from flask_expects_json import expects_json from changedetectionio import queuedWatchMetaData from flask_restful import abort, Resource from flask import request, make_response import validators from . import auth import copy # See docs/ for rebuilding the docs/apidoc information from . import api_schema # Build a JSON Schema atleast partially based on our Watch model from changedetectionio.model.Watch import base_config as watch_base_config schema = api_schema.build_watch_json_schema(watch_base_config) schema_create_watch = copy.deepcopy(schema) schema_create_watch['required'] = ['url'] schema_update_watch = copy.deepcopy(schema) schema_update_watch['additionalProperties'] = False class Watch(Resource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # datastore is a black box dependency self.datastore = kwargs['datastore'] self.update_q = kwargs['update_q'] # Get information about a single watch, excluding the history list (can be large) # curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/ # @todo - version2 - ?muted and ?paused should be able to be called together, return the watch struct not "OK" # ?recheck=true @auth.check_token def get(self, uuid): """ @api {get} /api/v1/watch/:uuid Single watch - get data, recheck, pause, mute. @apiDescription Retrieve watch information and set muted/paused status @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091 -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" curl "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091?muted=unmuted" -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" curl "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091?paused=unpaused" -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" @apiName Watch @apiGroup Watch @apiParam {uuid} uuid Watch unique ID. @apiQuery {Boolean} [recheck] Recheck this watch `recheck=1` @apiQuery {String} [paused] =`paused` or =`unpaused` , Sets the PAUSED state @apiQuery {String} [muted] =`muted` or =`unmuted` , Sets the MUTE NOTIFICATIONS state @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK When paused/muted/recheck operation OR full JSON object of the watch @apiSuccess (200) {JSON} WatchJSON JSON Full JSON object of the watch """ from copy import deepcopy watch = deepcopy(['watching'].get(uuid)) if not watch: abort(404, message='No watch exists with the UUID of {}'.format(uuid)) if request.args.get('recheck'): self.update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) return "OK", 200 if request.args.get('paused', '') == 'paused':['watching'].get(uuid).pause() return "OK", 200 elif request.args.get('paused', '') == 'unpaused':['watching'].get(uuid).unpause() return "OK", 200 if request.args.get('muted', '') == 'muted':['watching'].get(uuid).mute() return "OK", 200 elif request.args.get('muted', '') == 'unmuted':['watching'].get(uuid).unmute() return "OK", 200 # Return without history, get that via another API call # Properties are not returned as a JSON, so add the required props manually watch['history_n'] = watch.history_n watch['last_changed'] = watch.last_changed return watch @auth.check_token def delete(self, uuid): """ @api {delete} /api/v1/watch/:uuid Delete a watch and related history @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091 -X DELETE -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" @apiParam {uuid} uuid Watch unique ID. @apiName Delete @apiGroup Watch @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK Was deleted """ if not['watching'].get(uuid): abort(400, message='No watch exists with the UUID of {}'.format(uuid)) self.datastore.delete(uuid) return 'OK', 204 @auth.check_token @expects_json(schema_update_watch) def put(self, uuid): """ @api {put} /api/v1/watch/:uuid Update watch information @apiExample {curl} Example usage: Update (PUT) curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091 -X PUT -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "" , "tag": "new list"}' @apiDescription Updates an existing watch using JSON, accepts the same structure as returned in get single watch information @apiParam {uuid} uuid Watch unique ID. @apiName Update a watch @apiGroup Watch @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK Was updated @apiSuccess (500) {String} ERR Some other error """ watch =['watching'].get(uuid) if not watch: abort(404, message='No watch exists with the UUID of {}'.format(uuid)) if request.json.get('proxy'): plist = self.datastore.proxy_list if not request.json.get('proxy') in plist: return "Invalid proxy choice, currently supported proxies are '{}'".format(', '.join(plist)), 400 watch.update(request.json) return "OK", 200 class WatchHistory(Resource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # datastore is a black box dependency self.datastore = kwargs['datastore'] # Get a list of available history for a watch by UUID # curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch//history def get(self, uuid): """ @api {get} /api/v1/watch//history Get a list of all historical snapshots available for a watch @apiDescription Requires `uuid`, returns list @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091/history -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" -H "Content-Type: application/json" { "1676649279": "/tmp/data/6a4b7d5c-fee4-4616-9f43-4ac97046b595/cb7e9be8258368262246910e6a2a4c30.txt", "1677092785": "/tmp/data/6a4b7d5c-fee4-4616-9f43-4ac97046b595/e20db368d6fc633e34f559ff67bb4044.txt", "1677103794": "/tmp/data/6a4b7d5c-fee4-4616-9f43-4ac97046b595/02efdd37dacdae96554a8cc85dc9c945.txt" } @apiName Get list of available stored snapshots for watch @apiGroup Watch History @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK @apiSuccess (404) {String} ERR Not found """ watch =['watching'].get(uuid) if not watch: abort(404, message='No watch exists with the UUID of {}'.format(uuid)) return watch.history, 200 class WatchSingleHistory(Resource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # datastore is a black box dependency self.datastore = kwargs['datastore'] @auth.check_token def get(self, uuid, timestamp): """ @api {get} /api/v1/watch//history/ Get single snapshot from watch @apiDescription Requires watch `uuid` and `timestamp`. `timestamp` of "`latest`" for latest available snapshot, or use the list returned here @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch/cc0cfffa-f449-477b-83ea-0caafd1dc091/history/1677092977 -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" -H "Content-Type: application/json" @apiName Get single snapshot content @apiGroup Watch History @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK @apiSuccess (404) {String} ERR Not found """ watch =['watching'].get(uuid) if not watch: abort(404, message='No watch exists with the UUID of {}'.format(uuid)) if not len(watch.history): abort(404, message='Watch found but no history exists for the UUID {}'.format(uuid)) if timestamp == 'latest': timestamp = list(watch.history.keys())[-1] content = watch.get_history_snapshot(timestamp) response = make_response(content, 200) response.mimetype = "text/plain" return response class CreateWatch(Resource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # datastore is a black box dependency self.datastore = kwargs['datastore'] self.update_q = kwargs['update_q'] @auth.check_token @expects_json(schema_create_watch) def post(self): """ @api {post} /api/v1/watch Create a single watch @apiDescription Requires atleast `url` set, can accept the same structure as get single watch information to create. @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "" , "tag": "nice list"}' @apiName Create @apiGroup Watch @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK Was created @apiSuccess (500) {String} ERR Some other error """ json_data = request.get_json() url = json_data['url'].strip() if not validators.url(json_data['url'].strip()): return "Invalid or unsupported URL", 400 if json_data.get('proxy'): plist = self.datastore.proxy_list if not json_data.get('proxy') in plist: return "Invalid proxy choice, currently supported proxies are '{}'".format(', '.join(plist)), 400 extras = copy.deepcopy(json_data) # Because we renamed 'tag' to 'tags' but don't want to change the API (can do this in v2 of the API) tags = None if extras.get('tag'): tags = extras.get('tag') del extras['tag'] del extras['url'] new_uuid = self.datastore.add_watch(url=url, extras=extras, tag=tags) if new_uuid: self.update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': new_uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) return {'uuid': new_uuid}, 201 else: return "Invalid or unsupported URL", 400 @auth.check_token def get(self): """ @api {get} /api/v1/watch List watches @apiDescription Return concise list of available watches and some very basic info @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/watch -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" { "6a4b7d5c-fee4-4616-9f43-4ac97046b595": { "last_changed": 1677103794, "last_checked": 1677103794, "last_error": false, "title": "", "url": "" }, "e6f5fd5c-dbfe-468b-b8f3-f9d6ff5ad69b": { "last_changed": 0, "last_checked": 1676662819, "last_error": false, "title": "QuickLook", "url": "" } } @apiParam {String} [recheck_all] Optional Set to =1 to force recheck of all watches @apiParam {String} [tag] Optional name of tag to limit results @apiName ListWatches @apiGroup Watch Management @apiSuccess (200) {String} OK JSON dict """ list = {} tag_limit = request.args.get('tag', '').lower() for uuid, watch in['watching'].items(): # Watch tags by name (replace the other calls?) tags = self.datastore.get_all_tags_for_watch(uuid=uuid) if tag_limit and not any(v.get('title').lower() == tag_limit for k, v in tags.items()): continue list[uuid] = {'url': watch['url'], 'title': watch['title'], 'last_checked': watch['last_checked'], 'last_changed': watch.last_changed, 'last_error': watch['last_error']} if request.args.get('recheck_all'): for uuid in['watching'].keys(): self.update_q.put(queuedWatchMetaData.PrioritizedItem(priority=1, item={'uuid': uuid, 'skip_when_checksum_same': True})) return {'status': "OK"}, 200 return list, 200 class SystemInfo(Resource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # datastore is a black box dependency self.datastore = kwargs['datastore'] self.update_q = kwargs['update_q'] @auth.check_token def get(self): """ @api {get} /api/v1/systeminfo Return system info @apiDescription Return some info about the current system state @apiExample {curl} Example usage: curl http://localhost:4000/api/v1/systeminfo -H"x-api-key:813031b16330fe25e3780cf0325daa45" HTTP/1.0 200 { 'queue_size': 10 , 'overdue_watches': ["watch-uuid-list"], 'uptime': 38344.55, 'watch_count': 800, 'version': "0.40.1" } @apiName Get Info @apiGroup System Information """ import time overdue_watches = [] # Check all watches and report which have not been checked but should have been for uuid, watch in'watching', {}).items(): # see if now - last_checked is greater than the time that should have been # this is not super accurate (maybe they just edited it) but better than nothing t = watch.threshold_seconds() if not t: # Use the system wide default t = self.datastore.threshold_seconds time_since_check = time.time() - watch.get('last_checked') # Allow 5 minutes of grace time before we decide it's overdue if time_since_check - (5 * 60) > t: overdue_watches.append(uuid) from changedetectionio import __version__ as main_version return { 'queue_size': self.update_q.qsize(), 'overdue_watches': overdue_watches, 'uptime': round(time.time() - self.datastore.start_time, 2), 'watch_count': len('watching', {})), 'version': main_version }, 200