import os import time from loguru import logger from changedetectionio.content_fetchers.base import Fetcher class fetcher(Fetcher): if os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_URL"): fetcher_description = "WebDriver Chrome/Javascript via '{}'".format(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_URL")) else: fetcher_description = "WebDriver Chrome/Javascript" # Configs for Proxy setup # In the ENV vars, is prefixed with "webdriver_", so it is for example "webdriver_sslProxy" selenium_proxy_settings_mappings = ['proxyType', 'ftpProxy', 'httpProxy', 'noProxy', 'proxyAutoconfigUrl', 'sslProxy', 'autodetect', 'socksProxy', 'socksVersion', 'socksUsername', 'socksPassword'] proxy = None def __init__(self, proxy_override=None, custom_browser_connection_url=None): super().__init__() from selenium.webdriver.common.proxy import Proxy as SeleniumProxy # .strip('"') is going to save someone a lot of time when they accidently wrap the env value if not custom_browser_connection_url: self.browser_connection_url = os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_URL", 'http://browser-chrome:4444/wd/hub').strip('"') else: self.browser_connection_is_custom = True self.browser_connection_url = custom_browser_connection_url # If any proxy settings are enabled, then we should setup the proxy object proxy_args = {} for k in self.selenium_proxy_settings_mappings: v = os.getenv('webdriver_' + k, False) if v: proxy_args[k] = v.strip('"') # Map back standard HTTP_ and HTTPS_PROXY to webDriver httpProxy/sslProxy if not proxy_args.get('webdriver_httpProxy') and self.system_http_proxy: proxy_args['httpProxy'] = self.system_http_proxy if not proxy_args.get('webdriver_sslProxy') and self.system_https_proxy: proxy_args['httpsProxy'] = self.system_https_proxy # Allows override the proxy on a per-request basis if proxy_override is not None: proxy_args['httpProxy'] = proxy_override if proxy_args: self.proxy = SeleniumProxy(raw=proxy_args) def run(self, url, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes=False, current_include_filters=None, is_binary=False): from selenium import webdriver from import Options as ChromeOptions from selenium.common.exceptions import WebDriverException # request_body, request_method unused for now, until some magic in the future happens. options = ChromeOptions() if self.proxy: options.proxy = self.proxy self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=self.browser_connection_url, options=options) try: self.driver.get(url) except WebDriverException as e: # Be sure we close the session window self.quit() raise self.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) self.driver.implicitly_wait(int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5))) if self.webdriver_js_execute_code is not None: self.driver.execute_script(self.webdriver_js_execute_code) # Selenium doesn't automatically wait for actions as good as Playwright, so wait again self.driver.implicitly_wait(int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5))) # @todo - how to check this? is it possible? self.status_code = 200 # @todo somehow we should try to get this working for WebDriver # raise EmptyReply(url=url, status_code=r.status_code) # @todo - dom wait loaded? time.sleep(int(os.getenv("WEBDRIVER_DELAY_BEFORE_CONTENT_READY", 5)) + self.render_extract_delay) self.content = self.driver.page_source self.headers = {} self.screenshot = self.driver.get_screenshot_as_png() # Does the connection to the webdriver work? run a test connection. def is_ready(self): from selenium import webdriver from import Options as ChromeOptions self.driver = webdriver.Remote( command_executor=self.command_executor, options=ChromeOptions()) # driver.quit() seems to cause better exceptions self.quit() return True def quit(self): if self.driver: try: self.driver.quit() except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Content Fetcher > Exception in chrome shutdown/quit {str(e)}")