{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} {% from '_helpers.jinja' import render_field, render_checkbox_field, render_button %} {% from '_common_fields.jinja' import render_common_settings_form %}
{{ '{{ base_url }}' }}
Use the Basic method (default) where your watched sites don't need Javascript to render.
The Chrome/Javascript method requires a network connection to a running WebDriver+Chrome server, set by the ENV var 'WEBDRIVER_URL'.
(link text)[https://somesite.com]
Drive your changedetection.io via API, More about API access here
Use BrightData (Click on "Proxy" > "Web Unlocker") or other proxy providers that offer CAPTCHA solving and other proxy services.
You can add custom proxies via proxies.json configuration file, or directly here.
Please use our referrer link for BrightData https://brightdata.grsm.io/n0r16zf7eivq