#!/usr/bin/python3 # @todo logging # @todo extra options for url like , verify=False etc. # @todo enable https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide.html#ssl as option? # @todo option for interval day/6 hour/etc # @todo on change detected, config for calling some API # @todo make tables responsive! # @todo fetch title into json # https://distill.io/features # proxy per check # - flask_cors, itsdangerous,MarkupSafe import time import os import timeago import threading from threading import Event import queue from flask import Flask, render_template, request, send_file, send_from_directory, abort, redirect, url_for from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator from flask import make_response import datetime import pytz datastore = None # Local running_update_threads = [] ticker_thread = None messages = [] extra_stylesheets = [] update_q = queue.Queue() app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="/var/www/change-detection/backen/static") # Stop browser caching of assets app.config['SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT'] = 0 app.config.exit = Event() app.config['NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE'] = False # Disables caching of the templates app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True # We use the whole watch object from the store/JSON so we can see if there's some related status in terms of a thread # running or something similar. @app.template_filter('format_last_checked_time') def _jinja2_filter_datetime(watch_obj, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): # Worker thread tells us which UUID it is currently processing. for t in running_update_threads: if t.current_uuid == watch_obj['uuid']: return "Checking now.." if watch_obj['last_checked'] == 0: return 'Not yet' return timeago.format(int(watch_obj['last_checked']), time.time()) # @app.context_processor # def timeago(): # def _timeago(lower_time, now): # return timeago.format(lower_time, now) # return dict(timeago=_timeago) @app.template_filter('format_timestamp_timeago') def _jinja2_filter_datetimestamp(timestamp, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): return timeago.format(timestamp, time.time()) # return timeago.format(timestamp, time.time()) # return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime(format) def changedetection_app(config=None, datastore_o=None): global datastore datastore = datastore_o app.config.update(dict(DEBUG=True)) app.config.update(config or {}) # Setup cors headers to allow all domains # https://flask-cors.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ # CORS(app) # https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/93dd1709d05a1cf0e886df6223377bdab3b077fb/examples/tutorial/flaskr/__init__.py#L39 # You can divide up the stuff like this @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def index(): global messages limit_tag = request.args.get('tag') # Sort by last_changed and add the uuid which is usually the key.. sorted_watches = [] for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if limit_tag != None: # Support for comma separated list of tags. for tag_in_watch in watch['tag'].split(','): tag_in_watch = tag_in_watch.strip() if tag_in_watch == limit_tag: watch['uuid'] = uuid sorted_watches.append(watch) else: watch['uuid'] = uuid sorted_watches.append(watch) sorted_watches.sort(key=lambda x: x['last_changed'], reverse=True) existing_tags = datastore.get_all_tags() rss = request.args.get('rss') if rss: fg = FeedGenerator() fg.title('changedetection.io') fg.description('Feed description') fg.link(href='https://changedetection.io') for watch in sorted_watches: if not watch['viewed']: fe = fg.add_entry() fe.title(watch['url']) fe.link(href=watch['url']) fe.description(watch['url']) fe.guid(watch['uuid'], permalink=False) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(watch['newest_history_key'])) dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) fe.pubDate(dt) response = make_response(fg.rss_str()) response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml') return response else: output = render_template("watch-overview.html", watches=sorted_watches, messages=messages, tags=existing_tags, active_tag=limit_tag, has_unviewed=datastore.data['has_unviewed']) # Show messages but once. messages = [] return output @app.route("/scrub", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def scrub_page(): from pathlib import Path global messages if request.method == 'POST': confirmtext = request.form.get('confirmtext') if confirmtext == 'scrub': for txt_file_path in Path(app.config['datastore_path']).rglob('*.txt'): os.unlink(txt_file_path) for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): watch['last_checked'] = 0 watch['last_changed'] = 0 watch['previous_md5'] = None watch['history'] = {} datastore.needs_write = True messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': 'Cleaned all version history.'}) else: messages.append({'class': 'error', 'message': 'Wrong confirm text.'}) return redirect(url_for('index')) return render_template("scrub.html") # If they edited an existing watch, we need to know to reset the current/previous md5 to include # the excluded text. def get_current_checksum_include_ignore_text(uuid): import hashlib from backend import fetch_site_status # Get the most recent one newest_history_key = datastore.get_val(uuid, 'newest_history_key') # 0 means that theres only one, so that there should be no 'unviewed' history availabe if newest_history_key == 0: newest_history_key = list(datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['history'].keys())[0] if newest_history_key: with open(datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['history'][newest_history_key], encoding='utf-8') as file: raw_content = file.read() handler = fetch_site_status.perform_site_check(datastore=datastore) stripped_content = handler.strip_ignore_text(raw_content, datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['ignore_text']) checksum = hashlib.md5(stripped_content).hexdigest() return checksum return datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['previous_md5'] @app.route("/edit/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def edit_page(uuid): global messages import validators # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if uuid == 'first': uuid = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() if request.method == 'POST': url = request.form.get('url').strip() tag = request.form.get('tag').strip() # Extra headers form_headers = request.form.get('headers').strip().split("\n") extra_headers = {} if form_headers: for header in form_headers: if len(header): parts = header.split(':', 1) if len(parts) == 2: extra_headers.update({parts[0].strip(): parts[1].strip()}) update_obj = {'url': url, 'tag': tag, 'headers': extra_headers } # Ignore text form_ignore_text = request.form.get('ignore-text').strip() ignore_text = [] if len(form_ignore_text): for text in form_ignore_text.split("\n"): text = text.strip() if len(text): ignore_text.append(text) datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['ignore_text'] = ignore_text # Reset the previous_md5 so we process a new snapshot including stripping ignore text. if len( datastore.data['watching'][uuid]['history']): update_obj['previous_md5'] = get_current_checksum_include_ignore_text(uuid=uuid) validators.url(url) # @todo switch to prop/attr/observer datastore.data['watching'][uuid].update(update_obj) datastore.needs_write = True messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': 'Updated watch.'}) return redirect(url_for('index')) else: output = render_template("edit.html", uuid=uuid, watch=datastore.data['watching'][uuid], messages=messages) return output @app.route("/settings", methods=['GET', "POST"]) def settings_page(): global messages if request.method == 'POST': try: minutes = int(request.values.get('minutes').strip()) except ValueError: messages.append({'class': 'error', 'message': "Invalid value given, use an integer."}) else: if minutes >= 5: datastore.data['settings']['requests']['minutes_between_check'] = minutes datastore.needs_write = True messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': "Updated"}) else: messages.append( {'class': 'error', 'message': "Must be atleast 5 minutes."}) output = render_template("settings.html", messages=messages, minutes=datastore.data['settings']['requests']['minutes_between_check']) messages = [] return output @app.route("/import", methods=['GET', "POST"]) def import_page(): import validators global messages remaining_urls = [] good = 0 if request.method == 'POST': urls = request.values.get('urls').split("\n") for url in urls: url = url.strip() if len(url) and validators.url(url): new_uuid = datastore.add_watch(url=url.strip(), tag="") # Straight into the queue. update_q.put(new_uuid) good += 1 else: if len(url): remaining_urls.append(url) messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': "{} Imported, {} Skipped.".format(good, len(remaining_urls))}) if len(remaining_urls) == 0: return redirect(url_for('index')) #@todo repair else: output = render_template("import.html", messages=messages, remaining="\n".join(remaining_urls) ) messages = [] return output # Clear all statuses, so we do not see the 'unviewed' class @app.route("/api/mark-all-viewed", methods=['GET']) def mark_all_viewed(): # Save the current newest history as the most recently viewed for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): datastore.set_last_viewed(watch_uuid, watch['newest_history_key']) messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': "Cleared all statuses."}) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/diff/", methods=['GET']) def diff_history_page(uuid): global messages # More for testing, possible to return the first/only if uuid == 'first': uuid= list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()).pop() extra_stylesheets = ['/static/css/diff.css'] try: watch = datastore.data['watching'][uuid] except KeyError: messages.append({'class': 'error', 'message': "No history found for the specified link, bad link?"}) return redirect(url_for('index')) dates = list(watch['history'].keys()) # Convert to int, sort and back to str again dates = [int(i) for i in dates] dates.sort(reverse=True) dates = [str(i) for i in dates] if len(dates) < 2: messages.append({'class': 'error', 'message': "Not enough saved change detection snapshots to produce a report."}) return redirect(url_for('index')) # Save the current newest history as the most recently viewed datastore.set_last_viewed(uuid, dates[0]) newest_file = watch['history'][dates[0]] with open(newest_file, 'r') as f: newest_version_file_contents = f.read() previous_version = request.args.get('previous_version') try: previous_file = watch['history'][previous_version] except KeyError: # Not present, use a default value, the second one in the sorted list. previous_file = watch['history'][dates[1]] with open(previous_file, 'r') as f: previous_version_file_contents = f.read() output = render_template("diff.html", watch_a=watch, messages=messages, newest=newest_version_file_contents, previous=previous_version_file_contents, extra_stylesheets=extra_stylesheets, versions=dates[1:], newest_version_timestamp=dates[0], current_previous_version=str(previous_version), current_diff_url=watch['url']) return output @app.route("/favicon.ico", methods=['GET']) def favicon(): return send_from_directory("/app/static/images", filename="favicon.ico") # We're good but backups are even better! @app.route("/backup", methods=['GET']) def get_backup(): import zipfile from pathlib import Path # create a ZipFile object backupname = "changedetection-backup-{}.zip".format(int(time.time())) # We only care about UUIDS from the current index file uuids = list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()) with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(app.config['datastore_path'], backupname), 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, compresslevel=6) as zipObj: # Be sure we're written fresh datastore.sync_to_json() # Add the index zipObj.write(os.path.join(app.config['datastore_path'], "url-watches.json")) # Add any snapshot data we find for txt_file_path in Path(app.config['datastore_path']).rglob('*.txt'): parent_p = txt_file_path.parent if parent_p.name in uuids: zipObj.write(txt_file_path) return send_file(os.path.join(app.config['datastore_path'], backupname), as_attachment=True, mimetype="application/zip", attachment_filename=backupname) @app.route("/static//", methods=['GET']) def static_content(group, filename): # These files should be in our subdirectory full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) p = os.path.dirname(full_path) try: return send_from_directory("{}/static/{}".format(p, group), filename=filename) except FileNotFoundError: abort(404) @app.route("/api/add", methods=['POST']) def api_watch_add(): global messages # @todo add_watch should throw a custom Exception for validation etc new_uuid = datastore.add_watch(url=request.form.get('url').strip(), tag=request.form.get('tag').strip()) # Straight into the queue. update_q.put(new_uuid) messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': 'Watch added.'}) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/api/delete", methods=['GET']) def api_delete(): global messages uuid = request.args.get('uuid') datastore.delete(uuid) messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': 'Deleted.'}) return redirect(url_for('index')) @app.route("/api/checknow", methods=['GET']) def api_watch_checknow(): global messages tag = request.args.get('tag') uuid = request.args.get('uuid') i = 0 running_uuids = [] for t in running_update_threads: running_uuids.append(t.current_uuid) # @todo check thread is running and skip if uuid: if uuid not in running_uuids: update_q.put(uuid) i = 1 elif tag != None: # Items that have this current tag for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if (tag != None and tag in watch['tag']): i += 1 if watch_uuid not in running_uuids: update_q.put(watch_uuid) else: # No tag, no uuid, add everything. for watch_uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): i += 1 if watch_uuid not in running_uuids: update_q.put(watch_uuid) messages.append({'class': 'ok', 'message': "{} watches are rechecking.".format(i)}) return redirect(url_for('index', tag=tag)) # @todo handle ctrl break ticker_thread = threading.Thread(target=ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks).start() # Check for new release version threading.Thread(target=check_for_new_version).start() return app # Check for new version and anonymous stats def check_for_new_version(): import requests app.config['NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE'] = True import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) while not app.config.exit.is_set(): r = requests.post("https://changedetection.io/check-ver.php", data={'version': datastore.data['version_tag'], 'app_guid': datastore.data['app_guid']}, verify=False) app.config.exit.wait(10) # Requests for checking on the site use a pool of thread Workers managed by a Queue. class Worker(threading.Thread): current_uuid = None def __init__(self, q, *args, **kwargs): self.q = q super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def run(self): from backend import fetch_site_status update_handler = fetch_site_status.perform_site_check(datastore=datastore) while not app.config.exit.is_set(): try: uuid = self.q.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: pass else: self.current_uuid = uuid if uuid in list(datastore.data['watching'].keys()): try: changed_detected, result, contents = update_handler.run(uuid) except PermissionError as s: app.logger.error("File permission error updating", uuid, str(s)) else: if result: datastore.update_watch(uuid=uuid, update_obj=result) if changed_detected: # A change was detected datastore.save_history_text(uuid=uuid, contents=contents, result_obj=result) self.current_uuid = None # Done self.q.task_done() app.config.exit.wait(1) # Thread runner to check every minute, look for new watches to feed into the Queue. def ticker_thread_check_time_launch_checks(): # Spin up Workers. for _ in range(datastore.data['settings']['requests']['workers']): new_worker = Worker(update_q) running_update_threads.append(new_worker) new_worker.start() # Every minute check for new UUIDs to follow up on minutes = datastore.data['settings']['requests']['minutes_between_check'] while not app.config.exit.is_set(): running_uuids = [] for t in running_update_threads: running_uuids.append(t.current_uuid) # Look at the dataset, find a stale watch to process threshold = time.time() - (minutes * 60) for uuid, watch in datastore.data['watching'].items(): if watch['last_checked'] <= threshold: if not uuid in running_uuids and uuid not in update_q.queue: update_q.put(uuid) # Should be low so we can break this out in testing app.config.exit.wait(1)