// Rewrite this is a plugin.. is all this JS really 'worth it?'

window.addEventListener('hashchange', function () {
    var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName('active');
    while (tabs[0]) {
}, false);

var has_errors = document.querySelectorAll(".messages .error");
if (!has_errors.length) {
    if (document.location.hash == "") {
        document.querySelector(".tabs ul li:first-child a").click();
    } else {
} else {

function set_active_tab() {
    var tab = document.querySelectorAll("a[href='" + location.hash + "']");
    if (tab.length) {
        tab[0].parentElement.className = "active";
    // hash could move the page down
    window.scrollTo(0, 0);

function focus_error_tab() {
    // time to use jquery or vuejs really,
    // activate the tab with the error
    var tabs = document.querySelectorAll('.tabs li a'), i;
    for (i = 0; i < tabs.length; ++i) {
        var tab_name = tabs[i].hash.replace('#', '');
        var pane_errors = document.querySelectorAll('#' + tab_name + ' .error')
        if (pane_errors.length) {
            document.location.hash = '#' + tab_name;
            return true;
    return false;