import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib3
from changedetectionio import content_fetcher, html_tools
from changedetectionio.blueprint.price_data_follower import PRICE_DATA_TRACK_ACCEPT, PRICE_DATA_TRACK_REJECT
from copy import deepcopy
from . import difference_detection_processor
from ..html_tools import PERL_STYLE_REGEX, cdata_in_document_to_text
name = 'Webpage Text/HTML, JSON and PDF changes'
description = 'Detects all text changes where possible'
json_filter_prefixes = ['json:', 'jq:']
class FilterNotFoundInResponse(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg):
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
class PDFToHTMLToolNotFound(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg):
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
# Some common stuff here that can be moved to a base class
# (set_proxy_from_list)
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
def run(self, uuid, skip_when_checksum_same=True):
changed_detected = False
screenshot = False # as bytes
stripped_text_from_html = ""
# DeepCopy so we can be sure we don't accidently change anything by reference
watch = deepcopy(self.datastore.data['watching'].get(uuid))
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
# Protect against file:// access
if re.search(r'^file', watch.get('url', ''), re.IGNORECASE) and not os.getenv('ALLOW_FILE_URI', False):
raise Exception(
"file:// type access is denied for security reasons."
# Unset any existing notification error
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False}
url = watch.link
# source: support
is_source = False
if url.startswith('source:'):
url = url.replace('source:', '')
is_source = True
self.screenshot = self.fetcher.screenshot
self.xpath_data = self.fetcher.xpath_data
# Track the content type
update_obj['content_type'] = self.fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower()
# Watches added automatically in the queue manager will skip if its the same checksum as the previous run
# Saves a lot of CPU
update_obj['previous_md5_before_filters'] = hashlib.md5(self.fetcher.content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if skip_when_checksum_same:
if update_obj['previous_md5_before_filters'] == watch.get('previous_md5_before_filters'):
raise content_fetcher.checksumFromPreviousCheckWasTheSame()
# Fetching complete, now filters
# @note: I feel like the following should be in a more obvious chain system
# - Check filter text
# - Is the checksum different?
# - Do we convert to JSON?
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41817578/basic-method-chaining ?
# return content().textfilter().jsonextract().checksumcompare() ?
is_json = 'application/json' in self.fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower()
is_html = not is_json
is_rss = False
ctype_header = self.fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower()
# Go into RSS preprocess for converting CDATA/comment to usable text
if any(substring in ctype_header for substring in ['application/xml', 'application/rss', 'text/xml']):
if '', metadata + '