// Copyright (C) 2021 Leigh Morresi (dgtlmoon@gmail.com) // All rights reserved. // yes - this is really a hack, if you are a front-ender and want to help, please get in touch! let runInClearMode = false; $(document).ready(() => { let currentSelections = []; let currentSelection = null; let appendToList = false; let c, xctx, ctx; let xScale = 1, yScale = 1; let selectorImage, selectorImageRect, selectorData; // Global jQuery selectors with "Elem" appended const $selectorCanvasElem = $('#selector-canvas'); const $includeFiltersElem = $("#include_filters"); const $selectorBackgroundElem = $("img#selector-background"); const $selectorCurrentXpathElem = $("#selector-current-xpath span"); const $fetchingUpdateNoticeElem = $('.fetching-update-notice'); const $selectorWrapperElem = $("#selector-wrapper"); // Color constants const FILL_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT = 'rgba(205,0,0,0.35)'; const FILL_STYLE_GREYED_OUT = 'rgba(205,205,205,0.95)'; const STROKE_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.9)'; const FILL_STYLE_REDLINE = 'rgba(255,0,0, 0.1)'; const STROKE_STYLE_REDLINE = 'rgba(225,0,0,0.9)'; $('#visualselector-tab').click(() => { $selectorBackgroundElem.off('load'); currentSelections = []; bootstrapVisualSelector(); }); function clearReset() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); if ($includeFiltersElem.val().length) { alert("Existing filters under the 'Filters & Triggers' tab were cleared."); } $includeFiltersElem.val(''); currentSelections = []; // Means we ignore the xpaths from the scraper marked as sel.highlight_as_custom_filter (it matched a previous selector) runInClearMode = true; highlightCurrentSelected(); } function splitToList(v) { return v.split('\n').map(line => line.trim()).filter(line => line.length > 0); } function sortScrapedElementsBySize() { // Sort the currentSelections array by area (width * height) in descending order selectorData['size_pos'].sort((a, b) => { const areaA = a.width * a.height; const areaB = b.width * b.height; return areaB - areaA; }); } $(document).on('keydown keyup', (event) => { if (event.code === 'ShiftLeft' || event.code === 'ShiftRight') { appendToList = event.type === 'keydown'; } if (event.type === 'keydown') { if ($selectorBackgroundElem.is(":visible") && event.key === "Escape") { clearReset(); } } }); $('#clear-selector').on('click', () => { clearReset(); }); // So if they start switching between visualSelector and manual filters, stop it from rendering old filters $('li.tab a').on('click', () => { runInClearMode = true; }); if (!window.location.hash || window.location.hash !== '#visualselector') { $selectorBackgroundElem.attr('src', ''); return; } bootstrapVisualSelector(); function bootstrapVisualSelector() { $selectorBackgroundElem .on("error", () => { $fetchingUpdateNoticeElem.html("Ooops! The VisualSelector tool needs at least one fetched page, please unpause the watch and/or wait for the watch to complete fetching and then reload this page.") .css('color', '#bb0000'); $('#selector-current-xpath, #clear-selector').hide(); }) .on('load', () => { console.log("Loaded background..."); c = document.getElementById("selector-canvas"); xctx = c.getContext("2d"); ctx = c.getContext("2d"); fetchData(); $selectorCanvasElem.off("mousemove mousedown"); }) .attr("src", screenshot_url); let s = `${$selectorBackgroundElem.attr('src')}?${new Date().getTime()}`; $selectorBackgroundElem.attr('src', s); } function alertIfFilterNotFound() { let existingFilters = splitToList($includeFiltersElem.val()); let sizePosXpaths = selectorData['size_pos'].map(sel => sel.xpath); for (let filter of existingFilters) { if (!sizePosXpaths.includes(filter)) { alert(`One or more of your existing filters was not found and will be removed when a new filter is selected.`); break; } } } function fetchData() { $fetchingUpdateNoticeElem.html("Fetching element data.."); $.ajax({ url: watch_visual_selector_data_url, context: document.body }).done((data) => { $fetchingUpdateNoticeElem.html("Rendering.."); selectorData = data; sortScrapedElementsBySize(); console.log(`Reported browser width from backend: ${data['browser_width']}`); // Little sanity check for the user, alert them if something missing alertIfFilterNotFound(); setScale(); reflowSelector(); $fetchingUpdateNoticeElem.fadeOut(); }); } function updateFiltersText() { // Assuming currentSelections is already defined and contains the selections let uniqueSelections = new Set(currentSelections.map(sel => (sel[0] === '/' ? `xpath:${sel.xpath}` : sel.xpath))); if (currentSelections.length > 0) { // Convert the Set back to an array and join with newline characters let textboxFilterText = Array.from(uniqueSelections).join("\n"); $includeFiltersElem.val(textboxFilterText); } } function setScale() { $selectorWrapperElem.show(); selectorImage = $selectorBackgroundElem[0]; selectorImageRect = selectorImage.getBoundingClientRect(); $selectorCanvasElem.attr({ 'height': selectorImageRect.height, 'width': selectorImageRect.width }); $selectorWrapperElem.attr('width', selectorImageRect.width); $('#visual-selector-heading').css('max-width', selectorImageRect.width + "px") xScale = selectorImageRect.width / selectorImage.naturalWidth; yScale = selectorImageRect.height / selectorImage.naturalHeight; ctx.strokeStyle = STROKE_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT; ctx.fillStyle = FILL_STYLE_REDLINE; ctx.lineWidth = 3; console.log("Scaling set x: " + xScale + " by y:" + yScale); $("#selector-current-xpath").css('max-width', selectorImageRect.width); } function reflowSelector() { $(window).resize(() => { setScale(); highlightCurrentSelected(); }); setScale(); console.log(selectorData['size_pos'].length + " selectors found"); let existingFilters = splitToList($includeFiltersElem.val()); selectorData['size_pos'].forEach(sel => { if ((!runInClearMode && sel.highlight_as_custom_filter) || existingFilters.includes(sel.xpath)) { console.log("highlighting " + c); currentSelections.push(sel); } }); highlightCurrentSelected(); updateFiltersText(); $selectorCanvasElem.bind('mousemove', handleMouseMove.debounce(5)); $selectorCanvasElem.bind('mousedown', handleMouseDown.debounce(5)); $selectorCanvasElem.bind('mouseleave', highlightCurrentSelected.debounce(5)); function handleMouseMove(e) { if (!e.offsetX && !e.offsetY) { const targetOffset = $(e.target).offset(); e.offsetX = e.pageX - targetOffset.left; e.offsetY = e.pageY - targetOffset.top; } ctx.fillStyle = FILL_STYLE_HIGHLIGHT; selectorData['size_pos'].forEach(sel => { if (e.offsetY > sel.top * yScale && e.offsetY < sel.top * yScale + sel.height * yScale && e.offsetX > sel.left * yScale && e.offsetX < sel.left * yScale + sel.width * yScale) { setCurrentSelectedText(sel.xpath); drawHighlight(sel); currentSelections.push(sel); currentSelection = sel; highlightCurrentSelected(); currentSelections.pop(); } }) } function setCurrentSelectedText(s) { $selectorCurrentXpathElem[0].innerHTML = s; } function drawHighlight(sel) { ctx.strokeRect(sel.left * xScale, sel.top * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale); ctx.fillRect(sel.left * xScale, sel.top * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale); } function handleMouseDown() { // If we are in 'appendToList' mode, grow the list, if not, just 1 currentSelections = appendToList ? [...currentSelections, currentSelection] : [currentSelection]; highlightCurrentSelected(); updateFiltersText(); } } function highlightCurrentSelected() { xctx.fillStyle = FILL_STYLE_GREYED_OUT; xctx.strokeStyle = STROKE_STYLE_REDLINE; xctx.lineWidth = 3; xctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); currentSelections.forEach(sel => { //xctx.clearRect(sel.left * xScale, sel.top * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale); xctx.strokeRect(sel.left * xScale, sel.top * yScale, sel.width * xScale, sel.height * yScale); }); } });