#!/usr/bin/python3 import time from flask import url_for from .util import live_server_setup, extract_api_key_from_UI import json import uuid def set_original_response(): test_return_data = """ Some initial text

Which is across multiple lines

So let's see what happens.
Some text thats the same
Some text that will change
""" with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f: f.write(test_return_data) return None def set_modified_response(): test_return_data = """ Some initial text

which has this one new line

So let's see what happens.
Some text thats the same
Some text that changes
""" with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f: f.write(test_return_data) return None def is_valid_uuid(val): try: uuid.UUID(str(val)) return True except ValueError: return False def test_api_simple(client, live_server): live_server_setup(live_server) api_key = extract_api_key_from_UI(client) # Create a watch set_original_response() watch_uuid = None # Validate bad URL test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True, headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) res = client.post( url_for("createwatch"), data=json.dumps({"url": "h://xxxxxxxxxom"}), headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': api_key}, follow_redirects=True ) assert res.status_code == 400 # Create new res = client.post( url_for("createwatch"), data=json.dumps({"url": test_url, 'tag': "One, Two", "title": "My test URL"}), headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': api_key}, follow_redirects=True ) s = json.loads(res.data) assert is_valid_uuid(s['uuid']) watch_uuid = s['uuid'] assert res.status_code == 201 time.sleep(3) # Verify its in the list and that recheck worked res = client.get( url_for("createwatch"), headers={'x-api-key': api_key} ) assert watch_uuid in json.loads(res.data).keys() before_recheck_info = json.loads(res.data)[watch_uuid] assert before_recheck_info['last_checked'] != 0 assert before_recheck_info['title'] == 'My test URL' set_modified_response() # Trigger recheck of all ?recheck_all=1 client.get( url_for("createwatch", recheck_all='1'), headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) time.sleep(3) # Did the recheck fire? res = client.get( url_for("createwatch"), headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) after_recheck_info = json.loads(res.data)[watch_uuid] assert after_recheck_info['last_checked'] != before_recheck_info['last_checked'] assert after_recheck_info['last_changed'] != 0 # Check history index list res = client.get( url_for("watchhistory", uuid=watch_uuid), headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) history = json.loads(res.data) assert len(history) == 2, "Should have two history entries (the original and the changed)" # Fetch a snapshot by timestamp, check the right one was found res = client.get( url_for("watchsinglehistory", uuid=watch_uuid, timestamp=list(history.keys())[-1]), headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) assert b'which has this one new line' in res.data # Fetch a snapshot by 'latest'', check the right one was found res = client.get( url_for("watchsinglehistory", uuid=watch_uuid, timestamp='latest'), headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) assert b'which has this one new line' in res.data # Fetch the whole watch res = client.get( url_for("watch", uuid=watch_uuid), headers={'x-api-key': api_key} ) watch = json.loads(res.data) # @todo how to handle None/default global values? assert watch['history_n'] == 2, "Found replacement history section, which is in its own API" # Finally delete the watch res = client.delete( url_for("watch", uuid=watch_uuid), headers={'x-api-key': api_key}, ) assert res.status_code == 204 # Check via a relist res = client.get( url_for("createwatch"), headers={'x-api-key': api_key} ) watch_list = json.loads(res.data) assert len(watch_list) == 0, "Watch list should be empty" def test_access_denied(client, live_server): # `config_api_token_enabled` Should be On by default res = client.get( url_for("createwatch") ) assert res.status_code == 403 res = client.get( url_for("createwatch"), headers={'x-api-key': "something horrible"} ) assert res.status_code == 403 # Disable config_api_token_enabled and it should work res = client.post( url_for("settings_page"), data={ "requests-time_between_check-minutes": 180, "application-fetch_backend": "html_requests", "application-api_access_token_enabled": "" }, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Settings updated." in res.data res = client.get( url_for("createwatch") ) assert res.status_code == 200