import os
import apprise

def process_notification(n_object, datastore):
    apobj = apprise.Apprise()
    for url in n_object['notification_urls']:
        print (">> Process Notification: AppRise notifying {}".format(url.strip()))

    # Get the notification body from datastore
    n_body =['settings']['application']['notification_body']
    # Get the notification title from the datastore
    n_title =['settings']['application']['notification_title']

    # Insert variables into the notification content
    notification_parameters = create_notification_parameters(n_object)
    raw_notification_text = [n_body, n_title]

    parameterised_notification_text = dict(
            (i, n.replace(n, n.format(**notification_parameters)))
            for i, n in zip(['body', 'title'], raw_notification_text)


# Notification title + body content parameters get created here.
def create_notification_parameters(n_object):

    # in the case we send a test notification from the main settings, there is no UUID.
    uuid = n_object['uuid'] if 'uuid' in n_object else ''

    # Create URLs to customise the notification with
    base_url = os.getenv('BASE_URL', '').strip('"')
    watch_url = n_object['watch_url']

    # Re #148 - Some people have just {base_url} in the body or title, but this may break some notification services
    #           like 'Join', so it's always best to atleast set something obvious so that they are not broken.
    if base_url == '':
        base_url = "<base-url-env-var-not-set>"

    diff_url = "{}/diff/{}".format(base_url, uuid)
    preview_url = "{}/preview/{}".format(base_url, uuid)

    return {
        'base_url': base_url,
        'watch_url': watch_url,
        'diff_url': diff_url,
        'preview_url': preview_url,
        'current_snapshot': n_object['current_snapshot'] if 'current_snapshot' in n_object else ''