You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
7.2 KiB

import json
import uuid as uuid_builder
import validators
import os.path
from os import path
from threading import Lock, Thread
from copy import deepcopy
# Is there an existing library to ensure some data store (JSON etc) is in sync with CRUD methods?
# Open a github issue if you know something :)
class ChangeDetectionStore:
lock = Lock()
def __init__(self):
self.needs_write = False
self.__data = {
'note': "Hello! If you change this file manually, please be sure to restart your instance!",
'watching': {},
'tag': "0.24",
'settings': {
'headers': {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36',
'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', # No support for brolti in python requests yet.
'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;'
'requests': {
'timeout': 15, # Default 15 seconds
'minutes_between_check': 3 * 60, # Default 3 hours
'workers': 10 # Number of threads, lower is better for slow connections
# Base definition for all watchers
self.generic_definition = {
'url': None,
'tag': None,
'last_checked': 0,
'last_changed': 0,
'last_viewed': 0, # history key value of the last viewed via the [diff] link
'newest_history_key': "",
'title': None,
'previous_md5': "",
'uuid': str(uuid_builder.uuid4()),
'headers': {}, # Extra headers to send
'history': {} # Dict of timestamp and output stripped filename
if path.isfile('/source.txt'):
with open('/source.txt') as f:
# Should be set in Dockerfile to look for /source.txt , this will give us the git commit #
# So when someone gives us a backup file to examine, we know exactly what code they were running.
self.__data['build_sha'] =
with open('/datastore/url-watches.json') as json_file:
from_disk = json.load(json_file)
# @todo isnt there a way todo this dict.update recursively?
# Problem here is if the one on the disk is missing a sub-struct, it wont be present anymore.
if 'watching' in from_disk:
if 'settings' in from_disk:
if 'headers' in from_disk['settings']:
if 'requests' in from_disk['settings']:
# Reinitialise each `watching` with our generic_definition in the case that we add a new var in the future.
# @todo pretty sure theres a python we todo this with an abstracted(?) object!
for uuid, watch in['watching'].items():
_blank = deepcopy(self.generic_definition)
self.__data['watching'].update({uuid: _blank})
self.__data['watching'][uuid]['newest_history_key'] = self.get_newest_history_key(uuid)
print("Watching:", uuid, self.__data['watching'][uuid]['url'])
# First time ran, doesnt exist.
except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
print("Creating JSON store")
self.add_watch(url='', tag='test')
self.add_watch(url='', tag='Tech news')
self.add_watch(url='', tag='Covid')
self.add_watch(url='', tag='Tech news')
# Returns the newest key, but if theres only 1 record, then it's counted as not being new, so return 0.
def get_newest_history_key(self, uuid):
if len(self.__data['watching'][uuid]['history']) == 1:
return 0
dates = list(self.__data['watching'][uuid]['history'].keys())
# Convert to int, sort and back to str again
dates = [int(i) for i in dates]
if len(dates):
# always keyed as str
return str(dates[0])
return 0
def set_last_viewed(self, uuid, timestamp):['watching'][uuid].update({'last_viewed': str(timestamp)})
self.needs_write = True
def update_watch(self, uuid, update_obj):
with self.lock:
# In python 3.9 we have the |= dict operator, but that still will lose data on nested structures...
for dict_key, d in self.generic_definition.items():
if isinstance(d, dict):
if update_obj is not None and dict_key in update_obj:
self.__data['watching'][uuid]['newest_history_key'] = self.get_newest_history_key(uuid)
self.needs_write = True
def data(self):
return self.__data
def get_all_tags(self):
tags = []
for uuid, watch in['watching'].items():
# Support for comma separated list of tags.
for tag in watch['tag'].split(','):
tag = tag.strip()
if not tag in tags:
return tags
def delete(self, uuid):
with self.lock:
del (self.__data['watching'][uuid])
self.needs_write = True
def url_exists(self, url):
# Probably their should be dict...
for watch in['watching']:
if watch['url'] == url:
return True
return False
def get_val(self, uuid, val):
# Probably their should be dict...
def add_watch(self, url, tag):
with self.lock:
# @todo use a common generic version of this
new_uuid = str(uuid_builder.uuid4())
_blank = deepcopy(self.generic_definition)
'url': url,
'tag': tag,
'uuid': new_uuid
})['watching'][new_uuid] = _blank
self.needs_write = True
return new_uuid
def sync_to_json(self):
with open('/datastore/url-watches.json', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(self.__data, json_file, indent=4)
print("Re-saved index")
self.needs_write = False
# body of the constructor