{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %} {% from '_helpers.jinja' import render_field %}
{{ render_field(form.url, placeholder="https://...", required=true, class="m-d") }}
{{ render_field(form.title, class="m-d") }}
{{ render_field(form.tag) }}
{{ render_field(form.minutes_between_check) }} {% if using_default_minutes %} Currently using the default global settings, change to another value if you want to be specific. {% else %} Set to blank to use the default global settings. {% endif %}
{{ render_field(form.headers, rows=5, placeholder="Example Cookie: foobar User-Agent: wonderbra 1.0") }} Note: ONLY used by Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client
{{ render_field(form.notification_urls, rows=5, placeholder="Examples: Gitter - gitter://token/room Office365 - o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret/TargetEmail AWS SNS - sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/+PhoneNo SMTPS - mailtos://user:pass@mail.domain.com?to=receivingAddress@example.com ") }} Use AppRise URLs for notification to just about any service! Note: This overrides any global settings notification URLs
{{ render_field(form.trigger_check, rows=5) }}
{{ render_field(form.fetch_backend) }}

Use the Basic method (default) where your watched sites don't need Javascript to render.

The Chrome/Javascript method requires a network connection to a running WebDriver+Chrome server.

{{ render_field(form.css_filter, placeholder=".class-name or #some-id, or other CSS selector rule.", class="m-d") }}
  • CSS - Limit text to this CSS rule, only text matching this CSS rule is included.
  • JSON - Limit text to this JSON rule, using JSONPath, prefix with "json:", test your JSONPath here
Please be sure that you thoroughly understand how to write CSS or JSONPath selector rules before filing an issue on GitHub! here for more CSS selector help.
{{ render_field(form.ignore_text, rows=5, placeholder="Some text to ignore in a line /some.regex\d{2}/ for case-INsensitive regex ") }} Each line processed separately, any line matching will be ignored.
Regular Expression support, wrap the line in forward slash /regex/.
{% endblock %}