import json import os import time import re from flask import url_for from loguru import logger from .util import set_original_response, set_modified_response, set_more_modified_response, live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, \ set_longer_modified_response from . util import extract_UUID_from_client import logging import base64 from changedetectionio.notification import ( default_notification_body, default_notification_format, default_notification_title, valid_notification_formats, ) def test_setup(live_server): live_server_setup(live_server) # Hard to just add more live server URLs when one test is already running (I think) # So we add our test here (was in a different file) def test_check_notification(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage): #live_server_setup(live_server) set_original_response() # Re 360 - new install should have defaults set res = client.get(url_for("settings_page")) notification_url = url_for('test_notification_endpoint', _external=True).replace('http', 'json') assert default_notification_body.encode() in assert default_notification_title.encode() in ##################### # Set this up for when we remove the notification from the watch, it should fallback with these details res = url_for("settings_page"), data={"application-notification_urls": notification_url, "application-notification_title": "fallback-title "+default_notification_title, "application-notification_body": "fallback-body "+default_notification_body, "application-notification_format": default_notification_format, "requests-time_between_check-minutes": 180, 'application-fetch_backend': "html_requests"}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Settings updated." in # When test mode is in BASE_URL env mode, we should see this already configured env_base_url = os.getenv('BASE_URL', '').strip() if len(env_base_url): logging.debug(">>> BASE_URL enabled, looking for %s", env_base_url) res = client.get(url_for("settings_page")) assert bytes(env_base_url.encode('utf-8')) in else: logging.debug(">>> SKIPPING BASE_URL check") # re #242 - when you edited an existing new entry, it would not correctly show the notification settings # Add our URL to the import page test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) res = url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tags": ''}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added" in # Give the thread time to pick up the first version wait_for_all_checks(client) # We write the PNG to disk, but a JPEG should appear in the notification # Write the last screenshot png testimage_png = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNkYAAAAAYAAjCB0C8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=' uuid = extract_UUID_from_client(client) datastore = 'test-datastore' with open(os.path.join(datastore, str(uuid), 'last-screenshot.png'), 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(testimage_png)) # Goto the edit page, add our ignore text # Add our URL to the import page print (">>>> Notification URL: "+notification_url) notification_form_data = {"notification_urls": notification_url, "notification_title": "New Notification - {{watch_url}}", "notification_body": "BASE URL: {{base_url}}\n" "Watch URL: {{watch_url}}\n" "Watch UUID: {{watch_uuid}}\n" "Watch title: {{watch_title}}\n" "Watch tag: {{watch_tag}}\n" "Preview: {{preview_url}}\n" "Diff URL: {{diff_url}}\n" "Snapshot: {{current_snapshot}}\n" "Diff: {{diff}}\n" "Diff Added: {{diff_added}}\n" "Diff Removed: {{diff_removed}}\n" "Diff Full: {{diff_full}}\n" "Diff as Patch: {{diff_patch}}\n" ":-)", "notification_screenshot": True, "notification_format": "Text"} notification_form_data.update({ "url": test_url, "tags": "my tag, my second tag", "title": "my title", "headers": "", "fetch_backend": "html_requests"}) res = url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"), data=notification_form_data, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Updated watch." in # Hit the edit page, be sure that we saved it # Re #242 - wasnt saving? res = client.get( url_for("edit_page", uuid="first")) assert bytes(notification_url.encode('utf-8')) in assert bytes("New Notification".encode('utf-8')) in ## Now recheck, and it should have sent the notification wait_for_all_checks(client) set_modified_response() # Trigger a check client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) time.sleep(3) # Verify what was sent as a notification, this file should exist with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", "r") as f: notification_submission = os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt") # Did we see the URL that had a change, in the notification? # Diff was correctly executed assert "Diff Full: Some initial text" in notification_submission assert "Diff: (changed) Which is across multiple lines" in notification_submission assert "(into) which has this one new line" in notification_submission # Re #342 - check for accidental python byte encoding of non-utf8/string assert "b'" not in notification_submission assert'Watch UUID: [0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}', notification_submission, re.IGNORECASE) assert "Watch title: my title" in notification_submission assert "Watch tag: my tag, my second tag" in notification_submission assert "diff/" in notification_submission assert "preview/" in notification_submission assert ":-)" in notification_submission assert "New Notification - {}".format(test_url) in notification_submission assert test_url in notification_submission assert ':-)' in notification_submission # Check the attachment was added, and that it is a JPEG from the original PNG notification_submission_object = json.loads(notification_submission) # We keep PNG screenshots for now assert notification_submission_object['attachments'][0]['filename'] == 'last-screenshot.png' assert len(notification_submission_object['attachments'][0]['base64']) assert notification_submission_object['attachments'][0]['mimetype'] == 'image/png' jpeg_in_attachment = base64.b64decode(notification_submission_object['attachments'][0]['base64']) # Assert that the JPEG is readable (didn't get chewed up somewhere) from PIL import Image import io assert if env_base_url: # Re #65 - did we see our BASE_URl ? logging.debug (">>> BASE_URL checking in notification: %s", env_base_url) assert env_base_url in notification_submission else: logging.debug(">>> Skipping BASE_URL check") # This should insert the {current_snapshot} set_more_modified_response() client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) time.sleep(3) # Verify what was sent as a notification, this file should exist with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", "r") as f: notification_submission = assert "Ohh yeah awesome" in notification_submission # Prove that "content constantly being marked as Changed with no Updating causes notification" is not a thing # os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt") # Trigger a check client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) wait_for_all_checks(client) client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) wait_for_all_checks(client) client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) wait_for_all_checks(client) assert os.path.exists("test-datastore/notification.txt") == False res = client.get(url_for("notification_logs")) # be sure we see it in the output log assert b'New Notification - ' + test_url.encode('utf-8') in set_original_response() res = url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"), data={ "url": test_url, "tags": "my tag", "title": "my title", "notification_urls": '', "notification_title": '', "notification_body": '', "notification_format": default_notification_format, "fetch_backend": "html_requests"}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Updated watch." in time.sleep(2) # Verify what was sent as a notification, this file should exist with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", "r") as f: notification_submission = assert "fallback-title" in notification_submission assert "fallback-body" in notification_submission # cleanup for the next client.get( url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True ) def test_notification_validation(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage): time.sleep(1) # re #242 - when you edited an existing new entry, it would not correctly show the notification settings # Add our URL to the import page test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) res = url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tags": 'nice one'}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added" in # Re #360 some validation # res = # url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"), # data={"notification_urls": 'json://localhost/foobar', # "notification_title": "", # "notification_body": "", # "notification_format": "Text", # "url": test_url, # "tag": "my tag", # "title": "my title", # "headers": "", # "fetch_backend": "html_requests"}, # follow_redirects=True # ) # assert b"Notification Body and Title is required when a Notification URL is used" in # cleanup for the next client.get( url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True ) def test_notification_custom_endpoint_and_jinja2(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage): #live_server_setup(live_server) # test_endpoint - that sends the contents of a file # test_notification_endpoint - that takes a POST and writes it to file (test-datastore/notification.txt) # CUSTOM JSON BODY CHECK for POST:// set_original_response() # test_notification_url = url_for('test_notification_endpoint', _external=True).replace('http://', 'post://')+"?xxx={{ watch_url }}&+custom-header=123&+second=hello+world%20%22space%22" res = url_for("settings_page"), data={ "application-fetch_backend": "html_requests", "application-minutes_between_check": 180, "application-notification_body": '{ "url" : "{{ watch_url }}", "secret": 444, "somebug": "网站监测 内容更新了" }', "application-notification_format": default_notification_format, "application-notification_urls": test_notification_url, # "application-notification_title": "New Notification - {{ watch_url }} ", }, follow_redirects=True ) assert b'Settings updated' in # Add a watch and trigger a HTTP POST test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) res = url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tags": 'nice one'}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added" in wait_for_all_checks(client) set_modified_response() client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) wait_for_all_checks(client) time.sleep(2) # plus extra delay for notifications to fire with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'r') as f: x = j = json.loads(x) assert j['url'].startswith('http://localhost') assert j['secret'] == 444 assert j['somebug'] == '网站监测 内容更新了' # URL check, this will always be converted to lowercase assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification-url.txt") with open("test-datastore/notification-url.txt", 'r') as f: notification_url = assert 'xxx=http' in notification_url # apprise style headers should be stripped assert 'custom-header' not in notification_url with open("test-datastore/notification-headers.txt", 'r') as f: notification_headers = assert 'custom-header: 123' in notification_headers.lower() assert 'second: hello world "space"' in notification_headers.lower() # Should always be automatically detected as JSON content type even when we set it as 'Text' (default) assert os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification-content-type.txt") with open("test-datastore/notification-content-type.txt", 'r') as f: assert 'application/json' in os.unlink("test-datastore/notification-url.txt") client.get( url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True ) #2510 def test_global_send_test_notification(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage): #live_server_setup(live_server) set_original_response() if os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt"): os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt") # otherwise other settings would have already existed from previous tests in this file res = url_for("settings_page"), data={ "application-fetch_backend": "html_requests", "application-minutes_between_check": 180, #1995 UTF-8 content should be encoded "application-notification_body": 'change detection is cool 网站监测 内容更新了', "application-notification_format": default_notification_format, "application-notification_urls": "", "application-notification_title": "New Notification - {{ watch_url }}", }, follow_redirects=True ) assert b'Settings updated' in test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) res = url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tags": 'nice one'}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added" in test_notification_url = url_for('test_notification_endpoint', _external=True).replace('http://', 'post://')+"?xxx={{ watch_url }}&+custom-header=123" ######### Test global/system settings res = url_for("ajax_callback_send_notification_test")+"?mode=global-settings", data={"notification_urls": test_notification_url}, follow_redirects=True ) assert res.status_code != 400 assert res.status_code != 500 # Give apprise time to fire time.sleep(4) with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'r') as f: x = assert 'change detection is cool 网站监测 内容更新了' in x os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt") ######### Test group/tag settings res = url_for("ajax_callback_send_notification_test")+"?mode=group-settings", data={"notification_urls": test_notification_url}, follow_redirects=True ) assert res.status_code != 400 assert res.status_code != 500 # Give apprise time to fire time.sleep(4) with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'r') as f: x = # Should come from default handler when there is no notification body to pull from assert 'change detection is cool 网站监测 内容更新了' in x client.get( url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True ) ######### Test global/system settings - When everything is deleted it should give a helpful error # See #2727 res = url_for("ajax_callback_send_notification_test")+"?mode=global-settings", data={"notification_urls": test_notification_url}, follow_redirects=True ) assert res.status_code == 400 assert b"Error: You must have atleast one watch configured for 'test notification' to work" in def _test_color_notifications(client, notification_body_token): from changedetectionio.diff import ADDED_STYLE, REMOVED_STYLE set_original_response() if os.path.isfile("test-datastore/notification.txt"): os.unlink("test-datastore/notification.txt") test_notification_url = url_for('test_notification_endpoint', _external=True).replace('http://', 'post://')+"?xxx={{ watch_url }}&+custom-header=123" # otherwise other settings would have already existed from previous tests in this file res = url_for("settings_page"), data={ "application-fetch_backend": "html_requests", "application-minutes_between_check": 180, "application-notification_body": notification_body_token, "application-notification_format": "HTML Color", "application-notification_urls": test_notification_url, "application-notification_title": "New Notification - {{ watch_url }}", }, follow_redirects=True ) assert b'Settings updated' in test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) res = url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tags": 'nice one'}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added" in wait_for_all_checks(client) set_modified_response() res = client.get(url_for("form_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) assert b'1 watches queued for rechecking.' in wait_for_all_checks(client) time.sleep(3) with open("test-datastore/notification.txt", 'r') as f: x = assert f'Which is across multiple lines' in x client.get( url_for("form_delete", uuid="all"), follow_redirects=True ) def test_html_color_notifications(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage): live_server_setup(live_server) _test_color_notifications(client, '{{diff}}') _test_color_notifications(client, '{{diff_full}}')