#!/usr/bin/python3 import datetime import flask_login import logging import os import pytz import queue import threading import time import timeago from changedetectionio import queuedWatchMetaData from copy import deepcopy from distutils.util import strtobool from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator from threading import Event from flask import ( Flask, abort, flash, make_response, redirect, render_template, request, send_from_directory, session, url_for, ) from flask_compress import Compress as FlaskCompress from flask_login import login_required from flask_restful import abort, Api from flask_wtf import CSRFProtect from changedetectionio import html_tools from changedetectionio.api import api_v1 __version__ = '' datastore = None # Local running_update_threads = [] ticker_thread = None extra_stylesheets = [] update_q = queue.PriorityQueue() notification_q = queue.Queue() app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="", static_folder="static", template_folder="templates") from flask_compress import Compress # Super handy for compressing large BrowserSteps responses and others FlaskCompress(app) # Stop browser caching of assets app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 0 app.config.exit = Event() app.config['NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE'] = False app.config['LOGIN_DISABLED'] = False #app.config["EXPLAIN_TEMPLATE_LOADING"] = True # Disables caching of the templates app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True app.jinja_env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.loopcontrols') csrf = CSRFProtect() csrf.init_app(app) notification_debug_log=[] watch_api = Api(app, decorators=[csrf.exempt]) def init_app_secret(datastore_path): secret = "" path = "{}/secret.txt".format(datastore_path) try: with open(path, "r") as f: secret = f.read() except FileNotFoundError: import secrets with open(path, "w") as f: secret = secrets.token_hex(32) f.write(secret) return secret @app.template_global() def get_darkmode_state(): css_dark_mode = request.cookies.get('css_dark_mode', 'false') return 'true' if css_dark_mode and strtobool(css_dark_mode) else 'false' # We use the whole watch object from the store/JSON so we can see if there's some related status in terms of a thread # running or something similar. @app.template_filter('format_last_checked_time') def _jinja2_filter_datetime(watch_obj, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): # Worker thread tells us which UUID it is currently processing. for t in running_update_threads: if t.current_uuid == watch_obj['uuid']: return ' Checking now' if watch_obj['last_checked'] == 0: return 'Not yet' return timeago.format(int(watch_obj['last_checked']), time.time()) @app.template_filter('format_timestamp_timeago') def _jinja2_filter_datetimestamp(timestamp, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): if timestamp == False: return 'Not yet' return timeago.format(timestamp, time.time()) @app.template_filter('format_seconds_ago') def _jinja2_filter_seconds_precise(timestamp): if timestamp == False: return 'Not yet' return format(int(time.time()-timestamp), ',d') # When nobody is logged in Flask-Login's current_user is set to an AnonymousUser object. class User(flask_login.UserMixin): id=None def set_password(self, password): return True def get_user(self, email="defaultuser@changedetection.io"): return self def is_authenticated(self): return True def is_active(self): return True def is_anonymous(self): return False def get_id(self): return str(self.id) # Compare given password against JSON store or Env var def check_password(self, password): import base64 import hashlib # Can be stored in env (for deployments) or in the general configs raw_salt_pass = os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False) if not raw_salt_pass: raw_salt_pass = datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] raw_salt_pass = base64.b64decode(raw_salt_pass) salt_from_storage = raw_salt_pass[:32] # 32 is the length of the salt # Use the exact same setup you used to generate the key, but this time put in the password to check new_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), # Convert the password to bytes salt_from_storage, 100000 ) new_key = salt_from_storage + new_key return new_key == raw_salt_pass pass def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None): global datastore datastore = datastore_o # so far just for read-only via tests, but this will be moved eventually to be the main source # (instead of the global var) app.config['DATASTORE']=datastore_o #app.config.update(config or {}) login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager(app) login_manager.login_view = 'login' app.secret_key = init_app_secret(config['datastore_path']) watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.WatchSingleHistory, '/api/v1/watch//history/', resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q}) watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.WatchHistory, '/api/v1/watch//history', resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore}) watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.CreateWatch, '/api/v1/watch', resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q}) watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.Watch, '/api/v1/watch/', resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q}) watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.SystemInfo, '/api/v1/systeminfo', resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q}) # Setup cors headers to allow all domains # https://flask-cors.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ # CORS(app) @login_manager.user_loader def user_loader(email): user = User() user.get_user(email) return user @login_manager.unauthorized_handler def unauthorized_handler(): # @todo validate its a URL of this host and use that return redirect(url_for('login', next=url_for('index'))) @app.route('/logout') def logout(): flask_login.logout_user() return redirect(url_for('index')) # https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/93dd1709d05a1cf0e886df6223377bdab3b077fb/examples/tutorial/flaskr/__init__.py#L39 # You can divide up the stuff like this @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): if not datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] and not os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False): flash("Login not required, no password enabled.", "notice") return redirect(url_for('index')) if request.method == 'GET': if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: flash("Already logged in") return redirect(url_for("index")) output = render_template("login.html") return output user = User() user.id = "defaultuser@changedetection.io" password = request.form.get('password') if (user.check_password(password)): flask_login.login_user(user, remember=True) # For now there's nothing else interesting here other than the index/list page # It's more reliable and safe to ignore the 'next' redirect # When we used... # next = request.args.get('next') # return redirect(next or url_for('index')) # We would sometimes get login loop errors on sites hosted in sub-paths # note for the future: # if not is_safe_url(next): # return flask.abort(400) return redirect(url_for('index')) else: flash('Incorrect password', 'error') return redirect(url_for('login')) @app.before_request def do_something_whenever_a_request_comes_in(): # Disable password login if there is not one set # (No password in settings or env var) app.config['LOGIN_DISABLED'] = datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] == False and os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False) == False # Set the auth cookie path if we're running as X-settings/X-Forwarded-Prefix if os.getenv('USE_X_SETTINGS') and 'X-Forwarded-Prefix' in request.headers: app.config['REMEMBER_COOKIE_PATH'] = request.headers['X-Forwarded-Prefix'] app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_PATH'] = request.headers['X-Forwarded-Prefix'] # For the RSS path, allow access via a token if request.path == '/rss' and request.args.get('token'): app_rss_token = datastore.data['settings']['application']['rss_access_token'] rss_url_token = request.args.get('token') if app_rss_token == rss_url_token: app.config['LOGIN_DISABLED'] = True @app.route("/rss", methods=['GET']) @login_required def rss(): from . import diff limit_tag = request.args.get('tag') # Sort by last_changed and add the uuid which is usually the key.. sorted_watches = [] # @todo needs a .itemsWithTag() or something - then we can use that in Jinaj2 and throw this away for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if limit_tag != None: # Support for comma separated list of tags. for tag_in_watch in watch['tag'].split(','): tag_in_watch = tag_in_watch.strip() if tag_in_watch == limit_tag: watch['uuid'] = uuid sorted_watches.append(watch) else: watch['uuid'] = uuid sorted_watches.append(watch) sorted_watches.sort(key=lambda x: x.last_changed, reverse=False) fg = FeedGenerator() fg.title('changedetection.io') fg.description('Feed description') fg.link(href='https://changedetection.io') for watch in sorted_watches: dates = list(watch.history.keys()) # Re #521 - Don't bother processing this one if theres less than 2 snapshots, means we never had a change detected. if len(dates) < 2: continue prev_fname = watch.history[dates[-2]] if not watch.viewed: # Re #239 - GUID needs to be individual for each event # @todo In the future make this a configurable link back (see work on BASE_URL https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/pull/228) guid = "{}/{}".format(watch['uuid'], watch.last_changed) fe = fg.add_entry() # Include a link to the diff page, they will have to login here to see if password protection is enabled. # Description is the page you watch, link takes you to the diff JS UI page base_url = datastore.data['settings']['application']['base_url'] if base_url == '': base_url = "" diff_link = {'href': "{}{}".format(base_url, url_for('diff_history_page', uuid=watch['uuid']))} fe.link(link=diff_link) # @todo watch should be a getter - watch.get('title') (internally if URL else..) watch_title = watch.get('title') if watch.get('title') else watch.get('url') fe.title(title=watch_title) latest_fname = watch.history[dates[-1]] html_diff = diff.render_diff(prev_fname, latest_fname, include_equal=False, line_feed_sep="
") fe.content(content="


{}".format(watch_title, html_diff), type='CDATA') fe.guid(guid, permalink=False) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(watch.newest_history_key)) dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) fe.pubDate(dt) response = make_response(fg.rss_str()) response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml;charset=utf-8') return response @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) @login_required def index(): from changedetectionio import forms limit_tag = request.args.get('tag') # Redirect for the old rss path which used the /?rss=true if request.args.get('rss'): return redirect(url_for('rss', tag=limit_tag)) op = request.args.get('op') if op: uuid = request.args.get('uuid') if op == 'pause': datastore.data['watching'][uuid].toggle_pause() elif op == 'mute': datastore.data['watching'][uuid].toggle_mute() datastore.needs_write = True return redirect(url_for('index', tag = limit_tag)) # Sort by last_changed and add the uuid which is usually the key.. sorted_watches = [] for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if limit_tag != None: # Support for comma separated list of tags. if watch['tag'] is None: continue for tag_in_watch in watch['tag'].split(','): tag_in_watch = tag_in_watch.strip() if tag_in_watch == limit_tag: watch['uuid'] = uuid sorted_watches.append(watch) else: watch['uuid'] = uuid sorted_watches.append(watch) existing_tags = datastore.get_all_tags() form = forms.quickWatchForm(request.form) output = render_template( "watch-overview.html", # Don't link to hosting when we're on the hosting environment active_tag=limit_tag, app_rss_token=datastore.data['settings']['application']['rss_access_token'], form=form, guid=datastore.data['app_guid'], has_proxies=datastore.proxy_list, has_unviewed=datastore.has_unviewed, hosted_sticky=os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False) == False, queued_uuids=[q_uuid.item['uuid'] for q_uuid in update_q.queue], system_default_fetcher=datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('fetch_backend'), tags=existing_tags, watches=sorted_watches ) if session.get('share-link'): del(session['share-link']) return output # AJAX endpoint for sending a test @app.route("/notification/send-test", methods=['POST']) @login_required def ajax_callback_send_notification_test(): import apprise from .apprise_asset import asset apobj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset) # validate URLS if not len(request.form['notification_urls'].strip()): return make_response({'error': 'No Notification URLs set'}, 400) for server_url in request.form['notification_urls'].splitlines(): if len(server_url.strip()): if not apobj.add(server_url): message = '{} is not a valid AppRise URL.'.format(server_url) return make_response({'error': message}, 400) try: n_object = {'watch_url': request.form['window_url'], 'notification_urls': request.form['notification_urls'].splitlines(), 'notification_title': request.form['notification_title'].strip(), 'notification_body': request.form['notification_body'].strip(), 'notification_format': request.form['notification_format'].strip() } notification_q.put(n_object) except Exception as e: return make_response({'error': str(e)}, 400) return 'OK' @app.route("/clear_history/", methods=['GET']) @login_required def clear_watch_history(uuid): try: datastore.clear_watch_history(uuid) except KeyError: flash('Watch not found', 'error') else: flash("Cleared snapshot history for watch {}".format(uuid)) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/clear_history", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def clear_all_history(): if request.method == 'POST': confirmtext = request.form.get('confirmtext') if confirmtext == 'clear': changes_removed = 0 for uuid in datastore.data['watching'].keys(): datastore.clear_watch_history(uuid) #TODO: KeyError not checked, as it is above flash("Cleared snapshot history for all watches") else: flash('Incorrect confirmation text.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('index')) output = render_template("clear_all_history.html") return output # If they edited an existing watch, we need to know to reset the current/previous md5 to include # the excluded text. def get_current_checksum_include_ignore_text(uuid): import hashlib from changedetectionio import fetch_site_status # Get the most recent one newest_history_key = datastore.data['watching'][uuid].get('newest_history_key') # 0 means that theres only one, so that there should be no 'unviewed' history available if newest_history_key == 0: newest_history_key = list(datastore.data['watching'][uuid].history.keys())[0] if newest_history_key: with open(datastore.data['watching'][uuid].history[newest_history_key], encoding='utf-8') as file: raw_content = file.read() handler = fetch_site_status.perform_site_check(datastore=datastore) stripped_content = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(raw_content, datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['ignore_text']) if datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('ignore_whitespace', False): checksum = hashlib.md5(stripped_content.translate(None, b'\r\n\t ')).hexdigest() else: checksum = hashlib.md5(stripped_content).hexdigest() return checksum return datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['previous_md5'] @app.route("/edit/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42984453/wtforms-populate-form-with-data-if-data-exists # https://wtforms.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.x/forms/#wtforms.form.Form.populate_obj ? def edit_page(uuid): from changedetectionio import forms from changedetectionio.blueprint.browser_steps.browser_steps import browser_step_ui_config using_default_check_time = True # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if not datastore.data['watching'].keys(): flash("No watches to edit", "error") return redirect(url_for('index')) if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() if not uuid in datastore.data['watching']: flash("No watch with the UUID %s found." % (uuid), "error") return redirect(url_for('index')) # be sure we update with a copy instead of accidently editing the live object by reference default = deepcopy(datastore.data['watching'][uuid]) # Show system wide default if nothing configured if all(value == 0 or value == None for value in datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['time_between_check'].values()): default['time_between_check'] = deepcopy(datastore.data['settings']['requests']['time_between_check']) # Defaults for proxy choice if datastore.proxy_list is not None: # When enabled # @todo # Radio needs '' not None, or incase that the chosen one no longer exists if default['proxy'] is None or not any(default['proxy'] in tup for tup in datastore.proxy_list): default['proxy'] = '' # proxy_override set to the json/text list of the items form = forms.watchForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None, data=default, ) form.fetch_backend.choices.append(("system", 'System settings default')) # form.browser_steps[0] can be assumed that we 'goto url' first if datastore.proxy_list is None: # @todo - Couldn't get setattr() etc dynamic addition working, so remove it instead del form.proxy else: form.proxy.choices = [('', 'Default')] for p in datastore.proxy_list: form.proxy.choices.append(tuple((p, datastore.proxy_list[p]['label']))) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): extra_update_obj = {} if request.args.get('unpause_on_save'): extra_update_obj['paused'] = False # Re #110, if they submit the same as the default value, set it to None, so we continue to follow the default # Assume we use the default value, unless something relevant is different, then use the form value # values could be None, 0 etc. # Set to None unless the next for: says that something is different extra_update_obj['time_between_check'] = dict.fromkeys(form.time_between_check.data) for k, v in form.time_between_check.data.items(): if v and v != datastore.data['settings']['requests']['time_between_check'][k]: extra_update_obj['time_between_check'] = form.time_between_check.data using_default_check_time = False break # Ignore text form_ignore_text = form.ignore_text.data datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['ignore_text'] = form_ignore_text # Be sure proxy value is None if datastore.proxy_list is not None and form.data['proxy'] == '': extra_update_obj['proxy'] = None datastore.data['watching'][uuid].update(form.data) datastore.data['watching'][uuid].update(extra_update_obj) if request.args.get('unpause_on_save'): flash("Updated watch - unpaused!.") else: flash("Updated watch.") # Re #286 - We wait for syncing new data to disk in another thread every 60 seconds # But in the case something is added we should save straight away datastore.needs_write_urgent = True # Queue the watch for immediate recheck, with a higher priority update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False})) # Diff page [edit] link should go back to diff page if request.args.get("next") and request.args.get("next") == 'diff': return redirect(url_for('diff_history_page', uuid=uuid)) return redirect(url_for('index')) else: if request.method == 'POST' and not form.validate(): flash("An error occurred, please see below.", "error") visualselector_data_is_ready = datastore.visualselector_data_is_ready(uuid) # JQ is difficult to install on windows and must be manually added (outside requirements.txt) jq_support = True try: import jq except ModuleNotFoundError: jq_support = False watch = datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid) system_uses_webdriver = datastore.data['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver' is_html_webdriver = False if (watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'system' and system_uses_webdriver) or watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'html_webdriver': is_html_webdriver = True # Only works reliably with Playwright visualselector_enabled = os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False) and is_html_webdriver output = render_template("edit.html", browser_steps_config=browser_step_ui_config, current_base_url=datastore.data['settings']['application']['base_url'], emailprefix=os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False), form=form, has_default_notification_urls=True if len(datastore.data['settings']['application']['notification_urls']) else False, has_empty_checktime=using_default_check_time, is_html_webdriver=is_html_webdriver, jq_support=jq_support, playwright_enabled=os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False), settings_application=datastore.data['settings']['application'], using_global_webdriver_wait=default['webdriver_delay'] is None, uuid=uuid, visualselector_enabled=visualselector_enabled, watch=watch ) return output @app.route("/settings", methods=['GET', "POST"]) @login_required def settings_page(): from changedetectionio import content_fetcher, forms default = deepcopy(datastore.data['settings']) if datastore.proxy_list is not None: available_proxies = list(datastore.proxy_list.keys()) # When enabled system_proxy = datastore.data['settings']['requests']['proxy'] # In the case it doesnt exist anymore if not system_proxy in available_proxies: system_proxy = None default['requests']['proxy'] = system_proxy if system_proxy is not None else available_proxies[0] # Used by the form handler to keep or remove the proxy settings default['proxy_list'] = available_proxies[0] # Don't use form.data on POST so that it doesnt overrid the checkbox status from the POST status form = forms.globalSettingsForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None, data=default ) # Remove the last option 'System default' form.application.form.notification_format.choices.pop() if datastore.proxy_list is None: # @todo - Couldn't get setattr() etc dynamic addition working, so remove it instead del form.requests.form.proxy else: form.requests.form.proxy.choices = [] for p in datastore.proxy_list: form.requests.form.proxy.choices.append(tuple((p, datastore.proxy_list[p]['label']))) if request.method == 'POST': # Password unset is a GET, but we can lock the session to a salted env password to always need the password if form.application.form.data.get('removepassword_button', False): # SALTED_PASS means the password is "locked" to what we set in the Env var if not os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False): datastore.remove_password() flash("Password protection removed.", 'notice') flask_login.logout_user() return redirect(url_for('settings_page')) if form.validate(): # Don't set password to False when a password is set - should be only removed with the `removepassword` button app_update = dict(deepcopy(form.data['application'])) # Never update password with '' or False (Added by wtforms when not in submission) if 'password' in app_update and not app_update['password']: del (app_update['password']) datastore.data['settings']['application'].update(app_update) datastore.data['settings']['requests'].update(form.data['requests']) if not os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False) and len(form.application.form.password.encrypted_password): datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] = form.application.form.password.encrypted_password datastore.needs_write_urgent = True flash("Password protection enabled.", 'notice') flask_login.logout_user() return redirect(url_for('index')) datastore.needs_write_urgent = True flash("Settings updated.") else: flash("An error occurred, please see below.", "error") output = render_template("settings.html", form=form, current_base_url = datastore.data['settings']['application']['base_url'], hide_remove_pass=os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False), api_key=datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('api_access_token'), emailprefix=os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False), settings_application=datastore.data['settings']['application']) return output @app.route("/import", methods=['GET', "POST"]) @login_required def import_page(): remaining_urls = [] if request.method == 'POST': from .importer import import_url_list, import_distill_io_json # URL List import if request.values.get('urls') and len(request.values.get('urls').strip()): # Import and push into the queue for immediate update check importer = import_url_list() importer.run(data=request.values.get('urls'), flash=flash, datastore=datastore) for uuid in importer.new_uuids: update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) if len(importer.remaining_data) == 0: return redirect(url_for('index')) else: remaining_urls = importer.remaining_data # Distill.io import if request.values.get('distill-io') and len(request.values.get('distill-io').strip()): # Import and push into the queue for immediate update check d_importer = import_distill_io_json() d_importer.run(data=request.values.get('distill-io'), flash=flash, datastore=datastore) for uuid in d_importer.new_uuids: update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) # Could be some remaining, or we could be on GET output = render_template("import.html", import_url_list_remaining="\n".join(remaining_urls), original_distill_json='' ) return output # Clear all statuses, so we do not see the 'unviewed' class @app.route("/form/mark-all-viewed", methods=['GET']) @login_required def mark_all_viewed(): # Save the current newest history as the most recently viewed for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): datastore.set_last_viewed(watch_uuid, int(time.time())) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/diff/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def diff_history_page(uuid): from changedetectionio import forms # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() extra_stylesheets = [url_for('static_content', group='styles', filename='diff.css')] try: watch = datastore.data['watching'][uuid] except KeyError: flash("No history found for the specified link, bad link?", "error") return redirect(url_for('index')) # For submission of requesting an extract extract_form = forms.extractDataForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST': if not extract_form.validate(): flash("An error occurred, please see below.", "error") else: extract_regex = request.form.get('extract_regex').strip() output = watch.extract_regex_from_all_history(extract_regex) if output: watch_dir = os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, uuid) response = make_response(send_from_directory(directory=watch_dir, path=output, as_attachment=True)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Expires'] = 0 return response flash('Nothing matches that RegEx', 'error') redirect(url_for('diff_history_page', uuid=uuid)+'#extract') history = watch.history dates = list(history.keys()) if len(dates) < 2: flash("Not enough saved change detection snapshots to produce a report.", "error") return redirect(url_for('index')) # Save the current newest history as the most recently viewed datastore.set_last_viewed(uuid, time.time()) newest_file = history[dates[-1]] # Read as binary and force decode as UTF-8 # Windows may fail decode in python if we just use 'r' mode (chardet decode exception) try: with open(newest_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: newest_version_file_contents = f.read() except Exception as e: newest_version_file_contents = "Unable to read {}.\n".format(newest_file) previous_version = request.args.get('previous_version') try: previous_file = history[previous_version] except KeyError: # Not present, use a default value, the second one in the sorted list. previous_file = history[dates[-2]] try: with open(previous_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: previous_version_file_contents = f.read() except Exception as e: previous_version_file_contents = "Unable to read {}.\n".format(previous_file) screenshot_url = watch.get_screenshot() system_uses_webdriver = datastore.data['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver' is_html_webdriver = True if watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'html_webdriver' or ( watch.get('fetch_backend', None) is None and system_uses_webdriver) else False output = render_template("diff.html", current_diff_url=watch['url'], current_previous_version=str(previous_version), extra_stylesheets=extra_stylesheets, extra_title=" - Diff - {}".format(watch['title'] if watch['title'] else watch['url']), extract_form=extract_form, is_html_webdriver=is_html_webdriver, last_error=watch['last_error'], last_error_screenshot=watch.get_error_snapshot(), last_error_text=watch.get_error_text(), left_sticky=True, newest=newest_version_file_contents, newest_version_timestamp=dates[-1], previous=previous_version_file_contents, screenshot=screenshot_url, uuid=uuid, versions=dates[:-1], # All except current/last watch_a=watch ) return output @app.route("/preview/", methods=['GET']) @login_required def preview_page(uuid): content = [] ignored_line_numbers = [] trigger_line_numbers = [] # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() try: watch = datastore.data['watching'][uuid] except KeyError: flash("No history found for the specified link, bad link?", "error") return redirect(url_for('index')) system_uses_webdriver = datastore.data['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver' extra_stylesheets = [url_for('static_content', group='styles', filename='diff.css')] is_html_webdriver = True if watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'html_webdriver' or ( watch.get('fetch_backend', None) is None and system_uses_webdriver) else False # Never requested successfully, but we detected a fetch error if datastore.data['watching'][uuid].history_n == 0 and (watch.get_error_text() or watch.get_error_snapshot()): flash("Preview unavailable - No fetch/check completed or triggers not reached", "error") output = render_template("preview.html", content=content, history_n=watch.history_n, extra_stylesheets=extra_stylesheets, # current_diff_url=watch['url'], watch=watch, uuid=uuid, is_html_webdriver=is_html_webdriver, last_error=watch['last_error'], last_error_text=watch.get_error_text(), last_error_screenshot=watch.get_error_snapshot()) return output timestamp = list(watch.history.keys())[-1] filename = watch.history[timestamp] try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: tmp = f.readlines() # Get what needs to be highlighted ignore_rules = watch.get('ignore_text', []) + datastore.data['settings']['application']['global_ignore_text'] # .readlines will keep the \n, but we will parse it here again, in the future tidy this up ignored_line_numbers = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content="".join(tmp), wordlist=ignore_rules, mode='line numbers' ) trigger_line_numbers = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content="".join(tmp), wordlist=watch['trigger_text'], mode='line numbers' ) # Prepare the classes and lines used in the template i=0 for l in tmp: classes=[] i+=1 if i in ignored_line_numbers: classes.append('ignored') if i in trigger_line_numbers: classes.append('triggered') content.append({'line': l, 'classes': ' '.join(classes)}) except Exception as e: content.append({'line': "File doesnt exist or unable to read file {}".format(filename), 'classes': ''}) output = render_template("preview.html", content=content, history_n=watch.history_n, extra_stylesheets=extra_stylesheets, ignored_line_numbers=ignored_line_numbers, triggered_line_numbers=trigger_line_numbers, current_diff_url=watch['url'], screenshot=watch.get_screenshot(), watch=watch, uuid=uuid, is_html_webdriver=is_html_webdriver, last_error=watch['last_error'], last_error_text=watch.get_error_text(), last_error_screenshot=watch.get_error_snapshot()) return output @app.route("/settings/notification-logs", methods=['GET']) @login_required def notification_logs(): global notification_debug_log output = render_template("notification-log.html", logs=notification_debug_log if len(notification_debug_log) else ["Notification logs are empty - no notifications sent yet."]) return output # We're good but backups are even better! @app.route("/backup", methods=['GET']) @login_required def get_backup(): import zipfile from pathlib import Path # Remove any existing backup file, for now we just keep one file for previous_backup_filename in Path(datastore_o.datastore_path).rglob('changedetection-backup-*.zip'): os.unlink(previous_backup_filename) # create a ZipFile object backupname = "changedetection-backup-{}.zip".format(int(time.time())) backup_filepath = os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, backupname) with zipfile.ZipFile(backup_filepath, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=8) as zipObj: # Be sure we're written fresh datastore.sync_to_json() # Add the index zipObj.write(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, "url-watches.json"), arcname="url-watches.json") # Add the flask app secret zipObj.write(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, "secret.txt"), arcname="secret.txt") # Add any data in the watch data directory. for uuid, w in datastore.data['watching'].items(): for f in Path(w.watch_data_dir).glob('*'): zipObj.write(f, # Use the full path to access the file, but make the file 'relative' in the Zip. arcname=os.path.join(f.parts[-2], f.parts[-1]), compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=8) # Create a list file with just the URLs, so it's easier to port somewhere else in the future list_file = "url-list.txt" with open(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_file), "w") as f: for uuid in datastore.data["watching"]: url = datastore.data["watching"][uuid]["url"] f.write("{}\r\n".format(url)) list_with_tags_file = "url-list-with-tags.txt" with open( os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_with_tags_file), "w" ) as f: for uuid in datastore.data["watching"]: url = datastore.data["watching"][uuid]["url"] tag = datastore.data["watching"][uuid]["tag"] f.write("{} {}\r\n".format(url, tag)) # Add it to the Zip zipObj.write( os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_file), arcname=list_file, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=8, ) zipObj.write( os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_with_tags_file), arcname=list_with_tags_file, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=8, ) # Send_from_directory needs to be the full absolute path return send_from_directory(os.path.abspath(datastore_o.datastore_path), backupname, as_attachment=True) @app.route("/static//", methods=['GET']) def static_content(group, filename): from flask import make_response if group == 'screenshot': # Could be sensitive, follow password requirements if datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] and not flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: abort(403) screenshot_filename = "last-screenshot.png" if not request.args.get('error_screenshot') else "last-error-screenshot.png" # These files should be in our subdirectory try: # set nocache, set content-type response = make_response(send_from_directory(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, filename), screenshot_filename)) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Expires'] = 0 return response except FileNotFoundError: abort(404) if group == 'visual_selector_data': # Could be sensitive, follow password requirements if datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] and not flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: abort(403) # These files should be in our subdirectory try: # set nocache, set content-type watch_dir = datastore_o.datastore_path + "/" + filename response = make_response(send_from_directory(filename="elements.json", directory=watch_dir, path=watch_dir + "/elements.json")) response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Expires'] = 0 return response except FileNotFoundError: abort(404) # These files should be in our subdirectory try: return send_from_directory("static/{}".format(group), path=filename) except FileNotFoundError: abort(404) @app.route("/form/add/quickwatch", methods=['POST']) @login_required def form_quick_watch_add(): from changedetectionio import forms form = forms.quickWatchForm(request.form) if not form.validate(): flash("Error") return redirect(url_for('index')) url = request.form.get('url').strip() if datastore.url_exists(url): flash('The URL {} already exists'.format(url), "error") return redirect(url_for('index')) add_paused = request.form.get('edit_and_watch_submit_button') != None new_uuid = datastore.add_watch(url=url, tag=request.form.get('tag').strip(), extras={'paused': add_paused}) if not add_paused and new_uuid: # Straight into the queue. update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': new_uuid})) flash("Watch added.") if add_paused: flash('Watch added in Paused state, saving will unpause.') return redirect(url_for('edit_page', uuid=new_uuid, unpause_on_save=1)) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/api/delete", methods=['GET']) @login_required def form_delete(): uuid = request.args.get('uuid') if uuid != 'all' and not uuid in datastore.data['watching'].keys(): flash('The watch by UUID {} does not exist.'.format(uuid), 'error') return redirect(url_for('index')) # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() datastore.delete(uuid) flash('Deleted.') return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/api/clone", methods=['GET']) @login_required def form_clone(): uuid = request.args.get('uuid') # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() new_uuid = datastore.clone(uuid) update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=5, item={'uuid': new_uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) flash('Cloned.') return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/api/checknow", methods=['GET']) @login_required def form_watch_checknow(): # Forced recheck will skip the 'skip if content is the same' rule (, 'reprocess_existing_data': True}))) tag = request.args.get('tag') uuid = request.args.get('uuid') i = 0 running_uuids = [] for t in running_update_threads: running_uuids.append(t.current_uuid) if uuid: if uuid not in running_uuids: update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False})) i = 1 elif tag != None: # Items that have this current tag for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if (tag != None and tag in watch['tag']): if watch_uuid not in running_uuids and not datastore.data['watching'][watch_uuid]['paused']: update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': watch_uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False})) i += 1 else: # No tag, no uuid, add everything. for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if watch_uuid not in running_uuids and not datastore.data['watching'][watch_uuid]['paused']: update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': watch_uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False})) i += 1 flash("{} watches queued for rechecking.".format(i)) return redirect(url_for('index', tag=tag)) @app.route("/form/checkbox-operations", methods=['POST']) @login_required def form_watch_list_checkbox_operations(): op = request.form['op'] uuids = request.form.getlist('uuids') if (op == 'delete'): for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): datastore.delete(uuid.strip()) flash("{} watches deleted".format(len(uuids))) elif (op == 'pause'): for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['paused'] = True flash("{} watches paused".format(len(uuids))) elif (op == 'unpause'): for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['paused'] = False flash("{} watches unpaused".format(len(uuids))) elif (op == 'mute'): for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_muted'] = True flash("{} watches muted".format(len(uuids))) elif (op == 'unmute'): for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_muted'] = False flash("{} watches un-muted".format(len(uuids))) elif (op == 'recheck'): for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): # Recheck and require a full reprocessing update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': False})) flash("{} watches queued for rechecking".format(len(uuids))) elif (op == 'notification-default'): from changedetectionio.notification import ( default_notification_format_for_watch ) for uuid in uuids: uuid = uuid.strip() if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid): datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_title'] = None datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_body'] = None datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_urls'] = [] datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_format'] = default_notification_format_for_watch flash("{} watches set to use default notification settings".format(len(uuids))) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/api/share-url", methods=['GET']) @login_required def form_share_put_watch(): """Given a watch UUID, upload the info and return a share-link the share-link can be imported/added""" import requests import json tag = request.args.get('tag') uuid = request.args.get('uuid') # more for testing if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() # copy it to memory as trim off what we dont need (history) watch = deepcopy(datastore.data['watching'][uuid]) # For older versions that are not a @property if (watch.get('history')): del (watch['history']) # for safety/privacy for k in list(watch.keys()): if k.startswith('notification_'): del watch[k] for r in['uuid', 'last_checked', 'last_changed']: if watch.get(r): del (watch[r]) # Add the global stuff which may have an impact watch['ignore_text'] += datastore.data['settings']['application']['global_ignore_text'] watch['subtractive_selectors'] += datastore.data['settings']['application']['global_subtractive_selectors'] watch_json = json.dumps(watch) try: r = requests.request(method="POST", data={'watch': watch_json}, url="https://changedetection.io/share/share", headers={'App-Guid': datastore.data['app_guid']}) res = r.json() session['share-link'] = "https://changedetection.io/share/{}".format(res['share_key']) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error sharing -{}".format(str(e))) flash("Could not share, something went wrong while communicating with the share server - {}".format(str(e)), 'error') # https://changedetection.io/share/VrMv05wpXyQa # in the browser - should give you a nice info page - wtf # paste in etc return redirect(url_for('index')) import changedetectionio.blueprint.browser_steps as browser_steps app.register_blueprint(browser_steps.construct_blueprint(datastore), url_prefix='/browser-steps') import changedetectionio.blueprint.price_data_follower as price_data_follower app.register_blueprint(price_data_follower.construct_blueprint(datastore, update_q), url_prefix='/price_data_follower') # @todo handle ctrl break ticker_thread = threading.Thread(target=ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks).start() threading.Thread(target=notification_runner).start() # Check for new release version, but not when running in test/build or pytest if not os.getenv("GITHUB_REF", False) and not config.get('disable_checkver') == True: threading.Thread(target=check_for_new_version).start() return app # Check for new version and anonymous stats def check_for_new_version(): import requests import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) while not app.config.exit.is_set(): try: r = requests.post("https://changedetection.io/check-ver.php", data={'version': __version__, 'app_guid': datastore.data['app_guid'], 'watch_count': len(datastore.data['watching']) }, verify=False) except: pass try: if "new_version" in r.text: app.config['NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE'] = True except: pass # Check daily app.config.exit.wait(86400) def notification_runner(): global notification_debug_log from datetime import datetime import json while not app.config.exit.is_set(): try: # At the moment only one thread runs (single runner) n_object = notification_q.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: time.sleep(1) else: now = datetime.now() sent_obj = None try: from changedetectionio import notification sent_obj = notification.process_notification(n_object, datastore) except Exception as e: logging.error("Watch URL: {} Error {}".format(n_object['watch_url'], str(e))) # UUID wont be present when we submit a 'test' from the global settings if 'uuid' in n_object: datastore.update_watch(uuid=n_object['uuid'], update_obj={'last_notification_error': "Notification error detected, goto notification log."}) log_lines = str(e).splitlines() notification_debug_log += log_lines # Process notifications notification_debug_log+= ["{} - SENDING - {}".format(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S,000"), json.dumps(sent_obj))] # Trim the log length notification_debug_log = notification_debug_log[-100:] # Thread runner to check every minute, look for new watches to feed into the Queue. def ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks(): import random from changedetectionio import update_worker proxy_last_called_time = {} recheck_time_minimum_seconds = int(os.getenv('MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME', 20)) print("System env MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME", recheck_time_minimum_seconds) # Spin up Workers that do the fetching # Can be overriden by ENV or use the default settings n_workers = int(os.getenv("FETCH_WORKERS", datastore.data['settings']['requests']['workers'])) for _ in range(n_workers): new_worker = update_worker.update_worker(update_q, notification_q, app, datastore) running_update_threads.append(new_worker) new_worker.start() while not app.config.exit.is_set(): # Get a list of watches by UUID that are currently fetching data running_uuids = [] for t in running_update_threads: if t.current_uuid: running_uuids.append(t.current_uuid) # Re #232 - Deepcopy the data incase it changes while we're iterating through it all watch_uuid_list = [] while True: try: # Get a list of watches sorted by last_checked, [1] because it gets passed a tuple # This is so we examine the most over-due first for k in sorted(datastore.data['watching'].items(), key=lambda item: item[1].get('last_checked',0)): watch_uuid_list.append(k[0]) except RuntimeError as e: # RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration time.sleep(0.1) else: break # Re #438 - Don't place more watches in the queue to be checked if the queue is already large while update_q.qsize() >= 2000: time.sleep(1) recheck_time_system_seconds = int(datastore.threshold_seconds) # Check for watches outside of the time threshold to put in the thread queue. for uuid in watch_uuid_list: now = time.time() watch = datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid) if not watch: logging.error("Watch: {} no longer present.".format(uuid)) continue # No need todo further processing if it's paused if watch['paused']: continue # If they supplied an individual entry minutes to threshold. watch_threshold_seconds = watch.threshold_seconds() threshold = watch_threshold_seconds if watch_threshold_seconds > 0 else recheck_time_system_seconds # #580 - Jitter plus/minus amount of time to make the check seem more random to the server jitter = datastore.data['settings']['requests'].get('jitter_seconds', 0) if jitter > 0: if watch.jitter_seconds == 0: watch.jitter_seconds = random.uniform(-abs(jitter), jitter) seconds_since_last_recheck = now - watch['last_checked'] if seconds_since_last_recheck >= (threshold + watch.jitter_seconds) and seconds_since_last_recheck >= recheck_time_minimum_seconds: if not uuid in running_uuids and uuid not in [q_uuid.item['uuid'] for q_uuid in update_q.queue]: # Proxies can be set to have a limit on seconds between which they can be called watch_proxy = datastore.get_preferred_proxy_for_watch(uuid=uuid) if watch_proxy and watch_proxy in list(datastore.proxy_list.keys()): # Proxy may also have some threshold minimum proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum = int(datastore.proxy_list.get(watch_proxy, {}).get('reuse_time_minimum', 0)) if proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum: proxy_last_used_time = proxy_last_called_time.get(watch_proxy, 0) time_since_proxy_used = int(time.time() - proxy_last_used_time) if time_since_proxy_used < proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum: # Not enough time difference reached, skip this watch print("> Skipped UUID {} using proxy '{}', not enough time between proxy requests {}s/{}s".format(uuid, watch_proxy, time_since_proxy_used, proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum)) continue else: # Record the last used time proxy_last_called_time[watch_proxy] = int(time.time()) # Use Epoch time as priority, so we get a "sorted" PriorityQueue, but we can still push a priority 1 into it. priority = int(time.time()) print( "> Queued watch UUID {} last checked at {} queued at {:0.2f} priority {} jitter {:0.2f}s, {:0.2f}s since last checked".format( uuid, watch['last_checked'], now, priority, watch.jitter_seconds, now - watch['last_checked'])) # Into the queue with you update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=priority, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) # Reset for next time watch.jitter_seconds = 0 # Wait before checking the list again - saves CPU time.sleep(1) # Should be low so we can break this out in testing app.config.exit.wait(1)