from abc import abstractmethod from distutils.util import strtobool from urllib.parse import urlparse import chardet import hashlib import json import os import requests import sys import time import urllib.parse from loguru import logger visualselector_xpath_selectors = 'div,span,form,table,tbody,tr,td,a,p,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4, header, footer, section, article, aside, details, main, nav, section, summary' class Non200ErrorCodeReceived(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot=None, xpath_data=None, page_html=None): # Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app self.status_code = status_code self.url = url self.screenshot = screenshot self.xpath_data = xpath_data self.page_text = None if page_html: from changedetectionio import html_tools self.page_text = html_tools.html_to_text(page_html) return class checksumFromPreviousCheckWasTheSame(Exception): def __init__(self): return class JSActionExceptions(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot, message=''): self.status_code = status_code self.url = url self.screenshot = screenshot self.message = message return class BrowserStepsStepException(Exception): def __init__(self, step_n, original_e): self.step_n = step_n self.original_e = original_e logger.debug(f"Browser Steps exception at step {self.step_n} {str(original_e)}") return # @todo - make base Exception class that announces via logger() class PageUnloadable(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, url, message, screenshot=False): # Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app self.status_code = status_code self.url = url self.screenshot = screenshot self.message = message return class BrowserStepsInUnsupportedFetcher(Exception): def __init__(self, url): self.url = url return class EmptyReply(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot=None): # Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app self.status_code = status_code self.url = url self.screenshot = screenshot return class ScreenshotUnavailable(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, url, page_html=None): # Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app self.status_code = status_code self.url = url if page_html: from html_tools import html_to_text self.page_text = html_to_text(page_html) return class ReplyWithContentButNoText(Exception): def __init__(self, status_code, url, screenshot=None, has_filters=False, html_content=''): # Set this so we can use it in other parts of the app self.status_code = status_code self.url = url self.screenshot = screenshot self.has_filters = has_filters self.html_content = html_content return class Fetcher(): browser_connection_is_custom = None browser_connection_url = None browser_steps = None browser_steps_screenshot_path = None content = None error = None fetcher_description = "No description" headers = {} instock_data = None instock_data_js = "" status_code = None webdriver_js_execute_code = None xpath_data = None xpath_element_js = "" # Will be needed in the future by the VisualSelector, always get this where possible. screenshot = False system_http_proxy = os.getenv('HTTP_PROXY') system_https_proxy = os.getenv('HTTPS_PROXY') # Time ONTOP of the system defined env minimum time render_extract_delay = 0 def __init__(self): from pkg_resources import resource_string # The code that scrapes elements and makes a list of elements/size/position to click on in the VisualSelector self.xpath_element_js = resource_string(__name__, "res/xpath_element_scraper.js").decode('utf-8') self.instock_data_js = resource_string(__name__, "res/stock-not-in-stock.js").decode('utf-8') @abstractmethod def get_error(self): return self.error @abstractmethod def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False, current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False): # Should set self.error, self.status_code and self.content pass @abstractmethod def quit(self): return @abstractmethod def get_last_status_code(self): return self.status_code @abstractmethod def screenshot_step(self, step_n): return None @abstractmethod # Return true/false if this checker is ready to run, in the case it needs todo some special config check etc def is_ready(self): return True def get_all_headers(self): """ Get all headers but ensure all keys are lowercase :return: """ return {k.lower(): v for k, v in self.headers.items()} def browser_steps_get_valid_steps(self): if self.browser_steps is not None and len(self.browser_steps): valid_steps = filter( lambda s: (s['operation'] and len(s['operation']) and s['operation'] != 'Choose one' and s['operation'] != 'Goto site'), self.browser_steps) return valid_steps return None def iterate_browser_steps(self): from changedetectionio.blueprint.browser_steps.browser_steps import steppable_browser_interface from playwright._impl._errors import TimeoutError, Error from jinja2 import Environment jinja2_env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2_time.TimeExtension']) step_n = 0 if self.browser_steps is not None and len(self.browser_steps): interface = steppable_browser_interface() = valid_steps = self.browser_steps_get_valid_steps() for step in valid_steps: step_n += 1 logger.debug(f">> Iterating check - browser Step n {step_n} - {step['operation']}...") self.screenshot_step("before-" + str(step_n)) self.save_step_html("before-" + str(step_n)) try: optional_value = step['optional_value'] selector = step['selector'] # Support for jinja2 template in step values, with date module added if '{%' in step['optional_value'] or '{{' in step['optional_value']: optional_value = str(jinja2_env.from_string(step['optional_value']).render()) if '{%' in step['selector'] or '{{' in step['selector']: selector = str(jinja2_env.from_string(step['selector']).render()) getattr(interface, "call_action")(action_name=step['operation'], selector=selector, optional_value=optional_value) self.screenshot_step(step_n) self.save_step_html(step_n) except (Error, TimeoutError) as e: logger.debug(str(e)) # Stop processing here raise BrowserStepsStepException(step_n=step_n, original_e=e) # It's always good to reset these def delete_browser_steps_screenshots(self): import glob if self.browser_steps_screenshot_path is not None: dest = os.path.join(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path, 'step_*.jpeg') files = glob.glob(dest) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): os.unlink(f) # Maybe for the future, each fetcher provides its own diff output, could be used for text, image # the current one would return javascript output (as we use JS to generate the diff) # def available_fetchers(): # See the if statement at the bottom of this file for how we switch between playwright and webdriver import inspect p = [] for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass): if inspect.isclass(obj): # @todo html_ is maybe better as fetcher_ or something # In this case, make sure to edit the default one in and if name.startswith('html_'): t = tuple([name, obj.fetcher_description]) p.append(t) return p class base_html_playwright(Fetcher): fetcher_description = "Playwright {}/Javascript".format( os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE", 'chromium').capitalize() ) if os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL"): fetcher_description += " via '{}'".format(os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL")) browser_type = '' command_executor = '' # Configs for Proxy setup # In the ENV vars, is prefixed with "playwright_proxy_", so it is for example "playwright_proxy_server" playwright_proxy_settings_mappings = ['bypass', 'server', 'username', 'password'] proxy = None def __init__(self, proxy_override=None, custom_browser_connection_url=None): super().__init__() self.browser_type = os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSER_TYPE", 'chromium').strip('"') if custom_browser_connection_url: self.browser_connection_is_custom = True self.browser_connection_url = custom_browser_connection_url else: # Fallback to fetching from system # .strip('"') is going to save someone a lot of time when they accidently wrap the env value self.browser_connection_url = os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL", 'ws://playwright-chrome:3000').strip('"') # If any proxy settings are enabled, then we should setup the proxy object proxy_args = {} for k in self.playwright_proxy_settings_mappings: v = os.getenv('playwright_proxy_' + k, False) if v: proxy_args[k] = v.strip('"') if proxy_args: self.proxy = proxy_args # allow per-watch proxy selection override if proxy_override: self.proxy = {'server': proxy_override} if self.proxy: # Playwright needs separate username and password values parsed = urlparse(self.proxy.get('server')) if parsed.username: self.proxy['username'] = parsed.username self.proxy['password'] = parsed.password def screenshot_step(self, step_n=''): screenshot ='jpeg', full_page=True, quality=85) if self.browser_steps_screenshot_path is not None: destination = os.path.join(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path, 'step_{}.jpeg'.format(step_n)) logger.debug(f"Saving step screenshot to {destination}") with open(destination, 'wb') as f: f.write(screenshot) def save_step_html(self, step_n): content = destination = os.path.join(self.browser_steps_screenshot_path, 'step_{}.html'.format(step_n)) logger.debug(f"Saving step HTML to {destination}") with open(destination, 'w') as f: f.write(content) def run_fetch_browserless_puppeteer(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False, current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False): from pkg_resources import resource_string extra_wait_ms = (int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5)) + self.render_extract_delay) * 1000 self.xpath_element_js = self.xpath_element_js.replace('%ELEMENTS%', visualselector_xpath_selectors) code = resource_string(__name__, "res/puppeteer_fetch.js").decode('utf-8') # In the future inject this is a proper JS package code = code.replace('%xpath_scrape_code%', self.xpath_element_js) code = code.replace('%instock_scrape_code%', self.instock_data_js) from requests.exceptions import ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout wait_browser_seconds = 240 browserless_function_url = os.getenv('BROWSERLESS_FUNCTION_URL') from urllib.parse import urlparse if not browserless_function_url: # Convert/try to guess from PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL o = urlparse(os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL')) browserless_function_url = o._replace(scheme="http")._replace(path="function").geturl() # Append proxy connect string if self.proxy: # Remove username/password if it exists in the URL or you will receive "ERR_NO_SUPPORTED_PROXIES" error # Actual authentication handled by Puppeteer/node o = urlparse(self.proxy.get('server')) proxy_url = urllib.parse.quote(o._replace(netloc="{}:{}".format(o.hostname, o.port)).geturl()) browserless_function_url = f"{browserless_function_url}&--proxy-server={proxy_url}" try: amp = '&' if '?' in browserless_function_url else '?' response = requests.request( method="POST", json={ "code": code, "context": { # Very primitive disk cache - USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION # Run browserless container with -e "FUNCTION_BUILT_INS=[\"fs\",\"crypto\"]" 'disk_cache_dir': os.getenv("PUPPETEER_DISK_CACHE", False), # or path to disk cache ending in /, ie /tmp/cache/ 'execute_js': self.webdriver_js_execute_code, 'extra_wait_ms': extra_wait_ms, 'include_filters': current_include_filters, 'req_headers': request_headers, 'screenshot_quality': int(os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72)), 'url': url, 'user_agent': {k.lower(): v for k, v in request_headers.items()}.get('user-agent', None), 'proxy_username': self.proxy.get('username', '') if self.proxy else False, 'proxy_password': self.proxy.get('password', '') if self.proxy and self.proxy.get('username') else False, 'no_cache_list': [ 'twitter', '.pdf' ], # Could use here, or install a plugin 'block_url_list': [ '', '', '', '', 'googletagmanager', '' ] } }, # @todo /function needs adding ws:// to http:// rebuild this url=browserless_function_url+f"{amp}--disable-features=AudioServiceOutOfProcess&dumpio=true&--disable-remote-fonts", timeout=wait_browser_seconds) except ReadTimeout: raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=f"No response from browser in {wait_browser_seconds}s") except ConnectTimeout: raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=f"Timed out connecting to browser, retrying..") else: # 200 Here means that the communication to the browser worked only, not the page state try: x = response.json() except Exception as e: raise PageUnloadable(url=url, message="Error reading JSON response from browserless") try: self.status_code = response.status_code except Exception as e: raise PageUnloadable(url=url, message="Error reading status_code code response from browserless") self.headers = x.get('headers') if self.status_code != 200 and not ignore_status_codes: raise Non200ErrorCodeReceived(url=url, status_code=self.status_code, page_html=x.get('content','')) if self.status_code == 200: import base64 if not x.get('screenshot'): # # # # Check your memory is shared and big enough raise ScreenshotUnavailable(url=url, status_code=None) if not x.get('content', '').strip(): raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=None) self.content = x.get('content') self.instock_data = x.get('instock_data') self.screenshot = base64.b64decode(x.get('screenshot')) self.xpath_data = x.get('xpath_data') else: # Some other error from browserless raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=response.content.decode('utf-8')) def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False, current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False): # For now, USE_EXPERIMENTAL_PUPPETEER_FETCH is not supported by watches with BrowserSteps (for now!) # browser_connection_is_custom doesnt work with puppeteer style fetch (use playwright native too in this case) if not self.browser_connection_is_custom and not self.browser_steps and os.getenv('USE_EXPERIMENTAL_PUPPETEER_FETCH'): if strtobool(os.getenv('USE_EXPERIMENTAL_PUPPETEER_FETCH')): # Temporary backup solution until we rewrite the playwright code return self.run_fetch_browserless_puppeteer( url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes, current_include_filters, is_binary) from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright import playwright._impl._errors self.delete_browser_steps_screenshots() response = None with sync_playwright() as p: browser_type = getattr(p, self.browser_type) # Seemed to cause a connection Exception even tho I can see it connect # self.browser = browser_type.connect(self.command_executor, timeout=timeout*1000) # 60,000 connection timeout only browser = browser_type.connect_over_cdp(self.browser_connection_url, timeout=60000) # SOCKS5 with authentication is not supported (yet) # # Set user agent to prevent Cloudflare from blocking the browser # Use the default one configured in the model that's passed from context = browser.new_context( user_agent={k.lower(): v for k, v in request_headers.items()}.get('user-agent', None), proxy=self.proxy, # This is needed to enable JavaScript execution on GitHub and others bypass_csp=True, # Should be `allow` or `block` - sites like YouTube can transmit large amounts of data via Service Workers service_workers=os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_SERVICE_WORKERS', 'allow'), # Should never be needed accept_downloads=False ) = context.new_page() if len(request_headers): context.set_extra_http_headers(request_headers) # Listen for all console events and handle errors"console", lambda msg: print(f"Playwright console: Watch URL: {url} {msg.type}: {msg.text} {msg.args}")) # Re-use as much code from browser steps as possible so its the same from changedetectionio.blueprint.browser_steps.browser_steps import steppable_browser_interface browsersteps_interface = steppable_browser_interface() = response = browsersteps_interface.action_goto_url(value=url) self.headers = response.all_headers() if response is None: context.close() browser.close() logger.debug("Content Fetcher > Response object was none") raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=None) try: if self.webdriver_js_execute_code is not None and len(self.webdriver_js_execute_code): browsersteps_interface.action_execute_js(value=self.webdriver_js_execute_code, selector=None) except playwright._impl._errors.TimeoutError as e: context.close() browser.close() # This can be ok, we will try to grab what we could retrieve pass except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Content Fetcher > Other exception when executing custom JS code {str(e)}") context.close() browser.close() raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=str(e)) extra_wait = int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5)) + self.render_extract_delay * 1000) try: self.status_code = response.status except Exception as e: # logger.critical(f"Response from the browser/Playwright did not have a status_code! Response follows.") logger.critical(response) raise PageUnloadable(url=url, status_code=None, message=str(e)) if self.status_code != 200 and not ignore_status_codes:'jpeg', full_page=True, quality=int(os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72))) raise Non200ErrorCodeReceived(url=url, status_code=self.status_code, screenshot=screenshot) if len( == 0: context.close() browser.close() logger.debug("Content Fetcher > Content was empty") raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=response.status) # Run Browser Steps here if self.browser_steps_get_valid_steps(): self.iterate_browser_steps() * 1000) # So we can find an element on the page where its selector was entered manually (maybe not xPath etc) if current_include_filters is not None:"var include_filters={}".format(json.dumps(current_include_filters))) else:"var include_filters=''") self.xpath_data = "async () => {" + self.xpath_element_js.replace('%ELEMENTS%', visualselector_xpath_selectors) + "}") self.instock_data ="async () => {" + self.instock_data_js + "}") self.content = # Bug 3 in Playwright screenshot handling # Some bug where it gives the wrong screenshot size, but making a request with the clip set first seems to solve it # JPEG is better here because the screenshots can be very very large # Screenshots also travel via the ws:// (websocket) meaning that the binary data is base64 encoded # which will significantly increase the IO size between the server and client, it's recommended to use the lowest # acceptable screenshot quality here try: # The actual screenshot self.screenshot ='jpeg', full_page=True, quality=int(os.getenv("PLAYWRIGHT_SCREENSHOT_QUALITY", 72))) except Exception as e: context.close() browser.close() raise ScreenshotUnavailable(url=url, status_code=response.status_code) context.close() browser.close() class base_html_webdriver(Fetcher): if os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_URL"): fetcher_description = "WebDriver Chrome/Javascript via '{}'".format(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_URL")) else: fetcher_description = "WebDriver Chrome/Javascript" # Configs for Proxy setup # In the ENV vars, is prefixed with "webdriver_", so it is for example "webdriver_sslProxy" selenium_proxy_settings_mappings = ['proxyType', 'ftpProxy', 'httpProxy', 'noProxy', 'proxyAutoconfigUrl', 'sslProxy', 'autodetect', 'socksProxy', 'socksVersion', 'socksUsername', 'socksPassword'] proxy = None def __init__(self, proxy_override=None, custom_browser_connection_url=None): super().__init__() from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy as SeleniumProxy # .strip('"') is going to save someone a lot of time when they accidently wrap the env value if not custom_browser_connection_url: self.browser_connection_url = os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_URL", 'http://browser-chrome:4444/wd/hub').strip('"') else: self.browser_connection_is_custom = True self.browser_connection_url = custom_browser_connection_url # If any proxy settings are enabled, then we should setup the proxy object proxy_args = {} for k in self.selenium_proxy_settings_mappings: v = os.getenv('webdriver_' + k, False) if v: proxy_args[k] = v.strip('"') # Map back standard HTTP_ and HTTPS_PROXY to webDriver httpProxy/sslProxy if not proxy_args.get('webdriver_httpProxy') and self.system_http_proxy: proxy_args['httpProxy'] = self.system_http_proxy if not proxy_args.get('webdriver_sslProxy') and self.system_https_proxy: proxy_args['httpsProxy'] = self.system_https_proxy # Allows override the proxy on a per-request basis if proxy_override is not None: proxy_args['httpProxy'] = proxy_override if proxy_args: self.proxy = SeleniumProxy(raw=proxy_args) def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False, current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False): from selenium import webdriver from import Options as ChromeOptions from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException # request_body, request_method unused for now, until some magic in the future happens. options = ChromeOptions() if self.proxy: options.proxy = self.proxy self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=self.browser_connection_url, options=options) try: self.driver.get(url) except WebDriverException as e: # Be sure we close the session window self.quit() raise self.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) self.driver.implicitly_wait(int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5))) if self.webdriver_js_execute_code is not None: self.driver.execute_script(self.webdriver_js_execute_code) # Selenium doesn't automatically wait for actions as good as Playwright, so wait again self.driver.implicitly_wait(int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5))) # @todo - how to check this? is it possible? self.status_code = 200 # @todo somehow we should try to get this working for WebDriver # raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=r.status_code) # @todo - dom wait loaded? time.sleep(int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5)) + self.render_extract_delay) self.content = self.driver.page_source self.headers = {} self.screenshot = self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png() # Does the connection to the webdriver work? run a test connection. def is_ready(self): from selenium import webdriver from import Options as ChromeOptions self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=self.command_executor, options=ChromeOptions()) # driver.quit() seems to cause better exceptions self.quit() return True def quit(self): if self.driver: try: self.driver.quit() except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Content Fetcher > Exception in chrome shutdown/quit {str(e)}") # "html_requests" is listed as the default fetcher in! class html_requests(Fetcher): fetcher_description = "Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client" def __init__(self, proxy_override=None, custom_browser_connection_url=None): super().__init__() self.proxy_override = proxy_override # browser_connection_url is none because its always 'launched locally' def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False, current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False): if self.browser_steps_get_valid_steps(): raise BrowserStepsInUnsupportedFetcher(url=url) # Make requests use a more modern looking user-agent if not {k.lower(): v for k, v in request_headers.items()}.get('user-agent', None): request_headers['User-Agent'] = os.getenv("DEFAULT_SETTINGS_HEADERS_USERAGENT", 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36') proxies = {} # Allows override the proxy on a per-request basis # # Should also work with `socks5://user:pass@host:port` type syntax. if self.proxy_override: proxies = {'http': self.proxy_override, 'https': self.proxy_override, 'ftp': self.proxy_override} else: if self.system_http_proxy: proxies['http'] = self.system_http_proxy if self.system_https_proxy: proxies['https'] = self.system_https_proxy r = requests.request(method=request_method, data=request_body, url=url, headers=request_headers, timeout=timeout, proxies=proxies, verify=False) # If the response did not tell us what encoding format to expect, Then use chardet to override what `requests` thinks. # For example - some sites don't tell us it's utf-8, but return utf-8 content # This seems to not occur when using webdriver/selenium, it seems to detect the text encoding more reliably. # good info about requests encoding detection if not is_binary: # Don't run this for PDF (and requests identified as binary) takes a _long_ time if not r.headers.get('content-type') or not 'charset=' in r.headers.get('content-type'): encoding = chardet.detect(r.content)['encoding'] if encoding: r.encoding = encoding self.headers = r.headers if not r.content or not len(r.content): raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=r.status_code) # @todo test this # @todo maybe you really want to test zero-byte return pages? if r.status_code != 200 and not ignore_status_codes: # maybe check with content works? raise Non200ErrorCodeReceived(url=url, status_code=r.status_code, page_html=r.text) self.status_code = r.status_code if is_binary: # Binary files just return their checksum until we add something smarter self.content = hashlib.md5(r.content).hexdigest() else: self.content = r.text self.raw_content = r.content # Decide which is the 'real' HTML webdriver, this is more a system wide config # rather than site-specific. use_playwright_as_chrome_fetcher = os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False) if use_playwright_as_chrome_fetcher: html_webdriver = base_html_playwright else: html_webdriver = base_html_webdriver