from typing import List
from lxml import etree
import json
import re
# HTML added to be sure each result matching a filter (.example) gets converted to a new line by Inscriptis
PERL_STYLE_REGEX = r'^/(.*?)/([a-z]*)?$'
# 'price' , 'lowPrice', 'highPrice' are usually under here
# All of those may or may not appear on different websites - I didnt find a way todo case-insensitive searching here
LD_JSON_PRODUCT_OFFER_SELECTORS = ["json:$..offers", "json:$..Offers"]
class JSONNotFound(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg):
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
# Doesn't look like python supports forward slash auto enclosure in re.findall
# So convert it to inline flag "(?i)foobar" type configuration
def perl_style_slash_enclosed_regex_to_options(regex):
res =, regex, re.IGNORECASE)
if res:
flags = if else 'i'
regex = f"(?{flags}){}"
# Fall back to just ignorecase as an option
regex = f"(?i){regex}"
return regex
# Given a CSS Rule, and a blob of HTML, return the blob of HTML that matches
def include_filters(include_filters, html_content, append_pretty_line_formatting=False):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")
html_block = ""
r =, separator="")
for element in r:
# When there's more than 1 match, then add the suffix to separate each line
# And where the matched result doesn't include something that will cause Inscriptis to add a newline
# (This way each 'match' reliably has a new-line in the diff)
# Divs are converted to 4 whitespaces by inscriptis
if append_pretty_line_formatting and len(html_block) and not in (['br', 'hr', 'div', 'p']):
html_block += str(element)
return html_block
def subtractive_css_selector(css_selector, html_content):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")
for item in
return str(soup)
def subtractive_xpath_selector(xpath_selector, html_content):
html_tree = etree.HTML(html_content)
elements_to_remove = html_tree.xpath(xpath_selector)
for element in elements_to_remove:
modified_html = etree.tostring(html_tree, method="html").decode("utf-8")
return modified_html
def element_removal(selectors: List[str], html_content):
"""Removes elements that match a list of CSS or xPath selectors."""
modified_html = html_content
for selector in selectors:
if selector.startswith(('xpath:', 'xpath1:', '//')):
xpath_selector = selector.removeprefix('xpath:').removeprefix('xpath1:')
modified_html = subtractive_xpath_selector(xpath_selector, modified_html)
modified_html = subtractive_css_selector(selector, modified_html)
return modified_html
def elementpath_tostring(obj):
change results to string type
# The MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c), 2018-2021, SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati)
import elementpath
from decimal import Decimal
import math
if obj is None:
return ''
elif isinstance(obj, elementpath.XPathNode):
return obj.string_value
elif isinstance(obj, bool):
return 'true' if obj else 'false'
elif isinstance(obj, Decimal):
value = format(obj, 'f')
if '.' in value:
return value.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
return value
elif isinstance(obj, float):
if math.isnan(obj):
return 'NaN'
elif math.isinf(obj):
return str(obj).upper()
value = str(obj)
if '.' in value:
value = value.rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
if '+' in value:
value = value.replace('+', '')
if 'e' in value:
return value.upper()
return value
return str(obj)
# Return str Utf-8 of matched rules
def xpath_filter(xpath_filter, html_content, append_pretty_line_formatting=False, is_rss=False):
from lxml import etree, html
import elementpath
# xpath 2.0-3.1
from elementpath.xpath3 import XPath3Parser
parser = etree.HTMLParser()
if is_rss:
# So that we can keep CDATA for cdata_in_document_to_text() to process
parser = etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False)
tree = html.fromstring(bytes(html_content, encoding='utf-8'), parser=parser)
html_block = ""
r =, xpath_filter.strip(), namespaces={'re': ''}, parser=XPath3Parser)
#@note: //title/text() wont work where
if type(r) != list:
r = [r]
for element in r:
# When there's more than 1 match, then add the suffix to separate each line
# And where the matched result doesn't include something that will cause Inscriptis to add a newline
# (This way each 'match' reliably has a new-line in the diff)
# Divs are converted to 4 whitespaces by inscriptis
if append_pretty_line_formatting and len(html_block) and (not hasattr( element, 'tag' ) or not element.tag in (['br', 'hr', 'div', 'p'])):
if type(element) == str:
html_block += element
elif issubclass(type(element), etree._Element) or issubclass(type(element), etree._ElementTree):
html_block += etree.tostring(element, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')
html_block += elementpath_tostring(element)
return html_block
# Return str Utf-8 of matched rules
# 'xpath1:'
def xpath1_filter(xpath_filter, html_content, append_pretty_line_formatting=False, is_rss=False):
from lxml import etree, html
parser = None
if is_rss:
# So that we can keep CDATA for cdata_in_document_to_text() to process
parser = etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False)
tree = html.fromstring(bytes(html_content, encoding='utf-8'), parser=parser)
html_block = ""
r = tree.xpath(xpath_filter.strip(), namespaces={'re': ''})
#@note: //title/text() wont work where CDATA..
for element in r:
# When there's more than 1 match, then add the suffix to separate each line
# And where the matched result doesn't include something that will cause Inscriptis to add a newline
# (This way each 'match' reliably has a new-line in the diff)
# Divs are converted to 4 whitespaces by inscriptis
if append_pretty_line_formatting and len(html_block) and (not hasattr(element, 'tag') or not element.tag in (['br', 'hr', 'div', 'p'])):
# Some kind of text, UTF-8 or other
if isinstance(element, (str, bytes)):
html_block += element
# Return the HTML which will get parsed as text
html_block += etree.tostring(element, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')
return html_block
# Extract/find element
def extract_element(find='title', html_content=''):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#Re #106, be sure to handle when its not found
element_text = None
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')
result = soup.find(find)
if result and result.string:
element_text = result.string.strip()
return element_text
def _parse_json(json_data, json_filter):
from jsonpath_ng.ext import parse
if json_filter.startswith("json:"):
jsonpath_expression = parse(json_filter.replace('json:', ''))
match = jsonpath_expression.find(json_data)
return _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match)
if json_filter.startswith("jq:") or json_filter.startswith("jqraw:"):
import jq
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# `jq` requires full compilation in windows and so isn't generally available
raise Exception("jq not support not found")
if json_filter.startswith("jq:"):
jq_expression = jq.compile(json_filter.removeprefix("jq:"))
match = jq_expression.input(json_data).all()
return _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match)
if json_filter.startswith("jqraw:"):
jq_expression = jq.compile(json_filter.removeprefix("jqraw:"))
match = jq_expression.input(json_data).all()
return '\n'.join(str(item) for item in match)
def _get_stripped_text_from_json_match(match):
s = []
# More than one result, we will return it as a JSON list.
if len(match) > 1:
for i in match:
s.append(i.value if hasattr(i, 'value') else i)
# Single value, use just the value, as it could be later used in a token in notifications.
if len(match) == 1:
s = match[0].value if hasattr(match[0], 'value') else match[0]
# Re #257 - Better handling where it does not exist, in the case the original 's' value was False..
if not match:
# Re 265 - Just return an empty string when filter not found
return ''
# Ticket #462 - allow the original encoding through, usually it's UTF-8 or similar
stripped_text_from_html = json.dumps(s, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
return stripped_text_from_html
# content - json
# json_filter - ie json:$..price
# ensure_is_ldjson_info_type - str "product", optional, "@type == product" (I dont know how to do that as a json selector)
def extract_json_as_string(content, json_filter, ensure_is_ldjson_info_type=None):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
stripped_text_from_html = False
# Try to parse/filter out the JSON, if we get some parser error, then maybe it's embedded within HTML tags
stripped_text_from_html = _parse_json(json.loads(content), json_filter)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# Foreach blob.. just return the first that matches json_filter
# As a last resort, try to parse the whole
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
if ensure_is_ldjson_info_type:
bs_result = soup.findAll('script', {"type": "application/ld+json"})
bs_result = soup.findAll('script')
bs_result += soup.findAll('body')
bs_jsons = []
for result in bs_result:
# Skip empty tags, and things that dont even look like JSON
if not result.text or '{' not in result.text:
json_data = json.loads(result.text)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# Skip objects which cannot be parsed
if not bs_jsons:
raise JSONNotFound("No parsable JSON found in this document")
for json_data in bs_jsons:
stripped_text_from_html = _parse_json(json_data, json_filter)
if ensure_is_ldjson_info_type:
# Could sometimes be list, string or something else random
if isinstance(json_data, dict):
# If it has LD JSON 'key' @type, and @type is 'product', and something was found for the search
# (Some sites have multiple of the same ld+json @type='product', but some have the review part, some have the 'price' part)
# @type could also be a list although non-standard ("@type": ["Product", "SubType"],)
# LD_JSON auto-extract also requires some content PLUS the ldjson to be present
# 1833 - could be either str or dict, should not be anything else
t = json_data.get('@type')
if t and stripped_text_from_html:
if isinstance(t, str) and t.lower() == ensure_is_ldjson_info_type.lower():
# The non-standard part, some have a list
elif isinstance(t, list):
if ensure_is_ldjson_info_type.lower() in [x.lower().strip() for x in t]:
elif stripped_text_from_html:
if not stripped_text_from_html:
# Re 265 - Just return an empty string when filter not found
return ''
return stripped_text_from_html
# Mode - "content" return the content without the matches (default)
# - "line numbers" return a list of line numbers that match (int list)
# wordlist - list of regex's (str) or words (str)
def strip_ignore_text(content, wordlist, mode="content"):
i = 0
output = []
ignore_text = []
ignore_regex = []
ignored_line_numbers = []
for k in wordlist:
# Is it a regex?
res =, k, re.IGNORECASE)
if res:
for line in content.splitlines():
i += 1
# Always ignore blank lines in this mode. (when this function gets called)
got_match = False
if len(line.strip()):
for l in ignore_text:
if l.lower() in line.lower():
got_match = True
if not got_match:
for r in ignore_regex:
got_match = True
if not got_match:
# Not ignored
# Used for finding out what to highlight
if mode == "line numbers":
return ignored_line_numbers
return "\n".encode('utf8').join(output)
def cdata_in_document_to_text(html_content: str, render_anchor_tag_content=False) -> str:
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as xml_escape
pattern = ')\s*)*)\]\]>'
def repl(m):
text =
return xml_escape(html_to_text(html_content=text)).strip()
return re.sub(pattern, repl, html_content)
def html_to_text(html_content: str, render_anchor_tag_content=False, is_rss=False) -> str:
from inscriptis import get_text
from inscriptis.model.config import ParserConfig
"""Converts html string to a string with just the text. If ignoring
rendering anchor tag content is enable, anchor tag content are also
included in the text
:param html_content: string with html content
:param render_anchor_tag_content: boolean flag indicating whether to extract
hyperlinks (the anchor tag content) together with text. This refers to the
'href' inside 'a' tags.
Anchor tag content is rendered in the following manner:
'[ text ](anchor tag content)'
:return: extracted text from the HTML
# if anchor tag content flag is set to True define a config for
# extracting this content
if render_anchor_tag_content:
parser_config = ParserConfig(
annotation_rules={"a": ["hyperlink"]},
# otherwise set config to None/default
parser_config = None
# RSS Mode - Inscriptis will treat `title` as something else.
# Make it as a regular block display element (//item/title)
# This is a bit of a hack - the real way it to use XSLT to convert it to HTML #1874
if is_rss:
html_content = re.sub(r'])', r'', r'
', html_content)
text_content = get_text(html_content, config=parser_config)
return text_content
# Does LD+JSON exist with a @type=='product' and a .price set anywhere?
def has_ldjson_product_info(content):
lc = content.lower()
if 'application/ld+json' in lc and lc.count('"price"') == 1 and '"pricecurrency"' in lc:
return True
# On some pages this is really terribly expensive when they dont really need it
# (For example you never want price monitoring, but this runs on every watch to suggest it)
# pricing_data += extract_json_as_string(content=content,
# json_filter=filter,
# ensure_is_ldjson_info_type="product")
except Exception as e:
# OK too
return False
return False
def workarounds_for_obfuscations(content):
Some sites are using sneaky tactics to make prices and other information un-renderable by Inscriptis
This could go into its own Pip package in the future, for faster updates
# style $90.74
if not content:
return content
content = re.sub('', '', content)
return content
def get_triggered_text(content, trigger_text):
triggered_text = []
result = strip_ignore_text(content=content,
mode="line numbers")
i = 1
for p in content.splitlines():
if i in result:
i += 1
return triggered_text