You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
421 lines
20 KiB
421 lines
20 KiB
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib3
from changedetectionio import content_fetcher, html_tools
from changedetectionio.blueprint.price_data_follower import PRICE_DATA_TRACK_ACCEPT, PRICE_DATA_TRACK_REJECT
from copy import deepcopy
from . import difference_detection_processor
name = 'Webpage Text/HTML, JSON and PDF changes'
description = 'Detects all text changes where possible'
class FilterNotFoundInResponse(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg):
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
class PDFToHTMLToolNotFound(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg):
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
# Some common stuff here that can be moved to a base class
# (set_proxy_from_list)
class perform_site_check(difference_detection_processor):
screenshot = None
xpath_data = None
def __init__(self, *args, datastore, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.datastore = datastore
# Doesn't look like python supports forward slash auto enclosure in re.findall
# So convert it to inline flag "foobar(?i)" type configuration
def forward_slash_enclosed_regex_to_options(self, regex):
res ='^/(.*?)/(\w+)$', regex, re.IGNORECASE)
if res:
regex =
regex += '(?{})'.format(
regex += '(?{})'.format('i')
return regex
def run(self, uuid, skip_when_checksum_same=True, preferred_proxy=None):
changed_detected = False
screenshot = False # as bytes
stripped_text_from_html = ""
# DeepCopy so we can be sure we don't accidently change anything by reference
watch = deepcopy(['watching'].get(uuid))
if not watch:
raise Exception("Watch no longer exists.")
# Protect against file:// access
if'^file', watch.get('url', ''), re.IGNORECASE) and not os.getenv('ALLOW_FILE_URI', False):
raise Exception(
"file:// type access is denied for security reasons."
# Unset any existing notification error
update_obj = {'last_notification_error': False, 'last_error': False}
# Tweak the base config with the per-watch ones
request_headers = watch.get('headers', [])
# Requests doesnt yet support brotli encoding, so don't put 'br' here, be totally sure that the user cannot
# do this by accident.
if 'Accept-Encoding' in request_headers and "br" in request_headers['Accept-Encoding']:
request_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = request_headers['Accept-Encoding'].replace(', br', '')
timeout =['settings']['requests'].get('timeout')
url =
request_body =['watching'][uuid].get('body')
request_method =['watching'][uuid].get('method')
ignore_status_codes =['watching'][uuid].get('ignore_status_codes', False)
# source: support
is_source = False
if url.startswith('source:'):
url = url.replace('source:', '')
is_source = True
# Pluggable content fetcher
prefer_backend = watch.get_fetch_backend
if not prefer_backend or prefer_backend == 'system':
prefer_backend =['settings']['application']['fetch_backend']
if hasattr(content_fetcher, prefer_backend):
klass = getattr(content_fetcher, prefer_backend)
# If the klass doesnt exist, just use a default
klass = getattr(content_fetcher, "html_requests")
if preferred_proxy:
proxy_id = preferred_proxy
proxy_id = self.datastore.get_preferred_proxy_for_watch(uuid=uuid)
proxy_url = None
if proxy_id:
proxy_url = self.datastore.proxy_list.get(proxy_id).get('url')
print("UUID {} Using proxy {}".format(uuid, proxy_url))
fetcher = klass(proxy_override=proxy_url)
# Configurable per-watch or global extra delay before extracting text (for webDriver types)
system_webdriver_delay =['settings']['application'].get('webdriver_delay', None)
if watch['webdriver_delay'] is not None:
fetcher.render_extract_delay = watch.get('webdriver_delay')
elif system_webdriver_delay is not None:
fetcher.render_extract_delay = system_webdriver_delay
# Possible conflict
if prefer_backend == 'html_webdriver':
fetcher.browser_steps = watch.get('browser_steps', None)
fetcher.browser_steps_screenshot_path = os.path.join(self.datastore.datastore_path, uuid)
if watch.get('webdriver_js_execute_code') is not None and watch.get('webdriver_js_execute_code').strip():
fetcher.webdriver_js_execute_code = watch.get('webdriver_js_execute_code')
# requests for PDF's, images etc should be passwd the is_binary flag
is_binary = watch.is_pdf
|, timeout, request_headers, request_body, request_method, ignore_status_codes, watch.get('include_filters'), is_binary=is_binary)
self.screenshot = fetcher.screenshot
self.xpath_data = fetcher.xpath_data
# Track the content type
update_obj['content_type'] = fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower()
# Watches added automatically in the queue manager will skip if its the same checksum as the previous run
# Saves a lot of CPU
update_obj['previous_md5_before_filters'] = hashlib.md5(fetcher.content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if skip_when_checksum_same:
if update_obj['previous_md5_before_filters'] == watch.get('previous_md5_before_filters'):
raise content_fetcher.checksumFromPreviousCheckWasTheSame()
# Fetching complete, now filters
# @todo move to class / maybe inside of fetcher abstract base?
# @note: I feel like the following should be in a more obvious chain system
# - Check filter text
# - Is the checksum different?
# - Do we convert to JSON?
# ?
# return content().textfilter().jsonextract().checksumcompare() ?
is_json = 'application/json' in fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower()
is_html = not is_json
# source: support, basically treat it as plaintext
if is_source:
is_html = False
is_json = False
if watch.is_pdf or 'application/pdf' in fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower():
from shutil import which
tool = os.getenv("PDF_TO_HTML_TOOL", "pdftohtml")
if not which(tool):
raise PDFToHTMLToolNotFound("Command-line `{}` tool was not found in system PATH, was it installed?".format(tool))
import subprocess
proc = subprocess.Popen(
[tool, '-stdout', '-', '-s', 'out.pdf', '-i'],
fetcher.content ='utf-8')
# Add a little metadata so we know if the file changes (like if an image changes, but the text is the same
# @todo may cause problems with non-UTF8?
metadata = "<p>Added by Document checksum - {} Filesize - {} bytes</p>".format(
fetcher.content = fetcher.content.replace('</body>', metadata + '</body>')
# Better would be if Watch.model could access the global data also
# and then use getattr
# instead of doing it procedurely
include_filters_from_tags = self.datastore.get_tag_overrides_for_watch(uuid=uuid, attr='include_filters')
include_filters_rule = [*watch.get('include_filters', []), *include_filters_from_tags]
subtractive_selectors = [*self.datastore.get_tag_overrides_for_watch(uuid=uuid, attr='subtractive_selectors'),
*watch.get("subtractive_selectors", []),
*["settings"]["application"].get("global_subtractive_selectors", [])
# Inject a virtual LD+JSON price tracker rule
if watch.get('track_ldjson_price_data', '') == PRICE_DATA_TRACK_ACCEPT:
has_filter_rule = len(include_filters_rule) and len(include_filters_rule[0].strip())
has_subtractive_selectors = len(subtractive_selectors) and len(subtractive_selectors[0].strip())
if is_json and not has_filter_rule:
has_filter_rule = True
if is_json:
# Sort the JSON so we dont get false alerts when the content is just re-ordered
fetcher.content = json.dumps(json.loads(fetcher.content), sort_keys=True)
except Exception as e:
# Might have just been a snippet, or otherwise bad JSON, continue
if has_filter_rule:
json_filter_prefixes = ['json:', 'jq:']
for filter in include_filters_rule:
if any(prefix in filter for prefix in json_filter_prefixes):
stripped_text_from_html += html_tools.extract_json_as_string(content=fetcher.content, json_filter=filter)
is_html = False
if is_html or is_source:
# CSS Filter, extract the HTML that matches and feed that into the existing inscriptis::get_text
fetcher.content = html_tools.workarounds_for_obfuscations(fetcher.content)
html_content = fetcher.content
# If not JSON, and if it's not text/plain..
if 'text/plain' in fetcher.get_all_headers().get('content-type', '').lower():
# Don't run get_text or xpath/css filters on plaintext
stripped_text_from_html = html_content
# Does it have some ld+json price data? used for easier monitoring
update_obj['has_ldjson_price_data'] = html_tools.has_ldjson_product_info(fetcher.content)
# Then we assume HTML
if has_filter_rule:
html_content = ""
for filter_rule in include_filters_rule:
# For HTML/XML we offer xpath as an option, just start a regular xPath "/.."
if filter_rule[0] == '/' or filter_rule.startswith('xpath:'):
html_content += html_tools.xpath_filter(xpath_filter=filter_rule.replace('xpath:', ''),
append_pretty_line_formatting=not is_source)
# CSS Filter, extract the HTML that matches and feed that into the existing inscriptis::get_text
html_content += html_tools.include_filters(include_filters=filter_rule,
append_pretty_line_formatting=not is_source)
if not html_content.strip():
raise FilterNotFoundInResponse(include_filters_rule)
if has_subtractive_selectors:
html_content = html_tools.element_removal(subtractive_selectors, html_content)
if is_source:
stripped_text_from_html = html_content
# extract text
do_anchor =["settings"]["application"].get("render_anchor_tag_content", False)
stripped_text_from_html = \
# Re #340 - return the content before the 'ignore text' was applied
text_content_before_ignored_filter = stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf-8')
# @todo whitespace coming from missing rtrim()?
# stripped_text_from_html could be based on their preferences, replace the processed text with only that which they want to know about.
# Rewrite's the processing text based on only what diff result they want to see
if watch.has_special_diff_filter_options_set() and len(watch.history.keys()):
# Now the content comes from the diff-parser and not the returned HTTP traffic, so could be some differences
from .. import diff
# needs to not include (added) etc or it may get used twice
# Replace the processed text with the preferred result
rendered_diff = diff.render_diff(previous_version_file_contents=watch.get_last_fetched_before_filters(),
include_equal=False, # not the same lines
include_added=watch.get('filter_text_added', True),
include_removed=watch.get('filter_text_removed', True),
include_replaced=watch.get('filter_text_replaced', True),
if not rendered_diff and stripped_text_from_html:
# We had some content, but no differences were found
# Store our new file as the MD5 so it will trigger in the future
c = hashlib.md5(text_content_before_ignored_filter.translate(None, b'\r\n\t ')).hexdigest()
return False, {'previous_md5': c}, stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf-8')
stripped_text_from_html = rendered_diff
# Treat pages with no renderable text content as a change? No by default
empty_pages_are_a_change =['settings']['application'].get('empty_pages_are_a_change', False)
if not is_json and not empty_pages_are_a_change and len(stripped_text_from_html.strip()) == 0:
raise content_fetcher.ReplyWithContentButNoText(url=url, status_code=fetcher.get_last_status_code(), screenshot=screenshot, has_filters=has_filter_rule)
# We rely on the actual text in the html output.. many sites have random script vars etc,
# in the future we'll implement other mechanisms.
update_obj["last_check_status"] = fetcher.get_last_status_code()
# If there's text to skip
# @todo we could abstract out the get_text() to handle this cleaner
text_to_ignore = watch.get('ignore_text', []) +['settings']['application'].get('global_ignore_text', [])
if len(text_to_ignore):
stripped_text_from_html = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(stripped_text_from_html, text_to_ignore)
stripped_text_from_html = stripped_text_from_html.encode('utf8')
# 615 Extract text by regex
extract_text = watch.get('extract_text', [])
if len(extract_text) > 0:
regex_matched_output = []
for s_re in extract_text:
# incase they specified something in '/.../x'
regex = self.forward_slash_enclosed_regex_to_options(s_re)
result = re.findall(regex.encode('utf-8'), stripped_text_from_html)
for l in result:
if type(l) is tuple:
# @todo - some formatter option default (between groups)
regex_matched_output += list(l) + [b'\n']
# @todo - some formatter option default (between each ungrouped result)
regex_matched_output += [l] + [b'\n']
# Now we will only show what the regex matched
stripped_text_from_html = b''
text_content_before_ignored_filter = b''
if regex_matched_output:
# @todo some formatter for presentation?
stripped_text_from_html = b''.join(regex_matched_output)
text_content_before_ignored_filter = stripped_text_from_html
# Re #133 - if we should strip whitespaces from triggering the change detected comparison
if['settings']['application'].get('ignore_whitespace', False):
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(stripped_text_from_html.translate(None, b'\r\n\t ')).hexdigest()
fetched_md5 = hashlib.md5(stripped_text_from_html).hexdigest()
############ Blocking rules, after checksum #################
blocked = False
trigger_text = watch.get('trigger_text', [])
if len(trigger_text):
# Assume blocked
blocked = True
# Filter and trigger works the same, so reuse it
# It should return the line numbers that match
# Unblock flow if the trigger was found (some text remained after stripped what didnt match)
result = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content=str(stripped_text_from_html),
mode="line numbers")
# Unblock if the trigger was found
if result:
blocked = False
text_should_not_be_present = watch.get('text_should_not_be_present', [])
if len(text_should_not_be_present):
# If anything matched, then we should block a change from happening
result = html_tools.strip_ignore_text(content=str(stripped_text_from_html),
mode="line numbers")
if result:
blocked = True
# The main thing that all this at the moment comes down to :)
if watch.get('previous_md5') != fetched_md5:
changed_detected = True
# Looks like something changed, but did it match all the rules?
if blocked:
changed_detected = False
# Extract title as title
if is_html:
if['settings']['application'].get('extract_title_as_title') or watch['extract_title_as_title']:
if not watch['title'] or not len(watch['title']):
update_obj['title'] = html_tools.extract_element(find='title', html_content=fetcher.content)
if changed_detected:
if watch.get('check_unique_lines', False):
has_unique_lines = watch.lines_contain_something_unique_compared_to_history(lines=stripped_text_from_html.splitlines())
# One or more lines? unsure?
if not has_unique_lines:
logging.debug("check_unique_lines: UUID {} didnt have anything new setting change_detected=False".format(uuid))
changed_detected = False
logging.debug("check_unique_lines: UUID {} had unique content".format(uuid))
# Always record the new checksum
update_obj["previous_md5"] = fetched_md5
# On the first run of a site, watch['previous_md5'] will be None, set it the current one.
if not watch.get('previous_md5'):
watch['previous_md5'] = fetched_md5
return changed_detected, update_obj, text_content_before_ignored_filter