// Horrible proof of concept code :) // yes - this is really a hack, if you are a front-ender and want to help, please get in touch! $(document).ready(function() { var current_selected_i; var state_clicked=false; var c; // greyed out fill context var xctx; // redline highlight context var ctx; var current_default_xpath; var x_scale=1; var y_scale=1; var selector_image; var selector_image_rect; var selector_data; $('#visualselector-tab').click(function () { $("img#selector-background").off('load'); state_clicked = false; current_selected_i = false; bootstrap_visualselector(); }); $(document).on('keydown', function(event) { if ($("img#selector-background").is(":visible")) { if (event.key == "Escape") { state_clicked=false; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); } } }); // For when the page loads if(!window.location.hash || window.location.hash != '#visualselector') { $("img#selector-background").attr('src',''); return; } // Handle clearing button/link $('#clear-selector').on('click', function(event) { if(!state_clicked) { alert('Oops, Nothing selected!'); } state_clicked=false; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); xctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); $("#include_filters").val(''); }); bootstrap_visualselector(); function bootstrap_visualselector() { if ( 1 ) { // bootstrap it, this will trigger everything else $("img#selector-background").bind('load', function () { console.log("Loaded background..."); c = document.getElementById("selector-canvas"); // greyed out fill context xctx = c.getContext("2d"); // redline highlight context ctx = c.getContext("2d"); current_default_xpath =$("#include_filters").val().split(/\r?\n/g); fetch_data(); $('#selector-canvas').off("mousemove mousedown"); // screenshot_url defined in the edit.html template }).attr("src", screenshot_url); } } function fetch_data() { // Image is ready $('.fetching-update-notice').html("Fetching element data.."); $.ajax({ url: watch_visual_selector_data_url, context: document.body }).done(function (data) { $('.fetching-update-notice').html("Rendering.."); selector_data = data; console.log("Reported browser width from backend: "+data['browser_width']); state_clicked=false; set_scale(); reflow_selector(); $('.fetching-update-notice').fadeOut(); }); }; function set_scale() { // some things to check if the scaling doesnt work // - that the widths/sizes really are about the actual screen size cat elements.json |grep -o width......|sort|uniq selector_image = $("img#selector-background")[0]; selector_image_rect = selector_image.getBoundingClientRect(); // make the canvas the same size as the image $('#selector-canvas').attr('height', selector_image_rect.height); $('#selector-canvas').attr('width', selector_image_rect.width); $('#selector-wrapper').attr('width', selector_image_rect.width); x_scale = selector_image_rect.width / selector_data['browser_width']; y_scale = selector_image_rect.height / selector_image.naturalHeight; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.9)'; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.1)'; ctx.lineWidth = 3; console.log("scaling set x: "+x_scale+" by y:"+y_scale); $("#selector-current-xpath").css('max-width', selector_image_rect.width); } function reflow_selector() { $(window).resize(function() { set_scale(); highlight_current_selected_i(); }); var selector_currnt_xpath_text=$("#selector-current-xpath span"); set_scale(); console.log(selector_data['size_pos'].length + " selectors found"); // highlight the default one if we can find it in the xPath list // or the xpath matches the default one found = false; if (current_default_xpath.length) { // Find the first one that matches // @todo In the future paint all that match for (const c of current_default_xpath) { for (var i = selector_data['size_pos'].length; i !== 0; i--) { if (selector_data['size_pos'][i - 1].xpath === c) { console.log("highlighting " + c); current_selected_i = i - 1; highlight_current_selected_i(); found = true; break; } } if (found) { break; } } if (!found) { alert("Unfortunately your existing CSS/xPath Filter was no longer found!"); } } $('#selector-canvas').bind('mousemove', function (e) { if(state_clicked) { return; } ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); current_selected_i=null; // Add in offset if ((typeof e.offsetX === "undefined" || typeof e.offsetY === "undefined") || (e.offsetX === 0 && e.offsetY === 0)) { var targetOffset = $(e.target).offset(); e.offsetX = e.pageX - targetOffset.left; e.offsetY = e.pageY - targetOffset.top; } // Reverse order - the most specific one should be deeper/"laster" // Basically, find the most 'deepest' var found=0; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(205,0,0,0.35)'; for (var i = selector_data['size_pos'].length; i!==0; i--) { // draw all of them? let them choose somehow? var sel = selector_data['size_pos'][i-1]; // If we are in a bounding-box if (e.offsetY > sel.top * y_scale && e.offsetY < sel.top * y_scale + sel.height * y_scale && e.offsetX > sel.left * y_scale && e.offsetX < sel.left * y_scale + sel.width * y_scale ) { // FOUND ONE set_current_selected_text(sel.xpath); ctx.strokeRect(sel.left * x_scale, sel.top * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale); ctx.fillRect(sel.left * x_scale, sel.top * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale); // no need to keep digging // @todo or, O to go out/up, I to go in // or double click to go up/out the selector? current_selected_i=i-1; found+=1; break; } } }.debounce(5)); function set_current_selected_text(s) { selector_currnt_xpath_text[0].innerHTML=s; } function highlight_current_selected_i() { if(state_clicked) { state_clicked=false; xctx.clearRect(0,0,c.width, c.height); return; } var sel = selector_data['size_pos'][current_selected_i]; if (sel[0] == '/') { // @todo - not sure just checking / is right $("#include_filters").val('xpath:'+sel.xpath); } else { $("#include_filters").val(sel.xpath); } xctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(205,205,205,0.95)'; xctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(225,0,0,0.9)'; xctx.lineWidth = 3; xctx.fillRect(0,0,c.width, c.height); // Clear out what only should be seen (make a clear/clean spot) xctx.clearRect(sel.left * x_scale, sel.top * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale); xctx.strokeRect(sel.left * x_scale, sel.top * y_scale, sel.width * x_scale, sel.height * y_scale); state_clicked=true; set_current_selected_text(sel.xpath); } $('#selector-canvas').bind('mousedown', function (e) { highlight_current_selected_i(); }); } });