#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import flask_login
import locale
import os
import pytz
import queue
import threading
import time
import timeago
from .processors import find_processors, get_parent_module, get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor
from .safe_jinja import render as jinja_render
from changedetectionio.strtobool import strtobool
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
from threading import Event
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
from flask import (
from flask_compress import Compress as FlaskCompress
from flask_login import current_user
from flask_paginate import Pagination, get_page_parameter
from flask_restful import abort, Api
from flask_cors import CORS
from flask_wtf import CSRFProtect
from loguru import logger
from changedetectionio import html_tools, __version__
from changedetectionio import queuedWatchMetaData
from changedetectionio.api import api_v1
datastore = None
# Local
running_update_threads = []
ticker_thread = None
extra_stylesheets = []
update_q = queue.PriorityQueue()
notification_q = queue.Queue()
app = Flask(__name__,
# Enable CORS, especially useful for the Chrome extension to operate from anywhere
# Super handy for compressing large BrowserSteps responses and others
# Stop browser caching of assets
app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 0
app.config.exit = Event()
app.config['NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE'] = False
if os.getenv('FLASK_SERVER_NAME'):
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = os.getenv('FLASK_SERVER_NAME')
#app.config["EXPLAIN_TEMPLATE_LOADING"] = True
# Disables caching of the templates
app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True
csrf = CSRFProtect()
# get locale ready
default_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
logger.info(f"System locale default is {default_locale}")
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, default_locale)
except locale.Error:
logger.warning(f"Unable to set locale {default_locale}, locale is not installed maybe?")
watch_api = Api(app, decorators=[csrf.exempt])
def init_app_secret(datastore_path):
secret = ""
path = "{}/secret.txt".format(datastore_path)
with open(path, "r") as f:
secret = f.read()
except FileNotFoundError:
import secrets
with open(path, "w") as f:
secret = secrets.token_hex(32)
return secret
def get_darkmode_state():
css_dark_mode = request.cookies.get('css_dark_mode', 'false')
return 'true' if css_dark_mode and strtobool(css_dark_mode) else 'false'
def get_css_version():
return __version__
def _jinja2_filter_format_number_locale(value: float) -> str:
"Formats for example 4000.10 to the local locale default of 4,000.10"
# Format the number with two decimal places (locale format string will return 6 decimal)
formatted_value = locale.format_string("%.2f", value, grouping=True)
return formatted_value
# We use the whole watch object from the store/JSON so we can see if there's some related status in terms of a thread
# running or something similar.
def _jinja2_filter_datetime(watch_obj, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
# Worker thread tells us which UUID it is currently processing.
for t in running_update_threads:
if t.current_uuid == watch_obj['uuid']:
return ' Checking now'
if watch_obj['last_checked'] == 0:
return 'Not yet'
return timeago.format(int(watch_obj['last_checked']), time.time())
def _jinja2_filter_datetimestamp(timestamp, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"):
if not timestamp:
return 'Not yet'
return timeago.format(int(timestamp), time.time())
def _jinja2_filter_pagination_slice(arr, skip):
per_page = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('pager_size', 50)
if per_page:
return arr[skip:skip + per_page]
return arr
def _jinja2_filter_seconds_precise(timestamp):
if timestamp == False:
return 'Not yet'
return format(int(time.time()-timestamp), ',d')
# When nobody is logged in Flask-Login's current_user is set to an AnonymousUser object.
class User(flask_login.UserMixin):
def set_password(self, password):
return True
def get_user(self, email="defaultuser@changedetection.io"):
return self
def is_authenticated(self):
return True
def is_active(self):
return True
def is_anonymous(self):
return False
def get_id(self):
return str(self.id)
# Compare given password against JSON store or Env var
def check_password(self, password):
import base64
import hashlib
# Can be stored in env (for deployments) or in the general configs
raw_salt_pass = os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False)
if not raw_salt_pass:
raw_salt_pass = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('password')
raw_salt_pass = base64.b64decode(raw_salt_pass)
salt_from_storage = raw_salt_pass[:32] # 32 is the length of the salt
# Use the exact same setup you used to generate the key, but this time put in the password to check
new_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
password.encode('utf-8'), # Convert the password to bytes
new_key = salt_from_storage + new_key
return new_key == raw_salt_pass
def login_optionally_required(func):
def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
has_password_enabled = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('password') or os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False)
# Permitted
if request.endpoint == 'static_content' and request.view_args['group'] == 'styles':
return func(*args, **kwargs)
# Permitted
elif request.endpoint == 'diff_history_page' and datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('shared_diff_access'):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif request.method in flask_login.config.EXEMPT_METHODS:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif app.config.get('LOGIN_DISABLED'):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif has_password_enabled and not current_user.is_authenticated:
return app.login_manager.unauthorized()
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_view
def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None):
logger.trace("TRACE log is enabled")
global datastore
datastore = datastore_o
# so far just for read-only via tests, but this will be moved eventually to be the main source
# (instead of the global var)
app.config['DATASTORE'] = datastore_o
login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager(app)
login_manager.login_view = 'login'
app.secret_key = init_app_secret(config['datastore_path'])
resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q})
resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore})
watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.CreateWatch, '/api/v1/watch',
resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q})
watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.Watch, '/api/v1/watch/',
resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q})
watch_api.add_resource(api_v1.SystemInfo, '/api/v1/systeminfo',
resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore, 'update_q': update_q})
resource_class_kwargs={'datastore': datastore})
# Setup cors headers to allow all domains
# https://flask-cors.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
# CORS(app)
def user_loader(email):
user = User()
return user
def unauthorized_handler():
flash("You must be logged in, please log in.", 'error')
return redirect(url_for('login', next=url_for('index')))
def logout():
return redirect(url_for('index'))
# https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/93dd1709d05a1cf0e886df6223377bdab3b077fb/examples/tutorial/flaskr/__init__.py#L39
# You can divide up the stuff like this
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
if request.method == 'GET':
if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated:
flash("Already logged in")
return redirect(url_for("index"))
output = render_template("login.html")
return output
user = User()
user.id = "defaultuser@changedetection.io"
password = request.form.get('password')
if (user.check_password(password)):
flask_login.login_user(user, remember=True)
# For now there's nothing else interesting here other than the index/list page
# It's more reliable and safe to ignore the 'next' redirect
# When we used...
# next = request.args.get('next')
# return redirect(next or url_for('index'))
# We would sometimes get login loop errors on sites hosted in sub-paths
# note for the future:
# if not is_safe_url(next):
# return flask.abort(400)
return redirect(url_for('index'))
flash('Incorrect password', 'error')
return redirect(url_for('login'))
def before_request_handle_cookie_x_settings():
# Set the auth cookie path if we're running as X-settings/X-Forwarded-Prefix
if os.getenv('USE_X_SETTINGS') and 'X-Forwarded-Prefix' in request.headers:
app.config['REMEMBER_COOKIE_PATH'] = request.headers['X-Forwarded-Prefix']
app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_PATH'] = request.headers['X-Forwarded-Prefix']
return None
@app.route("/rss", methods=['GET'])
def rss():
now = time.time()
# Always requires token set
app_rss_token = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('rss_access_token')
rss_url_token = request.args.get('token')
if rss_url_token != app_rss_token:
return "Access denied, bad token", 403
from . import diff
limit_tag = request.args.get('tag', '').lower().strip()
# Be sure limit_tag is a uuid
for uuid, tag in datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('tags', {}).items():
if limit_tag == tag.get('title', '').lower().strip():
limit_tag = uuid
# Sort by last_changed and add the uuid which is usually the key..
sorted_watches = []
# @todo needs a .itemsWithTag() or something - then we can use that in Jinaj2 and throw this away
for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items():
# @todo tag notification_muted skip also (improve Watch model)
if datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('rss_hide_muted_watches') and watch.get('notification_muted'):
if limit_tag and not limit_tag in watch['tags']:
watch['uuid'] = uuid
sorted_watches.sort(key=lambda x: x.last_changed, reverse=False)
fg = FeedGenerator()
fg.description('Feed description')
for watch in sorted_watches:
dates = list(watch.history.keys())
# Re #521 - Don't bother processing this one if theres less than 2 snapshots, means we never had a change detected.
if len(dates) < 2:
if not watch.viewed:
# Re #239 - GUID needs to be individual for each event
# @todo In the future make this a configurable link back (see work on BASE_URL https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/pull/228)
guid = "{}/{}".format(watch['uuid'], watch.last_changed)
fe = fg.add_entry()
# Include a link to the diff page, they will have to login here to see if password protection is enabled.
# Description is the page you watch, link takes you to the diff JS UI page
# Dict val base_url will get overriden with the env var if it is set.
ext_base_url = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('active_base_url')
# Because we are called via whatever web server, flask should figure out the right path (
diff_link = {'href': url_for('diff_history_page', uuid=watch['uuid'], _external=True)}
# @todo watch should be a getter - watch.get('title') (internally if URL else..)
watch_title = watch.get('title') if watch.get('title') else watch.get('url')
html_diff = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents=watch.get_history_snapshot(dates[-2]),
line_feed_sep=" ")
# @todo Make this configurable and also consider html-colored markup
# @todo User could decide if goes to the diff page, or to the watch link
rss_template = "\n
content = jinja_render(template_str=rss_template, watch_title=watch_title, html_diff=html_diff, watch_url=watch.link)
fe.content(content=content, type='CDATA')
fe.guid(guid, permalink=False)
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(watch.newest_history_key))
dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
response = make_response(fg.rss_str())
response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml;charset=utf-8')
logger.trace(f"RSS generated in {time.time() - now:.3f}s")
return response
@app.route("/", methods=['GET'])
def index():
global datastore
from changedetectionio import forms
active_tag_req = request.args.get('tag', '').lower().strip()
active_tag_uuid = active_tag = None
# Be sure limit_tag is a uuid
if active_tag_req:
for uuid, tag in datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('tags', {}).items():
if active_tag_req == tag.get('title', '').lower().strip() or active_tag_req == uuid:
active_tag = tag
active_tag_uuid = uuid
# Redirect for the old rss path which used the /?rss=true
if request.args.get('rss'):
return redirect(url_for('rss', tag=active_tag_uuid))
op = request.args.get('op')
if op:
uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
if op == 'pause':
elif op == 'mute':
datastore.needs_write = True
return redirect(url_for('index', tag = active_tag_uuid))
# Sort by last_changed and add the uuid which is usually the key..
sorted_watches = []
with_errors = request.args.get('with_errors') == "1"
errored_count = 0
search_q = request.args.get('q').strip().lower() if request.args.get('q') else False
for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items():
if with_errors and not watch.get('last_error'):
if active_tag_uuid and not active_tag_uuid in watch['tags']:
if watch.get('last_error'):
errored_count += 1
if search_q:
if (watch.get('title') and search_q in watch.get('title').lower()) or search_q in watch.get('url', '').lower():
elif watch.get('last_error') and search_q in watch.get('last_error').lower():
form = forms.quickWatchForm(request.form)
page = request.args.get(get_page_parameter(), type=int, default=1)
total_count = len(sorted_watches)
pagination = Pagination(page=page,
per_page=datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('pager_size', 50), css_framework="semantic")
sorted_tags = sorted(datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('tags').items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['title'])
output = render_template(
# Don't link to hosting when we're on the hosting environment
hosted_sticky=os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False) == False,
queued_uuids=[q_uuid.item['uuid'] for q_uuid in update_q.queue],
sort_attribute=request.args.get('sort') if request.args.get('sort') else request.cookies.get('sort'),
sort_order=request.args.get('order') if request.args.get('order') else request.cookies.get('order'),
if session.get('share-link'):
resp = make_response(output)
# The template can run on cookie or url query info
if request.args.get('sort'):
resp.set_cookie('sort', request.args.get('sort'))
if request.args.get('order'):
resp.set_cookie('order', request.args.get('order'))
return resp
# AJAX endpoint for sending a test
@app.route("/notification/send-test/", methods=['POST'])
@app.route("/notification/send-test", methods=['POST'])
@app.route("/notification/send-test/", methods=['POST'])
def ajax_callback_send_notification_test(watch_uuid=None):
# Watch_uuid could be unset in the case it`s used in tag editor, global settings
import apprise
import random
from .apprise_asset import asset
apobj = apprise.Apprise(asset=asset)
# so that the custom endpoints are registered
from changedetectionio.apprise_plugin import apprise_custom_api_call_wrapper
is_global_settings_form = request.args.get('mode', '') == 'global-settings'
is_group_settings_form = request.args.get('mode', '') == 'group-settings'
# Use an existing random one on the global/main settings form
if not watch_uuid and (is_global_settings_form or is_group_settings_form) \
and datastore.data.get('watching'):
logger.debug(f"Send test notification - Choosing random Watch {watch_uuid}")
watch_uuid = random.choice(list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()))
if not watch_uuid:
return make_response("Error: You must have atleast one watch configured for 'test notification' to work", 400)
watch = datastore.data['watching'].get(watch_uuid)
notification_urls = request.form['notification_urls'].strip().splitlines()
if not notification_urls:
logger.debug("Test notification - Trying by group/tag in the edit form if available")
# On an edit page, we should also fire off to the tags if they have notifications
if request.form.get('tags') and request.form['tags'].strip():
for k in request.form['tags'].split(','):
tag = datastore.tag_exists_by_name(k.strip())
notification_urls = tag.get('notifications_urls') if tag and tag.get('notifications_urls') else None
if not notification_urls and not is_global_settings_form and not is_group_settings_form:
# In the global settings, use only what is typed currently in the text box
logger.debug("Test notification - Trying by global system settings notifications")
if datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_urls'):
notification_urls = datastore.data['settings']['application']['notification_urls']
if not notification_urls:
return 'Error: No Notification URLs set/found'
for n_url in notification_urls:
if len(n_url.strip()):
if not apobj.add(n_url):
return f'Error: {n_url} is not a valid AppRise URL.'
# use the same as when it is triggered, but then override it with the form test values
n_object = {
'watch_url': request.form.get('window_url', "https://changedetection.io"),
'notification_urls': notification_urls
# Only use if present, if not set in n_object it should use the default system value
if 'notification_format' in request.form and request.form['notification_format'].strip():
n_object['notification_format'] = request.form.get('notification_format', '').strip()
if 'notification_title' in request.form and request.form['notification_title'].strip():
n_object['notification_title'] = request.form.get('notification_title', '').strip()
if 'notification_body' in request.form and request.form['notification_body'].strip():
n_object['notification_body'] = request.form.get('notification_body', '').strip()
from . import update_worker
new_worker = update_worker.update_worker(update_q, notification_q, app, datastore)
new_worker.queue_notification_for_watch(notification_q=notification_q, n_object=n_object, watch=watch)
except Exception as e:
return make_response(f"Error: str(e)", 400)
return 'OK - Sent test notifications'
@app.route("/clear_history/", methods=['GET'])
def clear_watch_history(uuid):
except KeyError:
flash('Watch not found', 'error')
flash("Cleared snapshot history for watch {}".format(uuid))
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/clear_history", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def clear_all_history():
if request.method == 'POST':
confirmtext = request.form.get('confirmtext')
if confirmtext == 'clear':
changes_removed = 0
for uuid in datastore.data['watching'].keys():
#TODO: KeyError not checked, as it is above
flash("Cleared snapshot history for all watches")
flash('Incorrect confirmation text.', 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
output = render_template("clear_all_history.html")
return output
def _watch_has_tag_options_set(watch):
"""This should be fixed better so that Tag is some proper Model, a tag is just a Watch also"""
for tag_uuid, tag in datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('tags', {}).items():
if tag_uuid in watch.get('tags', []) and (tag.get('include_filters') or tag.get('subtractive_selectors')):
return True
@app.route("/edit/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42984453/wtforms-populate-form-with-data-if-data-exists
# https://wtforms.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.x/forms/#wtforms.form.Form.populate_obj ?
def edit_page(uuid):
from . import forms
from .blueprint.browser_steps.browser_steps import browser_step_ui_config
from . import processors
import importlib
# More for testing, possible to return the first/only
if not datastore.data['watching'].keys():
flash("No watches to edit", "error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop()
if not uuid in datastore.data['watching']:
flash("No watch with the UUID %s found." % (uuid), "error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
switch_processor = request.args.get('switch_processor')
if switch_processor:
for p in processors.available_processors():
if p[0] == switch_processor:
datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['processor'] = switch_processor
flash(f"Switched to mode - {p[1]}.")
redirect(url_for('edit_page', uuid=uuid))
# be sure we update with a copy instead of accidently editing the live object by reference
default = deepcopy(datastore.data['watching'][uuid])
# Defaults for proxy choice
if datastore.proxy_list is not None: # When enabled
# @todo
# Radio needs '' not None, or incase that the chosen one no longer exists
if default['proxy'] is None or not any(default['proxy'] in tup for tup in datastore.proxy_list):
default['proxy'] = ''
# proxy_override set to the json/text list of the items
# Does it use some custom form? does one exist?
processor_name = datastore.data['watching'][uuid].get('processor', '')
processor_classes = next((tpl for tpl in find_processors() if tpl[1] == processor_name), None)
if not processor_classes:
flash(f"Cannot load the edit form for processor/plugin '{processor_classes[1]}', plugin missing?", 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
parent_module = get_parent_module(processor_classes[0])
# Get the parent of the "processor.py" go up one, get the form (kinda spaghetti but its reusing existing code)
forms_module = importlib.import_module(f"{parent_module.__name__}.forms")
# Access the 'processor_settings_form' class from the 'forms' module
form_class = getattr(forms_module, 'processor_settings_form')
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
# .forms didnt exist
form_class = forms.processor_text_json_diff_form
except AttributeError as e:
# .forms exists but no useful form
form_class = forms.processor_text_json_diff_form
form = form_class(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
# For the form widget tag UUID back to "string name" for the field
form.tags.datastore = datastore
# Used by some forms that need to dig deeper
form.datastore = datastore
form.watch = default
for p in datastore.extra_browsers:
form.fetch_backend.choices.append(("system", 'System settings default'))
# form.browser_steps[0] can be assumed that we 'goto url' first
if datastore.proxy_list is None:
# @todo - Couldn't get setattr() etc dynamic addition working, so remove it instead
del form.proxy
form.proxy.choices = [('', 'Default')]
for p in datastore.proxy_list:
form.proxy.choices.append(tuple((p, datastore.proxy_list[p]['label'])))
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
# If they changed processor, it makes sense to reset it.
if datastore.data['watching'][uuid].get('processor') != form.data.get('processor'):
flash("Reset watch history due to change of processor")
extra_update_obj = {
'consecutive_filter_failures': 0,
'last_error' : False
if request.args.get('unpause_on_save'):
extra_update_obj['paused'] = False
extra_update_obj['time_between_check'] = form.time_between_check.data
# Ignore text
form_ignore_text = form.ignore_text.data
datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['ignore_text'] = form_ignore_text
# Be sure proxy value is None
if datastore.proxy_list is not None and form.data['proxy'] == '':
extra_update_obj['proxy'] = None
# Unsetting all filter_text methods should make it go back to default
# This particularly affects tests running
if 'filter_text_added' in form.data and not form.data.get('filter_text_added') \
and 'filter_text_replaced' in form.data and not form.data.get('filter_text_replaced') \
and 'filter_text_removed' in form.data and not form.data.get('filter_text_removed'):
extra_update_obj['filter_text_added'] = True
extra_update_obj['filter_text_replaced'] = True
extra_update_obj['filter_text_removed'] = True
# Because wtforms doesn't support accessing other data in process_ , but we convert the CSV list of tags back to a list of UUIDs
tag_uuids = []
if form.data.get('tags'):
# Sometimes in testing this can be list, dont know why
if type(form.data.get('tags')) == list:
extra_update_obj['tags'] = form.data.get('tags')
for t in form.data.get('tags').split(','):
extra_update_obj['tags'] = tag_uuids
if not datastore.data['watching'][uuid].get('tags'):
# Force it to be a list, because form.data['tags'] will be string if nothing found
# And del(form.data['tags'] ) wont work either for some reason
datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['tags'] = []
# Recast it if need be to right data Watch handler
watch_class = get_custom_watch_obj_for_processor(form.data.get('processor'))
datastore.data['watching'][uuid] = watch_class(datastore_path=datastore_o.datastore_path, default=datastore.data['watching'][uuid])
flash("Updated watch - unpaused!" if request.args.get('unpause_on_save') else "Updated watch.")
# Re #286 - We wait for syncing new data to disk in another thread every 60 seconds
# But in the case something is added we should save straight away
datastore.needs_write_urgent = True
# Queue the watch for immediate recheck, with a higher priority
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid}))
# Diff page [edit] link should go back to diff page
if request.args.get("next") and request.args.get("next") == 'diff':
return redirect(url_for('diff_history_page', uuid=uuid))
return redirect(url_for('index'))
if request.method == 'POST' and not form.validate():
flash("An error occurred, please see below.", "error")
visualselector_data_is_ready = datastore.visualselector_data_is_ready(uuid)
# JQ is difficult to install on windows and must be manually added (outside requirements.txt)
jq_support = True
import jq
except ModuleNotFoundError:
jq_support = False
watch = datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid)
system_uses_webdriver = datastore.data['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver'
is_html_webdriver = False
if (watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'system' and system_uses_webdriver) or watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'html_webdriver' or watch.get('fetch_backend', '').startswith('extra_browser_'):
is_html_webdriver = True
# Only works reliably with Playwright
visualselector_enabled = os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False) and is_html_webdriver
template_args = {
'available_processors': processors.available_processors(),
'browser_steps_config': browser_step_ui_config,
'emailprefix': os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False),
'extra_title': f" - Edit - {watch.label}",
'extra_processor_config': form.extra_tab_content(),
'extra_notification_token_placeholder_info': datastore.get_unique_notification_token_placeholders_available(),
'form': form,
'has_default_notification_urls': True if len(datastore.data['settings']['application']['notification_urls']) else False,
'has_extra_headers_file': len(datastore.get_all_headers_in_textfile_for_watch(uuid=uuid)) > 0,
'has_special_tag_options': _watch_has_tag_options_set(watch=watch),
'is_html_webdriver': is_html_webdriver,
'jq_support': jq_support,
'playwright_enabled': os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL', False),
'settings_application': datastore.data['settings']['application'],
'using_global_webdriver_wait': not default['webdriver_delay'],
'uuid': uuid,
'visualselector_enabled': visualselector_enabled,
'watch': watch
included_content = None
if form.extra_form_content():
# So that the extra panels can access _helpers.html etc, we set the environment to load from templates/
# And then render the code from the module
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import importlib.resources
templates_dir = str(importlib.resources.files("changedetectionio").joinpath('templates'))
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
template = env.from_string(form.extra_form_content())
included_content = template.render(**template_args)
output = render_template("edit.html",
extra_tab_content=form.extra_tab_content() if form.extra_tab_content() else None,
return output
@app.route("/settings", methods=['GET', "POST"])
def settings_page():
from changedetectionio import forms
default = deepcopy(datastore.data['settings'])
if datastore.proxy_list is not None:
available_proxies = list(datastore.proxy_list.keys())
# When enabled
system_proxy = datastore.data['settings']['requests']['proxy']
# In the case it doesnt exist anymore
if not system_proxy in available_proxies:
system_proxy = None
default['requests']['proxy'] = system_proxy if system_proxy is not None else available_proxies[0]
# Used by the form handler to keep or remove the proxy settings
default['proxy_list'] = available_proxies[0]
# Don't use form.data on POST so that it doesnt overrid the checkbox status from the POST status
form = forms.globalSettingsForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None,
# Remove the last option 'System default'
if datastore.proxy_list is None:
# @todo - Couldn't get setattr() etc dynamic addition working, so remove it instead
del form.requests.form.proxy
form.requests.form.proxy.choices = []
for p in datastore.proxy_list:
form.requests.form.proxy.choices.append(tuple((p, datastore.proxy_list[p]['label'])))
if request.method == 'POST':
# Password unset is a GET, but we can lock the session to a salted env password to always need the password
if form.application.form.data.get('removepassword_button', False):
# SALTED_PASS means the password is "locked" to what we set in the Env var
if not os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False):
flash("Password protection removed.", 'notice')
return redirect(url_for('settings_page'))
if form.validate():
# Don't set password to False when a password is set - should be only removed with the `removepassword` button
app_update = dict(deepcopy(form.data['application']))
# Never update password with '' or False (Added by wtforms when not in submission)
if 'password' in app_update and not app_update['password']:
del (app_update['password'])
if not os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False) and len(form.application.form.password.encrypted_password):
datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] = form.application.form.password.encrypted_password
datastore.needs_write_urgent = True
flash("Password protection enabled.", 'notice')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
datastore.needs_write_urgent = True
flash("Settings updated.")
flash("An error occurred, please see below.", "error")
output = render_template("settings.html",
emailprefix=os.getenv('NOTIFICATION_MAIL_BUTTON_PREFIX', False),
hide_remove_pass=os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False),
min_system_recheck_seconds=int(os.getenv('MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME', 3)),
return output
@app.route("/settings/reset-api-key", methods=['GET'])
def settings_reset_api_key():
import secrets
secret = secrets.token_hex(16)
datastore.data['settings']['application']['api_access_token'] = secret
datastore.needs_write_urgent = True
flash("API Key was regenerated.")
return redirect(url_for('settings_page')+'#api')
@app.route("/import", methods=['GET', "POST"])
def import_page():
remaining_urls = []
from . import forms
if request.method == 'POST':
from .importer import import_url_list, import_distill_io_json
# URL List import
if request.values.get('urls') and len(request.values.get('urls').strip()):
# Import and push into the queue for immediate update check
importer = import_url_list()
importer.run(data=request.values.get('urls'), flash=flash, datastore=datastore, processor=request.values.get('processor', 'text_json_diff'))
for uuid in importer.new_uuids:
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid}))
if len(importer.remaining_data) == 0:
return redirect(url_for('index'))
remaining_urls = importer.remaining_data
# Distill.io import
if request.values.get('distill-io') and len(request.values.get('distill-io').strip()):
# Import and push into the queue for immediate update check
d_importer = import_distill_io_json()
d_importer.run(data=request.values.get('distill-io'), flash=flash, datastore=datastore)
for uuid in d_importer.new_uuids:
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid}))
# XLSX importer
if request.files and request.files.get('xlsx_file'):
file = request.files['xlsx_file']
from .importer import import_xlsx_wachete, import_xlsx_custom
if request.values.get('file_mapping') == 'wachete':
w_importer = import_xlsx_wachete()
w_importer.run(data=file, flash=flash, datastore=datastore)
w_importer = import_xlsx_custom()
# Building mapping of col # to col # type
map = {}
for i in range(10):
c = request.values.get(f"custom_xlsx[col_{i}]")
v = request.values.get(f"custom_xlsx[col_type_{i}]")
if c and v:
map[int(c)] = v
w_importer.import_profile = map
w_importer.run(data=file, flash=flash, datastore=datastore)
for uuid in w_importer.new_uuids:
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid}))
# Could be some remaining, or we could be on GET
form = forms.importForm(formdata=request.form if request.method == 'POST' else None)
output = render_template("import.html",
return output
# Clear all statuses, so we do not see the 'unviewed' class
@app.route("/form/mark-all-viewed", methods=['GET'])
def mark_all_viewed():
# Save the current newest history as the most recently viewed
with_errors = request.args.get('with_errors') == "1"
for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items():
if with_errors and not watch.get('last_error'):
datastore.set_last_viewed(watch_uuid, int(time.time()))
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/diff/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def diff_history_page(uuid):
from changedetectionio import forms
# More for testing, possible to return the first/only
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop()
extra_stylesheets = [url_for('static_content', group='styles', filename='diff.css')]
watch = datastore.data['watching'][uuid]
except KeyError:
flash("No history found for the specified link, bad link?", "error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
# For submission of requesting an extract
extract_form = forms.extractDataForm(request.form)
if request.method == 'POST':
if not extract_form.validate():
flash("An error occurred, please see below.", "error")
extract_regex = request.form.get('extract_regex').strip()
output = watch.extract_regex_from_all_history(extract_regex)
if output:
watch_dir = os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, uuid)
response = make_response(send_from_directory(directory=watch_dir, path=output, as_attachment=True))
response.headers['Content-type'] = 'text/csv'
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
response.headers['Expires'] = 0
return response
flash('Nothing matches that RegEx', 'error')
redirect(url_for('diff_history_page', uuid=uuid)+'#extract')
history = watch.history
dates = list(history.keys())
if len(dates) < 2:
flash("Not enough saved change detection snapshots to produce a report.", "error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
# Save the current newest history as the most recently viewed
datastore.set_last_viewed(uuid, time.time())
# Read as binary and force decode as UTF-8
# Windows may fail decode in python if we just use 'r' mode (chardet decode exception)
from_version = request.args.get('from_version')
from_version_index = -2 # second newest
if from_version and from_version in dates:
from_version_index = dates.index(from_version)
from_version = dates[from_version_index]
from_version_file_contents = watch.get_history_snapshot(dates[from_version_index])
except Exception as e:
from_version_file_contents = f"Unable to read to-version at index {dates[from_version_index]}.\n"
to_version = request.args.get('to_version')
to_version_index = -1
if to_version and to_version in dates:
to_version_index = dates.index(to_version)
to_version = dates[to_version_index]
to_version_file_contents = watch.get_history_snapshot(dates[to_version_index])
except Exception as e:
to_version_file_contents = "Unable to read to-version at index{}.\n".format(dates[to_version_index])
screenshot_url = watch.get_screenshot()
system_uses_webdriver = datastore.data['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver'
is_html_webdriver = False
if (watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'system' and system_uses_webdriver) or watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'html_webdriver' or watch.get('fetch_backend', '').startswith('extra_browser_'):
is_html_webdriver = True
password_enabled_and_share_is_off = False
if datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('password') or os.getenv("SALTED_PASS", False):
password_enabled_and_share_is_off = not datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('shared_diff_access')
output = render_template("diff.html",
extra_title=f" - Diff - {watch.label}",
versions=dates, # All except current/last
return output
@app.route("/preview/", methods=['GET'])
def preview_page(uuid):
content = []
versions = []
timestamp = None
# More for testing, possible to return the first/only
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop()
watch = datastore.data['watching'][uuid]
except KeyError:
flash("No history found for the specified link, bad link?", "error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
system_uses_webdriver = datastore.data['settings']['application']['fetch_backend'] == 'html_webdriver'
extra_stylesheets = [url_for('static_content', group='styles', filename='diff.css')]
is_html_webdriver = False
if (watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'system' and system_uses_webdriver) or watch.get('fetch_backend') == 'html_webdriver' or watch.get('fetch_backend', '').startswith('extra_browser_'):
is_html_webdriver = True
triggered_line_numbers = []
if datastore.data['watching'][uuid].history_n == 0 and (watch.get_error_text() or watch.get_error_snapshot()):
flash("Preview unavailable - No fetch/check completed or triggers not reached", "error")
# So prepare the latest preview or not
preferred_version = request.args.get('version')
versions = list(watch.history.keys())
timestamp = versions[-1]
if preferred_version and preferred_version in versions:
timestamp = preferred_version
versions = list(watch.history.keys())
content = watch.get_history_snapshot(timestamp)
triggered_line_numbers = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content=content,
mode='line numbers'
except Exception as e:
content.append({'line': f"File doesnt exist or unable to read timestamp {timestamp}", 'classes': ''})
output = render_template("preview.html",
extra_title=f" - Diff - {watch.label} @ {timestamp}",
return output
@app.route("/settings/notification-logs", methods=['GET'])
def notification_logs():
global notification_debug_log
output = render_template("notification-log.html",
logs=notification_debug_log if len(notification_debug_log) else ["Notification logs are empty - no notifications sent yet."])
return output
# We're good but backups are even better!
@app.route("/backup", methods=['GET'])
def get_backup():
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
# Remove any existing backup file, for now we just keep one file
for previous_backup_filename in Path(datastore_o.datastore_path).rglob('changedetection-backup-*.zip'):
# create a ZipFile object
timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
backupname = "changedetection-backup-{}.zip".format(timestamp)
backup_filepath = os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, backupname)
with zipfile.ZipFile(backup_filepath, "w",
compresslevel=8) as zipObj:
# Be sure we're written fresh
# Add the index
zipObj.write(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, "url-watches.json"), arcname="url-watches.json")
# Add the flask app secret
zipObj.write(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, "secret.txt"), arcname="secret.txt")
# Add any data in the watch data directory.
for uuid, w in datastore.data['watching'].items():
for f in Path(w.watch_data_dir).glob('*'):
# Use the full path to access the file, but make the file 'relative' in the Zip.
arcname=os.path.join(f.parts[-2], f.parts[-1]),
# Create a list file with just the URLs, so it's easier to port somewhere else in the future
list_file = "url-list.txt"
with open(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_file), "w") as f:
for uuid in datastore.data["watching"]:
url = datastore.data["watching"][uuid]["url"]
list_with_tags_file = "url-list-with-tags.txt"
with open(
os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_with_tags_file), "w"
) as f:
for uuid in datastore.data["watching"]:
url = datastore.data["watching"][uuid].get('url')
tag = datastore.data["watching"][uuid].get('tags', {})
f.write("{} {}\r\n".format(url, tag))
# Add it to the Zip
os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_file),
os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, list_with_tags_file),
# Send_from_directory needs to be the full absolute path
return send_from_directory(os.path.abspath(datastore_o.datastore_path), backupname, as_attachment=True)
@app.route("/static//", methods=['GET'])
def static_content(group, filename):
from flask import make_response
if group == 'screenshot':
# Could be sensitive, follow password requirements
if datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] and not flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated:
screenshot_filename = "last-screenshot.png" if not request.args.get('error_screenshot') else "last-error-screenshot.png"
# These files should be in our subdirectory
# set nocache, set content-type
response = make_response(send_from_directory(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, filename), screenshot_filename))
response.headers['Content-type'] = 'image/png'
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
response.headers['Expires'] = 0
return response
except FileNotFoundError:
if group == 'visual_selector_data':
# Could be sensitive, follow password requirements
if datastore.data['settings']['application']['password'] and not flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated:
# These files should be in our subdirectory
# set nocache, set content-type
response = make_response(send_from_directory(os.path.join(datastore_o.datastore_path, filename), "elements.json"))
response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
response.headers['Expires'] = 0
return response
except FileNotFoundError:
# These files should be in our subdirectory
return send_from_directory("static/{}".format(group), path=filename)
except FileNotFoundError:
@app.route("/edit//get-html", methods=['GET'])
def watch_get_latest_html(uuid):
from io import BytesIO
from flask import send_file
import brotli
watch = datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid)
if watch and watch.history.keys() and os.path.isdir(watch.watch_data_dir):
latest_filename = list(watch.history.keys())[-1]
html_fname = os.path.join(watch.watch_data_dir, f"{latest_filename}.html.br")
with open(html_fname, 'rb') as f:
if html_fname.endswith('.br'):
# Read and decompress the Brotli file
decompressed_data = brotli.decompress(f.read())
decompressed_data = f.read()
buffer = BytesIO(decompressed_data)
return send_file(buffer, as_attachment=True, download_name=f"{latest_filename}.html", mimetype='text/html')
# Return a 500 error
# Ajax callback
@app.route("/edit//preview-rendered", methods=['POST'])
def watch_get_preview_rendered(uuid):
'''For when viewing the "preview" of the rendered text from inside of Edit'''
from .processors.text_json_diff import prepare_filter_prevew
return prepare_filter_prevew(watch_uuid=uuid, datastore=datastore)
@app.route("/form/add/quickwatch", methods=['POST'])
def form_quick_watch_add():
from changedetectionio import forms
form = forms.quickWatchForm(request.form)
if not form.validate():
for widget, l in form.errors.items():
flash(','.join(l), 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
url = request.form.get('url').strip()
if datastore.url_exists(url):
flash(f'Warning, URL {url} already exists', "notice")
add_paused = request.form.get('edit_and_watch_submit_button') != None
processor = request.form.get('processor', 'text_json_diff')
new_uuid = datastore.add_watch(url=url, tag=request.form.get('tags').strip(), extras={'paused': add_paused, 'processor': processor})
if new_uuid:
if add_paused:
flash('Watch added in Paused state, saving will unpause.')
return redirect(url_for('edit_page', uuid=new_uuid, unpause_on_save=1))
# Straight into the queue.
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': new_uuid}))
flash("Watch added.")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/api/delete", methods=['GET'])
def form_delete():
uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
if uuid != 'all' and not uuid in datastore.data['watching'].keys():
flash('The watch by UUID {} does not exist.'.format(uuid), 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
# More for testing, possible to return the first/only
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop()
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/api/clone", methods=['GET'])
def form_clone():
uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
# More for testing, possible to return the first/only
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop()
new_uuid = datastore.clone(uuid)
if new_uuid:
if not datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid).get('paused'):
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=5, item={'uuid': new_uuid}))
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/api/checknow", methods=['GET'])
def form_watch_checknow():
# Forced recheck will skip the 'skip if content is the same' rule (, 'reprocess_existing_data': True})))
tag = request.args.get('tag')
uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
with_errors = request.args.get('with_errors') == "1"
i = 0
running_uuids = []
for t in running_update_threads:
if uuid:
if uuid not in running_uuids:
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid}))
i = 1
elif tag:
# Items that have this current tag
for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items():
if tag in watch.get('tags', {}):
if with_errors and not watch.get('last_error'):
if watch_uuid not in running_uuids and not datastore.data['watching'][watch_uuid]['paused']:
queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': watch_uuid})
i += 1
# No tag, no uuid, add everything.
for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items():
if watch_uuid not in running_uuids and not datastore.data['watching'][watch_uuid]['paused']:
if with_errors and not watch.get('last_error'):
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': watch_uuid}))
i += 1
flash(f"{i} watches queued for rechecking.")
return redirect(url_for('index', tag=tag))
@app.route("/form/checkbox-operations", methods=['POST'])
def form_watch_list_checkbox_operations():
op = request.form['op']
uuids = request.form.getlist('uuids')
if (op == 'delete'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
flash("{} watches deleted".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'pause'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['paused'] = True
flash("{} watches paused".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'unpause'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['paused'] = False
flash("{} watches unpaused".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'mark-viewed'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.set_last_viewed(uuid, int(time.time()))
flash("{} watches updated".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'mute'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_muted'] = True
flash("{} watches muted".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'unmute'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_muted'] = False
flash("{} watches un-muted".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'recheck'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
# Recheck and require a full reprocessing
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid}))
flash("{} watches queued for rechecking".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'clear-errors'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid]["last_error"] = False
flash(f"{len(uuids)} watches errors cleared")
elif (op == 'clear-history'):
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
flash("{} watches cleared/reset.".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'notification-default'):
from changedetectionio.notification import (
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_title'] = None
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_body'] = None
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_urls'] = []
datastore.data['watching'][uuid.strip()]['notification_format'] = default_notification_format_for_watch
flash("{} watches set to use default notification settings".format(len(uuids)))
elif (op == 'assign-tag'):
op_extradata = request.form.get('op_extradata', '').strip()
if op_extradata:
tag_uuid = datastore.add_tag(name=op_extradata)
if op_extradata and tag_uuid:
for uuid in uuids:
uuid = uuid.strip()
if datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid):
# Bug in old versions caused by bad edit page/tag handler
if isinstance(datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['tags'], str):
datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['tags'] = []
flash(f"{len(uuids)} watches were tagged")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/api/share-url", methods=['GET'])
def form_share_put_watch():
"""Given a watch UUID, upload the info and return a share-link
the share-link can be imported/added"""
import requests
import json
uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
# more for testing
if uuid == 'first':
uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop()
# copy it to memory as trim off what we dont need (history)
watch = deepcopy(datastore.data['watching'][uuid])
# For older versions that are not a @property
if (watch.get('history')):
del (watch['history'])
# for safety/privacy
for k in list(watch.keys()):
if k.startswith('notification_'):
del watch[k]
for r in['uuid', 'last_checked', 'last_changed']:
if watch.get(r):
del (watch[r])
# Add the global stuff which may have an impact
watch['ignore_text'] += datastore.data['settings']['application']['global_ignore_text']
watch['subtractive_selectors'] += datastore.data['settings']['application']['global_subtractive_selectors']
watch_json = json.dumps(watch)
r = requests.request(method="POST",
data={'watch': watch_json},
headers={'App-Guid': datastore.data['app_guid']})
res = r.json()
session['share-link'] = "https://changedetection.io/share/{}".format(res['share_key'])
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error sharing -{str(e)}")
flash("Could not share, something went wrong while communicating with the share server - {}".format(str(e)), 'error')
# https://changedetection.io/share/VrMv05wpXyQa
# in the browser - should give you a nice info page - wtf
# paste in etc
return redirect(url_for('index'))
@app.route("/highlight_submit_ignore_url", methods=['POST'])
def highlight_submit_ignore_url():
import re
mode = request.form.get('mode')
selection = request.form.get('selection')
uuid = request.args.get('uuid','')
if datastore.data["watching"].get(uuid):
if mode == 'exact':
for l in selection.splitlines():
elif mode == 'digit-regex':
for l in selection.splitlines():
# Replace any series of numbers with a regex
s = re.escape(l.strip())
s = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', r'\\d+', s)
datastore.data["watching"][uuid]['ignore_text'].append('/' + s + '/')
return f"Click to preview"
import changedetectionio.blueprint.browser_steps as browser_steps
app.register_blueprint(browser_steps.construct_blueprint(datastore), url_prefix='/browser-steps')
import changedetectionio.blueprint.price_data_follower as price_data_follower
app.register_blueprint(price_data_follower.construct_blueprint(datastore, update_q), url_prefix='/price_data_follower')
import changedetectionio.blueprint.tags as tags
app.register_blueprint(tags.construct_blueprint(datastore), url_prefix='/tags')
import changedetectionio.blueprint.check_proxies as check_proxies
app.register_blueprint(check_proxies.construct_blueprint(datastore=datastore), url_prefix='/check_proxy')
# @todo handle ctrl break
ticker_thread = threading.Thread(target=ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks).start()
# Check for new release version, but not when running in test/build or pytest
if not os.getenv("GITHUB_REF", False) and not config.get('disable_checkver') == True:
return app
# Check for new version and anonymous stats
def check_for_new_version():
import requests
import urllib3
while not app.config.exit.is_set():
r = requests.post("https://changedetection.io/check-ver.php",
data={'version': __version__,
'app_guid': datastore.data['app_guid'],
'watch_count': len(datastore.data['watching'])
if "new_version" in r.text:
app.config['NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE'] = True
# Check daily
def notification_runner():
global notification_debug_log
from datetime import datetime
import json
while not app.config.exit.is_set():
# At the moment only one thread runs (single runner)
n_object = notification_q.get(block=False)
except queue.Empty:
now = datetime.now()
sent_obj = None
from changedetectionio import notification
# Fallback to system config if not set
if not n_object.get('notification_body') and datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_body'):
n_object['notification_body'] = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_body')
if not n_object.get('notification_title') and datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_title'):
n_object['notification_title'] = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_title')
if not n_object.get('notification_format') and datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_format'):
n_object['notification_format'] = datastore.data['settings']['application'].get('notification_format')
sent_obj = notification.process_notification(n_object, datastore)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Watch URL: {n_object['watch_url']} Error {str(e)}")
# UUID wont be present when we submit a 'test' from the global settings
if 'uuid' in n_object:
update_obj={'last_notification_error': "Notification error detected, goto notification log."})
log_lines = str(e).splitlines()
notification_debug_log += log_lines
# Process notifications
notification_debug_log+= ["{} - SENDING - {}".format(now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S,000"), json.dumps(sent_obj))]
# Trim the log length
notification_debug_log = notification_debug_log[-100:]
# Threaded runner, look for new watches to feed into the Queue.
def ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks():
import random
from changedetectionio import update_worker
proxy_last_called_time = {}
recheck_time_minimum_seconds = int(os.getenv('MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME', 3))
logger.debug(f"System env MINIMUM_SECONDS_RECHECK_TIME {recheck_time_minimum_seconds}")
# Spin up Workers that do the fetching
# Can be overriden by ENV or use the default settings
n_workers = int(os.getenv("FETCH_WORKERS", datastore.data['settings']['requests']['workers']))
for _ in range(n_workers):
new_worker = update_worker.update_worker(update_q, notification_q, app, datastore)
while not app.config.exit.is_set():
# Get a list of watches by UUID that are currently fetching data
running_uuids = []
for t in running_update_threads:
if t.current_uuid:
# Re #232 - Deepcopy the data incase it changes while we're iterating through it all
watch_uuid_list = []
while True:
# Get a list of watches sorted by last_checked, [1] because it gets passed a tuple
# This is so we examine the most over-due first
for k in sorted(datastore.data['watching'].items(), key=lambda item: item[1].get('last_checked',0)):
except RuntimeError as e:
# RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
# Re #438 - Don't place more watches in the queue to be checked if the queue is already large
while update_q.qsize() >= 2000:
recheck_time_system_seconds = int(datastore.threshold_seconds)
# Check for watches outside of the time threshold to put in the thread queue.
for uuid in watch_uuid_list:
now = time.time()
watch = datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid)
if not watch:
logger.error(f"Watch: {uuid} no longer present.")
# No need todo further processing if it's paused
if watch['paused']:
# If they supplied an individual entry minutes to threshold.
threshold = recheck_time_system_seconds if watch.get('time_between_check_use_default') else watch.threshold_seconds()
# #580 - Jitter plus/minus amount of time to make the check seem more random to the server
jitter = datastore.data['settings']['requests'].get('jitter_seconds', 0)
if jitter > 0:
if watch.jitter_seconds == 0:
watch.jitter_seconds = random.uniform(-abs(jitter), jitter)
seconds_since_last_recheck = now - watch['last_checked']
if seconds_since_last_recheck >= (threshold + watch.jitter_seconds) and seconds_since_last_recheck >= recheck_time_minimum_seconds:
if not uuid in running_uuids and uuid not in [q_uuid.item['uuid'] for q_uuid in update_q.queue]:
# Proxies can be set to have a limit on seconds between which they can be called
watch_proxy = datastore.get_preferred_proxy_for_watch(uuid=uuid)
if watch_proxy and watch_proxy in list(datastore.proxy_list.keys()):
# Proxy may also have some threshold minimum
proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum = int(datastore.proxy_list.get(watch_proxy, {}).get('reuse_time_minimum', 0))
if proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum:
proxy_last_used_time = proxy_last_called_time.get(watch_proxy, 0)
time_since_proxy_used = int(time.time() - proxy_last_used_time)
if time_since_proxy_used < proxy_list_reuse_time_minimum:
# Not enough time difference reached, skip this watch
logger.debug(f"> Skipped UUID {uuid} "
f"using proxy '{watch_proxy}', not "
f"enough time between proxy requests "
# Record the last used time
proxy_last_called_time[watch_proxy] = int(time.time())
# Use Epoch time as priority, so we get a "sorted" PriorityQueue, but we can still push a priority 1 into it.
priority = int(time.time())
f"> Queued watch UUID {uuid} "
f"last checked at {watch['last_checked']} "
f"queued at {now:0.2f} priority {priority} "
f"jitter {watch.jitter_seconds:0.2f}s, "
f"{now - watch['last_checked']:0.2f}s since last checked")
# Into the queue with you
update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=priority, item={'uuid': uuid}))
# Reset for next time
watch.jitter_seconds = 0
# Wait before checking the list again - saves CPU
# Should be low so we can break this out in testing