#!/bin/bash # live_server will throw errors even with live_server_scope=function if I have the live_server setup in different functions # and I like to restart the server for each test (and have the test cleanup after each test) # merge request welcome :) # exit when any command fails set -e SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) find tests/test_*py -type f|while read test_name do echo "TEST RUNNING $test_name" pytest $test_name done echo "RUNNING WITH BASE_URL SET" # Now re-run some tests with BASE_URL enabled # Re #65 - Ability to include a link back to the installation, in the notification. export BASE_URL="https://really-unique-domain.io" pytest tests/test_notification.py ## JQ + JSON: filter test # jq is not available on windows and we should just test it when the package is installed # this will re-test with jq support pip3 install jq~=1.3 pytest tests/test_jsonpath_jq_selector.py # Now for the selenium and playwright/browserless fetchers # Note - this is not UI functional tests - just checking that each one can fetch the content echo "TESTING WEBDRIVER FETCH > SELENIUM/WEBDRIVER..." docker run -d --name $$-test_selenium -p 4444:4444 --rm --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome-debug:3.141.59 # takes a while to spin up sleep 5 export WEBDRIVER_URL=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub pytest tests/fetchers/test_content.py pytest tests/test_errorhandling.py unset WEBDRIVER_URL docker kill $$-test_selenium echo "TESTING WEBDRIVER FETCH > PLAYWRIGHT/BROWSERLESS..." docker run -d --name $$-test_browserless -e "DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ARGS=[\"--window-size=1920,1080\"]" --rm -p 3000:3000 --shm-size="2g" browserless/chrome:1.53-chrome-stable # takes a while to spin up sleep 5 export PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws:// pytest tests/fetchers/test_content.py pytest tests/test_errorhandling.py pytest tests/visualselector/test_fetch_data.py unset PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL docker kill $$-test_browserless # Test proxy list handling, starting two squids on different ports # Each squid adds a different header to the response, which is the main thing we test for. docker run -d --name $$-squid-one --rm -v `pwd`/tests/proxy_list/squid.conf:/etc/squid/conf.d/debian.conf -p 3128:3128 ubuntu/squid:4.13-21.10_edge docker run -d --name $$-squid-two --rm -v `pwd`/tests/proxy_list/squid.conf:/etc/squid/conf.d/debian.conf -p 3129:3128 ubuntu/squid:4.13-21.10_edge # So, basic HTTP as env var test export HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:3128 export HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:3128 pytest tests/proxy_list/test_proxy.py docker logs $$-squid-one 2>/dev/null|grep one.changedetection.io if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Did not see a request to one.changedetection.io in the squid logs (while checking env vars HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY)" fi unset HTTP_PROXY unset HTTPS_PROXY # 2nd test actually choose the preferred proxy from proxies.json cp tests/proxy_list/proxies.json-example ./test-datastore/proxies.json # Makes a watch use a preferred proxy pytest tests/proxy_list/test_multiple_proxy.py # Should be a request in the default "first" squid docker logs $$-squid-one 2>/dev/null|grep chosen.changedetection.io if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Did not see a request to chosen.changedetection.io in the squid logs (while checking preferred proxy)" fi # And one in the 'second' squid (user selects this as preferred) docker logs $$-squid-two 2>/dev/null|grep chosen.changedetection.io if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Did not see a request to chosen.changedetection.io in the squid logs (while checking preferred proxy)" fi # @todo - test system override proxy selection and watch defaults, setup a 3rd squid? docker kill $$-squid-one docker kill $$-squid-two