve the last message via TCP Socket
last_received_message = b"Nothing"
class CustomSMTPServer(smtpd.SMTPServer):
def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data, **kwargs):
class CustomSMTPHandler:
async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
global last_received_message
last_received_message = data
print('Receiving message from:', peer)
print('Message addressed from:', mailfrom)
print('Message addressed to :', rcpttos)
print('Message length :', len(data))
# Just print out the last message received on plain TCP socket server
class EchoServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.bind((host, port))
def handle_accepted(self, sock, addr):
last_received_message = envelope.content
print('Receiving message from:', session.peer)
print('Message addressed from:', envelope.mail_from)
print('Message addressed to :', envelope.rcpt_tos)
print('Message length :', len(envelope.content))
return '250 Message accepted for delivery'
class EchoServerProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
def connection_made(self, transport):
global last_received_message
print('Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr))
self.transport = transport
peername = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
print('Incoming connection from {}'.format(peername))
last_received_message = b''
async def main():
# Start the SMTP server
controller = Controller(CustomSMTPHandler(), hostname='', port=11025)
# Start the TCP Echo server
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
server = await loop.create_server(
lambda: EchoServerProtocol(),
'', 11080
async with server:
await server.serve_forever()
server = CustomSMTPServer(('', 11025), None) # SMTP mail goes here
server2 = EchoServer('', 11080) # Echo back last message received
if __name__ == "__main__":

@ -32,13 +32,15 @@ def get_last_message_from_smtp_server():
client_socket.connect((smtp_test_server, port)) # connect to the server
data = client_socket.recv(50024).decode() # receive response"get_last_message_from_smtp_server..")
client_socket.close() # close the connection
return data
# Requires running the test SMTP server
def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_HTML(client, live_server):
def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_HTML(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# live_server_setup(live_server)
@ -71,6 +73,8 @@ def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_HTML(client, live_server):
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
@ -81,14 +85,14 @@ def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_HTML(client, live_server):
# The email should have two bodies, and the text/html part should be <br>
assert 'Content-Type: text/plain' in msg
assert '(added) So let\'s see what happens.\n' in msg # The plaintext part with \n
assert '(added) So let\'s see what happens.\r\n' in msg # The plaintext part with \r\n
assert 'Content-Type: text/html' in msg
assert '(added) So let\'s see what happens.<br>' in msg # the html part
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_Text_override_HTML(client, live_server):
def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_Text_override_HTML(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# live_server_setup(live_server)
# HTML problems? see this
@ -135,6 +139,7 @@ def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_Text_override_HTML(client, liv
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
@ -147,7 +152,7 @@ def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_Text_override_HTML(client, liv
# The email should not have two bodies, should be TEXT only
assert 'Content-Type: text/plain' in msg
assert '(added) So let\'s see what happens.\n' in msg # The plaintext part with \n
assert '(added) So let\'s see what happens.\r\n' in msg # The plaintext part with \r\n
# Now override as HTML format
@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ def test_check_notification_email_formats_default_Text_override_HTML(client, liv
# The email should have two bodies, and the text/html part should be <br>
assert 'Content-Type: text/plain' in msg
assert '(removed) So let\'s see what happens.\n' in msg # The plaintext part with \n
assert '(removed) So let\'s see what happens.\r\n' in msg # The plaintext part with \n
assert 'Content-Type: text/html' in msg
assert '(removed) So let\'s see what happens.<br>' in msg # the html part

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os.path
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ def set_original(excluding=None, add_line=None):
with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f:
def test_setup(client, live_server):
def test_setup(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
def test_check_removed_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server):
def test_check_removed_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def test_check_removed_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server):
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_check_add_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server):
def test_check_add_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def test_check_add_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server):
res =
data={"application-notification_title": "New Notification - {{ watch_url }}",
"application-notification_body": 'triggered text was -{{triggered_text}}-',
"application-notification_body": 'triggered text was -{{triggered_text}}- 网站监测 内容更新了',
"application-notification_urls": test_notification_url,
"application-minutes_between_check": 180,
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ def test_check_add_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server):
url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"),
data={"trigger_text": 'Oh yes please',
"url": test_url,
'processor': 'text_json_diff',
'fetch_backend': "html_requests",
'filter_text_removed': '',
'filter_text_added': 'y'},
@ -166,9 +167,10 @@ def test_check_add_line_contains_trigger(client, live_server):
# Takes a moment for apprise to fire
assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt"), "Notification fired because I can see the output file"
with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'r') as f:
assert '-Oh yes please-' in response
with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'rb') as f:
response =
assert b'-Oh yes please-' in response
assert '网站监测 内容更新了'.encode('utf-8') in response
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ def is_valid_uuid(val):
return False
def test_setup(client, live_server):
def test_setup(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
def test_api_simple(client, live_server):
def test_api_simple(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
api_key = extract_api_key_from_UI(client)
@ -149,6 +149,15 @@ def test_api_simple(client, live_server):
headers={'x-api-key': api_key},
assert b'which has this one new line' in
assert b'<div id' not in
# Fetch the HTML of the latest one
res = client.get(
url_for("watchsinglehistory", uuid=watch_uuid, timestamp='latest')+"?html=1",
headers={'x-api-key': api_key},
assert b'which has this one new line' in
assert b'<div id' in
# Fetch the whole watch
res = client.get(
@ -232,7 +241,7 @@ def test_api_simple(client, live_server):
assert len(res.json) == 0, "Watch list should be empty"
def test_access_denied(client, live_server):
def test_access_denied(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# `config_api_token_enabled` Should be On by default
res = client.get(
@ -278,7 +287,7 @@ def test_access_denied(client, live_server):
assert b"Settings updated." in
def test_api_watch_PUT_update(client, live_server):
def test_api_watch_PUT_update(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
api_key = extract_api_key_from_UI(client)
@ -360,7 +369,7 @@ def test_api_watch_PUT_update(client, live_server):
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_api_import(client, live_server):
def test_api_import(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
api_key = extract_api_key_from_UI(client)
res =

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
from . util import live_server_setup
from .util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
def test_basic_auth(client, live_server):
def test_basic_auth(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
# Add our URL to the import page
test_url = url_for('test_basicauth_method', _external=True).replace("//","//myuser:mypass@")
@ -19,8 +18,8 @@ def test_basic_auth(client, live_server):
assert b"1 Imported" in
# Check form validation
res =
url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"),
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ def test_basic_auth(client, live_server):
assert b"Updated watch." in
res = client.get(
url_for("preview_page", uuid="first"),

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ def set_response_without_ldjson():
return None
def test_setup(client, live_server):
def test_setup(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# actually only really used by the importer, but could be handy too
def test_check_ldjson_price_autodetect(client, live_server):
def test_check_ldjson_price_autodetect(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Add our URL to the import page
@ -100,11 +100,8 @@ def test_check_ldjson_price_autodetect(client, live_server):
# Accept it
uuid = extract_UUID_from_client(client)
client.get(url_for('price_data_follower.accept', uuid=uuid, follow_redirects=True))
# Trigger a check
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
# Offer should be gone
@ -119,8 +116,8 @@ def test_check_ldjson_price_autodetect(client, live_server):
headers={'x-api-key': api_key},
# Should see this (dont know where the whitespace came from)
assert b'"highPrice": 8099900' in
assert b'8097000' in
# And not this cause its not the ld-json
assert b"So let's see what happens" not in
@ -159,14 +156,14 @@ def _test_runner_check_bad_format_ignored(live_server, client, has_ldjson_price_
for k,v in client.application.config.get('DATASTORE').data['watching'].items():
assert v.get('last_error') == False
assert v.get('has_ldjson_price_data') == has_ldjson_price_data
assert v.get('has_ldjson_price_data') == has_ldjson_price_data, f"Detected LDJSON data? should be {has_ldjson_price_data}"
client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
def test_bad_ldjson_is_correctly_ignored(client, live_server):
def test_bad_ldjson_is_correctly_ignored(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_return_data = """
@ -200,35 +197,37 @@ def test_bad_ldjson_is_correctly_ignored(client, live_server):
_test_runner_check_bad_format_ignored(live_server=live_server, client=client, has_ldjson_price_data=True)
test_return_data = """
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": ["Product", "SubType"],
"name": "My test product",
"description": "",
"BrokenOffers": {
"@type": "Offer",
"offeredBy": {
"@type": "Organization",
"telephone":"+1 999 999 999"
"price": "1",
"priceCurrency": "EUR",
"url": "/some/url"
<div class="yes">Some extra stuff</div>
with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f:
_test_runner_check_bad_format_ignored(live_server=live_server, client=client, has_ldjson_price_data=False)
# This is OK that it offers a suggestion in this case, the processor will let them know more about something wrong
# test_return_data = """
# <html>
# <head>
# <script type="application/ld+json">
# {
# "@context": "",
# "@type": ["Product", "SubType"],
# "name": "My test product",
# "description": "",
# "BrokenOffers": {
# "@type": "Offer",
# "offeredBy": {
# "@type": "Organization",
# "name":"Person",
# "telephone":"+1 999 999 999"
# },
# "price": "1",
# "priceCurrency": "EUR",
# "url": "/some/url"
# }
# }
# </script>
# </head>
# <body>
# <div class="yes">Some extra stuff</div>
# </body></html>
# """
# with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f:
# f.write(test_return_data)
# _test_runner_check_bad_format_ignored(live_server=live_server, client=client, has_ldjson_price_data=False)

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
from urllib.request import urlopen
from .util import set_original_response, set_modified_response, live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_rss_token_from_UI
from .util import set_original_response, set_modified_response, live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_rss_token_from_UI, \
sleep_time_for_fetch_thread = 3
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ def test_inscriptus():
assert stripped_text_from_html == 'test!\nok man'
def test_check_basic_change_detection_functionality(client, live_server):
def test_check_basic_change_detection_functionality(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
@ -62,9 +63,6 @@ def test_check_basic_change_detection_functionality(client, live_server):
# Make a change
res = urlopen(url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True))
assert b'which has this one new line' in
# Force recheck
res = client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'1 watches queued for rechecking.' in
@ -135,12 +133,28 @@ def test_check_basic_change_detection_functionality(client, live_server):
# It should have picked up the <title>
assert b'head title' in
# Be sure the last_viewed is going to be greater than the last snapshot
# hit the mark all viewed link
res = client.get(url_for("mark_all_viewed"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Mark all viewed' not in
assert b'unviewed' not in
# #2458 "clear history" should make the Watch object update its status correctly when the first snapshot lands again
uuid = extract_UUID_from_client(client)
client.get(url_for("clear_watch_history", uuid=uuid))
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
res = client.get(url_for("index"))
assert b'preview/' in
# Check the 'get latest snapshot works'
res = client.get(url_for("watch_get_latest_html", uuid=uuid))
assert b'<head><title>head title</title></head>' in
# Cleanup everything
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .util import set_original_response, live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
from flask import url_for
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import re
import time
def test_backup(client, live_server):
def test_backup(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def set_modified_response_minus_block_text():
def test_check_block_changedetection_text_NOT_present(client, live_server):
def test_check_block_changedetection_text_NOT_present(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Use a mix of case in ZzZ to prove it works case-insensitive.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from . util import live_server_setup
def test_trigger_functionality(client, live_server):
def test_trigger_functionality(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def test_include_filters_output():
# Tests the whole stack works with the CSS Filter
def test_check_markup_include_filters_restriction(client, live_server):
def test_check_markup_include_filters_restriction(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
sleep_time_for_fetch_thread = 3
include_filters = "#sametext"
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def test_check_markup_include_filters_restriction(client, live_server):
# Tests the whole stack works with the CSS Filter
def test_check_multiple_filters(client, live_server):
def test_check_multiple_filters(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
sleep_time_for_fetch_thread = 3
include_filters = "#blob-a\r\nxpath://*[contains(@id,'blob-b')]"
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def test_check_multiple_filters(client, live_server):
# The filter exists, but did not contain anything useful
# Mainly used when the filter contains just an IMG, this can happen when someone selects an image in the visual-selector
# Tests fetcher can throw a "ReplyWithContentButNoText" exception after applying filter and extracting text
def test_filter_is_empty_help_suggestion(client, live_server):
def test_filter_is_empty_help_suggestion(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
include_filters = "#blob-a"

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ across multiple lines
def test_element_removal_full(client, live_server):
def test_element_removal_full(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
sleep_time_for_fetch_thread = 3

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding=utf-8
import time
from flask import url_for
from .util import live_server_setup
from .util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
import pytest
@ -24,12 +24,9 @@ def set_html_response():
# In the case the server does not issue a charset= or doesnt have content_type header set
def test_check_encoding_detection(client, live_server):
def test_check_encoding_detection(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
# Add our URL to the import page
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', content_type="text/html", _external=True)
@ -39,7 +36,7 @@ def test_check_encoding_detection(client, live_server):
# Give the thread time to pick it up
res = client.get(
url_for("preview_page", uuid="first"),
@ -53,12 +50,9 @@ def test_check_encoding_detection(client, live_server):
# In the case the server does not issue a charset= or doesnt have content_type header set
def test_check_encoding_detection_missing_content_type_header(client, live_server):
def test_check_encoding_detection_missing_content_type_header(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
# Add our URL to the import page
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
@ -67,8 +61,7 @@ def test_check_encoding_detection_missing_content_type_header(client, live_serve
# Give the thread time to pick it up
res = client.get(
url_for("preview_page", uuid="first"),

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def _runner_test_http_errors(client, live_server, http_code, expected_text):
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_http_error_handler(client, live_server):
def test_http_error_handler(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
_runner_test_http_errors(client, live_server, 403, 'Access denied')
_runner_test_http_errors(client, live_server, 404, 'Page not found')
_runner_test_http_errors(client, live_server, 500, '(Internal server error) received')
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def test_http_error_handler(client, live_server):
assert b'Deleted' in
# Just to be sure error text is properly handled
def test_DNS_errors(client, live_server):
def test_DNS_errors(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def test_DNS_errors(client, live_server):
assert b'Deleted' in
# Re 1513
def test_low_level_errors_clear_correctly(client, live_server):
def test_low_level_errors_clear_correctly(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ sleep_time_for_fetch_thread = 3
def test_check_extract_text_from_diff(client, live_server):
def test_check_extract_text_from_diff(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
import time
with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("Now it's {} seconds since epoch, time flies!".format(str(time.time())))
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ def test_check_extract_text_from_diff(client, live_server):
# Load in 5 different numbers/changes
for n in range(5):
# Give the thread time to pick it up
print("Bumping snapshot and checking.. ", n)
last_date = str(time.time())

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ def set_multiline_response():
return None
def test_setup(client, live_server):
def test_setup(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
def test_check_filter_multiline(client, live_server):
def test_check_filter_multiline(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def test_check_filter_multiline(client, live_server):
# but the last one, which also says 'lines' shouldnt be here (non-greedy match checking)
assert b'aaand something lines' not in
def test_check_filter_and_regex_extract(client, live_server):
def test_check_filter_and_regex_extract(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
include_filters = ".changetext"
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ def test_check_filter_and_regex_extract(client, live_server):
def test_regex_error_handling(client, live_server):
def test_regex_error_handling(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def set_response_with_filter():
return None
def test_filter_doesnt_exist_then_exists_should_get_notification(client, live_server):
def test_filter_doesnt_exist_then_exists_should_get_notification(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Filter knowingly doesn't exist, like someone setting up a known filter to see if some cinema tickets are on sale again
# And the page has that filter available
# Then I should get a notification

@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ def set_response_with_filter():
return None
def run_filter_test(client, content_filter):
def run_filter_test(client, live_server, content_filter):
# Response WITHOUT the filter ID element
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
# cleanup for the next
url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"),
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ def run_filter_test(client, content_filter):
"include_filters": content_filter,
"fetch_backend": "html_requests"})
# A POST here will also reset the filter failure counter (filter_failure_notification_threshold_attempts)
res =
url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"),
@ -91,20 +93,21 @@ def run_filter_test(client, content_filter):
# Now the notification should not exist, because we didnt reach the threshold
assert not os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
# -2 because we would have checked twice above (on adding and on edit)
# recheck it up to just before the threshold, including the fact that in the previous POST it would have rechecked (and incremented)
res = client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
assert not os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt"), f"test-datastore/notification.txt should not exist - Attempt {i}"
time.sleep(2) # delay for apprise to fire
assert not os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt"), f"test-datastore/notification.txt should not exist - Attempt {i} when threshold is {App._FILTER_FAILURE_THRESHOLD_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT}"
# We should see something in the frontend
res = client.get(url_for("index"))
assert b'Warning, no filters were found' in
# One more check should trigger it (see -2 above)
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
# One more check should trigger the _FILTER_FAILURE_THRESHOLD_ATTEMPTS_DEFAULT threshold
client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True)
time.sleep(2) # delay for apprise to fire
# Now it should exist and contain our "filter not found" alert
assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt")
@ -148,14 +151,10 @@ def run_filter_test(client, content_filter):
def test_setup(live_server):
def test_check_include_filters_failure_notification(client, live_server):
run_filter_test(client, '#nope-doesnt-exist')
def test_check_include_filters_failure_notification(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
run_filter_test(client, live_server,'#nope-doesnt-exist')
def test_check_xpath_filter_failure_notification(client, live_server):
run_filter_test(client, '//*[@id="nope-doesnt-exist"]')
def test_check_xpath_filter_failure_notification(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
run_filter_test(client, live_server, '//*[@id="nope-doesnt-exist"]')
# Test that notification is never sent

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from .util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_rss_token_from
import os
def test_setup(client, live_server):
def test_setup(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
def set_original_response():
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def set_modified_response():
return None
def test_setup_group_tag(client, live_server):
def test_setup_group_tag(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def test_setup_group_tag(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_tag_import_singular(client, live_server):
def test_tag_import_singular(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def test_tag_import_singular(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_tag_add_in_ui(client, live_server):
def test_tag_add_in_ui(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
res =
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def test_tag_add_in_ui(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_group_tag_notification(client, live_server):
def test_group_tag_notification(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ def test_group_tag_notification(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_limit_tag_ui(client, live_server):
def test_limit_tag_ui(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def test_limit_tag_ui(client, live_server):
assert b'Deleted' in
res = client.get(url_for("tags.delete_all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'All tags deleted' in
def test_clone_tag_on_import(client, live_server):
def test_clone_tag_on_import(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
res =
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ def test_clone_tag_on_import(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_clone_tag_on_quickwatchform_add(client, live_server):
def test_clone_tag_on_quickwatchform_add(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ def test_clone_tag_on_quickwatchform_add(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("tags.delete_all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'All tags deleted' in
def test_order_of_filters_tag_filter_and_watch_filter(client, live_server):
def test_order_of_filters_tag_filter_and_watch_filter(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Add a tag with some config, import a tag and it should roughly work
res =

@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import os
import json
import logging
from flask import url_for
from .util import live_server_setup
from .util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
def test_consistent_history(client, live_server):
def test_consistent_history(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up
r = range(1, 50)
r = range(1, 30)
for one in r:
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', content_type="text/html", content=str(one), _external=True)
@ -25,15 +23,8 @@ def test_consistent_history(client, live_server):
assert b"1 Imported" in
while True:
res = client.get(url_for("index"))
logging.debug("Waiting for 'Checking now' to go away..")
if b'Checking now' not in
# Essentially just triggers the DB write/update
res =
@ -44,8 +35,9 @@ def test_consistent_history(client, live_server):
assert b"Settings updated." in
# Give it time to write it out
json_db_file = os.path.join(['DATASTORE'].datastore_path, 'url-watches.json')
json_obj = None
@ -58,7 +50,7 @@ def test_consistent_history(client, live_server):
# each one should have a history.txt containing just one line
for w in json_obj['watching'].keys():
history_txt_index_file = os.path.join(['DATASTORE'].datastore_path, w, 'history.txt')
assert os.path.isfile(history_txt_index_file), "History.txt should exist where I expect it - {}".format(history_txt_index_file)
assert os.path.isfile(history_txt_index_file), f"History.txt should exist where I expect it at {history_txt_index_file}"
# Same like in model.Watch
with open(history_txt_index_file, "r") as f:
@ -70,15 +62,20 @@ def test_consistent_history(client, live_server):
# Find the snapshot one
for fname in files_in_watch_dir:
if fname != 'history.txt':
if fname != 'history.txt' and 'html' not in fname:
# contents should match what we requested as content returned from the test url
with open(os.path.join(['DATASTORE'].datastore_path, w, fname), 'r') as snapshot_f:
contents =
watch_url = json_obj['watching'][w]['url']
u = urlparse(watch_url)
q = parse_qs(u[4])
assert q['content'][0] == contents.strip(), "Snapshot file {} should contain {}".format(fname, q['content'][0])
assert q['content'][0] == contents.strip(), f"Snapshot file {fname} should contain {q['content'][0]}"
assert len(files_in_watch_dir) == 3, "Should be just three files in the dir, snapshot, history.txt and the extracted text snapshot"
assert len(files_in_watch_dir) == 2, "Should be just two files in the dir, history.txt and the snapshot"
json_db_file = os.path.join(['DATASTORE'].datastore_path, 'url-watches.json')
with open(json_db_file, 'r') as f:
assert '"default"' not in, "'default' probably shouldnt be here, it came from when the 'default' Watch vars were accidently being saved"

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Test suite for the method to extract text from an html string"""
from ..html_tools import html_to_text

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from . util import live_server_setup
from changedetectionio import html_tools
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ def test_setup(live_server):
# Unit test of the stripper
# Always we are dealing in utf-8
def test_strip_regex_text_func():
from ..processors import text_json_diff as fetch_site_status
test_content = """
but sometimes we want to remove the lines.

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ def test_setup(live_server):
# Unit test of the stripper
# Always we are dealing in utf-8
def test_strip_text_func():
from ..processors import text_json_diff as fetch_site_status
test_content = """
Some content
is listed here
@ -82,7 +79,7 @@ def set_modified_ignore_response():
def test_check_ignore_text_functionality(client, live_server):
def test_check_ignore_text_functionality(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Use a mix of case in ZzZ to prove it works case-insensitive.
ignore_text = "XXXXX\r\nYYYYY\r\nzZzZZ\r\nnew ignore stuff"
@ -164,7 +161,7 @@ def test_check_ignore_text_functionality(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True)
assert b'Deleted' in
def test_check_global_ignore_text_functionality(client, live_server):
def test_check_global_ignore_text_functionality(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
# Give the endpoint time to spin up

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
from flask import url_for
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def set_original_ignore_response():
def test_highlight_ignore(client, live_server):
def test_highlight_ignore(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage):
test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True)
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ def test_highlight_ignore(client, live_server):
res = client.get(url_for("edit_page", uuid=uuid))
# should be a regex now
assert b'/oh\ yeah\ \d+/' in
@ -55,3 +54,7 @@ def test_highlight_ignore(client, live_server):
# And it should register in the preview page
res = client.get(url_for("preview_page", uuid=uuid))
assert b'<div class="ignored">oh yeah 456' in
# Should be in base.html
assert b'csrftoken' in

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
