#!/bin/bash # live_server will throw errors even with live_server_scope=function if I have the live_server setup in different functions # and I like to restart the server for each test (and have the test cleanup after each test) # merge request welcome :) # exit when any command fails set -e find tests/test_*py -type f|while read test_name do echo "TEST RUNNING $test_name" pytest $test_name done echo "RUNNING WITH BASE_URL SET" # Now re-run some tests with BASE_URL enabled # Re #65 - Ability to include a link back to the installation, in the notification. export BASE_URL="https://really-unique-domain.io" pytest tests/test_notification.py # Now for the selenium and playwright/browserless fetchers # Note - this is not UI functional tests docker run -d --name test_selenium --restart unless-stopped -p 4444:4444 --shm-size="2g" selenium/standalone-chrome-debug:3.141.59 echo "TESTING SELENIUM/WEBDRIVER..." export WEBDRIVER_URL=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub pytest tests/fetchers/test_content.py unset WEBDRIVER_URL docker kill test_selenium docker run -d -e "DEFAULT_LAUNCH_ARGS=[\"--window-size=1920,1080\"]" -p 3000:3000 --shm-size="2g" --name test_browserless browserless/chrome echo "TESTING PLAYWRIGHT/BROWSERLESS..." export PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws:// pytest tests/fetchers/test_content.py unset PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL docker kill test_browserless