#!/usr/bin/python3 import time from flask import url_for from ..util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks, extract_UUID_from_client # Add a site in paused mode, add an invalid filter, we should still have visual selector data ready def test_visual_selector_content_ready(client, live_server): import os import json assert os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL'), "Needs PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL set for this test" live_server_setup(live_server) time.sleep(1) # Add our URL to the import page, because the docker container (playwright/selenium) wont be able to connect to our usual test url test_url = "https://changedetection.io/ci-test/test-runjs.html" res = client.post( url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tag": '', 'edit_and_watch_submit_button': 'Edit > Watch'}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added in Paused state, saving will unpause" in res.data res = client.post( url_for("edit_page", uuid="first", unpause_on_save=1), data={ "url": test_url, "tag": "", "headers": "", 'fetch_backend': "html_webdriver", 'webdriver_js_execute_code': 'document.querySelector("button[name=test-button]").click();' }, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"unpaused" in res.data time.sleep(1) wait_for_all_checks(client) uuid = extract_UUID_from_client(client) # Check the JS execute code before extract worked res = client.get( url_for("preview_page", uuid="first"), follow_redirects=True ) assert b'I smell JavaScript' in res.data assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join('test-datastore', uuid, 'last-screenshot.png')), "last-screenshot.png should exist" assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join('test-datastore', uuid, 'elements.json')), "xpath elements.json data should exist" # Open it and see if it roughly looks correct with open(os.path.join('test-datastore', uuid, 'elements.json'), 'r') as f: json.load(f)