#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from flask import url_for from changedetectionio.tests.util import live_server_setup, wait_for_all_checks def set_response(): import time data = f"""

Awesome, you made it

yeah the socks request worked """ with open("test-datastore/endpoint-content.txt", "w") as f: f.write(data) time.sleep(1) # should be proxies.json mounted from run_proxy_tests.sh already # -v `pwd`/tests/proxy_socks5/proxies.json-example:/app/changedetectionio/test-datastore/proxies.json def test_socks5_from_proxiesjson_file(client, live_server, measure_memory_usage): live_server_setup(live_server) set_response() # Because the socks server should connect back to us test_url = url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True) + f"?socks-test-tag={os.getenv('SOCKSTEST', '')}" test_url = test_url.replace('localhost.localdomain', 'cdio') test_url = test_url.replace('localhost', 'cdio') res = client.get(url_for("settings_page")) assert b'name="requests-proxy" type="radio" value="socks5proxy"' in res.data res = client.post( url_for("form_quick_watch_add"), data={"url": test_url, "tags": '', 'edit_and_watch_submit_button': 'Edit > Watch'}, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"Watch added in Paused state, saving will unpause" in res.data res = client.get( url_for("edit_page", uuid="first", unpause_on_save=1), ) # check the proxy is offered as expected assert b'name="proxy" type="radio" value="socks5proxy"' in res.data res = client.post( url_for("edit_page", uuid="first", unpause_on_save=1), data={ "include_filters": "", "fetch_backend": 'html_webdriver' if os.getenv('PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL') else 'html_requests', "headers": "", "proxy": "socks5proxy", "tags": "", "url": test_url, }, follow_redirects=True ) assert b"unpaused" in res.data wait_for_all_checks(client) res = client.get( url_for("preview_page", uuid="first"), follow_redirects=True ) # Should see the proper string assert "+0200:".encode('utf-8') in res.data