#!/usr/bin/python3 import time from flask import url_for from . util import live_server_setup def test_setup(live_server): live_server_setup(live_server) def set_original_response(): test_return_data = """ { "employees": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Pankaj", "salary": "10000" }, { "name": "David", "salary": "5000", "id": 2 } ], "boss": { "name": "Fat guy" } } """ with open("test-datastore/output.txt", "w") as f: f.write(test_return_data) return None def set_modified_response(): test_return_data = """ { "employees": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Pankaj", "salary": "10000" }, { "name": "David", "salary": "5000", "id": 2 } ], "boss": { "name": "Foobar" } } """ with open("test-datastore/output.txt", "w") as f: f.write(test_return_data) return None def test_check_json_filter(client, live_server): json_filter = 'json:boss.name' set_original_response() # Give the endpoint time to spin up time.sleep(1) # Add our URL to the import page test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) res = client.post( url_for("import_page"), data={"urls": test_url}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"1 Imported" in res.data # Trigger a check client.get(url_for("api_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) # Give the thread time to pick it up time.sleep(3) # Goto the edit page, add our ignore text # Add our URL to the import page res = client.post( url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"), data={"css_filter": json_filter, "url": test_url, "tag": "", "headers": ""}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Updated watch." in res.data # Check it saved res = client.get( url_for("edit_page", uuid="first"), ) assert bytes(json_filter.encode('utf-8')) in res.data # Trigger a check client.get(url_for("api_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) # Give the thread time to pick it up time.sleep(3) # Make a change set_modified_response() # Trigger a check client.get(url_for("api_watch_checknow"), follow_redirects=True) # Give the thread time to pick it up time.sleep(3) # It should have 'unviewed' still res = client.get(url_for("index")) assert b'unviewed' in res.data # Should not see this, because its not in the JSONPath we entered res = client.get(url_for("diff_history_page", uuid="first")) # But the change should be there, tho its hard to test the change was detected because it will show old and new versions assert b'Foobar' in res.data