{% from '_helpers.jinja' import render_field %} {% macro render_common_settings_form(form, current_base_url) %}
{{ render_field(form.notification_urls, rows=5, placeholder="Examples: Gitter - gitter://token/room Office365 - o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret/TargetEmail AWS SNS - sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/+PhoneNo SMTPS - mailtos://user:pass@mail.domain.com?to=receivingAddress@example.com") }}

Send test notification
{{ render_field(form.notification_title, class="m-d") }} Title for all notifications
{{ render_field(form.notification_body , rows=5) }} Body for all notifications
{{ render_field(form.notification_format , rows=5) }} Format for all notifications
These tokens can be used in the notification body and title to customise the notification text.
Token Description
{base_url} The URL of the changedetection.io instance you are running.
{watch_url} The URL being watched.
{watch_uuid} The UUID of the watch.
{watch_title} The title of the watch.
{watch_tag} The tag of the watch.
{preview_url} The URL of the preview page generated by changedetection.io.
{diff} The diff output - differences only
{diff_full} The diff output - full difference output
{diff_url} The URL of the diff page generated by changedetection.io.
{current_snapshot} The current snapshot value, useful when combined with JSON or CSS filters

URLs generated by changedetection.io (such as {diff_url}) require the BASE_URL environment variable set.
Your BASE_URL var is currently "{{current_base_url}}"
{% endmacro %}